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Fantasy Plague and Fyre (Interest Check)

In this setting, is gunpowder/alchemist's "black powder" invented yet? In other words, are muskets or simple muzzle-loading rifles invented or even plausible, or would that be totally out-of-setting?

Reason I ask, was considering character types, and found this one intriguing:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1427690814.260763.jpg.89c1dae26c94c51577dcb3f31df0d0aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1427690814.260763.jpg.89c1dae26c94c51577dcb3f31df0d0aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If not plausible, I have quite a few other ideas I'm more than happy to use instead :)



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I ship it. But the load times and resources needed for it, as well as the aiming and firing mechanisms would be very prone to fault, and may backfire, as it will be early tech. But yeah, go for it.
Interesting, I'll take that into consideration :3 might go with another character type anyway, just because I found a ton of awesome pics and I can't decide which to use xD
Didn't mean to sway you from it, just warn you that it will be very difficult to use, but definitely very powerful.

if this is 1500s

Didn't say this was 1500's! I'll just allow very simple muskets in this one case. But they totally aren't going to be widespread technology.
Agreed, Tzun, I knew you weren't trying to talk me out of it, I just can't decide what stereoform I want to fit my character into. xD I also don't want to be "that special guy/girl who's the only one with a gun", I hate being that guy who always has a leg up on everyone, so I may impose my own setbacks for it. Still considering if I want a full-on guard type with the rifle and all, or stoop to a brigand who firmly believes fists are good for what ails ya xD
Oh, no, don't get me wrong, you won't be too leg upped, you'll get drawbacks out the asshole, don't worry. But yes, there certainly are rapiers, any sorts of crudgels and cutlery are certainly allowed.
Hey Tzun, you should edit your first post on the character sheet page to include the link to your Stat System at the top/bottom of it. Might help any potential players if they knew how to stat themselves, eh? xD
Also, what is the Weapon Bonus for calcing CTH? Is that the +1 on the end of the weapon damage?
I posted it in the overview, which is more and generally first read, instead of the character sheet. ;)
Stickdom said:
Also, what is the Weapon Bonus for calcing CTH? Is that the +1 on the end of the weapon damage?
Yes. So a weapon's bonus is both added into the chance to hit and the damage.
What would you suggest be a natural armour bonus for someone who has Barkskin but doesn't wear other armours? I was thinking 3 would be a nice flat number, not too much, but not skimpily weak either xD Did some research, found the page, regular Barkskin only gives a +2 armour (using the Pathfinder system), but since I have other bonus effects, I'll prolly just make it 1
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Well, barkskin is either going to be alchemical or Mage armor. So you'll have to use a spell or drink a potion every time battle comes around, but I'd recommend that to be an additional armor bonus, and you just wear plate.
It's not so much a spell as it is a condition. I put it under my character's skills because I didn't know where else to put it, but it's inherent to the character, like yours' leprosy.

Besides, I'm building a monk-type that can't use armour or lose the ability to move and hit well at all, so the plate becomes useless. I'll figure out how to balance it, I may just drop the armor bonus all together in exchange for the other abilities with it, it's already got some great features.
Well, a skill isn't something that's necessarily something adopted. He has leprosy so that he can get the third skill. Barkskin isn't a skill that's adopted, it's learned through magic. But if you're going a monk type, and want some evasion, then go ahead and put in acrobatics as a skill, as it can be learned and trained in, and it will increase your chances to not take any damage.
Well, I have a certain type of monk I'm going for, I'll just send you a link to the google doc when I'm done, and you can approve it there or suggest changes.
Okay. I'm just saying, that it's not something that can be learned. It's adopted by an external force, rather than it being inherent.
What is the "1/2" bonus on Chance to hit? it that "one-half" or "1 to 2" or..? I just didn't understand where we were getting fractions from for these xD
Ah, sorry. That's 1 and 2 handed weapons. You get a +1 for 1 handed and +2 for 2 handed.
Aha, thanks, makes sense :)

EDIT: Though, if one-handed weapons are faster than two-handed (presumably, regarding weight), wouldn't they be swapped, one-handed weapons get a +2 and two-handed get a +1? Or, even more extreme, maybe give 2-handers a negative# (-1; -2) since they are so unwieldy?
So, I fear I may have made a grave mistake. I have been reading the skills section as the "abilities" section for quite some time now, and have several well-plotted abilities that I now have no place to put them. My Character does not have a high enough Will to cast spells yet, but these are physical feats or traits that are not magically based. Where would I categorize them? I'm leaving the link to my CS here so you can look over it, as I feel it may help you understand the direction I'm trying to go with my character: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ZWJ6qEPTnPCv4Y1i7golfoG0Ng44pRwZupzsZp_p5M/edit?usp=sharing

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