Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Kaede groaned loudly, staggering to her feet. Ayomide's healing had helped somewhat, but she could still feel a dull, painful ache in her chest.

Cracked rib I expect. Damn that shadow- I should have seen that attack coming. Shouldn't have let my guard drop.

Kaede spotted her sword lying on the ground beside her, her Evoker a shot distance from that. As the jumbled, adrenaline fuelled memories of the fight ordered themselves in her mind, she clenched her teeth in a cold, hard, fury. Kaede bent and retrieved her weapons. Glancing around. Ayomide stood nearby, looking just as angry. Kaede reckoned she knew the source.

Get in line- he's mine first.

Kaede spotted Sai clutching a crossbow and talking to Toru. Slipping her sword in its sheath, she advanced on the guy while his back was turned to her.

I'm going to punch that guy right in the face. I won't be a good punch- tired and hurt as I am, but it's going to make his night so much worse...

As she drew close however, Sai bent double, sliding to the floor. Kaede prodded his back with the toe of her combat boot. A small part of her was proud she'd resisted the urge to give him a good kick.

"Get up Sai, you and I are going to have words." Kaede shouted down at him. "You harassed me in my own dorm, you stole my sword and Evoker when I came to rescue you, leaving me with, what, exactly, to defend myself with!?"

Kaede's hands were fists, white at the knuckle. Her nostrils flared, and she was breathing heavily.

She opened her mouth to speak again, noticing in a small part of her mind that her throat felt torn from going from barely speaking for so long, to screaming. Just as she started to voice the hoarse, croaky words however, she heard a shout from the next street over. She glanced at Ayomide and Toru to check they'd heard too.

"Get up Sai." She spat, glancing down at his face.

I do know you, Kaede realised, I don't know how, or from where or when, but I do know you. Who are you to me, Sai?

"You're going back to the dorm now, and that's where you'll stay. Until I get back and can finish with you. After that, I don't want to see you. You'll need to leave."

She looked over at Toru and Ayomide, an eyebrow raised. She took a few steps forwards, but grimaced, raising a hand against her chest and feeling a second, stronger surge of pain.

Sai had groaned from the prod, because even that had felt like a hot needle. He rolled and got to his feet, clutching his ribs. Not broken, just burning pain. He sighed and slowly made his way to the dorm. He turned back to the three people that he had fought with. He remembered a line his dad had told him. "Not even war can keep allies together. Its whats happened before that counts. A bond of absolute certainty can destroy the mightiest force." He smiled. Nice memory before he was to be tried and hanged by a few other high school students. He limped into the dorm, ignoring his surrounding and walking upstairs to his room. By the time he reached it, he was out of breath and sweating. Not even fighting the whole boxing team compared to this pain. He lowered himself to his bed, and looked at the bookshelf. He grabbed the first one he saw and opened it to the first page. He would have to keep himself busy until his interrogation, so why not? A book wasn't going to kill him. Kaede would.
"Easy..Easy...Lets get you back to the dorm."He said moving to support Kaede, before feeling his own wounds flaring up."I should follow my own advice, i didn't miss this...ouch. One thing though, take it easy on Sai. Give him a piece of your mind but remember how strange this whole situation is."
Sai kept reading until he finished a few pages, then shut the book and shook his head. He had screwed up. Royally. The realization of what he had done tonight made him try to think of what had been worse, but he couldn't think of anything. This was definitely the worst night he had ever had. He put the book back on the shelf and heard his stomach growl. He hadn't eaten since this morning, so he was starving. He thought of how nice it would be to have a bite to eat from the kitchen, but then stopped, knowing he would piss them off more if he ate their food, too. He sighed and paced the room, remembering the Ice-Girl from when he had arrived. Even though he shouldn't, he worried whether she was alright. She looked really fragile, and he knew that a Shadow could have slipped into the dorm, made its way to her room, and broke in. He paced faster, biting his fingernails, wanting to be out of this room to make sure everyone was okay. He sat by the door and waited to hear any footsteps approaching that could signify someone was going to see him.
____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide hurried to help support Toru and Kaede into the dorm as Sai ran in seemingly aware of the heat he will take for what happened. As they entered the dorm, she helped them settle down in the lobby area on the nearby seats. Turning behind a desk, she pulled out medical supplies and medication for the two and set them down on the table in front of them. "Please help yourselves." She looked at Kaede and slid her two novels under pain medication. "Just to help compensate for everything that happened to you tonight." She turned to Toru. She didn't have anything for him but a look of relief. "It was good you were here." She walked past them, taking a roll of bandages to put on an arm wound. "Because of the damage, it doesn't look like you'll be entering Tartarus tonight. I'll be right back."

Walking up stairs to where the two new ones were, she stood between their doors and had to choose upon which one she would consult first. Ultimately, she thought waiting for punishment deliverance would be almost as fulfilling as the punishment itself. Of course, Sai would receive both. However, she did slide a note underneath the door where Sai stayed. It read, "You will not leave this dorm. You will receive a sentence." It was extra menacing for no other reason than to scare him. So, she knocked and walked into Aida's room assuming she would be awake. "I'm sure you have questions." She spoke reassuringly only due to the circumstance of the night. "It is okay to ask them at this moment." She paused for a second. "Because it seems you have the ability to not leave us."

Sai read the note that was slid under the door. He laughed. He had thought it would be like this. He stood up and spoke loud enough from the other side of the door. "I'm sorry. I deliver anything you got. But, please, tell me, are the other two okay? I need to know." He knew he would just add more heat to himself by asking for favors, but he had to know if Toru and Kaede were going to be okay. Out of everyone here, they were the only two he had come to like as people, though they probably wanted to beat the living daylights out of him. He sat back down and waited for an answer, making the note into a paper airplane and throwing it across the room, enjoying his last few minutes of peace. He watched it sail perfectly to the other side of the room and hit the wall, and grimaced. "Everything has to stop eventually..." He shook his head and waited.

Aida was relieved when Ayomide came back. Things have seemed to settle down by the sound of it and she was a little worried on the outcome, but like last time Ayomide came in reassurance. And she told her she was allowed to ask questions. And Aida did have a many questions for once. Questions that she wanted to be able to ask and hear an answer to all at once. For her, such thing was obscure and foreign with her...but then again not much had really happened in her life to pique her curiosity so much like this one.

'Is everyone ok?" she asked first, her eyes fluttering to keep away any sign of tears that may want to find it's way. She stared at Ayomide carefully. Not leave us... she repeated her words in her head. That was another big concern. The meaning of that. That meant she was stuck there because she was enrolled, perhaps...right?

____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide smiled with closed eyes as she listened to Aida's first question. "It's refreshing that this is your first question." Turning a chair, she sat down as close to the wall as she could so Sai could hear. "They were hurt, but everyone will live to fight another day." It was all his fault. He was so reckless. She sighed simply thinking about it. "Next question."

Sai heard Ayomide speak. "They were hurt, but everyone will live to fight another day." Sai ground his teeth together. So Ayomide wanted to torture him with this, huh? Sadly, it was working. He placed his head in his hands, then stood up and punched the door as hard as he could. "Damn it!" He slumped back to the floor. He was a failure. All he wanted was to keep them safe, and he had gotten them hurt instead. Anything he tried to do was pointless, because he always did the opposite. He yelled so Ayomide could hear him. "Are they in bad condition? How bad is Toru? Can I talk to him? And Kaede? What about her? I don't think she would want to talk to me, but..." He shook his head. "Ayomide, at least let them know I'm sorry and I need to speak with them. Well, at least I need to talk to Kaede. Toru I just would like to talk with." He stood up and browsed through the bookshelf. He was gonna get his ass beat by all three of them, but if he could just talk to them, he would feel better.
____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide's mouth tightened with annoyance as she heard and felt Sai behind her. What the hell is he doing? First he thinks he can handle the shadows all by himself wanting to play hero? And now he cares? Thinking about your actions for once? Maybe the people who have been systematically trained to fight the shadows by stopping it at it's source would be better at fighting them than me? All of this was summed with a sigh escaping her once again. She did not want to say all of that. It would do more harm than anything. That is what thinking about your actions is. The entire situation annoyed her to no end. Shadows annoyed her, the dark hour annoyed her. Having her friends in danger every night annoyed her. "Do not leave the building. They are in the lobby." This was directed to Sai since he insisted in speaking through walls. "Even if she threatens to kill you, you are not allowed to leave." She looked back up to Aida who must be confused at what was happening. Shaking her head, she hoped it would convey that it was not of importance to Aida herself. What a pain. Her arms crossed as she placed her hand over her tingling wound.

Sai whooped and burst out of the room, running over to Ayomide and hugging her without thinking. "Thank you, Ayomide!" He looked up and waved at Ice-Girl. "Hello!" He turned and sprinted back to the stairs. He was thinking about how to apologize to them, but decided to wing it. He ran downstairs, stopping at the bottom and nearly tripping over himself, looking around the lobby. He saw the two teens sitting putting medical supplies on themselves. He ran over and stopped in front of them, panting. He looked at the both of them and smiled. "You're both okay..."
The streets were paved with coffins. Some in the middle of the road and others sitting in cars and on benches. Shido had no understanding of what was happening in this area, but he didn't care one bit. His body still red hot with rage, Shido was slamming and tackling anything he came into contact with. Dragging behind him was a bus sign he had ripped off from a street corner he had been swinging around like a hammer.

Where was he? The last thing he remembers is being in Port Island. But now, it looked like he stumbled into Iwatodai. Hated the area, riddled with spoiled kids from Gekkou and their shitty dorm rooms. Shido hated this place normally but being around here in this green sky made him even more pissed off. Still grunting like an animal, Shido flung the buss sign as hard as he could into a car, jamming into the passenger side door yet no car alarm went off. He yelled again and ran to the car, trying to rip the bus sign out for his next target.

Aida was silent as they began to talk as it wasn't her business to get involved. She listened though, so perhaps she would be able to figure out the basis of the situation at hand, in hopes of making things easier for Ayomide but all that happened was make more confusion and created more curiosity for Aida.

Finally did their conversation end and the male that entered the dorm earlier as she did left but not before waving a hello towards Aida. Once he left was she able to slowly raise up her own hand and utter a small hello but he was already much too far away. Placing her hand back onto her lap she focused her attention back on Ayomide, ready to ask her next question but just couldn't. Her attention focused over to Ayomide's wound, attempted to be covered up with her hand. Brows furrowed in worry, she leant over and almost touched Ayomide's hand, before stopping. Without permission, it would be rude to touch her without given permission and so she drew back and looked at Ayomide carefully.
"Please, do not concern yourself over my petty curiosity. You should rest up first..." she glanced over at the wound quickly. "It looks painful.." It was an obvious statement but it showed the care and concern she so easily had for Ayomide, even if she was a stranger. Empathetic, perhaps you could call it.

Cyrus was still going through the fridge when he heard a whole bunch of commotion, even though it was all happening nearby him the only thing he was caring about in the moment was food. Then it hit 12:00 meaning the fridge would stop working, Oh man is it the dark hour already? I need to i guess i'll have a Pbj. Cyrus made the sandwich in a flash making sure nothing would spoil. He took his completed sandwich and sat down in the kitchen enjoying every bite, Whoever is making all that noise in the lobby is obnoxious we need to leave to Tartarus soon and... Nope i'm just focusing on the food.
____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide's entire body went stiff as Sai hugged her and left in less than a few seconds. Things were so calm this morning, and now she was being hugged by knuckle-headed strangers. He's so energetic for someone who just shot himself. Relaxing her shoulders, she brushed her hair with her fingers. She glanced toward Aida as she attempted returning a hello. It wasn't until she almost touched her hand did Ayomide realize what kind of a person Aida was. "Aren't you perceptive." She was praising Aida which should be an enormous compliment considering the mood she was in. "Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about what is happening." She wasn't trying to be condescending and hoped Aida knew too. "This is your first night away from what I could only imagine was sheltered and this is what you experience. If I were you, I would be asking questions." She turned the chair to face Aida since she no longer needed to speak so Sai could hear her. As she was about to speak, she heard a faint noise in the distance of the general area but although it seemed close, it wasn't deadly close. She would have to investigate later. "How about we start with what you've figured out and I will fill in the holes." She was hoping her night was nearing an end, but it seemed like it would end up keeping her awake.


Aida was silent for a moment as she took in her words and thought on it. What Aida did know...and honestly that was all little to none. For all she could know this was all normal for what they cal the 'harsh reality' but she's sure if that was the case Oakley would've informed her on such matters beforehand.

"The commotion..what happened? Did a fight break out?" That was probably the obvious answer though. She gripped at her white night gown and frowned over her next words. "Did a villain come and try to hurt you all?" she asked, and they way she said it made it sound so childish. And it was, in a sense as when she said this she said it with the thoughts of villains from her heroic story books that she was so obsessed with. "Was the battle just? Nobody's injuries were in vain, I hope.."

Sai stood there a moment, and then suddenly felt himself start to panic. "Not now..." Sai felt sweat start to bead on his forehead. He looked at Kaede and Toru. "I...I-I gotta!" Sai turned and sprinted back up the stairs. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." These were becoming too common. He raced past the kitchen, spotting the tall guy from earlier eating a sandwich, and kept running until he got back to his dorm. He turned and slammed the door shut. He started to pace. "Wait till the Hour is over, then you'll be okay... you'll be'll be..." He paced the length of his room, rubbing his hands together with enough force that it started to hurt. He was sweating again, and he felt overwhelmed. He looked at the bookshelf and grabbed the book he had been reading before. He threw his door open and looked into the Ice-Girl's room. "I'm not crazy!" He turned and bolted up the stairs, reaching the door to the roof and tumbling out onto the rooftop. He got up and staggered towards the edge, leaning over it and taking deep breathes. "Damn, if only I grabbed the meds before I left the house..." He kept breathing, then after the nausea went away, he leaned back and fanned himself with the book. That was almost his worse panic attack yet. He would wait until morning to talk to Toru and Kaede. Now was not the time. He opened the book and started to read, remembering where he had left off. "Why am I such a freak?" He kept blaming his own disorder for that. Only logical thing. He read through each page of the book thoroughly, making sure to not miss a word. It was shorter than other ones he had read, but it would serve its purpose. Why didn't he just stay in his room? He always made a fool of himself.
____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide looked at Aida almost stunned by the way by how she phrased her words. She was hesitant for a second. "Y-es, it was a fight." It was the first time she had stuttered in awhile. "Yes, there is a villain that is trying to hurt us but that wasn't what was here today. The battle was just." She wanted to answer her questions first before trying to further explain it. She realized she skipped over Aida's last question but that was because she didn't know the answer to it. It depends on your definition of vain. She thought with no identifying feature. It was time for her lesson on shadows and Tartarus.

"Tonight, we were engaged by something called a shadow. It is an entirely different creature than humans. Our organization known as S.E.E.S. was founded on the direct objective to rid the streets of shadows for shadows are monsters that have killed countless of people. Our members are specifically trained to fight these monsters for ordinary people who do not possess the ability to defeat them. However, the place where shadows seemingly originate are from a massive tower of many floors called Tartarus. There are is a lot that we don't know about the tower and members of our team willingly climb through these floors for investigation in hopes to find more information to end the terror that shadows pose to humanity."

Ayomide took a breath. It was a very lengthy description but if she were to even consider the possibility of having Aida join, it was important she knew what was happening at least a jist. "I suppose it sounds like a fairy tale." Hearing Sai rampage through the house, she had found a healthy solution of ignoring him when she is not directly being addressed. When he come in suddenly, she didn't even blink.

Sai felt himself become calmer, and closed the book. He stood up and looked around. A few minutes was all it took to calm himself down enough to become sane again. He walked downstairs and back into his room, returning the book to the bookshelf and walking over to Ice-Girl's room. He waved to the girl and leaned against the doorway, doing a theatrical bow. "Pardon my recent behavior. I was having trouble keeping my sanity in a right state." Sai laughed and looked between the two girls. "So. Rough night for us. Do you guys do this every night?" He heard his stomach growl. Still starved. He scrunched up his face and turned to Ayomide. "Does my punishment include Sentenced to lack of or no food until passed out from exhaustion of breathing? Because if it did, I believe I would be horrified" He placed his head on his forehead, trying to look like a person about to faint.
"Just to help compensate for everything that happened to you tonight."

Kaede nodded her appreciation, too dazed to muster a response. As Ayomide spoke to Toru, Kaede reached forwards, setting the painkillers to one side to inspect the books.

I've never read either of these, she realised, I won't need to go back to the library... thank you, Ayomide.

Kaede was touched. As Ayomide climbed the stairs, Kaede watched her back, feeling slightly guilty.

I've given her, and the others the cold shoulder for months. Maybe... they're not that bad? Maybe-

As Kaede shifted on the sofa, she felt another twinge of pain from her chest. Grimacing, she took the painkillers and swallowed a pair of pills.

I can't- there's too much between them and me. Just because one of them showed me a hint of charity, doesn't mean they're my friends. Their not, they're only people, just people I happen to know. Kaede glanced at Toru beside her. She'd barely seen him for weeks, but he'd protected her from Sai... she turned away. Apart from anything else, if I was their friend I'd never compare to them. They're rich, and talented, and I'm not. Just the way the world works, and a sign that I should simply keep my distance.

Abruptly, Sai was there.

"You're both okay..."

Ignoring the ache in her chest, Kaede stood and glared at him, gripping her new books tightly and clenching her teeth.

He should be in his room, awaiting his punishment, not bouncing around as though nothing is wrong. There's plenty wrong- and I can trace it all back to him.

"I...I-I gotta!" He turned and sprinted back up the stairs.

Probably realised he wasn't wanted here. That's good- he may realise that I don't want him in the dorm either.

Kaede threw a look at Toru, and murmured,

"Thanks for earlier, I... don't know, what I could've done." Kaede was referring to Sai's attack in the dorm, not the shadows, but wasn't sure Toru caught her meaning. Turning, she made for the stairs.

Will put these books away in my room, and then I'll deal with Sai.

Kaede dumped the books set the books carefully on her desk, picking up the one she'd finished earlier and putting it on her shelf. Turning back to towards the door, she pulled her coat off, wincing slightly, and hung it over the back of her chair, leaving her standing in only her boots, black combat trousers and a T-shirt. She withdrew her sword from its sheath and inspected the blade, before making to prop it up by the door. Then she paused, considering something, then stood up again, replacing the sword in its scabbard.

This is Sai I'm dealing with. I won't let him touch me again. He can't, if he's at sword-point.

Kaede opened the door, stepped out into the corridor, and started looking for Sai. His room would be her first call.


"Y-es, it was a fight." Ayomide started, stuttering a bit on the first part, which Aida didn't question any. Instead that was just signal for her to listen intently, for she expected Ayomide had much more to say. And she did.

"Yes, there is a villain that is trying to hurt us but that wasn't what was here today. The battle was just." Ayomide continued, and Aida leaned in a little to listen more, thoroughly interested in this whole 'villain works'.

"Tonight, we were engaged by something called a shadow. It is an entirely different creature than humans. Our organization known as S.E.E.S. was founded on the direct objective to rid the streets of shadows for shadows are monsters that have killed countless of people. Our members are specifically trained to fight these monsters for ordinary people who do not possess the ability to defeat them. However, the place where shadows seemingly originate are from a massive tower of many floors called Tartarus. There are is a lot that we don't know about the tower and members of our team willingly climb through these floors for investigation in hopes to find more information to end the terror that shadows pose to humanity."

Aida listened to it all and tired to take it in. Honestly, it was interesting because Ayomide and the others were basically the heroes and the fought the bad guys to save the world! Or least it sounded that way to her. She thought over it for a while, trying to take all of the information in at once. She was fascinated by it. Admittedly she didn't understand half of it (more than likely it was just a lot to try and take in) but from what she could understand she found admirable and a small little smile crept on her face along with a bit of life in her eyes.

However, she spent so much time on thinking she wasn't given the chance to say or do much else as the new boy from earlier made his way into the room, looking much more livelier and friendlier than the last time.

He waved to Aida again and gave a theatrical bow. Mind you, Aida's never been to one of those theaters and really knew nothing about them as they weren't important learning material so to her it was like the boy was doing some kind of heroic bow and Aida's small little mouth went agape in awe.

"Pardon my recent behavior. I was having trouble keeping my sanity in a right state."

Aida nodded softly. It was so soft and stiff you probably couldn't even take much notice in it unless you tried. She looked up in admiration of this 'hero' and listened to his words but at the same time took notice of his second-wave to her.

"So. Rough night for us. Do you guys do this every night?" he said, probably more of saying this to Ayomide now. "Does my punishment include Sentenced to lack of or no food until passed out from exhaustion of breathing? Because if it did, I believe I would be horrified" he followed his statement by making some kind of dramatic pose.

Aida, being slow like she normally is, finally waved her hand and muttered a
"hello"- her face looking shy but interested much like a child.

"Don't give it a second thought..." Toru replied half-heartedly to Kaede as she walked off, for what he wasnt sure as in either case he felt he didn't help much. On one hand, Sai had already let go of Kaede when Toru arrived and in the other Sai did most of the work. Not much use for here, which was nothing new.

He began to yawn, the exhaustion brought by tonight events finally hit him. He hadnt felt this tired since his first run at Tartarus when he was actually good for something. Genuine excitement filled him then putting his kendo skills in actual use. He had cut through a lot of shadows that hour despite his inexperience and afterwards slept like a baby. Right now the was only thing that kept him awake was the pain from his wounds which he sorted out with a dose of the painkillers provided. The pills didnt go down his throat well making him cough, he got up and went to get a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Cyrus..."He said in between coughs, he took a glass from a cupboard and filled it with tap water. As he drank the water something something drew his eye, it was his reflection on a nearby window. Or was it? Though it looked like him the reflection had disturbingly piercing yellow eyes which looked straight through him, and sinister toothy smile. Tory shook his head and rubbed his eyes, blaming his exhaustion for the vision since when he looked again the reflection was normal.
Sai turned to the almost inaudible sound he had heard. He turned to Ice-Girl and smiled. "Oh. So the sculpture speaks. Though, I guess calling you a sculpture or Ice-Girl isn't very nice of me. Sorry, I can be rude sometimes." Sai walked over to where the girl sat and stuck his hand out to her. He noticed how small she was, and she looked very formal in of all things a night-gown. "By the by, nice night-gown. Or is that too rude to say? Eh, just trying to be nice." Sai laughed, then realized he hadn't even introduced himself. "Sorry, had a brain-fart there. I'm Sai Mirikuari, accused of being an idiot and almost getting all of us killed fighting Shadows. Currently on thin-ice for doing my best to protect them." He felt that summed him up enough at the moment.

The boy noticed Aida and offered a smile. "Oh. So the sculpture speaks. Though, I guess calling you a sculpture or Ice-Girl isn't very nice of me. Sorry, I can be rude sometimes." Aida's small smile faded as she tilt her head slightly at his words. Sculpture? Ice girl? She wondered why he would ever think of such names as she didn't feel as though they fit her in any relevance possible.

He walked over to her and offered his hand towards her. "By the by, nice night-gown. Or is that too rude to say? Eh, just trying to be nice." At his words, she looked down at her short nightgown that currently met a few inches above her knees. How would complimenting her be rude? It was a nice night gown, and comfortable too...though he was just talking about its looks.

"Sorry," he started again, and she looked back up at him- only to realize she still left him hanging. Instead of staring at his face respectively she stared at his offering empty hand. "had a brain-fart there. I'm Sai Mirikuari, accused of being an idiot and almost getting all of us killed fighting Shadows. Currently on thin-ice for doing my best to protect them."

Aida finally, feeling she was granted permission to do so, moved her light hand and put it with his. She respectively looked up at his face and nodded, a small smile on his face.

"I'm honored to speak with a hero." she said lightly, with all the awe of a child.

Sai laughed. A hero? A hero was treated with respect. And currently he was being treated like the villain. "Well, it's nice to meet you, madam." He bowed again, and then stood up. He had always had trouble speaking to other teens, but tonight, he had talked to the teens very easily. And this girl, who he vaguely remembered as Aida from when he came in, was gazing at him in awe. HIM, of all people. The street-urchin. "Strange night, and I'll remember it, too, if Kaede doesn't lynch me." He looked at Aida and removed his hand. She had not grasped it firmly, but very lightly and softly. She seemed like a complete opposite of himself. She was quiet while Sai was very outgoing. He pulled his hand back. "Also, sorry about the names I called you. I forgot what your name was, and when I walked in, you were stiff as a sculpture. So, I just kinda gave you that nickname." He turned to Ayomide, and then back to Aida. "And a hero? That was the last thing I would be expected to be called tonight. I was thinking stupid, or ignorant kid, or asshole. But not hero." He smiled. "It actually feels nice to be called that."

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