Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Cyrus rubbed his eyes and looked around, he had fallen asleep in the lobby after dropping of the girl's luggage. He stood up and stretched again, What time is it anyway? Wait....oh its 11:50 He decided to sit back down and relax. He already had his Zhanmadao behind the couch anyway and preparing for Tartarus was waste of time to him. Then again the only thing that was bothering him was memories, Which was on his mind around 24/7 He had to keep asking himself, Why am I still alive. Why did they save me? His thoughts were broken by the sound of thunder.....wait no that was his stomach, "Christ i'm hungry what is there anything to eat around here?" He stood up and walked to the fridge in the kitchen, "There has got to be something here......"
Sai watched as the taller boy walked by him. He faintly remembered his name as Cyrus, and he had made a joke about and "anti-shadow suppression" thing. He shook his head. "From how it looks, it seems he's going to the kitchen. At least I payed attention to that Saya girl." He sneaked past the kitchen where Cyrus was, and heard the sound of heels clattering on the stairs, so he quickly ducked into the room that was closest to him. He shut the door quickly but quietly, and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to be caught and questioned on why he was awake. He turned around and checked out the room he was in. It was just the same as his room, except it looked like someone had used it recently. There was nothing else odd about it, though, so he stayed as he listened for the girl-he assumed-with heels walked away and past the door, and he peeked out out see who it was. He watched Ayomide walked down the hall. He stared after her, puzzled, knowing now he had to find out what was going on. He slowly stepped out of the room, and shut the door quietly, turning around with a feeling of relief, as he came face to face with the one person he didn't want seeing him. Kaede.
Kaede stopped dead as Sai stepped out into the corridor, pulling her coat about herself to conceal the sword at her hip.

The hell is he doing here? Kaede felt as though oxygen drained from the air around her. What has he seen? If he's even glimpsed a weapon that's bad enough for our cover to be blown, let alone if he heard mention of shadows...

Kaede studied his face, which still seemed oh-so-familiar, searching for fear, confusion, anything that might indicate he suspected this dorm to be anything other than what it pretended to be. Nothing. He looked startled, and uncomfortable, but Kaede reckoned- or at least hoped- that S.E.E.S hadn't been compromised. Yet.

"You shouldn't be here." Kaede stated flatly, brooking no argument. "Go back to bed." Kaede remembered this guy's attitude earlier, tough and aggressive, so she took a step forwards, taking her full height, although still standing a head shorter than Sai. She would take no chances with this one, not when the armed and ignorant kids below risked discovery.

"Go back to bed Sai, before you and I have a serious misunderstanding. Your bed, mind, rather than hers."

She gestured at the room Sai had emerged from. Kaede tried not to over think what Sai had been doing down here in someone else's room, but a few scenarios sprang to mind unbidden. She pushed them away with some disgust.

Not my problem. Let the rich kids massage their shallow social lives with one night stands. As far as I'm concerned, he's just some kid about to blunder into something far, far bigger than he'll ever be.

Sai looked at Kaede, smiling slightly at how she tried to intimidate him. "Maybe..." He disagreed with the idea as soon as it came up in his head, knowing that right now was not the time to be thinking about getting involved with a girl. "Listen here, Kaede. You guys said I could stay till tomorrow. It's almost tomorrow, so I have nothing to lose for my actions." He still had a piece of fear inside of him, though, because as much as she had tried to hide it, he had caught the sword she had tried to conceal from him. "A high school girl carrying around a sword? Not a good thing." He looked up and down the corridor. No one was around. At least that he could tell. He turned his options over in his mind. "So, me and Kaede. I'm almost a foot taller than her, but I am unarmed. She has an obvious advantage if I try to fight her. If I run, I'll seem like a culprit to a crime that never happened. But, I could..." It would have to be perfect.

Sai quickly turned Kaede around, placing his hand over her mouth, and wrapping is other arm around her waist, pinning her arms to her side and making it impossible for her to grab her sword. He opened the door again and backed up with her into the room, trying to stop her muffled yells of protest and constant struggling. He closed the door and pinned her to the wall, drawing the sword from the scabbard and throwing it to the bed. He kept her pinned there and listened in case anyone was coming. If someone came right now, it would not end nicely for him. He turned his head back to Kaede, leaning closer so his almost silent whispers were barely audible except to him and her. "
Listen. I don't know what you all are doing, but trust me. This is not the time to play heroes. Trust me. There are...things out there. I've seen them. Stop struggling! I would know. I watched them kill people." He looked at her dead in the eyes. "Including my own Dad."

There it was. It was out. To some crazy girl who was probably gonna impale him right on the spot if she could get her sword. But he had revealed it. The monsters. He didn't want to remember them. But he did. And if any of these students were killed, then he would know it was his fault. "
Listen. Go back to your room. You can't fight them. They will kill you." He was shaking now. He could feel his eyes watering. He knew how he remembered this girl. "Please." He felt his voice trembling. "I don't want anyone to die..."
Taru was about to close himself back into his room before hearing what seemed to be a struggle. He stepped out of his room just to see Kaede being dragged in a room by one of the new residents. Instinct took over, old protective habits die hard and even if it did not like he was the type to let it slide, he rushed to the room ready for anything.

"Back off!"He said angrily as he stormed into the room. He intended to pull him of and punch if Sai didn't back off immediately.
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Sai had already let go of Kaede, and turned slowly to look at the teen he had never seen before. He looked tense, and ready to fight. Sai shook his head. He was always finding himself in these situations. Also, the teen was standing right in the doorway. "Listen, nothing happened..." His voice sounded choked and shaky. He felt tears running down his eyes. He couldn't take it anymore.

Sai fell to the ground, pulling himself into a ball and letting himself cry. "
I want to protect people! I don't want to live in fear and pain and suffering. I don't want to look out of my bedroom window and see all these coffins. You all don't understand! They kill people! They'll kill you, too. Just all of you, go back to your rooms." He looked up at the teen and inhaled. In a swift motion he swept him under his feet and launched himself out the door and into the hallway, barreling down as he heard voices in the lobby. He practically flew past all of them, hearing they're tones turn to surprise as he burst out the door into the street. He made it to the end of the street when it happened. His legs locked, and his body went rigid. He looked around, and nearly fainted. It wasn't the dark he had seen the last few hours. It was different now. It was tinted green, and the puddles by the edge of the road were the color of blood. He shook his head madly. "NO!" He threw his hands over his ears and fell to his knees, as he heard footsteps behind him. But he didn't care anymore about that. He heard shuffling from farther down. He looked in the direction it was coming from. "You stay back, you son of a bitch!" His voice was full of fury, now more confident than before. He turned and watched the approaching students. He looked around. The monster was coming. He turned back to them. "Run! It's coming! Turn back and lock every door!" He looked back quickly to catch a glimpse of black. "Just go! You can't...!" His voice cracked. It was no use.

It was too late.

Aida was nice and snug- tucked away in her bed and fast asleep obediently like Ayomide had told her to. She neither, was a coffin but Aida obviously had no knowledge of what that meant. Not being one of a light sleeper, she suddenly woke up when she heard a disturbance downstairs. Eyes opening and dark peals scanning the area, she slowly sat up and listened intently.


She heard that audibly from...down stairs she could assume but what was...

"You stay back, you son of a bitch!"

What was going on, she wondered and she furrowed her nervously. Her parents ad once tried to teach her self-defense but she was too physically weak for it to ever do her any good. So that's when they hired Oakley. But what was Oakley going to do when he wasn't even here...? She looked around wearily and rummaged through her belongings to find Oakley's business card. Now if she could just find a phone?
"Ah..." she made a sigh of displeasure and misery as she realized she did not have a phone supplied in this room nor did her parents (even if rich) never presented her with one. So what was she going to do with this..? She had to do something...there was no way what was going on was friendly. Was it intruders..? Were people going to get hurt? Were..

"Run! It's coming! Turn back and lock every door!"

Letting out a squeak, Aida desperately jumped off the bed and ran towards her door. She tripped in the dark and landed right infront of the door, slamming her knees into the wood. She winced, but didn't focus on that pain as she reached up and locked the door.

Panting, she sat there frozen...unsure of what to do. Nothing like this had never happened with her before and her parents never told her what to do in a situation like this. On her first day too? Was this really how reality was like every day? couldn't be that bad or Oakley would've gave her warning. Right..?

"Just go! You can't-!"

She buried fists over her eyes and tried to stop her pants and her shuddering breath. "
H-help me...Oakley..." she muttered as tears began to escape.

(OOA- I apologize for the lack of colour, am writing from mobile. Will correct it when I get home.)

Kaede was frozen for a moment, breathing heavily, stunned. It had all happened so fast, and she'd been so powerless... She pushed the shock away, trying to focus her mind and order her thoughts.

'He knows about Shadows, maybe about S.E.E.S as well. There's no way I can allow him to leave.'

She snatched up the sword from the bed.

'He won't get the drop on me this time.'

Kaede stepped past Taru into the corridor and started to run, sword in hand. She jumped the final few steps and landed in a lobby in uproar, the main door just swinging closed. Kaede ignored her peers, thier exclamations and questions.

A jolt of fear hit her as she stepped into the street- the dark hour had fallen, the coffins strewn across the street. A little way ahead, Kaede saw Sai fall to his knees, just beyond him, a shadow reared. No time for the evoker- she only had to delay it. Raising her sword, Kaede charged, leaping over prone Sai to meet the threat.
Sai looked up as Kaede jumped over him. He stared wide-eyed as she started to attack the monster with her sword. "What...?" He looked around. Some of the other teens were running out, most with weapons. He saw Ayomide with a lance, which he would find amusing if he weren't in the middle of a battle. He jumped back, and looked around for something he could use as a weapon. He ran over to an alleyway, grabbing a large brick. He turned back to the monster, and puled his arm back. He roared and chucked the brick as hard as he could, watching it soar towards the monster with speed he didn't know he had. It hit the monster on the side of his head. At least, he thought it was its head. If the head were a mask. It turned to Sai, and knocked Kaede away with a swing of its arms. It then started to crawl towards Sai.

In spite of the moment, he laughed. "
What a great way to go out. At the hands of some demon thing. Or claws. Whatever. I guess..." He stopped. He remembered something from the night his dad died. He had a strange gun-like object, that he had put to his head and yelled out something. Some word he couldn't place, but was on the tip of his tongue. He waited for the monster to be right on top of him, then ducked around it, running past it and back to Kaede. He had felt the bulge of the gun when he had pinned her, so he ran up to her and wrapped his hand around it. He looked at her. "Sorry. Need this." He wrenched it from her and ran down the street a bit, trying to lure the monster away from the teens. Obviously, the thing was still focused on him. Sai smiled. "Perfect." He put the gun to his head.
Toru stood confused at Sai is reaction to him coming in for a moment, but snapped back when realizing Kaede was going after him. He rushed up after her fearing for her, when the realization hit that the dark hour had arrived a literal chill went down his spine. He detoured to his room to pick up his blade set strapping them on his belt and walked towards his desk were a small wooden box stood. He opened to show his envoker. Something he had promised himself not to use again, it still showed the ware and tear it gained during the last fight. He picked it up, weighing more then he remembered, the mere act flooding bad memories back. He pushed himself to holster it in his belt though before rushing out.

He saw the Sai and Kaede ahead of a big shadow so draw his katana one hand and the envoker on the other. An old feeling of adrenaline hit him as he led himself be guided by his instinct. He brushed past Sai more concerned with Kaede safety and placed the envoker at his head.

"Uriel!"He screamed pulling the trigger hopping the envoker still worked. He heard the distinct bang from the envoker firing but nothing else happened. He tried again and again but nothing."Uriel...Persona, dammit!"

In frustration, he chucked the envoker aside and, he draw the smaller blade with the now free hand and charged at the shadow.
Kaede lay there, dazed, stars bursting across her vision. She heard Toru clashing with the shadow, voices from the dorm. She tried to get to her feet, but her legs wouldnt hold her, and she crumpled to the floor again. She cast around;

'Sword, sword, sword- wheres the sword?' she thought, and thats when she saw the second shadow bearing down on her from the side. Swearing, she fumbled for her Evoker. It was gone. As the shadow closed in, she shuffled back om hands and knees, searching for a weapon, anything.

She spotted Sai holding something. An evoker? Her evoker.


Then everything was black.
Sai heard the guy who had found him and Kaede, but he didn't care about him now. He had to protect everyone. He felt something inside him. Was this what power was? A feeling like this? He shook his head and tightened his grip on the trigger. He watched as the teen launched himself at the monster, and felt admiration for him. Just a few minutes ago, Sai had been crumpled on the ground, crying like a little kid. But it wasn't time to think about that. He closed his eyes, and felt the word he had heard so many years ago boil in his throat. It was like it was trying to be free. Sai opened his eyes and smiled.

Persona." He pulled the trigger.

H felt the shatter of his mind. He remembered what it was like. He had seen his dad do it, and Sai had screamed out in fear. But it wasn't as bad. Like he had let out something that was built up inside of him, and he felt something like an explosion of clarity inside of his mind. He watched as a figure appeared in front of him. The figure faced the teens and the monster. "
I am Taraka, Demon of Revenge." Sai looked at this thing, his Persona, and smiled. So it was called Taraka. Cool. And demon of revenge? Even cooler. Sai turned back to the monster, remembering his dad calling it a Shadow, and raised his fist. "Hey, guy I don't know! Move your ass! Unless you want to be cut down as well!" He noticed Kaede unconscious a bit away from them, another Shadow looming over her. He grimaced and pointed to the other Shadow. "Taraka, protect her! Do something, alright?!" With that, he grabbed Kaede's sword and launched himself at the Shadow the new guy was fighting and Taraka went for the other Shadow. "Need some help?!"
"What ever give you that idea? I am fine, help out the Kaede, that is "help" not strangle or even Taraka wont save you from me." He said confidently jumping back narrowly avoiding one swipe from the shadow, only to be knocked back by strike from the shadow he really should have seen coming. He groaned in pain as he tried to regain his footing, mentally pirating himself for that mistake. In truth, he was shaken by the loss of his persona and the nagging doubt of his skill due to his lack of practice was at the back of his mind. Despite this he tried to charge at the shadow again striking with both blades at it.The shadow moved faster then expected avoiding both strikes.

You washed up. You cant protect anyone. A voice echoed in his mind making him hesitate to react for a moment. Before he knew, he felt a sudden drop in temperature as he was encased in ice, rush of pain followed as the ice suddenly shattered as he was thrown to the ground.
Sai grunted and swiped at the Shadow with Kaede's sword. "Listen. You look like a fish out of water fighting this thing. Taraka can handle the other Shadow. And I have a perfectly good reason for my actions." Sai swiped at the Shadow again, parrying and lunging, dodging each hit the Shadow threw. He lunged at the Shadow again and turned to the guy. "We got off on the wrong foot. I'm Sai. You?" He spun around to block another strike from the Shadow and swung the sword a few more times, making the Shadow back up. "I admit, what I did was most likely wrong in the eyes of you and Kaede. But please, trust me, I wanted to protect her!" He slashed again, scratching the mask of the Shadow and backing up again, kneeling next to the guy. Sai noticed the twisted look of pain on his face, and shook his head. "Do you even know how to use that damn sword of yours?" Sai picked up his sword, holding one in each hand and stood up. He checked on Taraka and made sure Taraka was fine. He looked back at the teen. "Anyways, your name?" He waited for an answer. "What have I gotten myself into with these guys?"

____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide couldn't be described any other way besides really pissed. It seems like what was 30 seconds of calm transitioned into disaster. "I'm murdering you when this is over!" She yelled at Sai with obvious anger in her eyes. To be frank, it was good that the human wasn't her target. Pulling her evoker underneath her chin, she shouted "Persona!" Mother Harlot appeared before her. "Zio that bastard!"As she commanded, Mother Harlot shot electric blasts toward the shadow just after Toru was knocked down soon after Kaede. This is my job! To support and heal you! She ran up besides Kaede and pushing down a healing liquid down her throat. Following the same rhythm, she did the same to Toru coming up to him. There was so much urgency in the air, it clouded her thoughts as the shadow managed to slash at her. Twirling around her lance, she directly struck the shadow to the point where it was stuck to the ground. Leaving her lance in the shadow to stall it to continue getting strikes from the Persona and members, she looked at the two males. "That should give you enough time to kill it! Give it all you have!" Her voice was loud and commanding. "I have to deal with something."

Running into the dorms, she ran up stairs to Aida's room and opened the door to see what she hadn't hoped. Not a coffin, awake and panicked. She picked her up and put her into the bed. "No matter what you hear. Do not come out of this room. I WILL NOT let anything happen to you!" She quickly got up to return to the battle, making sure she closed the door behind her.

(managed to get something in!)

Aida kept hearing disturbances and yelling downstairs and wondered what was going on. Was everyone ok? Was she supposed to be doing something? Did she miss some kind of safety procedure? She was new and came in when it was late so maybe she didn't know emergency plans other students knew. That being the case...that would mean she wasn't the only one right? Right, another person came in during the time she did so wouldn't he be just as confused? She wondered if he was awake and if so how was he reacting to this whole situation? Maybe she could try to find his room? Maybe she could find him and they could figure it all out together...

Shaky, she reached up and grabbed the doorknob. She reached for the lock and-

she yanked back, shuddering. Where would she go though? She had no game plan for this and this could all very well harm her...

But what? What was it that could harm her? Aida didn't know this...she had never felt such fear before. It was the fear of the unknown but..if she didn't try something new once in a while, then..

She unlocked the door. That was the first step. She reached to open the door when it burst open, causing her to jump back to avoid being hit. This startled her but she was relieved to see Ayomide.

Ayomide, her features were stern and serious, said nothing as she picked up Aida (which wasn't hard at all seeing Aida was so light) and placed her back on the bed, as if she were a child.

"No matter what you hear. Do not come out of this room. I WILL NOT let anything happen to you!"

Aida was at a loss for words as Ayomide spoke to her and before she was able to say anything, Ayomide had already left, shutting the door securely behind her.

Aida wondered what was going on, and it made her nervous. But people seemed safe, Ayomide didn't look injured in any way so she could only hope the same for others. This gave her hope. So, Aida began to sit there patiently as she listened intently to the commotion that occurred down stairs.

Something serious was happening, but they all seemed ok. They all were prevailing, much like heroes from the stories she used to love.

"You all can do this.." she said softly, even though she knew she was the only one listening. "You're the good guys so justice will prevail~"

"Taro and give me that sword!"He said angrily, feeling the healing agent giving him the strength to get at his feet and snatching his sword back before facing back at the shadow." Do i know how do use that sword, kutabare(go to hell)! Kendo champion 5 years running...i am just out of practice."He rushed in attack to exploit Ayomide opening, actually landing several hits at the shadow before jumping back to avoid the shadow counter attack."You have Taraka right tell it it to cast Tarukaja on us., should make life easier."
Sai laughed. He summoned Taraka over. "Tarukaja!" He had Taraka use it on him, Kaede, and Taro, and he looked around. He spotted a hunting store and started to run to it. "Taraka, help these guys!" He tossed Kaede's sword back to her, and the gun. He sprinted into the hunting store, and grabbed the first thing he could find. He smiled at his choice. If Ayomide was gonna kill him, she would have to get close to him first. He hoisted up the crossbow, noticing how light it was in his hands. He grabbed a few bolts and strapped a quiver to his waist. He ran outside and aimed down the sight. The battle was pretty even, Neither side doing significant damage to the other. He looked to Taraka. "Taraka, Cleave!" Taraka slashed the Shadow, and he felt pain in his ribs. He ignored it and shot a bolt at the Shadow. It roared and turned to him. "Taro! Kick this things bitch ass!" He laughed and shot bolt after bolt at the Shadow.
Shido’s blood was boiling, like as if his body was made of fire and it was burning his insides. He screamed again but it was void of any feeling other than pure hate and rage. Shido opened his eyes and stared at the dark green sky, the moon shining a horrible yellow color that dimly lit the area around him.

Shido slammed his fists into the ground and rose from his knees. His pain was fading, as if he wasn’t hurt anymore. His body felt like he could take down a train. Shido turned around and grabbed hold of the bench he had been sitting on and started to lift it. Although it was made entirely of steel, it was like a paperweight to Shido now. He roared as he lifted it above his head and tossed it at a nearby building, shattering the glass windows and itself as the sheer force of his throw.

He couldn’t stop himself, as if all rational thought was gone in his mind. His skin was becoming a light red color and he felt like steam was coming off his body. What was this strength? But his mind was void of anything other than instinct and he wanted noting more than to fight. Shido started to charge into the city like a wild beast, grunting and drooling.
Taro could help smile due to the combination of the tarukaje strengthening him and Sai comments, an old high of fighting shadow filling him up again as it did before. He took both his blades and charged at the shadow before going to a spin, striking at the shadow twice. Both strike true and the shadow recoiled in pain toppling over. One more should it, he thought switching to the larger katana and going for a final stab at the shadow.

I could protect anyone...Sonai, Kenki... Taki. The voice echoed again and any momentum he had was lost, as he stood frozen over the shadow. Cant protect anyone anymore...Have to rely on another...He stumbled back, dropping his sword.
Sai watched Taro. He had lost all spirit he had. He shook his head and ran over, tackling Taro out of the way as the Shadow attacked. "What the hell, Taro?! What happened?" He looked at him a moment longer and turned around firing a bolt into the Shadows mask. It got up turned to him. Sai reached down and grabbed Taro's sword, holding it at an offensive stance. He had to make the next hot perfect. He was running out of energy, and he knew another hit was gonna finish him. He roared and launched himself at the Shadow, jumping and running the sword through the Shadow's mask, cracking it. For a moment, everything was still. Sai watched as the mask cracked more and more, eventually shattering into a million pieces. The Shadow let out an ear-splitting scream, enough to shatter windows around the street. After it was done screeching, it evaporated into a million black specks, spreading and disappearing into the air. Sai watched it and made sure it was gone, then turned back to Taro, who was now sitting up. Sai was about to unleash his full fury, but he then saw Taro's ashen face. He knew that look all to well. Sai knelt down in front of him. "Taro..." Sai put his hand on Taro's shoulder. He didn't say anything else. He knew the feeling Taro felt. Sai looked away, feeling himself about to burst into tears at the memory.
(argh! I have been misspelling my guy's name for a while! ITS TORU, SILLY BRAIN!)

TORU sat there silently for a while, the voice echoing his mind over leaving him oblivious to his surroundings. Toru... Sai's calling snapped him back, he could swear it sounded like it was said in Takis voice. Realising it was just sai, anger began to build up in him, which came out as a loud scream. He leaned foward to kneel and began punching the ground hard with both his fist as he fought back tears. He took several deep breath trying to calm himself down. The transfer couldn't come soon enough, he though to himself.

"Sorry..." he said weakly after what felt like an age of silence getting back at his feet."It wont happen again..I promise.
Sai watched Toru (Sorry, I didn't realize I was spelling it wrong.) punch the ground. He knew this attitude. He had felt the same way during his first Hour. He watched as Toru's knuckles became bloodied, then reached forward and grabbed both his wrists. Seeing Toru like this filled Sai himself with anger. "Toru, stop! This isn't how you cope with it!" Sai feel back startled as he felt Toru's fist connect with his nose. He ran his hand under his nose, pulling it away to reveal blood. Sai watched Toru, him screaming into the air. This was anguish. Not like when find out someone is dead, but when you could have protected them. He felt the blood running out of his nose, but he didn't care. He stood up and looked down at a broken Toru. He held out his hand. It was the only thing Sai could offer that was even close to how he felt. He hoped it was enough for him. "Toru, what do you think they are saying right now? Seeing you like this? I bet who you lost doesn't want you to wallow in anguish and despair. They want you to act tough. Probably betting on when your gonna take a stand for them. Trust me. This was the first time I took a stand since my father died. If you, Kaede, and Ayomide weren't here, I would be dead, too. I would have sat there and let that Shadow devour me whole." Sai took a deep breath. "Stand up, Toru. Because you're not gonna do shit for them laying on the ground screaming." He knew the last part was a little harsh, but he had to say it. 
alright. Sorry.
"Look, appreciate the help and the kindred spirit thing you think we have but I don't need need a lecture." He snapped back the pain in his fists drowning out his doubts though didn't improve his mood. "When you break down in battle or screw up as much as i did when people lives are at stake, you have more problems than just how you appear to others.....Look at me, i used to be the one who trained and protected newbies like you....You need to know when to throw the towel, i did that a while ago.."
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Sai smiled. "Throw in the towel? Never thought about doing that." Sai pulled his hand back. "Anyways, I feel different than you. I believe that you only throw in the towel if you can't do it anymore." Sai smiled down at Toru. "If you believe in something, fight for it. If you don't, then whats the point?" Sai laughed and stretched, grimacing and doubling over in pain. He groaned, and he felt his whole midsection explode with pain. "D-damn..." Sai crumpled to the ground.

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