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Fantasy Plague and Fyre (Interest Check)

If I find time tonight, I'll find it online. But I'm on mobile for the next few hours, so it'll be a little while. ;3
Tzun said:
And what is that, my dear?
I'm pretty sure it's entirely irrelevant since your idea sorta works quite well and has a cohesion that I'm sure you intend to relate to the plot.

But..... well, since you asked... hrg. it's too complicated to explain all at once. The only significance is that darkness similarity, too. Though the whole point of the darkness in my story, aside from the health effects, was its closeness with fire. Duality and all that. The worship center was a volcano, which is liquid fire. But this same volcano spread ash over the atmosphere, clouding the world over in darkness. The people believe that the volcano will one day return the sun to the sky, and, benighted in their knowledge, know not that it is from the volcano that their lives are so cursed.

Then there's one magic, and a hate of water. Lotsa of natural imagery and plot devices. Long story short, I love the darkness idea, and think it's a lot of fun, and might be able to transfer some stuff from my Volcano plot into a character or culture or something.

((Also, as always, I wanna be a knight *^ * is there any religion in this world? Culture culture government government gimme gimme x) ))
Killigrew said:
I'm pretty sure it's entirely irrelevant since your idea sorta works quite well and has a cohesion that I'm sure you intend to relate to the plot.
But..... well, since you asked... hrg. it's too complicated to explain all at once. The only significance is that darkness similarity, too. Though the whole point of the darkness in my story, aside from the health effects, was its closeness with fire. Duality and all that. The worship center was a volcano, which is liquid fire. But this same volcano spread ash over the atmosphere, clouding the world over in darkness. The people believe that the volcano will one day return the sun to the sky, and, benighted in their knowledge, know not that it is from the volcano that their lives are so cursed.

Then there's one magic, and a hate of water. Lotsa of natural imagery and plot devices. Long story short, I love the darkness idea, and think it's a lot of fun, and might be able to transfer some stuff from my Volcano plot into a character or culture or something.

((Also, as always, I wanna be a knight *^ * is there any religion in this world? Culture culture government government gimme gimme x) ))
Religion is not widespread and varies by region and village. If you have an idea for a religion, feel free. Government is generally a capitalist or advanced feudal system.
Preferably a caravan guard, possibly an ex-bandit or something along those lines. Some minor skill in alchemical skills, but mostly just in it for the spiky mace and the cool outfit xD
Ahhhh all I did was leave to go play Borderlands omg
What kinda characters are ya looking for, Tzun? Innocent and malleable? Twisted and intelligent? Ruthless and ignorant? Weak or strong-willed? 0: what best fits the central plot of plague?
Well, imagine a caravan of doctors, merchants, alchemists, bards, migratory workers, they need guards, chefs, stable boys... It's a moving community. The characters that I am looking for are the ones you want to make, and best fit the role you choose to take in the caravan. I say that it'd be wise for you to think of what sort of role you want to take, and create a basis or backstory for said character, and determine what has created them, as they are a product of their environment. Don't create a set of traits, and base their past around that, go the other way around, and more interesting characteristics will arise.
I want to see Killi someone play the "Ruthless but Refined"-type, following their own set of morals, acting the upright and outstanding citizen, but only as it benefits themselves xD aww heck, maybe I'll make that into my character, I have so many ideas and never know which to choose from xD

Thank you. But srsly, you did say this was gonna be a dark and involved plot. Having characters thatd be oblivious to the complexities would be no good, right? What strictly wouldn't work?

EDIT: haha, sticky. Maybe I will. I'm kinda uncertain all around though. There's a lotta different characters ive had to scrap recently and wanna try out.
Well, that still depends on the character, if that's who your person is, never taught right from wrong, never had proper schooling or parents to assist in teachings of common sense, then sure, by all means, do it!

My only thing is... This is not an anime. There are so many involved and deep plots that I wish to go about, but are always ruined by

*Tackles and pokes so and so* "Wow, how Kawaii!!!!" bullshit. It really is the bane of my existence... So if you have any ideas, toss em at me, I'd love to help see if that's a good fit for the plot.
Well, I have a pretty solid idea for my character, now I just need to sleep on it and figure out the details when it's not 1:30 am xD if there's any way I can support this, lemme know, I always have a myriad of creative ideas, whether they are useful or not is for you to decide xD
Well, the IC was just posted, gonna work on the character sheets and stuff really quick, then head to bed.
Yeah, just drop a link to it here, if you don't mind? :)
Okay, so, the real question. To track hit points and damage or to not track hit points and damage?
Well, I didn't notice any stats denoting Strength or Damage, so if we include the hitpoints, we may have to come up with an entire system to calculate changes in said hitpoints, including different damage types and what they are affected by. They would also have to vary by character, due to variations from person to person, I would almost suggest a %hp system and have the amount they are reduced by vary according to defenses.

E.g. Burly the Strong Man is at 100% health and Skimpy the Merchant Dude is also at 100%. Both get hit by an arrow (two different ones) in the same way, Burly's hp is now 80%, but Skimpy is down to 65% due to having less constitution to soak up that hit. Armour could be multiplicative, Burly has a Fortitude of 4, Skimpy's is 1. They are both wearing an armor rated at "5 fort", so Burly gets 20 fort point (Fort x ArmourFort=4x5), but Skimpy still only has 5 fort points (""=1x5). So, an arrow attack that would take them both down to 60%, Burly blocks 20 damage points, but Skimpy only blocks 5. I know this is a lot of kooky stat math, but this way, attacks can be rolled/caclulated separately and reduced by a flat amount per person, and varying skills can add or subtract to these :)

But, this also opens up tons of avenues for different playstyles and abilities. Think about all the customization you could have; "Acid damage eats through X armour, all attacks for the next Z-amount of rounds do X bonus damage", "Fire damage deals X damage per round that your character is aflame, spend one turn putting the fire out with your hands, or in half-a-turn if an amount of water is available", stuff like that is always fun for a DM/GM to toy with :3
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I have a d10 system that @Tzun might be able to modify and use. LINK

It's not perfect, though. It doesn't cover additional factors like specific weaponry and armor.

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