Pesterchum [OOC Discussion] [Sburb Beta 0.1.2.]

I do still think self-prototyping is something that, mechanically speaking, could be dealt with. It'd just be (depending on the other prototyping applied) something that constituted a small to large mechanical benefit, plus a handful of things to implement on a roleplaying standpoint. Heck, mechanically speaking, the chief effects of it aren't even really an issue until later. Sure you've got a tiger by the tail in a way, but it's not something you have to deal with until you've got tiger.

As an example: TimMothy would probably gain the ability to fly, but also an uncontrollable attraction to bright lights. The first could be dealt with primarily from a roleplay standpoint. The second could be treated as a sort of always-on debuff that reduced his defense in the presence of such lights as they distract him from his own protection.
I suppose. If you're okay with it, ToW, then I guess you can go for it, Sunder. I just didn't want to slight Thief by saying no to him and yes to you.
Eh. Alpha timeline crap. As much as I'd had (and still sort of do have) my heart set on it initially for reasons I can't actually articulate, I can still understand your reasons for not wanting to roll with it for Iris. Even if I still think it's fitting with her aspect's more literal potential interpretation.

People change their minds on things, and I have Iris to get my disappointment out of my system on that point. :tongue:

Besides it sort of fits the set of images that Ione found in her temple if Tim had self-prototyped. Besides, there's nothing to say a doomed-timeline Iris didn't self-prototype at some point. It just might only ever show up in relation to Isaac's land or powers.

EDIT for @Unbridled Originality: Rambling on made me forget my point: Roll with it for Tim.
Alright, so in case it's gone unnoticed, this RP hasn't updated in a while.

I have a pretty severe case of depressive-type bipolar disorder, and I hit a major depressive state just as the school year started up. Between getting out of bed and trudging to campus, I just don't have the energy to keep up with running multiple RPs at this time, so I'm paring it down to just this one. Posting will resume on a normal, if somewhat less rapid, schedule. The Act 2 Pause is hereby declared officially over.
Hadn't realized all I lacked was a Gumption roll. :confused:

EDIT: is it weird that I eventually picture Iris recruiting in a manner not unlike Eddy did in Brutal Legend?
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