Pokemon Committee *Private*



So, if you've been keeping up with the Pokémon RP Version OOC Thread you'll have seen the conversation that myself, SmashBro, and Lucem had. It was ultimately about certain things involving the RP, such as accepting Players and making decisions. Because our ringmaster, Sir Hilarity, has left us we've been put in a sort of... shall I say... sticky(?) situation. So! I brought up the idea of putting together a committee, one that would decide the progress of the RP from now on. This group will make all the decisions through votes and Major-Rules. Ultimately, at which point that we decide to carry on the RP into the next generation and decide to allow new people to join, this would be the main group that is the foundation and controllers.

If you're not really interested in doing this, then I'd ask that you please tell me so I can un-tag you! If you'd like to be part of our committee, then please respond as quickly as you can. Once everyone has responded with Aye or Nay I'll continue with some of the topics we need to make decision on!

I, YoungDreamer, Welcome you to the Pokémon Committee!

Our Members:



@Kiro Akira



@Lucem Tenebris



I believe that this was a very bright idea on your part @YoungDreamer and I'm glad to be apart of the decision making. I'm sure Hilarity had his reasons for leaving... Favoring Generation one I would hope that we could continue this RP hopefully at least until we travel to the Indigo Plateau and challenge the Elite Four. If the RP doesn't go stale I would suggest that we continue onto Generation two, though I wouldn't mind going further than that...
I would like to do them one by one as well, however I want everyone to be in the discussion so we'll have a vote a bit later on!

And thanks ^.^ I thought it would be pretty good!
I say we follow the generations as they go and complete 1 then complete 2 then so forth. Although when we hit gen 5 I'll be confused to shit and back.
If anyone gets confused about a generation (like I probably will with hoenn) bulbapedia can give them basic knowledge of whatever or they can ask someone else in the rp too.
Yeah, but we can deal with all of that on the regular OOC Thread. this one is meant for decision making and what not. I don't want it to get clutched. Since we do have another OOC thread I think it would be fine just to hold the most important business on here and go from there.

ALRIGHT! So I'm basically getting the opinion that everyone is in favor of going along the generations in order?

All in favor? Aye or nay? (We'll wait till everyone posts before we go into the next subject)
Oh hey, you started the committee thread. I thought it would be a PM sent to multiple people. Good thing I checked my notifications.


Alright, I'm going to take that as majority rules. We'll continue into generation two after one, that is if the RP doesn't die off. Next is how what kind of system we want for accepting characters and what not? I personally think discussing is fine. Any ideas? Anyone want a topic brought to everyone's attention?
Accepting characters should go as it normally does. And if we hit Gen 2 I'm keeping the same character. Just going to box all but my eevee and keep her along for the ride.
Same with my character, but he's boxing all of his old team (or maybe letting a little brother or something like that borrow them).
I think that having our original starting Pokemon from generation 1 would be pretty cool. Though, I would like it a bit more to creating a new character entirely with a starter Pokemon from generation 2. Thing's just get boring when their the same you know? What I strongly suggest though is having a specific guideline... Like, if we're going to be in generation 2, we need to follow generation 2 move base and abilities, not 3, 4, or 5. I noticed people using certain abilities and moves that weren't even thought of in generation 1, including myself, for the sake of having that slight edge. Why not keep it authentic? That's just my opinion.
I think moves from Leaf Green and Fire Red would be fine, since it's technically Generation 1.
Well, technically those versions would be considered Generation 3... If everyone wanted to follow Generation 3 move sets and abilities during our RP in Generation 2, it would be defeating the purpose of keeping it original. The subject would have to be voted on by the members of the committee.
The games were made during the third generation, but it follows everything from the first with some slight additions to the original Red and Green versions.
I think Hilarity said that anything from Fire Red, Leaf Green, or Pokemon Special (AKA the manga) would be acceptable.

(@Lunar-Eclipse I think it was already decided that we can, but we have to get new pokemon so they aren't overpowered)
We have a lot of ppl expressing interest in the RP for the next generation. I think we should all stick to one character that way it doesn't get confusing for everyone (don't want it getting hectic!) other then that I agree with using moves only from gen 1 or 2. We can have a vote on keeping or trashing old characters later. I'll come on after work and update everything!

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I personally think that we can just have an option to trash our old characters or not. When we move onto the second generation (which seems to be soon) should we do a time skip? Because I kind of want to create some relationships with other characters, I mean, if they're travelling together and meeting each other, it shouldn't be like those, "Hey, we've known each other for months but, what's your name again?" kind things. In addition, I have something in plan for MagiCarmine when we move to the next generation. Mwahaha!

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