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Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

Slerk was thus far completely oblivious to any of the developments of a mission briefing being given out, as his instincts still being drawn towards eating, as he cautiously approached the platter that Ted had placed down and climbed up onto the seating of the table that he was sitting at. He then quickly grabbed another waffle and began to munch on it, though at a slower pace than he had before as his bulging eyes remained fixed onto the android. Of course he was not going to turn down a treat, but he remained wary of this stranger's intentions as he had tried to turn him into soup just moments earlier.

The ideas of "alternate selves" were completely beyond the bounds of what such a creature could comprehend at the moment as he allowed more sugar to enter his bloodstream. His eyes shifted over towards two of the other strangers, both being demons (also something wholly incomprehensible to the likes of Slerk), as he continued to munch on his snack. But the mention of "candy" by Noël made him perk up quickly as it was one of the few things he could discern simply by association. Back home, "candy" was something children ate and enjoyed. He had once stolen off a travelling caravan a pack of said sweets along with a few of his broodfellows, a common activity on the High Road by Murglite young, and enjoyed the tastes.

He then let out a gurgle to Noël as to indicate his attention was now drawn towards them. If anything, the noise was almost poised as a question given its pitch and intonation as he followed the demon with waffle in hand.

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Pain, internal pain specifically, was something that Kher'as didn't really enjoy. Not to say that living beings enjoyed pain, but there was something specific about pain that comes from a place you couldn't see and diagnose yourself. Not that seeing a hole in one's body is something preferable, but to her, it was. At least she could put something into the hole to stop the bleeding, she could fill it with gel and then she just had to be sure not to scratch. Hell, she preferred being cold to being hot, just because she could do something about it.

This is why she had a love-hate relationship with ice cream, because she could feel the lingering sensation of the chill even as it slid down her throat.

"head hurty."

She laid her head on the table after pushing her trays off to the side, a halo of plastic and scraps of food. Her attention settled on the three that sat down at her table. It seemed that the demons were introducing themselves to each other and to Moira. Despite how different the two of them looked, it was unmistakable that they came from the same place. They held themselves the same way, that self-assured confidence, and the somewhat crass attitude, it all spoke of being used to the type of adversity one got from a subversion of justice. After all, Hell was penance incarnate. She delved into their minds, quietly. She was a bored, brain-frozen observer, reading the wikipedia article that was their lives. They seemed to be friends who found each other at work: a bar.

Moira seemed to be adding to the conversation, something about... making something herself- the intent was her handiwork being appreciated cautiously. Kher'as didn't understand the words quite yet, only the emotion and intention behind them. The demons seemed cautious about that handiwork, but not enough to take action against whatever it was. A weapon, probably.

"...in case the Terminatrix decides to crop dust the lot of us?"

Oh, it's about Sloan. That makes sense. Kher'as was fairly certain she had no love or particular care for living beings, only that they could maintain her or even reach in places on her body that were inconvenient for her to access. If it weren't for how useful the mechanics were here, she was sure Sloan would torch most beings on this station. She could resonate with her a little bit because of that, Sloan wasn't afraid to say exactly what she thought. People were afraid to break certain "rules" that were unwritten, which made gauging the meaning behind intention difficult for Kher'as, but even though she couldn't easily talk to her, she appreciated Sloan's brutal honesty.

A call came over the new bracelet she was given- her first mission! To learn what she'd be facing and her alternate self (or selves?), she would have to simply visit Prax in the basement, as he instructed. She didn't bother cleaning up after herself since she knew janitorial droids had been specifically assigned to her, and they cleaned much better than she ever could. The small squad of bots approached, and she silently gestured for them to clean the spot where Slerk had made a syrupy mess, and where Ted had successfully grabbed Slerk. Hopefully, it would be clean sooner than later, even if the bot did beep angrily at her for it.

She stood and followed with everyone else, the room felt heavy with trepidation. Everyone seemed to treat this as "go time". The calm before the storm. The few seconds of hesitation on stage before playing. The minutes of waiting before dropping into a deadly hot zone. Kher'as didn't see it this way, she was optimistic about what might come next. Perhaps she'd get to fix something new this time? Or, pry apart unknown tech and make it into something new? She's been meaning to give herself a bionic arm for some time, perhaps she could affix a weapon to herself! Never be unarmed with a new arm!

The bug stretched, watched as the demons walked towards the elevator, and saw Sloan (speak of the devil) and Heilwyn enter the cafeteria, his thoughts clearly swirling with disappointment on not being able to eat. It was time to go.

"The bug will be safe and come back home in one piece. Take care of work while I am gone!" She hugged her boss and friend Moira tightly from behind, then quickly put together a plate of savory flavors for Heilwyn. Meat and potatoes with gravy in portions that were sensible for non-ant people, fork and knife included.

She stood at the elevators, plate in one hand and utensils in others, staring expectantly at Heilwyn as he approached.

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As the janitorial droids made their way over to clean up the mess that had been made, the pizza Ted had ordered had arrived. Given the news they had received on their communicators, Ted used a trick he had learned during his stay to quickly resolve this food. He took the pizza into his hands, rolled it up, and shoved the whole thing into his mouth, eating the whole thing in several bites and swallows with little mess. For anyone that was still at the table, if they looked over at him, he'd glance back for a moment.

Dusting off his hands, Ted considered what to do as he observed the others. Val'sharra, Noël, Slerk and Kher'as all seemed intent to hear about their alternate selves, with Heilwyn and Sloan entering the cafeteria only to join them too. He looked back over at the droids that were now cleaning, and gestured at them, giving them a salute for their work. He got up and sighed, realizing that he may as well join them and see if anything good would come from this.
The doors slid open with a click and Heilwyn found himself gazing at the plate of food in Kher'as' palm. Then his servos softly purred as the armoured giant gently knocked his gauntlet against his chest. "Kherry! Much appreciated." Heilwyn said, his voice booming with a warm gratitude. He reached out, palm open, and took up the plate. it was vastly smaller than his hand, almost like a child's pretend toy compared to the dreaded, brutal outline of his Kero wargear. "Still hot too. You know just how I like it." Heilwyn smiled, extending his other fist to display his thanks to the thoughtful ant.

The clamps along his helm disengaged and the pressure hissed as it vented. "I'll eat this along the way, wouldn't be the first time I scarfed something down while moving. Come on." He nodded with his head.

archur archur

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