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Fantasy Poisoned Land - [ Zazz & Phoenix ]

Sylven watched the other woman with her brows furrowed in concern. Azaria seemed to care so little and yet so much at the same time - the warrior’s life was simply normal to her, but so profoundly sad. The clanmaid couldn’t comprehend it. “I’m… sorry,” was all she could manage to say, gently brushing a lock of Azaria’s hair away from her cheek.

Veyen watched his new friend with excitement. Excitement that quickly began to fade as nothing happened. Frowning, the young hunter tilted his head. “I… I mean, everyone learns differently,” he said. “Some of my clanmates took many months. I sensed the magic ever since I was really little, but some take longer, and that’s all right.”

Tethran playfully smacked Brandyl’s shoulder. “Eh, it’s fine. I can’t do a lick of magic myself.”

“Tethran!” Veyen chided. “This doesn’t mean he can’t do magic at all!”

The elder hunter simply grinned.
Brandyl huffed, though smiling good-naturedly. "I'll keep trying. You never know, right?" He stood then, and picked up a water bucket. The alchemist watered the crops, just like he would at home. If he couldn't use magic to help, he could at least do what he did know.

Linette handed Tethran a basket. "Let's put those hands to good use, aye?"


Azaria looked up as Sylven's hand brushed her cheek. Her dark hair was radiant under the sun, her face full of concern for the warrior. Azaria chewed her lip quietly, contemplating. Slowly, carefully she raised her hand to caress the clanmaid's cheek, then the other, gently holding the elven woman's face. Heart beat quickening, she raised her lips to Sylven's.
Tethran smiled at the Duindôr elf. “Yeah. Keep at it,” he said encouragingly.

“You might be able to do magic someday too, Tethran!” Veyen chirped.

“Hah.” Tethran shook his head but grinned. “Maybe. Maybe not. I’ll leave that to you, Vey.” He looked to Brandyl, about to offer to help him with the bucket of water, but just then the human woman shoved a basket into his hands. With a sigh the elder hunter got to harvesting the crops that Veyen had helped grow.

Sylven’s entire body stiffened in shock. Oh, so Azaria hadn’t merely been acting friendly. … Of course she wasn’t. Sylven felt stupid now for even thinking such a thing. After a moment, she relaxed, leaning slightly into the kiss before pulling away. “Uh… I…” She had no clue what to say; her head spun and her heart raced, and her entire face felt like it was on fire.
When Sylven pulled back, Azaria let go of her face, her own cheeks hot with colour. Had she misread? Surely she hadn't imagined the other woman leaning into the kiss... Had she?

Azaria scooted back slightly, sitting up, eyes downcast. "No, it's.. it's fine. I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I..." Her face grew hotter, her heartbeat louder in her ears.  Fuck. She hadn't meant to make things awkward for the rest of their journey.
Sylven nervously toyed with a lock of her hair, running both fingers through it over and over again. She was excited and scared all at once somehow. What did this all… mean?

“Uncalled for? Why was it uncalled for?” The clanmaid smiled shakily. “I, um… I don’t think it was.” She was struggling to form words; her heart was still racing far too quickly.
Azaria blinked, and hesitantly raised her eyes to meet Sylven's gaze. "You... You don't?" A little bud of hope bloomed in her chest. Frankly, she was used to being much more forward with potential partners in the past. This.. was new. Uncharted territory. But she didn't want to scare the woman off. Why, she didn't know.

She rubbed her arm nervously, the silvery scars familiar under her fingers. "How... What are you thinking?"
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What was she thinking? Sylven laughed shakily. “I - I don’t know,” she confessed. “This is… it’s all a little unusual to me. I’m not opposed. Merely, um, I admit I’m a little confused.” The clanmaid swallowed. “What… did that mean for you?”
Azaria leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. What did it mean? She tilted her head to the side and asked, a curious curve to her lips, "What does it usually mean when someone kisses you? I... I care for you, I..."

She scrambled for words, squinting up at the bright sky. "I don't just  have to protect you. I  want to protect you. I want you to feel safe, with me. I want..." She grasped at the air with her fists and fell back into the grass with a sigh. "When you look at me, I want to kiss you."
Sylven clasped her own burning cheeks with both hands, staring down into the grass with a growing smile on her face. "I - I'm flattered," she gushed, still unsure what to make of all this, but just knowing that she liked the warmth in her chest. "Then, you can kiss me anytime." Immediately her face turned even hotter. If that were possible. "I- I mean. Within reason, of course. There may be, um, inopportune moments, o-or maybe one of us will be too tired to deal with all that, or we'll be busy... Oh, I'm rambling."

The clanmaid took a shaky breath in an attempt to steady herself. It only slightly worked. She lifted her green eyes to meet Azaria's. "I, I believe I care for you too. I don't want to see you suffering. I want to help you, however I can."
Azaria's head snapped up when Sylven said she could kiss her any time. As the Virdan elf devolved into a hot mess of words, a grin spread across Azaria's face, her lengthy canines on full display. Ancestors, the clanmaid was adorable. A sweet little bumblebee. The warrior sat up again, making no effort to stop the rambling.

Her heart warmed at being cared for in this way. Suffering was simply a part of Duindôrin life; no one in her clan thought twice about it. Yet, here was this sweet, beautiful elf. Azaria got to her knees and shuffled forward in the grass, reaching out for Sylven's hips. Kneeling close, she leaned in, lips gently brushing the clanmaid's jaw, letting Sylven decide the pace she desired.
Sylven leaned into the other woman, draping her arms around Azaria's waist and shutting her eyes. Spirits' sake, what was going on? How had she gotten to this point? Caring so much about someone not even of her own clan... but none of that really mattered, in the end. All she cared about was the contentment she felt right now... even despite her hammering heart. She wanted to see Azaria happy, and exactly that was happening right now - the Duindôr warrior seemed at peace. Sylven kissed the tip of her nose with a faint smile.
Azaria snorted, resting her forehead against Sylven's. She felt warm and.. safe, in her arms. Something she hadn't properly felt in decades. "What are you?" Azaria whispered. Her hand slid up the clanmaid's back and into her hair at the back of her neck.

"Minorna said she's going to pack us some- Oh. Oh, I'm sorry." Brandyl abruptly turned about, red as a beet from neck to ear.
Sylven basked in the moment. She leaned further into Azaria, resting all her weight on the other woman, and opened her mouth to say something - when suddenly Brandyl's voice snapped the clanmaid out of her blissful moment. She made an undignified squeak of surprise and practically jumped out of her skin.

Tethran and Veyen followed the young alchemist, and the former, as soon as he'd realized what was going on, had to turn his face to hide a snicker. "Oh. Shit. Sorry, Lady Sylven," he said, although he sounded only half genuine.

Veyen furrowed his brows. "What? What did I miss?" he asked in confusion.

"Absolutely nothing," Sylven said with a huff, standing and brushing blades of grass away from her trousers. "Brandyl, what have you come to say?"
Azaria shook her head and plonked, face first, into the grass. Men had terrible timing.

Meanwhile, Brandyl rubbed the back of his neck, sputtering, "Uh... I just.. Uh... Minorna said she, uh, she's going to pack us some food for the road."

Azaria groaned loudly in annoyance. "Seriously, that's all?"

Brandyl backed away sheepishly. "Sorry.." To Veyen, he whispered, "They were kissing."
With face as hot as the sun, Sylven stared down at her leather boots, nervously toying with her hair. Spirits' sake! Of all times for the men to appear! And just for Brandyl to say something about packing food for the road?! Really... Sylven took a deep, shaky breath, but refused to meet Brandyl's eyes as she said insincerely, "That is very kind of her." It was kind, but the clanmaid couldn't find it in herself to care about what Minorna said at the moment.

Veyen reeled back in shock at Brandyl's words. "What?!" He looked between Azaria and Sylven with wide eyes. "S-sorry! So sorry," he stammered, cheeks turning red, as he tugged lightly on Brandyl's sleeve. "Let's leave."

Tethran was still having a very hard time holding back laughter.
"Uh, yes, I think that's- yes- that's a- let's do that," stammered the alchemist, abruptly turning on his heel and marching out of the area, red to his ears.

Azaria rolled onto her back and groaned. She caught sight of Tethran and promptly sat up to chuck a fistful of ripped grass at him. "I'll rip  your ear off, too," she threatened, even through a smirk. She wasn't ashamed; merely annoyed at the entirely useless interruption. She was sure he and Haethryl would no doubt be giggling like idiots at dinner.

Once the men left, the warrior lifted her torso to make sure they were far enough. Satisfied, she grinned; she reached for Sylven's hand to pull her back down.
Tethran laughed in surprise, hurriedly throwing his arms up to shield his face from the thrown grass. He plucked his own fistful of grass to chuck at Azaria, shaking his head in amusement, before he turned to follow Veyen and Brandyl. Veyen’s entire face was red with embarrassment, and he wanted nothing more than to forget the accidental interruption.

Sylven made a noise of surprise as she was pulled back down, but then smiled lightly and nestled her head on Azaria’s shoulder. The gentle breeze tousled her hair and the sun warmed her skin perfectly; the moment was so relaxing she found herself almost drifting off. “I… would kind of like a nap,” she admitted sleepily.
Azaria held the clanmaid close, lifting her head briefly to see Sylven's face. She gently brushed the hair from her eyes and kissed her temple. "You can sleep," she murmured sweetly, a softy smile upon her lips. She squinted up at the sky, watching the clouds drift across the bright sun. "I've got you, princess."


Wiping the sweat from his brow, Haethryl rested his weight on the shovel and surveyed the land. Rows and rows of farmland were dug up, ready to be seeded and covered for the spring planting. Three elven lads walked his way, and even at a distance he could see the red faces of Veyen and Bran. He waved at them, waiting while the villagers caught up to him.

Children ran in small gaggles, unhindered by fear of orcs or wolves, or famine. There was no sound of metal smashing, or shouting training drills, or arrows hitting their marks. He could hear birds, and even insects as they buzzed along. It was peaceful, here.
“Mmm, I… am going to sleep, then,” Sylven murmured, shutting her eyes and nestling closer to Azaria. The other woman’s warmth, and the warmth of the sun, quickly lulled her into a peaceful nap.

Tethran approached Haethryl with a wide grin on his face. He waved back at the other elven man, stopping nearby him and leaning in conspiratorially. “Haethryl. You’ll never guess.”

Veyen’s face went even redder - if it were possible. “Tethran! That’s - it’s sort of private.”

“Oh, come on. Lady Sylven and Azaria should probably both lighten up a bit. Anyway.” He turned back to Haethryl. “Found them kissing.”

“By accident!” the young hunter hurried to add. “We didn’t mean to walk in!”
Haethryl laughed, the low rumble a stark contrast to the light air around them. "Only took them, what, four days?" He shook his head, grinning at the other elves. "Ah, good for them." He wondered, fleetingly, if the Virdan clanmaid would feel about being one of several lovers, if that was the way things went. It was, after all, the way of the Duindôrin elves.

A young girl, barely high as his hip, hesitantly approached the large elven man. In her hand she held a cup of water. Haethryl noticed the other farmhands stopped with similar cups, and stooped to the girl's level. "Is that for me?" The little girl nodded shyly, holding the cup close to her chest. Haethryl smiled, careful not to show his pointed teeth, and beckoned her forward. Big brown eyes watched him fiercely as she held out the cup to him, and he took it gently. Haethryl winked, drank, and handed it back. The girl promptly turned and ran.

Haethryl sighed. "If only my kids could be this... free."
Tethran laughed a little. “That’s lightning speed, especially for Lady Sylven.” He didn’t know how their relationship would end up - to him, it seemed a very unlikely pair - but he supposed he’d just wait and see.

Both he and the younger hunter watched as a little girl handed the Duindôr elf some water. Veyen seemed curious about her; he found himself wanting to know more about the lives of these people, but he did not approach. Tethran just smiled. But then he looked to Haethryl with some surprise. “You have kids?”

Why was he shocked at all? He realized he shouldn’t have been. He’d already had the different ways of the other clan explained to him.
"That's about four times Azaria's usual pace," Haethryl laughed.

The Duindôr man continued on to shovel another row. Brandyl took a small sack of seeds and followed behind him. "I have three. Luindûr, Dregothyl, and Thaliniel," said the larger elf proudly. "And one on the way." Haethryl glanced up at Tethran. "You seem surprised."
Tethran's brow arched high. "Yeah. I am surprised, honestly. I wasn't picturing you as the fatherly type." But it made sense, with how many partners the Duindôr took. But the way he actually seemed proud of them, happy about his children - Tethran had been picturing the Duindôr people as running around carelessly, bedding anyone they wanted, damn the consequences. Haethryl did not come across that way. The elder hunter was slowly realizing he had misjudged. "Don't you miss your children? Or worry about them while you're out here, on this quest?"
"Of course I miss them," answered the violet eyed elf. "They are the reason I defend my home. The clan protects them, while I am out protecting the clan. That is how it is." Even then, so many Duindôrin children did not make it to their thirtieth year. Haethryl knew, every time he stepped out of the walls, there was a chance he would return home to less than when he had left.

"I suppose it makes one appreciate the time they do have together."
Tethran pressed his lips into a thin line. What a difficult life, he realized. He'd been struggling to consider the Duindôr as anything but barbaric - less and less as he journeyed with them, of course, but still. He was beginning to see just how difficult things must be for them, and how they had to be strong just to survive. It must be... quite a struggle. "That's..." He floundered for words, not quite knowing what to say. He was horrible with these emotional or heavy types of situations.

"I'm sure they miss you a lot too," Veyen chimed in. Tethran cast him a quick glance; he didn't even realize the young hunter was there. He thought Veyen had been trailing behind Brandyl, helping grow crops in the fields. "I'd want to meet them, honestly."

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