Planet Aeon RP


Senior Member

Chapter 1

Far away on a planet much like earth, there was a world ruled by animals. These animals were strong and proud being given the gifts of the elements them selves.

These powers were not given to all, they were passed on through the strongest and most willed of animals and then passed on through their kin.

This brings us to a small animal camp Aurora on the cliff side of beautiful Mt. Kana where the Elder "wolf mother Mana." was on her last day of the living.

She brought all the gifted elemental users together and told them they must grow to be the pride of their land and become powerful symbols to all who see them. with her pale white coat shining in the light she said to all who could hear. "My will and the will of the village rest on your capable shoulders, i am proud to have seen you all grow so strongly." a few moments past and she died leaving the camp without an Elder and a hungry Alobear (bears with alligator skin) bandit clan at their doors.


Twisted walked out of the cave where the elder called all the animals. He thought to himself why he even went in not being a part of the village. He pondered to himself about what the wolf mother said about the will of her and the village so he decided to go and ask the villagers himself. Proudly walking down the path toward the village Twisted looked down to the village and was somewhat humbled by the view of the peaceful village.

Twisted arrived at the village gate not to long after and saw some small children playing as he past by it. peeking beneath his hood he tried to find a mature villager so he may ask about the village. After a few moment of looking he decided to simply go on with his day walking slowly around the village.
Jak was sure that the gang leaders who had been after him were finally off his trail. he ended up in this small little village with a bunch of little huts. much different from the clay houses he was familiar with. So Jak thought he would have a look around. when all of a suden. GRRRRRR, his belly starts growling. and that when he spotted the apple stand. so after climbing on top of the adjacent hut he lowers him self down by his tale and grabs a bag of apples. the shopkeep notices this and starts chasing Jak. after running over huts and through bushes he finaly gets away when. WAACK. he runs strait into this big ass wolf in a hood just standing there. the wolf didn't budge as Jak was laid out on his back before springing off his tale.

-Hey watch wear you walking you big lug.
Twisted felt his tail thud against something as he walked. He heard someone talk to him telling him to watch where he was walking. He turned his head to the left to look behind him and tilted his head just enough to look with his eye. Twisted's eye was a pure golden yellow and his pupil was like a predator looking for the kill. He said to the monkey "Sorry would be the right thing for you to say!" as he caught and stared into the monkey's eye.
stark took a quick look around the town seing not very many modern buildings or electronics what he was mainly looking for wasw a doctor. on his way into town he ran across some alobears and took some damage to his leg. he managed to cover the the wound up with his armor but the blood was starting to drip nown his leg and onto the ground. stark started to walk granging at the pain looking for any sign of a doctor and sees two animals fighting a monkey like creature and another wolf." same in every town i guess" stark walks threw them
"Hey... Hey Rose? Why did the cow cross the road?" Cameron asked his sister. Rose rolled her eyes. "Enough with the jokes!" She growled. Cameron laughed, then put his head down to Aleu's ear. "Boss-y" The two wolves giggled. "Shut up!" Rose said with attitude. A smirk grew across Cameron's face. "Make me!" He ran infront of the two wolves, then disappeared. "Cameron?" Aleu asked, her voice shaken with fear. Rose ran to where Cameron disappeared and skidded to a stop right before she fell down a hill. "Oh great!" she muttered then picked Aleu up and put her on her back. "Hold on!" With that, Rose jumped into the air, did a flip, and landed on the ground next to Cameron. "That was fun!" Cameron said, his fur tattered. Aleu jumped off Rose's back, then shivered. "It's cold here." SHe remarked, and Cameron cocked his head. "It's perfect temperature? Are you okay?" Rose pressed up against Aleu, trying to make her warmer. "Where are we?" She asked Cameron.
Before Jak had a chance to respond Twisted noticed an injured wolf pass through. Having medical supplies Twisted said to the large wolf "Hey if you need medical attention please allow me to treat you." He took his eyes away from Jak and moved to face the stranger. Twisted took out a pouch with some liquid in it and some bandages and notioned to the wolf to come be treated.
"if you think you can help go ahead"stark turns to the other wold and looks at the monkey. "is that your dinner" stark looked at jak like he was a peice on meat. his mouth started to water as he imagened all the things that he could make jak into for a meal
"He isn't MY dinner" he shrugged. "Do what you will with him, but after i have treated you" Twisted said as he pushed the pouch to the wolf. "Puncture and drink this medicine it will help you heal faster." he said as he started to wrap the strangers wounds with the bandage. "Those are some nasty wounds how does one happen to get them may i ask?" He asked wile in the middle of tightly bandaging.
"well when i was coming in a happened to walk by some alobears and lets say me ignoring there threats didnt make them too happy with me 4 against 1 and all i got was this wound not a bad day" stark bites down on the pouch and hold the pack in his mouth untill its gone then spits it on the ground. "what is your name by the way stranger"
"Sounds like a good time indeed. My name is Twisted from claw clan. What mite yours be?" He said as he finished the last bandage with a tight tug.
he sits on the wounded leg feeling no pain "that some really good bandage work stark im traveling from isel"
"Thank you, I have been trained in medical science." Twisted said to Stark as he stretched his wings and sat down to. "What brings you from Isel? Its quite a distance to travel all alone like that." he asked with a relaxed tone.
dread sat on the ground and looked at twisted. "im looking for my own version of home i geuss you could say somewhere to settle down have a few pups nothing really ellaberate just got tierd of fighting rich peoples wars for them so i left my family in isel and ive been wondering ever sence then". stark looks around the town. "judging by the state of affairs here why are you staying alobear bandits and hells knows what else"
"Truth is that im a bounty hunter. I hunt the more notorious animals. Right now Im just in between jobs seeing the sights taking down a few bandits here and there, you know the usual stuff." Twisted chuckled under his breath. "I was actually going to go handle those Alobears a little later. If you would like to repay the favor of your wounds maybe you would like to join me? They have a small bounty that i don't need I am sure you could put it to use on your travels." He said with a small smirk on his face.
stark jumps up and grins. "sounds like a plan im up for some alobear hunting" dread looks at his wound "pay back is a B***h you know what im talking about"
Twisted smirks and stands up. "Well then shall we" He gestures to the town exit in the direction of the bandit camp. "This will probably be an easy payday for us so lets try not to get injured." He said as he walked off in the direction of the camp.
stark follows twisted out of town in the direction of the bandits camp "so ever fought an alobear before" stark looked at twisted waiting for his answer
"Not really but i bet they couldn't be worse then a Viperion, not those things are scary" Twisted shivered at the thought of the old bounty he hauled in. "But hey if worse comes to worse I am sure we could book it out of there between the both of us." he said positively as they left the village and onto the path toward the camp. "It will probably take an hour walking. Are you ok to run for 15 minutes?" He asked Stark.
Stark laughed then run past twisted . "hurry up twisted your getting outrun by someone with a bum leg" stark laughs and keeps running dodging through the trees. Stark stop sniffinf out three other dogs then looks at twisted. "hey you smell that twisted...not alobears but 3 other dgos or wolfs cant really tell im smelling alobears as well"
Twisted spread his wings and took flight into the air. "Yes i smell them." he said wile taking a glance through the trees. "I see a few wolfs to the top left of us about a minute out and some Alobears to our front heading toward them about 2 minutes out. We need to get to those wolfs before they get hurt hurry!" Twisted flapped his wings hard and soared toward the 3 animals. "I hope we get there in time they don't seem to have a strong aura coming from them and Alobears are known to kill anything in there way" He rushed.
"ill distract the bears get them out and then come back to help me" stark charges in the direction of the alobears charging up his lightning up for a large blast. "lets see how you like this" electricity is shooting off of stark bruning the ground and setting the trees on fire that it touchs. stark jumps in the air and sees the alobears and shoots one giant lightning bolt at them
The 4 Alobears that were headed toward the young wolfs stopped in their tracks to see a large bolt of lightning headed toward them. The lead Alobear quickly summoned his earth power and made a rock armor over his body then he raised his hand and halted the large blast with little but a flinch. The others in the group were shocked and amazed by their leaders courage and strength so they formed up behind him and awaited battle.

Twisted didn't question Starks power for a second as he headed to save the young wolfs. He arrived at their location and yelled out to them. "Your in danger we need to get you away from here!" He yelled out.
right when stark hit the ground he started running in circles around the group of alobears stay far enough to be hard to spot in the prush but close enough to send random attacks at the bears to distract them. "dam he blocked that one pritty easy" dread starts to launch balls of lighting at the group in random intervals to try and confuse the bears
The bears took a circle formation as the lead bear roared with his might and slammed his fists together and then to the ground making the earth form around them like a wall. "This pup still has much to learn!" The lead bear roared as he slammed his foot to the ground feeling the position of starks feet. He then put his arms to his sides and raised them in small periods of time causing earth to shoot up at Stark from below. Many of these attacks missed by a few feet but the odd one would come up directly underneath Stark as he ran.
stark dodges the attacks figuring he most feel his foot steps threw the earth. "cant dodge them forever" stark jumps into the and runs on the branchs shoots trees at random causing them to his the ground and cause vibrations. "twisted now would be a good time to hurry". stark thought to himself he would use his most powerful attack to date and set a new course straight for the wall charging a giant ball of lightning a few feet from the wall stark smiles. the ball shoots out small blades that melt right threw the rock starks plan is to impale them and make the dome there coffin.

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