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Fandom Piyo town [ A Rune Factory rp] (open)

The Crimson Queen
Quintessa Wynn Nightfall
no thanks, i’m gouda

“UGH… Sticky, icky cheese. The smell… Disgusting. Eating a pile of stinky bacteria, and happily at that. Blech! I just don’t get it…”
Quinn muttered under her breath as she set up her booth to sell batches of half a dozen cheese croissants, much later than other vendors.
“I hope pulling this all nighter baking with a clothespin on my friggin’ nose was worth the trou—”


Quinn’s sentence was left hanging while she observed the accident unfold before her eyes, galvanizing her in place. She had been so caught up in her tirade about people’s incomprehensible cheesy obsession that she didn’t even register the panic increasing among the villagers as the dark trail of smoke cut through the otherwise calm skies. She instinctively ran towards the wreck, but when she recognized the ship’s emblem before it disappeared consumed by flames, she stopped dead in her tracks. The Empire…? Oh crap.

Fear took a hold of her, one of her memories briefly flashed before her eyes. Soldiers coming after her, shining swords brandished high, reflecting the torches’ bright flames. The screams, fire, darkness, pain… and then, blood. So much blood. On the ground, on her clothes, on her lips…

Snapping back into reality, Quinn got closer to the crash site, but not too close; maybe there was nothing to worry about, yet she preferred to keep her distance juuust in case, assisting folks on the shoreline to the best of her abilities. All the while, her eyes darted around, praying that no soldiers would suddenly leap out of the forest to pin her down and take her away to the capital.

Location: festival > crash site

Tags: open to interactions

Code By Nano

The Blacksmith
Alexander Rainier
Any time we can save lives, we should do it.
First aid kit, check. Leather gear, check. Hammer, check. The forge’s fire has been put out. Alright, no time to waste.

Alex bolted out of the shop as fast as he could towards the ship. With the weight of his gear came the weight of guilt, as the young man regretted not leaving sooner for the festival. He was simply hoping to enjoy a cup of tea on his balcony upstairs before getting a move on... and it just so happened that said balcony faced the side of the forest where the ship could be seen rapidly plummeting. At least, being at home meant he could don his blacksmithing gear, which could be put to good use; Alex had never been intimidated by flames, although he very much knew the material was not entirely fireproof.

He was already sweating profusely by the time he made it to the crash site. Not too far away, a familiar face: Miyuki. Alex ran to them and spoke between bouts of panting, struggling to catch his breath despite his tedious daily workouts. He hadn’t really paid attention to pacing, caught up in the adrenaline, and it showed, much to his very internalized embarrassment.
“Yuki…! What the… hell is going on…?!”

His stomach sank when his eyes landed on all the clear indicators of a Sechs airship… in the lake. Tch, so much for fireproofing. Seeing a few villagers plunge into the water, including the town’s mermaid, made Alex feel quite powerless. He was a decent swimmer, sure, but the sensation of soggy clothes on his person made him want to crawl out of his skin. He thought it awful to feel that way, there were lives at stake – but what good would he be if he started to have a panic attack underwater, in the middle of all those germs and bits of the ship… or, - God forbid - of people?

“I see Doctor Margaux over there… looks like he could use a few or a dozen extra pairs of hands. Are you, um, both coming?”
he asked Miyuki, looking at the fox in his friend’s arms.

Location: home > crash site

Tags: @The Prophet Ineptitude Ineptitude

Code By Nano
Last edited:
Monster Vet
Matthias Hertz
I realized while writing this post that I forgot to tag lucem in the previous post. ; - ; sorry it wasn’t on purpose!
Though the Monster Vet did tilt his head a little in confusion at the story, he nodded agreeably with a friendly smile. He wondered how the group of strangers managed to fall so far away from the flight (or crash?) path but figured it would be insensitive to pry right at the moment.

"I understand your concerns completely. Treating monsters is complex but treating humans has its own…complexity, I guess we can call it,"
he said with a sheepish smile that seemed to almost have a traumatized edge to it that quickly faded. As he led the group out of the woods with Wendy trailing obediently yet vigilantly behind them, he added,
"We do have an excellent town doctor. His name is Julian but I’m sure he is already at where your airship ended up crashing…"

He gave the group a quick look over without hovering too close with a contemplating look. None of them seemed too heavily injured that they would need immediate attention.
"Unless any of you have any urgent concerns, I can take you to our hospital first to set everyone up there to be treated while waiting for Julian to come back. Hopefully, no one got too badly hurt in the crash…"
Calliope wasn’t sure if the suggestion from Mister Miyake was intended to give her a distraction, but the werefox was grateful for it regardless. Her ears still gave an unintentional flinch whenever the other human made any sudden movements. However, the werefox started to calm down as she grabbed anything that seemed like it would be useful for the nurse as she trailed along with them up to the deck.

Along the way, though the lingering smoke still made her sneeze once or twice, it wasn’t as suffocating as she expected it to be. Still, the werefox was grateful when they finally made it to comparatively more fresh air on the deck of the airship. The edge of panic that was still lingering and prickling along her fur finally started to die down enough for her to follow the man with the axe without any more instinctive outbursts on her end.

Though she visibly hesitated as they neared two more strangers, especially the fleeting yet odd feeling that she got from one of them, she still followed the man with the axe onto the lifeboat. As she settled down gingerly in the lifeboat, she frowned when the smell of singed flesh still seemed to follow them despite being further away from the burning side of the airship. As she glanced briefly around, her eyes landed on the blackened skin of the human’s arms.

“You…” she started before trailing off in embarrassment, realizing that she doesn’t know his name. Still, she couldn’t let someone injured row the boat. No matter that she didn’t really tell if she could trust him fully. “Your injuries are more severe than mine. I’ll row us to shore. Give me the oars.”

“...Please.” She added as she belatedly realized she sounded a bit rude. But she still stubbornly gripped one of the oars, conveniently forgetting that she did get a head injury.


NAME. Calliope Blumenthal
OBJECTIVE. Steal oars for Cliff’s own good?
MOOD. Pensive
TAGGED. BriiAngelic BriiAngelic AI10100 AI10100 Coyote Hart Coyote Hart The Beebz The Beebz
Kikuchi Miyuki
Interactions: purplemarble purplemarble
Miyuki’s eyes locked onto the wreckage, and for a moment, everything else faded. The sight of the Sechs insignia dredged up memories they had long since tried to bury—rigid military lines, the cold efficiency of orders, the empty victories. They held Poncho in their arms a little tighter, almost as if trying to ground themselves in the present.

"Yuki…! What the… hell is going on…?!"

Miyuki turned at the sound of Alex’s voice, their usual playful demeanor having been stripped away by the raw shock of seeing a Sechs airship in such a disastrous state. But as Alex caught his breath, Miyuki forced themselves to recover, exhaling slowly. A touch of their signature flair crept back into their tone.

"The Sechs Empire," Miyuki muttered with an almost bitter edge, their lips curling slightly. "I suppose they still have a knack for causing trouble, even here."

But despite the attempt to sound nonchalant, Miyuki’s heart raced. This was too close to their past—too close to the life they had tried to leave behind. The flashes of metal, the acrid smoke—it all tugged at buried anxieties, making it hard to stay composed.

Poncho whimpered, and Miyuki let out a soft chuckle, stroking its fur in a gesture that almost seemed out of place amidst the chaos. “Don’t worry, baby,” they whispered. "We’ll be just fine."

Alex's voice broke through again, snapping Miyuki back to the present. Margaux. The villagers. Help. Right. Their instinct to perform kicked in, but there was no audience here to charm, no patrons to cater to. Just chaos. Still, they adjusted their posture, straightening up and forcing a more composed expression. After all, if there was one thing Miyuki was good at, it was playing the part that was needed.

"I’ll help," they said, though their voice faltered briefly. Glancing at the soaking villagers, their eyes narrowed. "Not much good standing around, right? But first…" They gave a pointed look at the fox in their arms. "I need to make sure this little guy doesn’t get trampled in the commotion."

Miyuki slowly placed Poncho onto the ground, and gave it a stern look. "Go find Emma, alright? Stay with her." Perhaps sensing the gravity of the situation, the fox was quick to follow their words.

They watched it scurry off into the distance for a bit before turning to face Alex once more. "Alright, let's go."

Hikaru Utada
Vignette pursed her lips before smoothing them out again — there was really no need; she was certain nobody was staring at her face — as the bristling pink-furred chef made a point that she hadn’t thought about until she reached the doctor. She had the supplies to fashion an impromptu gurney, but she had no knowledge of how to put them together properly. Knowing what a gurney looked like was different from knowing what was important in its construction, and she was certain that in her rush she would make some elementary mistake.

Even so, she heaved a sigh of relief after the doctor commended her efforts.
“I’m not sure if I should be pleased or concerned about the rest then.”

Grabbing the edge of the frame, she gingerly lifted it over to the spot Julian patted, careful not to tip it over onto the man himself. She hesitated, receiving no further instructions from the only one who knew what they were doing but decided that poles sticking straight up weren’t of use to anyone grabbing it. She certainly hadn’t seen any gurneys in the hospital with such columns. Bending over and stepping onto the rectangular roof frame, she carefully bent them downwards with her own weight into a malformed handle instead of a post. It helped that the flimsy structure wasn’t anything meant to be long-lasting, only something makeshift for the festival.

In between her possibly unneeded labour, she detected a whiff of familiar tobacco smoke. She thought she might’ve heard her name being called in her awkward dash to the convening point, but it had been so distant and faint she wasn’t sure if it was Nathalia. But now glancing up at the local dragon priest muttering nonsense towards the sky and townspeople gazing devoutly at her lazy form, she seemed to be doing just fine without her.

Similar to the hubbub around the priest, others, too, had joined Cana around the sinking metal contraption. It was a good sign that the crowd aboard the ship had found lifeboats from somewhere that Cliff was rowing — or not, Yongye was. Wait a moment. Yongye? She turned her head towards the pink fox beside her, then turned her head towards the pink fox-like blob in the boat.
“... You wouldn’t happen to know the one trying to row the boat, would you?”

Interactions }}
@The Prophet 🝯 Julian, @Nano 🝯 Yongye
Mentions }}
@LazyDaze 🝯 Nathalia, A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight 🝯 Yongye 2.0, Everyone around the ship


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