Planet Aeon RP

Orion glared down at the bear as he forced him the the ground with only his aura. After taking a second to see the savageness in his eyes Orion set everything that his aura touched ablaze. Watching the bear burn he dodged the rest of the bears poor attempts at attacking till he passed out from pain then dousing his fire.
With the bear passed out, Flecker blinked a few times. Orion was powerful. Very powerful, and suddenly she felt like a failure. Twitching her wing again, she kept trying to loosen the bindings on her feet, unable to bend herself up to nip them without pain bursting through her tiny being,
Oroin walked over to Flecker who was hanging to be cooked. He cut her down and looked down at her awaiting a response.
Hitting the ground with a small thud, Flecker groaned a bit before looking up at him, bowing her head, "T-thank you sir....." She really didn't know what else to say.
As a certain old tortoise-monkey explored the lush area around him on the side of Mt. Kana, he reminded himself once more that it had long been his dream to scale Mt. Kana, but it was never realized. But now he was doing it. 71 years old, not exactly in the prime of life, and at last Jicade was getting around to doing something he'd always wanted to do. How often do you hear that story? Pretty often, actually. Boy, it sure was tiring, though.

Jicade found himself soon in a wide stretch of relatively flat terrain. The planet had granted respite upon him. Jicade moaned and cricked his back, then removed his staff from its position impaled in the slope he was just climbing and returned it to his side as a walking stick. He waddled forward gleefully, in pain, but also experiencing relief. He hummed to himself in his slow stride and bent occasionally to pick a flower or a particularly long blade of grass and add it to his collection.

As Jicade wandered carelessly and merrily through the forest, picking flowers and exotic leaves and putting them in his bag, he happened across a particularly large and beautiful flower, just underneath a fairly large and heavily-dressed wolf-rhinoceros who appeared to be leaning over a fallen bird, which, from the looks of things, had just been cut loose from a cooking apparatus, as she had a rope tied around her, and there was another rope just above her, hanging over a fire. Beside the scene was a badly-burnt bear lying unconscious on the ground. Beside the beast was a bow.

"Pardon me," Jicade said absentmindedly as though nothing were going on before reaching underneath the wolf-rhinoceros to take the flower. He picked it and continued along his way, humming, but happened to drop his bag from the top of his staff, which opened, releasing everything in it. Using his staff to prevent knee injury, he knelt down to retrieve his belongings.

Wait, what on Aeon did he just witness?

Jicade looked back up and abandoned his fallen belongings, save for his staff. "Is everything quite alright here?" he asked as he worriedly aproached the wolf-rhinoceros. Had you happened upon a scene such as this, I'm sure you'd be worried, too.
"I--" Orion said being paused with his leg as if he was about to take a step. He looked down and saw that the pause was caused by a small monkey in a shell. He looked back at Flecker for a second then back to the monkey. "What do you need?" He asked turning his neck to see him.
Jicade smiled, observing that Orion seemed to have everything under control. "Pardon the intrusion," he replied. He turned around to walk away, but then changed his mind. That was rather rude of him, now that he came to think of it. He ought to do at least something to help in order to make up for it.

Jicade impaled the ground with his staff and leapt over it with a brief "ook" vocalization, using it as a brisk way to get to his fallen belongings. He rummaged through them and found the flower he was looking for, one with thin, bright-orange petals and sharp thorns. He had found it in Raze, growing plentifully near a swamp. He wrapped his tail around it, interlacing between the thorns, then hopped back over his staff, drew it from the ground, and held out his tail. "Tell your friend here to grind this flower into water and spread it on her wounds. It works wonders on burns. Mind the thorns." The tortoise-monkey left the flower on the ground, gathered his belongings, and began to walk off again, humming to himself.
While Lilica had initially decided to ignore the general and vice general every now and then she couldn't help but poke her muzzle out from where she was and take a peek at them. She tried for a while to listen to a mild conversation mostly being carried out by the vice general, though most of the time it was silent. Normally Lilica appreciated the silence having spent most of her life in it but now she was nervous. Perhaps it was knowing that there were other people near her. Sighing softly to herself she started to eat a fruit that she had found that had fallen from a tree. Licking her lips of the juice she briefly glanced over at the other two campers. Whimpering a bit she nudged a fruit with her nose, though it didn't get very far. She did this several times until she found herself considerably out of her hiding place.
Aleu heard the thud and rushed over to where it was, but there was nothing there. "Hey Aleu! I found her!" Cameron yelled. Aleu looked around, thinking that she heard her name called. "Aleu?" Cameron asked, but Aleu wasn't to be found. "Just retrace your steps." THe wolf told herself. Soon, she found herself next to Lilica. "Hey! I remember you! You're the wolf that my friend fell on top of! I'm Aleu!"
"Wolf?" Lilica repeated, her ears flattening a bit on her head. There were more people in the clearing than she had realized. "Um, hello Aleu. My name is Lilica." she said in response, a bit uncomfortable. Clearing her throat she nudged the fruit over to Aleu. "Here, I have plenty of fruit. I was going to give this to the general over there, but you look pretty hungry too..." She felt hot underneath her fur, never good in social situations.
Aleu looked at Lilica, surprised. "Hi Lilica! Uh.... why'd you freak out when I said wolf? Are you one? Or are you a dog?" SHe looked at the fruit, and then at the General. "I don't need any food, I just had some. That general guy looks pretty fierce, he deserves the food." She smiled.
"I'm not a wolf..." Lilica answered, lowering her head a bit. "I'm an iriomote cat," Her ears flicked a bit. "And a lionhead rabbit." She self consciously patted at the soft fur around her neck and then nodded her head. "If you say so." she said, nodding her head once more in regards to Aleu, and then going back to nudging the fruit along the ground.
Her whimpering turned into howling. When the person that was carrying her shook, her eyes popped open. She hopped off of him and stood in shock of all the bodies that lay around. She panicked and sprinted off, and climbed to the very top of the nearest tree.
Flecker looked at the stranger, then at the flower he placed. She didn't think she had a burn on her, did she? Turning her head, she let out an embarrassed yelp. Her tail feathers were gone, just charred little stubs of the feathers they had been. With an upset look in her eyes, she glared at the bear creature, talons making lines in the dirt. "I so don't get paid enough for this...." She grumbled, feathers and scales ruffling up. "Honestly, can I peck his brain out now?" Though it was a joking statement, the idea made her a little bit happier.
The 1st General looked over to Lilica rolling fruit over to them. He stood and came over to greet her with his vice General. "Hello." He greeted and bowed looking down at her with a slightly cold look that seemed natural on him. "Hows it going." The vice General spoke up beside him with a smile and a wave.


Before she had time to see his face again the second General was already in the tree with her. "There is no reason to be alarmed. We only want to help." He said on the branch above her. "Whats your name?' He held out his paw to get her down from the tree.
Lilica looked up at the general and nodded her head. "Hello," she said in response, also looking over to the vice general. "I have picked too much fruit and was bringing some over to offer to you." she said quietly, looking more at the general than the vice.
"Thank you very much." The General looked at the fruit and picked it up with his paw. "Would you like a bite?" He looked down at the vice General with his paw extended offering it to her. "Thank you." She said cheerfully to the both of them as she took a small bite from the fruit. "Mmm its really good." Her cheeks turned blush and she sat down enjoying her bite of fruit. The General took a larger bite from the fruit. He chewed and swallowed as he normally would. "Thank you once again. Do you have a good place to sleep?" He asked looking over at the bush. "We have more then enough over here." He nodded over to the large blanket and tent.
Lilica looked back over to the brush where she'd made a small bed for herself from fallen leaves and even had a contained fire going. "Ah..." she murmured, looking over to the tent. "You two are certainly prepared." She mulled the option over in her brain, a bit hesitant at the thought of staying longer with them when she had only intended this as a sort of goodwill offering to establish peace in the clearing. "I suppose if it really is alright with you I wouldn't mind lodging with you tonight." She finally answered.
"Flynt needs another to talk to anyway." The General said walking toward the bush. "Come we will help you carry your things." He said. "Hey!" The Vice General hopped to her feet and went to his side looking back at Lilica. "You coming?" She smiled hopping up onto the General's back.
Lilica nodded her head at the comment about the vice general needing someone to talk to, though she didn't say anything in response. "Yes, I'm coming." she said, choosing to walk beside the general as they made their way to the brush. She put the strap of her pouch around her neck and then began to put out the fire.
Orion turned back to Flecker with his head down. "I'm sorry i let you get hurt. I was careless." He said to her with a soft voice. "I know I'm hard to put up with but i really don't want you to get upset or hurt." He sighed not used to saying sorry like this.
Flecker looked at him, with his head down, and felt her tiny heart flutter. Hoping closer to him, she nuzzled the side of his face with her own. " You could have just said something..." She responded in a quiet voice.
Aleu followed Lilica and then at the General. "He's rude!" She whispered to herself and walked towards Cameron. "Rose!" She cried and licked the wolf's forehead. Rose woke with a start. "What? When? Where?"
Orion raised his paw and hugged Flecker. Then he raised his head clearing his throat. "Shall we head off then?" He turned his head a little embarrassed. "Night will be here soon. I'm sure the others are camping out somewhere." He said.
jumbu walked in to starks private room where it was dark and smoky "stark why did you attack aurora if you dont mind me asking" jumbu sitting in the doorway looking at start laying on the floor with multiple candles lit around him

stark signed and opened his eyes and turned his head around to look at jumbu "twisted is my only friend...jumbu i dont have much time anymore...we haft to prepare him for the rest of the flames" stark started to cough violently. jumbu jumped up and aproached stark "stop!!!" stark yelled at jumbu as he got his coughing under control. he got up and walked to the balcony of his room looking down at a massive war camp "prepare the men to move out the sencond part of my plan will start soon"

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