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Fandom ~Pokèmon Adventures~


Transform and Roleplay out!
You are in the world of pokemon,

You can be a pokemon, a pokemon trainer, a pokemon healer, or anything you want!

You are starting you're adventure, either you start out in the wild, or start out choosing you're starter pokemon!

Now start you're journey!


  • You cannot be a gijinka, or a half human-half pokemon.
  • Respect other roleplayers.
  • All humans are beginners at whatever they are, but they can be working up to being an expert in their job.
  • You don't have to know much about the show, or pokemon.
  • No being O.P (over powered)
  • You can't control other characters unless they are NPC's.
  • You will not win every single battle! Make it realistic!
  • ALWAYS ACCEPTING NEW ROLEPLAYERS, do not ask if you can still join, because you can!
  • Watch ALL threads.
  • Everyone starts somewhere! If you want to be a starter pokemon, say so in you're character sheet.
  • If you are a pokemon, you cannot be evolved already, unless you're trainer evolves you, or you fight enough battles to the point where you evolve.
  • Password: 367::
  • Romance is allowed~
((Roleplay Start))

Riley hummed quietly to herself as she walked to the professor's lab, where she would choose her starter pokemon. Honestly, Riley felt like she should have chosen her pokemon 5 years ago when she had the chance, but now she couldn't do anything about that. Riley saw the pokemon lab up ahead and grinned, walking faster over to it. She opened up the professor's lab door and walked inside, the proffesor turning to her and smiling. "Why hello! Aren't you here early, are you looking for you're starter pokemon?" the old professor asked, and Riley nodded. "do you.. by chance, have any electric type starter pokemon?" Riley asked, her hands behind her back. "Why yes, we do! Come come.. now just let me find it.." The proffesor said, stumbling through some buttons. He finally pressed a blue button and a shelf popped out of the wall, a pokeball in the middle of the shelf. "Not many ask for an electric type pokemon, but here we go, a Pikachu!" The professor said as Riley took the pokeball and looked at it, then turned her head up and smiled at the man. "Thank you! Is there anything else I need?" and just then, the man gave her a pokedex. "This will tell you more about pokemon, and it's also you're ID." The professor said, before pushing her out of the door. "Now go! Go forth and start you're journey! GO!" Riley blinked, were all professors this... weird? The door shut, and she found herself outside. Sighing, Riley looked at the pokeball. Now to find out how to work this thin- Riley called out her pikachu, it turning to face her. "Pi-ka-chu?" The small pokemon said, and Riley smiled insantly, who wouldn't?
"Diana! Hurry up! You will be late if you don't leave soon." There was a knock on said girl's bedroom door. "Alright mom! Hold on!' Diana yelled back. She finished running the brush through her hair. Today was THE day. The day she will get to choose her first pokemon. She already had one in mind. For a while now she had her eyes on an eevee that her parents gave to the professor. Her mother told her just yesterday that that eevee was going to be her parents' gift to her. It was to symbolize that they will always be with her even while she was away. Grabbing the bag on the dresser she clipped it around her waist and ran down stairs. "Bye mom! I'll see you before I leave again." She rushed out the door, not leaving time for her mother to respond. I'm so excited! I haven't seen that eevee since she hatched. Diana grinned at the thought. Since her parents were breeders she has been shown many different types of pokemon but the ones that always stood out to her were her mothers prized eevees and eevee evolutions.

Finally the professor's building came into view. She saw a girl just walking out with a pikachu. Aww look how cute it is. She smiled at the girl in her pokemon before going inside. "Professor! I'm here!" "I've been waiting for you, Diana." Diana jumped back a little when he came out form behind her. "I'm sorry professor. I woke up late. I'm here to pick up my first pokemon!" She followed the professor to a table with three pokeballs. "You have the choice between these three, water, fire, or grass. Or you can choose," "The eevee please!" She didn't even let him continue his sentence. The professor smiled and pulled out a pokeball from his coat pocket. Daiana took it from him and let out the eevee. "e-eevee!" It smiled at her. Diana squealed and picked up the eevee. "Thank you professor!" Walking out she saw the girl again. "Hey! I see you just came out of the professor's place. Is that your first pokemon?" As much as Diana didn't really like others she knew she needed to get along with some newbiees.
Riley looked up and smiled at the girl. "Yeah, actually, he is. Or she..." Riley looked at her pokemon, and it seemed to brighten up when she said 'he' "pika!" The male pikachu said, and Riley bent down and picked him up, the pikachu looking at the eevee, "pika pika?" The pikachu greeted the eevee, ears shot up. Riley giggled and looked up at the girl. "I'm Riley, by the way." Riley said, smiling.
"Hi Riley. I'm Diana." She smiled. "And this here is eevee." Eevee's ears moved around. One facing pikachu the other at her owner. "I'm on my way to find a thunder stone. The professor got this eevee from my parents and held on to her for me since she was in an egg." She snuggled eeveed. "eevee!" "(Sorry been busy with school and was away this weekend.)
(It's fine, I have also been busy with school.) "That's cool! I also Prefer lightning type." Riley said, looking down at her pikachu.
(Sure, but I don't think this role play is active anymore. But I'm still here, so I guess we could work it out.)

(Wait ... I just looked at the character sign up and I just noticed I'm the GM.. *facepalm* sure, let's get started. @Fandom Freak
(meh,kay,ill be a....um....hmm...I think ill be a female starter Pikachu named Meka because well,I like pikachu and pokemon yellow,lol.)
(Some can, but it's very rare. If you want to, you can.)

Riley wandered off into the forest without thinking, her pikachu by her side.
(I know,I mean like can the other pokem-*thinks of meowth* oh wait nvm,I was going to ask if the pokemon can understand each other but then I thought of meowth.) Meka: She saw the trainer and watched,without realizing it the branch broke under her weight.
Reiley didn't aknowledge the sound at first, thinking it was just the wind. But the male pikachu didn't ignore it. He walked towards the sound, ready to attack and ducking his head.
Reiley looked down, to be met with a pikachu. This pikachu wasn't her pikachu, though. "Oh! A wild pokemon! Pikachu-- it's a wild pokemon! Ohmygoshhhhh!" Reiley had only seen wild pokemon on tv, since her neighborhood was small and crowded, not really allowing wild pokemon to stay anywhere there. The male pikachu walked out of the brush he was searching in, and came face to face with the other pikachu. "Pika pi...?" He asked, which would have been who are you? In pokemon language.
(Sure! Just get your character and join x3)

Reiley stepped back once. The male pikachu lowered his ears a bit. "Pika chu, chu pik..." sorry, that came out wrong. "pika pi pi chu?" I'm guessing your un-owned?

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