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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

Libra259 said:
"You could say that." A smile smirk dances on her face. "I wouldnt say full piracy if that makes sense." (Gtg my phones gonna die)
"Ahhhhh so you are a pirate?" Isabella asked with a smirk before finishing her drink and ordering another thinking cinder was just joking. "Well then first attractive pirate ive ever seen." She said to her with a wider smirk as her second drink came and she happily took a drink hopping to get drunk with cinder and have a good time


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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Black day slowly headed for the blockade on tortuga. "Theres a blockade sir!!" A man in the crows nest called to isabellas first mach which stared at the blockade coldly. "The royal navy better not give us troube or i wont hesitate to sink there puny blockage. Load the guns and moratars be prepared to obliterate that blockade!" The first mate called as he prepared to be boarded per usual blockade actions so that he may be spoken with by whoever was commanding the blockade in place of there commanding officer.
(How many guns does your Blackday have?)

(A normal gallion can carry about 30 on each side but hers is about two times the size and holds fifty guns on each side, nine chase cannons, four mortars, and five run cannons.)
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](A normal gallion can carry about 30 on each side but hers is about two times the size and holds fifty guns on each side, nine chase cannons, four mortars, and five run cannons.)

(The first rate ship you think is puny and is easy to brake has 60 cannons each side, 8 mortars, and 6 chase guns. Not to mention thats just a normal 1st rate ship, you'd be fuked if you tried taking on HMS Victory. But that's just if you wanted to start a gun fight, if you didn;t know most pirate hunters get service papers which is like a free pass if you get in trouble.)
David was getting pissed off now, he grabbed Emile and rammed his knee into Emile's stomach. "Enough of the lies boy, i would've heard the guns fire off and you wouldn't have even survived the barrage of guns if they were shooting you, plus they don't shoot unarmed vessels. I am tired of your malarkey boy give me something about you or you'll be kissing the bottom hull of the HMS Vanguard, which i mind you is the extremely large ship guarding the port, that would have shot you if you became a threat." he said to Emile who was now on the ground form the powerful kick. It was obvious David wasn't taking anymore damn lies. @LucianGrey7971
Emile spit up a bit of blood and started laughing at the boy. "Who the hell are you calling BOY~ See this is the problem with the military...You give them a little bit of power and they start abusing it almost immediately..."

( Where exactly are they?)

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Morbuskid said:
(The first rate ship you think is puny and is easy to brake has 60 cannons each side, 8 mortars, and 6 chase guns. Not to mention thats just a normal 1st rate ship, you'd be fuked if you tried taking on HMS Victory. But that's just if you wanted to start a gun fight, if you didn;t know most pirate hunters get service papers which is like a free pass if you get in trouble.)
(Gallions are the largest ships ever built in that time with the most cannons so by 1st rate you mean gallions or man o' wars. Frigates were never built to be able to hold that many cannons and mortars so a frigate against a gallion wouldnt end in the gallion being sunk. Frigates are the most common ships arround. And it was just incase the navy caused them trouble)
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(I love how all y'all keep going for more cannons and bulkier ships. Y'all all Badass in open water, but ain't nothing in craggy areas)
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The young girl perked up a little when she heard something about a thief. She almost panicked thinking someone was pointing her out, but realized the tone of the voice was calm, despite being rather loud. She bolted over to the general direction of the voice. "Hello?" Eliza took a few small steps forward, looking around her. She spotted a man who seemed to looking her general direction. "Was that you?" She had seen this man around before. Never really talked to him before, but he was a pirate from the looks of it. "Well, I guess I'll see what this is about... if it turns out to be trouble, I can always make a run for it...." Eliza said quietly to herself.

@Mr jake
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Jake heard a voice in his direction, He turned around to see a rather young girl in her teenage years. It startled Jake for a moment for the last time he met a teen there was death every were. "Hello ummm yes it was, you don't happen to know a theif do you?" He looked at the girl with curiosity. Jake thought about how she aproached him "Wait is she refering to herself?" @M2627 @Ballerina (im finally done with that concert thank the lord)
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Eliza chuckled a little. "Know a thief? Heh." She relaxed a little. So far there was no reason to run. "I can do you one better than that. I AM a thief." The young girl smiled a little. Finally, something to do!! "Most people know me as Puss in Boots. Who are you?" Eliza looked the man. Definitely pirate. She wondered about the woman nearby in the water, but dismissed the thought for the meantime. "What would you want with a thief?" This could actually be fun, she thought with another small smile.
"Well sort of im not the pirate that you might think I am, I steal for the rich give to he poor and keep some for myself, im a gentleman Pirate, so un other words I dont drink or kill for no reason" Jake said this with a happy tone, He loved to give explanation about things. "What would I do with a theif" he reapeted this phrase several times."I wonder well..... ill tell you, I need to raid a wealthy mans house for money so I can make my next invention. @M2627
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"A gentleman pirate. Interesting words." Eliza decided the guy wasn't too bad and worthy of some trust. She was especially curious as to what this invention was. What could be so expensive? "You invent things? What's this invention of yours called?" Eliza nodded slightly when she heard the sentence about breaking into a house. "Fortunately, breaking into places is my speciality. Just how risky is this, though? I don't want to get caught or anything."
"The Invention I'm not going to tell you that until I know you won't run off and tell someone" Jake looked to behind him to make sure no one was listening to their conversation "Well I was Thinking about going to port royal" He had a smile on his face "This will be fun..... I have been there once or twice and those people or practically bathing in money" Jake thought about the people he saw last time, He despised people that kept money for there selfs. He got a shiver just thinking about it.

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"Port Royal, huh? Never been there. But it sounds like a dream come true for a thief." Eliza commented in slight awe. All of that money for the taking... She could get cakes and books with it! "Ooh!! Imagine all the neat stuff I could get my hands on!!" The young girl was clearly excited now. "I'm in!!! When do we leave?!" Eliza couldn't stay still, she was fidgeting on the spot. "This is going to be soooo fun!!!!" A huge smile was on her face.
M2627 said:
"Port Royal, huh? Never been there. But it sounds like a dream come true for a thief." Eliza commented in slight awe. All of that money for the taking... She could get cakes and books with it! "Ooh!! Imagine all the neat stuff I could get my hands on!!" The young girl was clearly excited now. "I'm in!!! When do we leave?!" Eliza couldn't stay still, she was fidgeting on the spot. "This is going to be soooo fun!!!!" A huge smile was on her face.
The mermaid under the dock was also excited to go stealing stuff, resulting in a few small but unusual ripples in the water.
M2627 said:
Eliza jumped slightly when she heard splashing water. Was someone spying on them?!? She looked around quickly to see ripples coming from one point in the water. "Who or what in the..." The girl was confused. How could someone say under the water that long? Eliza stared at the spot, slightly panicking. She said nothing else, just looking.

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