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Fantasy Poisoned Land - [ Zazz & Phoenix ]

Sylven looked to Azaria, resting on her shoulder, and the clanmaid smiled. Something about the moment felt so peaceful - she was hesitant to move. "Azaria," she said softly. "...I really don't think I can carry you." She chuckled quietly. "Come on, I'll help you upstairs, at least."

Tethran yawned and stretched his arms over his head; he cast a glance to Veyen, who had been extremely quiet. The young hunter had finished his soup but was now staring suspiciously at his surroundings. Tethran rested a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go up to sleep, all right?"
Azaria smiled in her sleep, but it was gone just as quickly as it had appeared. She opened her eyes again, pulling a face even as she straightened in her seat. "Hmmm.. yep, bedtime..." She stood sleepily, holding onto the chair to steady herself as sleep tried its best to win.

"You gonna make it up there?" Haethryl asked. She nodded, though it wasn't all that convincing as she shuffled towards the stairs.
Slightly shaking her head, Sylven wrapped an arm around Azaria’s waist to help steady her and guide her up the stairs. It took a while to reach their room due to how unsteady the other woman’s steps were. “How much ale did you have?” Sylven asked incredulously.

Tethran walked with Veyen to their own room, where the young hunter finally seemed to relax - but only a little. He still had a tense air about him. “Are you all right?” the elder hunter asked.

“I don’t like it here,” Veyen murmured.

Tethran sighed. How was he going to fare in the Dread Caverns of all things if he didn’t like a human inn? He rested a hand on the young elf’s shoulder. “Get some rest. Maybe you’ll feel better in the morning.”
"Only two," Azaria giggled. She was a bit of a lightweight, and had forgotten how potent ale outside of the cities could be. She leaned into the clanmaid on the way upstairs. Back in their room, she bent over to remove her boots, on hand grasping Sylven's to stop herself from falling over. She kicked them off, nearly tripping over one as she made for one of the beds, dragging the clanmaid with her.

Brandyl, in the next room, unburdened himself of his traveling gear. He looked over at Veyen, brow furrowed. "What's wrong, friend?" The alchemist glanced at Tethran, wondering what their sleeping arrangements were to be, what with only two beds.
“Only two,” Sylven repeated with a raised brow. Oh dear. She allowed herself to be dragged toward the bed, breathing a long sigh. She was used to her clan getting drunk on certain special nights, so she was no stranger to Azaria’s current state, but she was a little tired just thinking about it. “Let’s rest, shall we?”

In the other room, Veyen pressed his lips together, hair falling in front of his face as he ducked his head. “The humans don’t seem to like us. They’re… strange. They scare me,” he confessed.

Tethran ruffled the young hunter’s hair. “We’ll be fine. We have each other.” He smiled a bit at Brandyl. “Do you want one of the beds? I’ll just sleep on the floor. I have a bedroll, after all.”
Brandyl eyed the beds. "...Veyen and I are small enough, we could fit on one." He felt a little bad for Haethryl, who was still downstairs; his muffled laughter could be heard through the wood floor. The young alchemist rumpled his hair and rubbed his face sleepily. "Is that okay with you?" He asked Veyen.

Azaria crawled into bed, struggling with the covers before giving up with a huff. In a short moment, she was asleep again, one arm dangling over the edge of the bed. "Don't leave me..." She mumbled in her sleep.
Veyen perked up a little at the thought of not having to sleep alone. He smiled faintly at his new friend. “Really?”

Tethran patted the young hunter’s shoulder. “Night, Vey.”

Veyen gave Tethran a quick hug before settling into the bed and drawing the covers over his chin.

Sylven rubbed her forehead and rolled her eyes. Part of her thought it was sort of cute, actually… in an annoying way. She climbed into bed to settle down beside Azaria, pulling the covers up over them both. “Good night,” she said quietly, shutting her eyes.
Brandyl returned Veyen's smile with one of his own. "Of course." They'd slept together every night of their journey; might as well have some small comfort in the midst of unfamiliarity. Brandyl climbed into bed beside Veyen and tucked his arm over the boy. "Goodnight, Tethran."

In the other room, Azaria turned in her sleep, coming to face the clanmaid beside her. Drunkenly, put her arm over the woman's waist and nuzzled her face into whatever was warm. "Princess," she murmured, and smiled.
Veyen relaxed and grew tired amidst the comfort of his friends. A small smile played at Tethran’s lips at the sight; it was good to see his brother-figure finally calm down a little after seeming tense the entire evening. “Night.” He pulled the bedroll off his back and laid it across the floor. “You’re a good sort, Brandyl, you know.”

Sylven’s face flushed. Oh, Spirits’ sake. Azaria buried her face in the clanmaid’s chest, and Sylven, for the first time, wondered if perhaps this was a little more than just the Duindôr warrior being friendly. … No, couldn’t be. She was just drunk. “Oh, go to sleep already,” she grumbled, shutting her eyes.
"Hnnnph. 'M sleeping..." Azaria burried her face even more, her hand slipping up Sylven's torso. It settled on the clanmaid's cheek, her thumb softly caressing the skin. She was, in fact, asleep. The Duindôr warrior's limbs were heavy and relaxed, for once in her life.

Haethryl made his way up the creaky staircase some time later. He nearly tripped over Tethren on his way to the unoccupied bed. "What..." He glanced back at the two younger elves, cuddled up and asleep together. The large man rubbed his face, thinking his options through tiredly. Carefully, so as not to wake the man, he went to lift Tethran, bedroll and all, onto the empty bed. He would take the chair in the corner.
Sylven’s face burned. How was she supposed to sleep like this? All she could do was stare, heart beating fast, at Azaria’s dozing face. What was wrong with her? Feeling this way about someone she hadn’t known long, someone of an entirely different clan! She shut her eyes, trying to chase away the thoughts and relax. Somehow - even though it had seemed impossible - after a while, she drifted off to sleep.

Tethran stirred a little when he was moved, but didn’t wake. He shifted his position a little in his sleep, and only blearily cracked his eyes open when sun began to stream through the small window come morning. He was surprised he hadn’t awoken at dawn like he usually did. Maybe the previous evening’s events had tired him more than he realized. He groggily scanned the inn room, wondering if the other men were still asleep.
But Haethryl and Brandyl were still unconscious. Soft snores came from the younger man. Haethryl was passed out on the armchair, his head tilted uncomfortably to lean against the wall. The sunlight trickled in through the window, illuminating the bottom half of his face. His dark beard hairs were warm, and if one looked closely enough, they could see a sliver of white trying to gather dust.

In the other room, Azaria had awoken first. She lifted her head from Sylven's bosom, blinking away the sleep from her eyes. Her hand slid back down the woman's torso to her waist, until Azaria realized that Sylven had slept with her, despite the empty bed on the other end of the room. What had happened the night before?

She rubbed her face, recalling the events of the night before. She remembered Sylven walking her up the stairs, but after that, her memory failed her. Had she said something embarrassing? Done something?

With a sigh, the warrior settled on her side, facing the other woman. Gently, she brushed dark tresses from the clanmaid's face, her fingertips lingering along her jawline.
Tethran yawned, rubbing sleep from his eyes and pushing himself into a sitting position. Veyen was still curled up next to his friend in the other bed.

Wait. Hadn’t Tethran been on the floor? He furrowed his brow, looking to Haethryl sleeping uncomfortably in a chair. What in the Spirits’ names was he doing? The elder hunter had settled on the floor just to leave an open bed for the other man. Shaking his head, he got up, brushing his fingers through his dark curly hair and wondering if he should fetch breakfast for everyone. … He didn’t really know how, though. Humans seemed to want coin in return for things, of which he had none.

Sylven dozed peacefully. She hadn’t slept in this long in quite a while - usually she was awake at the crack of dawn. So when she eventually awoke, bright morning sunlight streaming through the opaque glass window at the other end of the room, she wondered how she had managed to sleep in so late. The next thing she noticed was Azaria’s hand on her face.

The clanmaid flushed. “Ah… good morning.” Her voice was still quiet from grogginess. “I hope you slept well. You seemed… rather drunk.”
Azaria quickly pulled her hand back, her own cheeks colouring. She chewed her lower lip, and settled her hand on the clanmaid's belly. "I- Yes. I'm.. sorry, about that."

She chided herself; why was she so nervous? It wasn't like the Duindôr woman to act so... meek, with another woman in her bed. Normally, she would have shown the other woman a good time, by now, and likely left.

Perhaps it was because she knew she couldn't leave in the morning.

"Was I rude? Did I trouble you?"
Sylven smiled. “Not at all. You merely slept.” She found herself, almost unconsciously, brushing a lock of hair away from Azaria’s cheek. “How do you feel? Any ill effects from the ale? I believe I could brew up a nice tea to help any symptoms, if you have any.”

The clanmaid pushed herself upright, gazing idly at the beam of golden light streaming in from the window. “But after that, perhaps we should move on…”
Green eyes hid momentarily as Sylven's fingers touched the Duindôr woman's cheek. The touch sent a spark of heat down the warrior's neck, and it felt strange not to lean in and close the distance between them. Azaria inhaled deeply, irritated at her own confused feelings.

"I'm fine. We should eat and be on our way."

She sat up then, and ran her fingers through her hair. She slipped her feet into her boots, sitting at the edge of the bed, and began the process of braiding her long hair. "I'll go wake the boys. Make sure Haethryl doesn't murder anyone."
Sylven nodded silently. Moving forward was a good idea, but she had to admit to herself that she wanted to linger here a bit longer. She did not want to find the Dread Caverns so soon… to think they were this close already! Somehow the caves had felt ages away, but now they were here, right at the base of the Lirya Mountains, and Sylven wasn’t sure if she was ready.

In the other room, Tethran gently shook Veyen and Brandyl awake. The younger hunter groggily opened his eyes and stared unseeing at the man hovering over him for a while. “Morning,” Tethran greeted.

Veyen just yawned.

Tethran didn’t dare disturb Haethryl. He kept casting nervous glances in the older elf’s direction. Hadn’t Azaria said something about him being difficult to wake?
Brandyl stretched, and abruptly fell to the floor. "Ow..." He rubbed his backside, frowning sleepily. The sudden noise woke the man in the corner. Haethryl was startled awake; he was on his feet with a knife in hand in an instant, ready for imminent danger.

"It's just us, Haethryl," said Bran, waving frim the floor.

The door opened, then, and Azaria peered in questioningly. "I see you gentlemen are awake." Haethryl put his knife away and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, turning to peer out the window.
Tethran immediately stiffened in worry when Haethryl drew his knife. Thankfully, Brandyl managed to calm the man, and the elder hunter breathed in relief, his posture relaxing.

Veyen had barely seemed to notice. He was still lying in bed and rubbing sleep from his eyes. He only sat up, blankets sliding off his shoulders, once Azaria poked her head in the room.

“We’re up,” Tethran sighed. “Up and hungry.” He cast a questioning look between Brandyl and Haethryl. “Should we eat food from the inn before we leave, or our rations…?”

“I wonder if we’ll need more rations,” Veyen said quietly, pulling open his drawstring pouch to look inside, seeing that there wasn’t much meat left.

Sylven appeared behind Azaria and looked into the room as well. “I could have sworn I packed enough for us.” She frowned.
Azaria stiffened. She could feel the warmth of the woman behind her, and, by the Ancestors, she wanted to melt into it and go back to bed.

Brandyl offered Veyen some of his own rations. "Here, I brought extra."

"We can pick up more in the city," said Azaria, breaking out of her stupidity. "For now, let's eat downstairs. We need to make up time, or we'll be walking in the dark."

"We could stay another night," Haethryl offered. "We have more than enough coin." Brandyl looked over at Azaria. Both Haethryl and Azaria eyed Sylven, letting her decide.
Veyen smiled and accepted the extra rations. “Thank you!” he chirped happily, stuffing them into his pouch.

Tethran watched the exchange with a the corners of his lips slightly curving up. Brandyl was so kind. It warmed his heart to see him getting along well with Veyen.

At the offer to stay another night, the clanmaid pursed her lips. “Hmm. I don’t know how long we will be traveling within the Dread Caverns themselves. Perhaps another day on the surface will be good for us, to prepare before we descend… unless the rest of you are anxious to get going. What do you all think?”

Veyen frowned in thought but said nothing. Tethran tapped his chin. “I think I’d like to stay in the sunlight for just another day… I’m not madly in love with the idea of being stuck in caves for a long time.” He shrugged. “But I’ll do whatever you decide, Lady Sylven.”
Haethryl added to the deliberation. "I'm sure one day won't bring the end of the world. Besides, we could use a day of rest."

Azaria shrugged. "Up to you, princess."
Sylven sighed. “All right. Let’s stay another day.” She turned away from the room the men were staying in, slightly cocking her head at Azaria. “Why do you call me that, by the way? Princess? It seems a very human word.”

Tethran seemed to relax at the idea of staying another day. He stretched his arms high over his head and smiled. “All right. How about we get some food?”
"Food sounds great," said Brandyl, picking himself off of the floor. "I wonder if they have more of what we had last night." The stew had been delicious.

Azaria chuckled. "Well, it's essentially what you are, yes? Next in line to lead your people." With a smirk, she added, "They say princesses are beautiful." She tapped the clanmaid's nose and walked away, heading downstairs to inquire about food.

When the boys made their way downstairs, they were met with fried eggs, strips of bacon, and potatoes. "Amazing," said Brandyl. "What is that?"

"Chicken eggs," said Haethryl, delving into a plate. He ate like he'd never see food again.

"What.. what is a chicken?"
Sylven pursed her lips in thought. “I suppose,” she replied. “It’s just such a human word. Or do you also have princesses in your own clan?” She almost entirely forgot the question she had just asked at Azaria’s next words, her cheeks burning. “Oh. Well, I… thank you?” She felt a little too flustered to respond properly.

The two Virdan hunters made their way downstairs to breakfast, Veyen seeming tense around the humans again - all up until he took a bite of bacon. That seemed to quickly brighten his mood. “This is amazing,” he said through a mouthful of eggs.

Tethran tried for a moment to eat slowly, savoring his food - but decided to throw caution to the wind, practically inhaling the meal.

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