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Multiple Settings Plumbers: Welcome to the multiverse

Slerk was thus far completely oblivious to any of the developments of a mission briefing being given out, as his instincts still being drawn towards eating, as he cautiously approached the platter that Ted had placed down and climbed up onto the seating of the table that he was sitting at. He then quickly grabbed another waffle and began to munch on it, though at a slower pace than he had before as his bulging eyes remained fixed onto the android. Of course he was not going to turn down a treat, but he remained wary of this stranger's intentions as he had tried to turn him into soup just moments earlier.

The ideas of "alternate selves" were completely beyond the bounds of what such a creature could comprehend at the moment as he allowed more sugar to enter his bloodstream. His eyes shifted over towards two of the other strangers, both being demons (also something wholly incomprehensible to the likes of Slerk), as he continued to munch on his snack. But the mention of "candy" by Noël made him perk up quickly as it was one of the few things he could discern simply by association. Back home, "candy" was something children ate and enjoyed. He had once stolen off a travelling caravan a pack of said sweets along with a few of his broodfellows, a common activity on the High Road by Murglite young, and enjoyed the tastes.

He then let out a gurgle to Noël as to indicate his attention was now drawn towards them. If anything, the noise was almost poised as a question given its pitch and intonation as he followed the demon with waffle in hand.

Damian0358 Damian0358 PixelSymphony PixelSymphony Infab Infab
Pain, internal pain specifically, was something that Kher'as didn't really enjoy. Not to say that living beings enjoyed pain, but there was something specific about pain that comes from a place you couldn't see and diagnose yourself. Not that seeing a hole in one's body is something preferable, but to her, it was. At least she could put something into the hole to stop the bleeding, she could fill it with gel and then she just had to be sure not to scratch. Hell, she preferred being cold to being hot, just because she could do something about it.

This is why she had a love-hate relationship with ice cream, because she could feel the lingering sensation of the chill even as it slid down her throat.

"head hurty."

She laid her head on the table after pushing her trays off to the side, a halo of plastic and scraps of food. Her attention settled on the three that sat down at her table. It seemed that the demons were introducing themselves to each other and to Moira. Despite how different the two of them looked, it was unmistakable that they came from the same place. They held themselves the same way, that self-assured confidence, and the somewhat crass attitude, it all spoke of being used to the type of adversity one got from a subversion of justice. After all, Hell was penance incarnate. She delved into their minds, quietly. She was a bored, brain-frozen observer, reading the wikipedia article that was their lives. They seemed to be friends who found each other at work: a bar.

Moira seemed to be adding to the conversation, something about... making something herself- the intent was her handiwork being appreciated cautiously. Kher'as didn't understand the words quite yet, only the emotion and intention behind them. The demons seemed cautious about that handiwork, but not enough to take action against whatever it was. A weapon, probably.

"...in case the Terminatrix decides to crop dust the lot of us?"

Oh, it's about Sloan. That makes sense. Kher'as was fairly certain she had no love or particular care for living beings, only that they could maintain her or even reach in places on her body that were inconvenient for her to access. If it weren't for how useful the mechanics were here, she was sure Sloan would torch most beings on this station. She could resonate with her a little bit because of that, Sloan wasn't afraid to say exactly what she thought. People were afraid to break certain "rules" that were unwritten, which made gauging the meaning behind intention difficult for Kher'as, but even though she couldn't easily talk to her, she appreciated Sloan's brutal honesty.

A call came over the new bracelet she was given- her first mission! To learn what she'd be facing and her alternate self (or selves?), she would have to simply visit Prax in the basement, as he instructed. She didn't bother cleaning up after herself since she knew janitorial droids had been specifically assigned to her, and they cleaned much better than she ever could. The small squad of bots approached, and she silently gestured for them to clean the spot where Slerk had made a syrupy mess, and where Ted had successfully grabbed Slerk. Hopefully, it would be clean sooner than later, even if the bot did beep angrily at her for it.

She stood and followed with everyone else, the room felt heavy with trepidation. Everyone seemed to treat this as "go time". The calm before the storm. The few seconds of hesitation on stage before playing. The minutes of waiting before dropping into a deadly hot zone. Kher'as didn't see it this way, she was optimistic about what might come next. Perhaps she'd get to fix something new this time? Or, pry apart unknown tech and make it into something new? She's been meaning to give herself a bionic arm for some time, perhaps she could affix a weapon to herself! Never be unarmed with a new arm!

The bug stretched, watched as the demons walked towards the elevator, and saw Sloan (speak of the devil) and Heilwyn enter the cafeteria, his thoughts clearly swirling with disappointment on not being able to eat. It was time to go.

"The bug will be safe and come back home in one piece. Take care of work while I am gone!" She hugged her boss and friend Moira tightly from behind, then quickly put together a plate of savory flavors for Heilwyn. Meat and potatoes with gravy in portions that were sensible for non-ant people, fork and knife included.

She stood at the elevators, plate in one hand and utensils in others, staring expectantly at Heilwyn as he approached.

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As the janitorial droids made their way over to clean up the mess that had been made, the pizza Ted had ordered had arrived. Given the news they had received on their communicators, Ted used a trick he had learned during his stay to quickly resolve this food. He took the pizza into his hands, rolled it up, and shoved the whole thing into his mouth, eating the whole thing in several bites and swallows with little mess. For anyone that was still at the table, if they looked over at him, he'd glance back for a moment.

Dusting off his hands, Ted considered what to do as he observed the others. Val'sharra, Noël, Slerk and Kher'as all seemed intent to hear about their alternate selves, with Heilwyn and Sloan entering the cafeteria only to join them too. He looked back over at the droids that were now cleaning, and gestured at them, giving them a salute for their work. He got up and sighed, realizing that he may as well join them and see if anything good would come from this.
The doors slid open with a click and Heilwyn found himself gazing at the plate of food in Kher'as' palm. Then his servos softly purred as the armoured giant gently knocked his gauntlet against his chest. "Kherry! Much appreciated." Heilwyn said, his voice booming with a warm gratitude. He reached out, palm open, and took up the plate. it was vastly smaller than his hand, almost like a child's pretend toy compared to the dreaded, brutal outline of his Kero wargear. "Still hot too. You know just how I like it." Heilwyn smiled, extending his other fist to display his thanks to the thoughtful ant.

The clamps along his helm disengaged and the pressure hissed as it vented. "I'll eat this along the way, wouldn't be the first time I scarfed something down while moving. Come on." He nodded with his head.

archur archur
Shortly after Prax send out the message, different members of Delta started to come in. The elevator doors slid open and he was pleased to see just how many have decided to come down to see their alternate selves. The only ones who seem to be missing were Checker's group. She probably took them to training. He tapped Dex on his shoulder to get his attention. The handler lifted his head from the monitor and saw the new arrivals. He jumped off his stool, taking the opportunity to stretch his legs and followed after Prax.

"Team, good to see you." He looked down as Dex walked in front before he sat down in place "This here is Dex. He will be our handler for this jump."

"Good to meet you folks!"
He tilted his head as he looked at those gathered and then looked back to Prax "Very diverse team you got here, big guy. This all of them?"

"We're missing a couple, but they'll show up later. Lets see their alternates"

"Right, follow me." Dex picked up the pace and hurried towards down one of the paths. The mechanical chair following behind him. He would stop near a table that was located down the path. One of many like it positioned near a window overlooking the lower levels. The table itself was made of what looked like wood, with a metal frame forming its shape. A large hologram projector was placed in the middle, gently humming as it was ready to use. Dex stopped short of the table and allowed the mechanical chair to catch up. He got on and the device floated him up to the proper level. "Lets see. Your wrist devises are working perfectly, so I just need to adjust the frequency and...there we go! Lets see what your alternatives have been up to."

Rolls for alternative version of: Val'sharra Nightshroud
Relevance: 9
Strength: 6
Synchronization: 7

"I think we should start with Val'sharra. Get an early read on the anomaly." Dex typed in a few commands on the holographic keyboard that appeared in front of him. "Your double goes by the name Valéry Nuit. A Paris native." The holo projector on the began to beam the relevant information. "She doesnt seem to have the demonic qualities you have. Horns aren't thre or are hidden under the hair. Can't hide those eyes however. Works security for a local socialite, but not the very heavy type. You would have a more limited arsenal at your disposal once the invasion starts, but you would be extremely close to the action. There was a party where a lot of big wigs were gathering. Someone there has to be useful to get you in the facility." he didn't speak for a moment as something caught his attention. "Huh, thats an odd spike. Will have a look at it later."

Rolls for alternative version of: Noël Lockhart
Relevance: 10
Strength: 10
Synchronization: 10

"Next up, Noël. Lets see." His ears dropped as the readings came in.

"Something wrong?"

"No, the opposite." Dex looked up. "A perfect match." Prax's eyes widened once he heard the result and what the implications could be. "I uhhh...this almost never happens so sorry if we're stunned here, everyone." Dex pulled on his collar with his paw "Looks like they were in Paris for a concert, performing of course. Stadium full of people, entirely in your hand and a road crew staffed entirely by your counterpart's top picks. Could turn things around."

"Dex, are you sure?"

"Its an option. This invasion isn't supposed to happen in the first place, remember?" Prax was quiet for a moment. He didn't like to even think about the suggestion and what that might lead to. He glanced towards Noël and wondered if they were weighing the same options on what to do.

Rolls for alternative version of: Heilwyn Gale
Relevance: 7
Strength: 5
Synchronization: 7

"Alright big guy, lets see what your option looks like." Like before, a few taps was all it took. "Hadrian Gale. Part of the gendarmerie. His unit was stationed to guard specific checkpoints due to the big influx of people and a sceduled protest that is meant to happen the day after. Heavy armor and riot gear. Crowd dispersal and control. It wont do nearly as much damage as your flamethrowers, but its worth considering if you want to blend in first."

Rolls for alternative version of: Sloan Idyllwild
Relevance: 6
Strength: 2
Synchronization: 6

"On to Sloan. Hmm, Interesting. Cyber implants have started to become popular in this timeline and your counterpart is an enthusiast. Pretty good hacker as well. Just erased their real name from most databases. Only real name that pops up is well-Sloan. Appears to have an interest in the cult and their activities. Has been tracking them for a while and gathering information. They're not good in a fight however. May even be a hinderence unless you want to keep tracking the target from a safe distance."

Rolls for alternative version of: Slerk
Relevance: 8
Strength: 6
Synchronization: 6

"Now for...Prax that's a baby." Dex hadn't looked at Slerk closely until now. He looked at Delta's leader with some concern.

"We are aware, but HQ wants us to take him with us. His hearness is stronger than usual."

"I hope you're right." Dex shook his head as he typed in the details. "Right, Slerk's double is close-by to the cult. In the sewers actually. Urban legend talks about a fish creature that lurks in the Catacombs. Apparently its true and he's slightly older than Slerk and bigger. What have they been flushing down there?" The dog shook his head to focus on the mission "If he takes control, you'd have a nice surprise for the cult at least. He's not super strong, but can take a bite out of one or two of them."

Rolls for alternative version of: Kher'as Sha'kari
Relevance: 10
Strength: 9
Synchronization: 3

"Kher'as, this version of you might be very different. For one, she's human. Very interested in insects though and...hexagons? Kiara Spigel is an engineer that works at the facility that's going to be stormed by the cult. The interesting thing is that she has been designing and building prototype armor and exo-suits that are powered by the device that's housed within. A lot of them are designed after insctes."

"How many researchers and engineers are there?"

"A good number. The staff and security aren't exactly scared from what the scouting reports brought back. A good chance to slow the cultists down and buy you time to link up."

Rolls for alternative version of: Ted Coach
Relevance: 1
Strength: 2
Synchronization: 3

"Lets check out Ted's." Once again, Dex's ears dropped. He didn't wait for Prax to ask him anything this time though. "Well they're not even on the same continent. They're a banged up toaster in a landfill in South America somewhere. Can burn someone's finger if they stick it in I suppose."

Rolls for alternative version of: Prax
Relevance: 1
Strength: 4
Synchronization: 4

"What about mine?"

"He lives near the landfill. Barely any training, works out twice a week..."

"I think me and Ted will skip out on our versions." Prax cut it short. "Some of your other versions open up more options for us. Who wants to take the jump?"
Slerk let out another inquisitive gurgle towards Noël, tugging at their pants, with regards to candy and completely disregarded the briefing that had been given on their alternate counterparts that they would be jumping into. The little creature was oblivious with what was about to happen as he heard the vocalization of his name and quickly turned himself over towards Dex and Prax with with unblinking eyes and let out another incoherent gurgle.

Again, he was trying to get the aforementioned candy from earlier but was otherwise incomprehensible; all that appeared was simply small creature making wet, guttural noises seemingly at random.
Ted looked somewhat uncomfortable as the group waited in the elevator, and that look of discomfort didn't really go away as they approached Prax and Dex. He wasn't looking forward to being forced into this, and when his alternative was revealed, he couldn't help but feel that he was being mocked at that moment. If he could shed a single tear at that moment, he would. He merely nodded as Prax stated the obvious, on skipping out on his alternative. His worry about all this just returned to the surface.
As he finished savouring the delivered meal, Heilwyn's head tilted slightly, observing as the data panned across the holographic projection. The fuzzy, ocean-blue display detailed relevant information about their alternative existences, causing Heilwyn to lean forward, eyes slowly assessing their significance. He had never dreamt of something like this, never explored deep within this possibility. Heilwyn thought about the ships lost to Hyperspace, like how his own had, did they suffer similar fates? Perhaps, in an unlikely probability, one of the crew had met their duplicate? He shook his head and snapped to attention, with a question on his lips.

"Sir, will we experience adjustment periods to our counterparts' bodies? For example, in order to better achieve harmonious synchronicity with my wargear, several dermal ports and interface suites have been augmented into my body. These also double as an incremental increase in sensory capabilities. I recognise Hadrian will not possess similar enhancements, therefore will likely experience the world differently around him, I expect." Heilwyn questioned, gone was the familiar joviality in his voice, replaced by the flint-edge grit of a soldier.
"I can answer that question!" Dex raised a paw with some excitement. A few clicks on the holo keyboard later were all it took for the display to change. Now there was a featureless figure floating above the table, spinning in place. "Before you make a jump to your alternate you will be equipped with a harness. Its more of a vest with all the slimming down we've done over the years, but I digress. It carries a charge of a specific variety of tachyon particles that differ from the one your colleagues will be using when making the jump as themselves only. Mainly, your ability to jump into your alternate version." The table projector followed along Dex's explanation. It displayed the harness, its components and any additional data that was deemed useful to know. Even if it might be overloading. "They prepare the body and mind to be a blank slate for the jump, allowing you to jump in your double's body. We still haven't achieved a completely semmless transition, so you will feel some form of discomfort as you wake up in that new body. Most likely dizziness or mild pains in the body parts where most disrepensy is located. They should last for a few seconds to three or four minutes. Nausia was really bad some time ago, but it hasn't been a problem for the past few hundred years."
Sloan stood stone still and silent as her double was described. Cybernetics were better than nothing, but to hear of her alternative self being a "hindrance" in combat irked her something awful.

"Do you need a hacker, or do you need me?" she finally asked, her voice icier and more unpleasant than normal, clearly unhappy with the idea of swapping bodies with someone so soft. "...I'll take whatever approach gets us there."
"Kher'as, this version of you might be very different. For one, she's human. Very interested in insects though and...hexagons?"

"hexagons are the bestagons..." She muttered to herself. They were what came to her naturally, but not everyone agreed with having most things comprised of hex-shaped patterns, or hexagons in general. It was always "triangle this!" or "triangle that!" but never "Kher'as, you're such a smart and intelligent engineer, you're doing exactly what you were born for!"

She didn't really get people.

Listening on, she picked up on two important pieces of detail and one unspoken third issue:

1) Her alternate was a human.

2) She was going to be the target of a direct assault.

3) The team was going to be entirely separated.

The first of these, she would probably just have to swallow that pill as is. She flexed her secondary and tertiary sets of arms, then wiggled her antennae. Hopefully, she didn't suffer any phantom limb pains or aches. Would she retain her psychic-ness? Would she have to figure out practical human anatomy on the fly by piloting one? How would speaking work for her? She's never had cheeks or eyelids, for that matter. Again, there wasn't really a fix for this, but she'd deal with it for as long as she could.

The second of these was a more pressing matter. "Mister Dex-Handler-Scientist sir, how much time will we have to prepare ourselves for the coming assault? If Kher'as is working with new material, she will need time for..." The word wasn't coming to her. She was trying to voice a combination of trying to understand somebody else's notes, understand the function and aptitude of a device, and also be able to know how to repair it if need be in a single word. "calibrations? Kher'as may need a little bit of time for calibrations."

Then, there was that unspoken third thing. "Also," She turned to Prax as she asked this question, figuring he'd have the most practical experience in answering this question. "We will be separated. How will we get to doing thing right way? Establish communication and chain of command, coordinate search-and-destroy operations, report breaches, and other military words." She'd been pulling most of those words right out of Heilwyn's noggin since she didn't have a better way to put it herself, but the general meaning behind them was exactly what she was going for.

"Kher'as doesn't want to be alone by accident when fight comes." There was a tinge of concern in her voice. She looked back to Dex. "Covering the bases." She explained.
Do you need a hacker, or do you need me?...I'll take whatever approach gets us there.
"While tracking the cultists more closely would be great, we will also be fighting through whatever is coming after us during the invasion." Prax took a few moments to think. "Practically, you would be of better use in your current form."
Mister Dex-Handler-Scientist sir, how much time will we have to prepare ourselves for the coming assault? If Kher'as is working with new material, she will need time for... "calibrations? Kher'as may need a little bit of time for calibrations."
"Good question!" Dex scratched a spot behind his ear "There is still some calibrating on our end that needs to be done. Chronomancers and the gate techs have to attune the frequencies and such. You get the idea. Our scans can extract data quite efficiently if they know what they're looking for. I can have a file of your counterpart's contraptions send over to your bracelet to read and examine."
We will be separated. How will we get to doing thing right way? Establish communication and chain of command, coordinate search-and-destroy operations, report breaches, and other military words.
"The bracelets will help with that." Prax tapped the one on his wrist. "They will come with you, no matter how you make the jump. Adaptive cloaking technology allows for them to adapt in case you want to be more covert. In any case, they will allows for us to communicate and stay in contact with each other. We will also benefir from Dex being our 'eye in the sky' to feed us information and alert to any developments he can spot."
A perfect match?

Noël was a bit surprised and confused at the thought that there was an exact match to them out there in the multiverse. Well, not really that, but more that they would ever actually encounter such a being. A perfect reflection of them in every way. Had they gone through the same hardships? Triumphs? Do they deal with the same daily issues and annoyances? Take pleasure in the same hobbies and such?

Eventually, Noël spoke up. "...No. I don't intend to synchronize with my counterpart." they stated. Noël then looked over to Prax and Dex. "If my counterpart were in my shoes, I don't think they would do it either. They wouldn't bother me, and I won't bother them."

They then shrugged. "I can just... dress different, if I need to disguise myself. Its not hard to look like someone else."
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"Your double goes by the name Valéry Nuit. A Paris native." The holo projector on the began to beam the relevant information. "She doesnt seem to have the demonic qualities you have. Horns aren't thre or are hidden under the hair. Can't hide those eyes however. Works security for a local socialite, but not the very heavy type. You would have a more limited arsenal at your disposal once the invasion starts, but you would be extremely close to the action. There was a party where a lot of big wigs were gathering. Someone there has to be useful to get you in the facility."
Val looked at the monitor silently, her eyes locked on her counterpart. Multiverses were far from a foreign concept to her, what with her working at a bar that literally nestled itself in the space between dimensions, but to see that same face as hers staring back left her speechless. Perhaps it was due to the lack of expected shock; while those around her mused over the potentialities of coexisting or commandeering one's alternate self, somehow Val knew implicitly what hers would be thinking if she were in her own shoes. Everything and anything for the mission, Val. Indeed, as she stared at the figure on screen, she could tell the woman's vibes, her attitude, and even had an inkling as to what her speech pattern was. It was different and yet eerily familiar, and if Val thought any more about it, she might become dissuaded from her duty.

"Very well then; I will make the jump. We can't pass up the opportunity of being near the facility and having the resources to get in. I'm not concerned with being lightly armed; there are ways to deal with that in the short term." She crossed her arms as he gaze slid over to Dex. "That said; what will happen to any other gear we bring other than the bracelets? It seems more than a few of us are bringing a few 'toys' to the party."

he didn't speak for a moment as something caught his attention. "Huh, thats an odd spike. Will have a look at it later."
Why do I have a bad feeling about this...
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Oh thank fuck
"We appreciate the honesty." Dex answered to Sloan's reaction.
...No. I don't intend to synchronize with my counterpart. If my counterpart were in my shoes, I don't think they would do it either. They wouldn't bother me, and I won't bother them. I can just... dress different, if I need to disguise myself. Its not hard to look like someone else.
"Are you sure?" Dex's ears were lowered as he sounded disappointed by Noël's decision "I mean yeah I get why, but a match like yours happens maybe once every...I don't know how many years and you can bring the invasion to a halt with the right play if the readings are right and..."

"Dex, that's enough." Prax cut him off. Unlike their handler, he was relieved that Noël made the choice they did. Dex was right that they had the potential to divert the invasion plans or even halt it, but at what cost? They had no idea what that version of Noël was doing and what was going through their mind before they would assume control and what they could do. Too many unknowns to be sure. There was also the fact that the scouts didn't report any other infernal activity, so maybe it was best to play it safe. "You wouldn't need to worry about any disguises this time around." Prax was quick to change the subject "Not much reason to since it will be shortly before the attack starts."
Very well then; I will make the jump. We can't pass up the opportunity of being near the facility and having the resources to get in. I'm not concerned with being lightly armed; there are ways to deal with that in the short term. That said; what will happen to any other gear we bring other than the bracelets? It seems more than a few of us are bringing a few 'toys' to the party.
"You got a curious sort this time around, big guy." Dex's ears perked up again. "The simple answer is that the jump the rest of the team will take will be different. They will still be wearing the harness, but the particles will be charged differently." Dex tapped on the keyboard to show off the differences on the holographic table. "These adjustments would allow your team-mates to bring extra gear with them. Be it weapons, armor, gadgets or any other needed accesories."

"I can carry a few extra things." Prax looked to Val "I'm sure carrying an extra gun with spare ammo for you won't slow me down too much."
"I can carry a few extra things." Prax looked to Val "I'm sure carrying an extra gun with spare ammo for you won't slow me down too much."

Val's eyes slid through slitted lids to look askance at Prax, the corners of her lips turning slightly downwards. "I'll be all right with whatever my counterpart's carrying, thanks," she grumbled out, her personal trust of Prax still tinged from how they'd met.

She leaned towards the monitor and tapped the screen to attract their handler's attention once again. "Dex, was it? Can you get me a readout on my double's employer, as well as a list of the people who are going to be at that party? I'm gonna need to start formulating how to go about convincing some blue-blood to unlock his secret squirrel facility for me when things get spicy." Pushing off from the computer console, she began to make her way back towards the elevator. "Shoot it to my wristband, I'm gonna go get ready. You guys got a jumpsuit and locker I can use?"
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For a moment, she truly considered revisiting her death. There was a nagging feeling in her that she believed it could've been prevented. If she was somehow faster, or reacted more quickly to the gunshot. But a calmer mind prevailed. One of the many teachings her father bestowed was that as strong as she was, she wasn't a god.

承久の乱,, お願いします
(The Jōkyū War, please.)

It was a battle she was very familiar with, being one of her more defining moments in life. To be specific, she and the emperor's forces at the time were the reason the war ended. As she waited for the battle to be recreated, she pondered about what Prax said over comms. An alternate self? Was that really possible? It seemed like every minute, Kiriko was learning something new. And she was still a long ways away from adjusting to all of it, despite how open minded she's been so far.

Kiriko turned to Sam, her priorities suddenly shifting.

(Sorry for wasting your time, but I have to go now. Maybe next time.)

She then turned to Checkers.

先導しますか? 私は自分の「もう一人の自分」についてもっと知りたいと思っています。
(Will you lead the way? I want to know more about my other self.)


It was clear Kiriko was one of the last to arrive out of the group. As soon as she joined them, Kiriko greeted them all with a curt bow, a common gesture of apology where she was from, before turning to Prax.

(Sorry for the wait. I hope I didn't miss something.)

Breadman Breadman
"Kher'as will do the jumping then, no issues with Kher'as. Nope! No issues with being not-Kher'as at all!" She exclaimed nervously.

The engineer couldn't help but anxiously flex their multiple arms, wriggle her antennae, and flex her abdomen. All the things that made her, her, were going to disappear when she transferred to her alternate self.

At least, the logistics were set up, as far as she knew. She'd be working with exosuits, which is something she knew a lot about to begin with, they just weren't her specialty for now.

For now.

"Kher'as just wants to get hop-jump over with and get into new skin already. Hopefully feeling of phantom-limb doesn't follow."
Heilwyn nodded along to the explanations unfurled. The soldier had learned not to ponder orders too closely, such was his lot in the Solenite military, however, the concept of supplanting himself, or at least another entity that was like him, gave Heilwyn pause. His helm had shifted away to a distant point in the room, the orange lenses that smouldered like gleaming coals now seemed softer, almost lost in deep contemplation.

When his helm shifted back to Dex, he nodded. "I'll jump with it, Hadrian seems'ta be my kinda fire-starter." Then he shrugged slightly. "Once the shift is done, do you have an estimation until first contact? Forewarned is forearmed is a phrase I've heard around the headquarters here."

Then Kiriko, the swordswoman with her jet hair bound up in a knot, arrived last. Heilwyn's hand went up and waved, warm invitation to their meeting, the purr of servo-actuators low, soft. Though he doesn't know exactly the common gestures or greetings from her world.
Dex, was it? Can you get me a readout on my double's employer, as well as a list of the people who are going to be at that party? I'm gonna need to start formulating how to go about convincing some blue-blood to unlock his secret squirrel facility for me when things get spicy. Shoot it to my wristband, I'm gonna go get ready. You guys got a jumpsuit and locker I can use?
"You got it Val." Dex raised a paw formed in the best thumbs up he could manage. "I'll have a drone guide you to your mission locker." He tapped a few buttons and one of the small helpers chirped up as it headed to Val.

Kher'as will do the jumping then, no issues with Kher'as. Nope! No issues with being not-Kher'as at all! Kher'as just wants to get hop-jump over with and get into new skin already. Hopefully feeling of phantom-limb doesn't follow.
I'll jump with it, Hadrian seems'ta be my kinda fire-starter. Once the shift is done, do you have an estimation until first contact? Forewarned is forearmed is a phrase I've heard around the headquarters here.
"Going by the data, you will have somewhere between 5-10 minutes before things go sideways. Its not much, but its the best shot you got at stopping this." Dex called for another set of drones "Please follow them to your lockers when you're ready."

Before anyone said anything else, Checker's group had made it down to meet them.

"Looks like you got everyone to show up, huh." Checkers commented as they walked in with Kiriko and Ying.
Sorry for the wait. I hope I didn't miss something.
"Everything you've missed so far will be transferred to you over your wristband." Dex tried to assure her "You can review it when you get the chance in a minute. Now..." He clasped his hands "You ladies would be interested to see what your doubles are up to, right?"

"Its why we're here, yes." Checkers answered slightly annoyed "Come on, lets see what you found."

"Lets see, Checkers, you go first then."

Rolls for alternative version of: Checkers
Relevance: 5
Strength: 2

Synchronization: 9

"Oh, looks like she's very much like you. Problem is that its you when you were twelve. That means she is near Paris, but..."

"Outskirts of town. I remember where I grew up." Checkers sighed "Well, I'm not jumping into the body of a child. Least of all like I was back then." She shuddered "This pigtails were not a good look."

"Lets see miss Kiriko's double then."

Rolls for alternative version of: Kiriko Okuda
Relevance: 7
Strength: 8

Synchronization: 6

"Heilwyn you might have company." Dex taped a few buttons to get the relevant information up "In this timeline not only is Kiriko a citizen of Paris, but also has climbed the ranks of the gendarmerie. Officer Kira Okuda is a lieutenant serving in the same unit. She has access to some extra toys than Hadrian. Gadhets for crowd dispersal and terrorist apprehention. What were they worried about with those protests?"

Rolls for alternative version of: Ying
Relevance: 1
Strength: 9
Synchronization: 3

"Lets see Ying's."

"Sure." Dex typed out the commands again and his ears fell. "Well, she doesnt have name for starters. Just a barcode. Extremely powerful. Likly draws from a similar place of power that you do, but I cant say how similar. But even so, she's on the other side of the world."

"So she can't be of any help." Checkers looked to Ying for a split second "I don't think skipping this one would be a problem."
Val wordlessly shot a thumbs up over her shoulder, not even breaking her stride as the drone whizzed up to her side, quietly beeping and directing her to proceed onwards. The locker room was not particularly difficult to find, and at first glance there was nothing to hint at anything out of the ordinary being present within. Tile floors, wooden benches, and shower stalls all appeared to perform functions she was familiar with, and the lights over head steadily buzzed away as they filled the room with strong, even light. A series of beeps from the drone attracted Val's attention, and she watched as it floated over to a section of lockers situated beside the showers. Well, at least it's a short walk for when I inevitably end up crawling through whatever sewer Slerk's supposed to be in...

Already loosening her tie, she made her way over to the designated locker giving it a once over as she approached. The solid steel door hid the interior from view, which at least meant she wasn't going to have to worry about any lookie loos trying to get an eyefull of her stuff. Well, without trying to pick the lock, anyway. Speaking of... Her eyes swept across the surface of the door searching for a tumbler or keypad that she was intended to use, but no such devices revealed themselves to her inquisitive eyes; instead, a small panel that Val just mistook for a nametag slot lit up, and began to display text:


Val turned to the drone. "Did you do that?" She wasn't sure, but if a drone could have shrugged, she felt like it would be right about now. With a wry expression she turned back to the panel. "Uh. Hey there. Mind opening up? Kinda got a mission I need to get ready for and I don't want to ruin my one good suit."


"A hand scanner? You know those can be duped, right?" the demoness remarked with a touch of cynicism. Regardless, she removed the fingerless gloves from her hands and placed a pale palm against the surface of the cool steel, watching as a blue line seemed to not only scan the surface of her hand but into and across it, lighting up the bones and blood vessels in sharp relief before dimming once again. "What the-" were the only words she was able to get out before the panel blinked a new message.


Well after all that she wasn't up for disagreeing, and so as she took a step backwards the steel door opened, and-

"Oh. Wow."

The enormity of the locker interior rivaled several apartments Val had lived in, and indeed if she wasn't already camping out in one of the Helldiver's backrooms she might be tempted to move in. Security, privacy, AND discretion? These weren't attributes to turn one's nose up at! Though there was the question of just where all this extra space was coming from, given the relatively svelte lines the locker itself possessed from the outside. "Probably best not to think of it," she grumbled, and set upon preparing for what lay ahead.


Sometime later she rejoined the group, clad now in a uniform jumpsuit and scanning through whatever info Dex had managed to gather. "All right. By the grace of the Creator, I'm good to go."
"Alright. Everyone, go do some last minute tasks and get ready. We'll meet back in two hours."

2 hours later

The members of Delta squad had assembled once again in the briefing room. They would notice that Dex was now manning his station nearby, ready to give them assistance however he can. Another change was that there were now a number of techs that were waiting for them. Each of the supporting staff carried with them the lifeline that would help the team make the jump. Three of them approached Val, Kher'as, Kiriko and Heilwyn with their respective harnesses, or the vest as Dex had described them. Each member would find that they fit comfortably and would offer minimum restrictions to movement. For the rest, the techs had prepared a not so elegant version of the harness, despite it also resembling a vest.

"Everything in order?" Prax asked one of the techs who was standing next to him and running diagnostics. The woman looked up to him and gave a thumbs up. "Good, lets go." Delta squad would move past one of the doors leading out of the briefing room and to an elevator platform. As they got on, they would get a good view of the underground part of the Plumbers HQ. A vast tunnel that seemed to stretch down to infinity. The shaft leading down to level upon level of generator rooms on one side and on the opposite end they could see large circular gates that roar to life, ready to send the different teams to their destination.

Even now as the platform descended, the team could see their colleagues make their own jumps into other realities. Those brief moments of bodies entering through the doors followed by a flash of light from each. The techs working on the gates manning the consoles nearby to make sure that those lifelines aren't severed. All sorts of different shapes and sized pass in and out of the gates either to explore, face a foe to the stability of the multiverse or to simply assess ongoing repairs.

Finally they would stop on level 32 and one of the many drones would float near them to act as their guide to their specified gate, which want a long trek. The portal hummed as it was waiting for them to make their jump through it.

"First jump is always a bit rough. So don't worry if you feel uneasy after you go through." Checkers reassured them. "Weapons check." An old habit that didn't die for either her or Prax. Probably not for a good number of the team. Better to be safe than sorry.

"The jump is simple. First ones are those of us who don't have constants to jump to, then you wait a few seconds for the go ahead from the techs." Prax pointed to the man operating the console. "He's going to say your name and then you make the jump. Repeat till all of us are through. This will allow us to get our bearings and establish contact ASAP." As is if by que, the tech gave a thumbs up. Prax nodded and motioned for the first wave to make their jump. After the step through the barrier, there was a flash of light. Soon he calibrated the next coordinates and called out for Val, then repeated the process for Heilwyn with Kiriko and finally for Kher'as. The team was off on their first mission.
The team emerged from the portal into an alleyway tucked between two buildings. The air was thick with what can only be described as the smell of the city. A mixture of the local shops trying to cater to the locals and tourists alike and to their back they could catch the whiffs of the Seine and all the splendor it offered.

"Well this is sort of...nostalgic." Checkers spoke as she poked her head from behind a corner to take a look at the Parisian streets. This version of the city was not too far off from the one she grew up in before disaster struck. The sense of nostalgia only grew as she spotted more details. She sighed. One day. She turned back to make a quick headcount. Everyone seemed to have made the jump. Her, Prax, Noël, Sloan, Ying, Ted and..."Wait, where's Slerk?"

"What do you mean where is..." Prax looked around and noticed the distinct absence of the small fish creature. Did he wonder off before the jump? No, he was equipped with a harness made for him and he was brought through. "Dex, can you give me beat on Slerk?"

"He's not there with you?" The dog's voice could be heard through the comms, slightly worried. "Oh dear, he's..."


"He's in the sewers. He's in control of his constant."

"Work on establishing contact with the team that's made the other jumps. See if Slerk is on any of those frequencies or anywhere near them. We have to establish contact ASAP."

Infab Infab K0mori K0mori Damian0358 Damian0358

Beneath the streets of Paris

"Come on you imbecile. Move." One cultist yelled at another as they moved through the sewers. Their group was far off from the main force that were picked to lead the charge, but they were still tasked with a heavy task non the less. They had to perform a ritual right at a specific spot under one of the city streets. The grand-master didn't exactly share the details on what this ritual would do, but they were assured their reward would be great beyond imagination.

"Calm down, Jules. I am carrying all the materials here."

"Brother Jules. You'd do well to remember that!"

"Right. Well brother Jules, if you'd help me, we would have been at the ritual site by now."

"Quit your bellyaching you fool. I have the scripts in hand. A task that is much more important."

"Mhm, I'm sure." The second cultist followed along with the heavy box full of materials. He looked around the sewers as they moved through it, trying to ignore the stench as best as he could. A fool's errand. The sight of a half eaten rat prompted something in him. "Jules, do you think that thing is real? Terrare. The eater."

"Don't be stupid and for the last time its BROTHER JULES!"

"You never know, brother. Things have been surfacing half eaten or chewed on."

"Just rats, Lucien. They are great consumers of all things garbage that comes down here."

"Even metal and wood?"

"If they're hungry enough."

As the two continued down their path, the water beneath them bubbled from the pockets of air coming up to the surface. What anyone would dismiss as filth reaching the surface, was actually a head. A creature from the depths emerged and observed the two. It didn't know what to call these two intruders, but somehow it knew they were trouble. Something was beginning to form in its head. Behind the pale eyes a thought formed. 'I...am...Slerk....'

joshuadim joshuadim
Hotel Shangri-La

There were a few scant seconds as Val was entering her new role in this dimension. A sense of nausea and dizziness just as Dex had warned. Luckily it only lasted a few seconds and began to retreat into the back of her mind. Yet those last few seconds draw some attention to her or rather Valëry, her double. Once her vision cleared she could see the bodyguard standing in front of her, his face gave away some worry.

"Are you alright there?" He spoke in a thick French accent, "Did you take any of the boss' supply or something? I know she likes to give it out for fun, but never thought you'd be the type to take her up on that?" Despite the expected barrier, Val could hear every one of his words with little issue. Its as if he didn't even have the accent.

"Now now Fleur, you know I don't give those party favors to any of you." A woman's voice could be heard from behind him. He turned around and stepped aside to reveal who exactly was talking. "It wouldn't be smart for my own security to be high while on the job." It was clear who this woman was. Her face was in the files Val had requested. Josephine Cormier was a rich socialite. Daughter of a mineral baron that pivoted the company away from extracting the riches of the earth, to robotics. A wise decision in hindsight as Cornier machines now perform many menial tasks. "How are you feeling, Valëry? Did you get the same bug I did from Mali?" One of the small details from the report mentioned that they recently had a trip to Mali before coming to this gathering.

PixelSymphony PixelSymphony
Thomas Jefferson Square

Only a few blocks away, Heilwyn and Kiriko would awaken in their temporary bodies with a similar sensation. Their situation was more fortunate as their counterparts were standing and waiting for the drill to begin. Like the briefing said, the protest was going to be the following day, but something had the local authorities spooked. They couldn't nail who those strange individuals are or where they were coming from. What they couldn't do was take a chance that this wasn't connected.

Hailwyn could feel the lack of advanced implants and augmentations that were part of him just moments earlier, but this body was still in good shape. Had to be if he was carrying all this gear on him. Riot shield, stun baton even some gun that was hanging from his hip. Inspecting his fellow officers, he could spot that they carried a similar gadget. From the comments here and they he could make out that it sprayed out riot foam. That would also explain the other sensation on his back. A large backpack that was filled with something. Likely what was used to spread the foam.

Kiriko on the other hand was less burdened, but still had something on hand. The standard issue stun baton was replaced with a more refined instrument for crowd control. Several stun, smoke and stun grenades were attached to her uniform. Finally the gun she was carrying was loaded with rubber bullets, but it seemed she was carrying different types of ammo as well.

"I don't think anything is going to happen."

"Probably, but you know the chief. He's been blowing up about those weird fuckers."

"Ah, he's just playing tough guy for the mayor. You know they're going to be at that party at the Shanri-La."

"Yeah and then another few million will vanish." The men laughed.

The short conversation overheard by the Plumbers duo continued, but it seemed to veer towards sports rather than anything relevant.

Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Palais Garnier-Research facility

Like her teammates, Kher'as would expericne the sensation of jumping into a new body. However it would be a bit harder for her as this body lacked a few key things. Mainly a lower amount of limbs and smaller eyes. Yet as she would take a moment to orient herself, she would notice that her counterpart was fortunate enough to be alone at the moment. She was in her own part of the labs, putting together yet another device. Her personal items placed spread around her desk. Misses Kiara seemed to be a bit of a messy person, but the personal items spoke of someone growing a family.

Looking through the desk, Kher'as could find a good amount of notes, rejected ideas and attempts to make quick designs modeled after ants, beetles and bees. A check on her computer revealed more of the same with more notes expanding on the concepts from the papers. All information she was given by Dex, but it was nice to have confirmation that it was correct.

There was more information to look through. Mainly where the different ideas Kiara had designed were being tested. Judging by the map and directions, the armor designed for construction work was being tested on the same level she was. On the lower level near the underground parking lot, an emergency vehicle was being assembled with the prototype being slated to be finished today. Finally on the upper level, they were working on a concept of the 'hornet grenade'.

Kher'as had some time still, but she would have to pick where to go first.

archur archur
Palais Garnie- Outside the research facility

She had been tracking them for a while now. They were clever. Moving across the city with vans and cars, avoiding any checkpoints or patrol cars. Carrying their equipment hidden in plain sight, but she knew better. Ever since she caught a transmission by complete chance, Sloan had been following these men around. This Family of oblivion like they like to call themsevles. Cheesy name for a bunch of terrorists. At least they seemed like terrorists. The way they talked and plotted made them sound like they were planning something big and it involved the Palais Garnie facility.

She had to remind her that this could also be some big larp. A group of online morons banding together in order to demonstrate their disdain for the New World order or something. Whatever the case, she wanted to have a good look at this.

Resting in her car, Sloan set up a drone to take off. Nobody would really care unless it was some busybody or bored cop. Just a tourist letting her pet camera out to take a picture or two. Maybe capture a video about these demonstrators that were going to protest. Paris sees these all the time. The drone itself was equiped with some tech you wouldnt find in any old store. Night vision, heat sensors, infrared. She just needed to point it in the right direction.

Now she just needed a good place to to point to.

K0mori K0mori
Zenith Paris arena- Backstage

As is with any concert, the busiest place is the back. Road crew were running around making sure that every bit of the stage was prepped and ready for the concert. Among those in the back was another figure. Probably the most important person next to the band. The manager and how he looked like it. From head to toe covered in the most tacky looking suit he could find. Sunglasses barely concealing the bloodshot eyes. A horrific necktie and the trademark shit eating grin. A true master of his craft, currently looking for his golden goose.

"How's the crowd looking?"

"Zazel, baby, chill! You got a capacity crowd out there. You'll be making so much noise, the big man upstairs will be calling you to turn it down."

"Alright, wanted to make we get the right tunes in, that's all. Got the set memorized, but you never know." The drummer looked around, noticing the roadies and the rest of the band preparing for the show just a few minutes away. Even the warmup act was ready.

"Ah don't worry about it. We sold out the place in a matter of days." The band's manager looked around in turn "Say, where is our star?"

"In the dressing room, getting prepped as usual."

"Khehe, can't rush greatness now can you." He patted the drummer on the shoulder as he walked by to the door. He knocked to make his presence known before entering. He spotted their star preparing for the show, their back turned to him. Perfect time to relax his stance. "Now hear that you don't like to get dusturbed when you're getting ready for a show, but..." The flesh began to melt from his face. The sleazy suit evaporating from his body, leaving a fine threaded version from the smoke. Where there was once the ugly face of a demon barely pretending to be human, now stood a void with stars within. "I think the Khan would do so much worse if I passed on this opportunity."

Zendri turned around, looking at the stranger with suspicion. Not the first time someone like this showed up uninvited, but this one was different. For one, he was bold enough to come in to talk face to face. Likely disposed of Mik'ey, their road manager as well. The thing that really made him stand out was the one he mentioned-The Khan.

"Call me M." There was no face to speak of, but just looking into that void, anyone can sense a sinister smile being formed.

Infab Infab
Wet eyes watched the two cultists from its safe harbour of sludge, dirty water, and trash; its presence remained a mystery, an urban legend that the cultists seemed to agree was simply that, as it silently pushed itself along. Like a hunter stalking its prey, Slerk... the Terrare, followed along as a spectre of the sewer deeps. Just out of sight, but close enough to keep follow the two men's movements. He retained the same instincts warning him of danger, which helped keep himself outside the detection from the duller senses of the land walkers. The smells and sounds of the sewers helped mask Slerk's presence as he felt as though nothing had really changed between where he had been moments before and now. If anything, in this life, it was as though he was destined for such an existence.

But something else had fundamentally shifted in the creature, as that thought lingered in his mind. He was aware of what he was beyond the simple animalism and primitive infancy that he had been living within. Like an egg cracking, the first piece had fallen off to reveal what was truly underneath. But there were still many other pieces to go, and he would need to survive to reach that. A primal instinct wired into his brain that necessitated his safety above all others. And that instinct told him these two men walking in the sewers... they needed to die.

And so Slerk followed in silence, waiting for the time to strike... waiting for when one was alone.
During the pre-jump prep, Ted considered what he would need for the mission, and, recognizing the fact that things would likely escalate, decided that he would need something to keep himself safe in case he gets separated from the others. Heading to the armory, he requested the basics - a handgun and some body armor that could be worn beneath his clothes, both appropriate for the world they would be sent to. With that done, he just held his non-existent breath and went practicing...

Soon, it was go time. He couldn't think much on the scale of everything with the incoming jump. Checking the handgun as best as he could with only an hour or so of practice, he stepped forward when his name was called and took the quantum leap.

Ted shook his head as he recovered from the jump, feeling slight system instability that shortly after vanished. He looked towards the others, quickly thereafter noticing like the others that Slerk wasn't here. He listened as Prax corresponded with Dex, before asking his own question while looking out of the alleyway.

"...once we establish contact, what's next?" he asked, given the time sensitivity of the mission. Per the mission details, they needed to figure out a route to the facility, and that was beyond his ability...

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