Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

The fact that the mysterious girl was staring directly into his eyes made Haru feel extremely uncomfortable. ", it's okay...You said your name was Aida, right?...feel free to take a seat while I head upstairs for a second." Slowly Haru approached the stairs and began to head up. When he was out of the sight of the girl he began to speed up the pace until he was basically running. "What is going on here!? I wasn't informed about this! Did the others know about this?..." Haru thought.

As soon as he reached the second floor he approached the other members. Without taking any time to explain the current situation he began to talk to Cyrus. "Cyrus, there is a girl downstairs. Mind helping her with her luggage?" He then quickly turned towards the two other girls sitting on the sofa. "Saya, could you and Kaede show her around? Please." Haru was clearly in a rush and was trying not to show that he was nervous. Finally, he approached the last two girls, Ayomide and Angela. " So, did any of you two know about the fact that a girl named Aida would be joining the dorm today? Or did Toru at least mention her?"
Sai looked up at the supposed new house he was supposed to live in from now on. "Kind of a dump, dontcha think?"

Sai's mother sighed. "It was the best we could afford, Sai. I'm sorry it doesn't meet up to your expectations."

With that, Sai's mother walked through the front door to their house. Sai sighed.
"I know. I just don't like the feel of this place. And..." Sai shook his head. "No. If you're just gonna treat me like I don't matter, then go ahead" Sai turned around and started to walk down the street, getting acquainted with his new neighborhood. He passed by a street vendor selling soda. "You interested in buying something, kid?" Sai looked over what he had and shook his head. "You got a lot of s***, I can tell you that much. You actually make business with this stuff?"

Sai immediately knew he said the wrong thing.

The vendor walked around the vendor and grabbed Sai's shirt. "You think you're funny?" He raised his fist "I'll show you funny, you little-"

He doubled over in pain and dropped Sai on the ground. "
Be careful next time, old man. Wear a cup, because I fight dirty" He turns away and laughs to himself. "I better watch out next time I see him" Sai kept walking around, ending up back at his own house. He walked through the door, expecting a verbal lashing from his mother.

He walked into the kitchen. "

"In here, Sai." His mother was in the living room unpacking all the boxes. " Help me with the dishes, will you? Put them in the kitchen."

Sai picked up the box his mother pointed out to him and brought it into the kitchen. He opened the box and started to sort out the plates, bowls, and cups. He felt a pair of eyes boring into his back and turned to his mom. "What?"

She shakes her head. "When are you going to grow up? Don't roll your eyes at me. Aiku is starting to become aggressive to the kids at his school, and it worries me. You need to act like a civilized adult. Like your father. When will-"

Sai throws a plate on the ground and it smashes. "
If you bring up Dad one more time..." He looked at his mother with a glare that could melt the coldest of ice. "It'll be every bone in your damn body that breaks instead of that plate."

Sai's mom looked back at him with equal fury. "Get out. Right now."

Sai looked at his mom for a moment more, and then walked out of the house, slamming the door and ripping the doorknob off. He stalked down the streets, until he ended up at a building. He heard teenage voices inside, and concluding it was a social area, walked in.

.:.~ケ Saya Shibuzo ケ.:.


Saya looked to the others, knowing she was being scolded. It wasn't really a big deal, just strange. So this thing was a robot that hunted shadows? Interesting. More really like a cyborg, considering it's emotions and whatever. Like they said. "Forgive me Cyrus, we're probably not used to each other yet. I didn't even know you could understand me."

Well that came out wrong.

"That's not what I meant. I mean."

Stuff like this always plagued Saya's mind, she was especially socially awkward and couldn't handle tough situation so she basically just stayed quiet often. Either way, Saya wasn't finished with watching her soaps.

She wasn't interested in another other than sitting around tonight and then heading for whatever happened tomorrow. She didn't exactly make the plans anymore after she joined S.E.E.S. After considering what she would occupy herself with tomorrrow, Saya grabbed her computer again.
"You guys wouldn't happen to watch kikima, would you?" Kikima was indeed the show that Saya was watching, it was certainly her favorite and always asked if others watched but usually, no one would have ever watched it. It wasn't that it was obscure. People just considered the show to be awful, badly written, and with terrible actors. Yet, Saya loved it anyway.



____Ayomide Caedien ____

As Haru stumbled in instantly giving people jobs, Ayomide took to her feet. Finally Haru got to her. Aida? That doesn't sound familiar at all. She quickly tried to think if there was anything she might of missed but soon came up short. "I'm sorry Haru. I don't recall any notice of something ever coming in." She then thought more realistically. "It is obviously some sort of mistake." Her voice remained steady. It seemed that times of high-tension where were she excelled. She looked down at her watch and looked at Cyrus who was just about to go help with her luggage which meant there was a lot of it. "It's seems like we're gonna have deal with her for now but we can definitely try and get her moved later." This was not really the time for this drama since so much was already happening with Toru. Her thoughts ceased when she heard the door close from the floor underneath. "Maybe she's leaving?" Ayomide noted to Haru just as she got more curious about what was happening. "I'm going to go see about our mystery guest." As she reached down the steps, she noticed not one but two people; a girl from whom she assumed was Aida and a stranger that Haru didn't mention at all. "Hello, you must be Aida." Her voice was welcoming but there was a stern air around her. "Dorm members will be down here to show you around and help with your bags shortly." In the second she finished addressing Aida she turned to the male. "Can I help you?" Her eyes were unfaltering as she spoke. For all she knew, he was about to rob the place.

Sai looked around the place, amused by the look. He only then girl that was addressing him. "Um...Do you have any open rooms? This seemed like a hotel of some sort." He looked down at his clothes and swore at his choice of clothing. He really did look like some street-urchin. Not exactly a good first encounter look; skull sweatshirt, black jeans, and black sneakers. "I...ah...I'm not gonna, like, attack you guys. No, I just need a place to stay...because...". Sai paused and drew in a deep breath. "Listen, sorry to have disturbed you. I just got kicked out of my house, and I don't think living on the streets is going to do me any good, since I have no idea about anything here, and..." He ran his hand through his hair and looked at the girl. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Sai Mirikuari." "Smooth introduction, Sai. They definitely think your some sort of psychopath now." Sai tried to avoid eye contact. "Why am I feeling so damn uncomfortable...?"

Another person arrived while Aida waited. Aida glanced over at him and nodded at him with a faint, hardly inaudible 'hello'. After that she returned to her hobby of impersonating a statue.

Finally a female approached the two of them and began to speak her business. "Hello. You must be Aida." At this, Aida nodded smally, but said nothing as she waited further direction. Her stern behavior did prove to show it's superiority but failed to intimidate Aida. She only stood there and listened to all else the young woman had to say.

"Dorm members will be down here to show you around and help with your bags shortly." she immediately and professionally turned over to the male newcomer and began to chat with him. Aida respectfully drowned out their conversation, as being nosy would be disrespectful and it was simply none of her business nor concern.

As that happened, she returned to the art of miming a statue.

"Forgive me Cyrus, we're probably not used to each other yet. I didn't even know you could understand me. That's not what I meant. I mean."Cyrus smiled following Saya's response, "It's fine i know what you were trying to say." He got up and stretched a bit trying to find out why everyone was crowding the lobby in the first place but Haru said something that caught his attention, "A girl downstairs? Luggage?" he walked downstairs and noticed two people, "Um.. I don't think this right." he looked over at the girl who seemed quite fragile and behind her which was a decent amount of luggage, "You must be Aida i'm here to grab your luggage." Cyrus grabbed whatever she had with his right arm and looked around, "Where am I supposed to put this Ayomide?"
Shido raised an eye at the kendo leader and scoffed. He could probably take him out. Although they had strength in number, Shido was still bigger and stronger. He cracked his knuckles and stepped towards the team, raising his fists up. “You’ll leave now if you know what’s good for you.”

The kendo leader took a step back and rose his bamboo sword, his face showed a little concern but he was brave. Or stupid. “Last chance to play swords somewhere else before I stick ‘em up your ass and make you a topsicle.” Shido’s eyes glared at the team. He had handled many kids at once before, this would be no different.

The leader shook his head and the other 4 rose their swords too.

Shido threw a right hook at the leader, who dodged the blow at the last second. The Leader raised his stick and jabbed it into Shido’s side, digging into his kidney. Shido groaned but could handle a jab with a wooden stick. He grabbed the stick from his side and pulled the leader into his left fist then drove his knee into the leaders chin, knocking him on his back. Suddenly, another member screamed from behind and swung his bamboo sword as hard as he could on Shido’s back.

Shido grunted from the pain and fell to a knee. Coward. Hitting me while my back is turned. Shido turned his head towards the member who hit his back but was completely oblivious to two other members who kicked him in the chest while he was down on the ground. He fell to his back and felt the blows of their kicks into his sides and ribs, one stomping on his face and another on his groin. His rage was building.

Shido grabbed the leg of one of the members and before he could kick Shido again, the blonde haired delinquent pushed him as hard as he could, knocking the member off balance. With only two on top of him now, Shido rolled out of the way of their kicks and returned to his feet. He lowered his shoulders and charged straight for the one who hit his back and threw him to the ground. Pinning his arms down, Shido lifted his head and slammed it straight into the kendo member’s face. Blood poured from Shido’s forehead where he broke the kendo member’s nose and looked for his next target. A little dazed from the head-butt, Shido stood up slowly, trying to regain his footing before being tackled by the remaining 3 kendo members.

He tried to shake them off, cursing and screaming death threats. The Leader was standing above Shido, his nose bleeding and his lip showing some bruising. “You should’ve left us alone, Ongaku.” Shido snorted the blood from his nose and spat right into the Leader’s face. “Bite me,” Shido shouted, his face red with blood and rage.

The leader lifted the heel of his foot and drove it into Shido’s forehead.
"Saya, could you and Kaede show her around? Please."

Kaede sighed and shrugged, folding the corner of her book and dropping it beside her as she stood and made for the stairs. She walked behind Cyrus, ignoring Saya. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she paused on the final step, taking in the scene. Ayomide facing up to some tall guy, and a rigid young girl- must be Aida. Cyrus was already talking to her, bending down to lift suitcases, so Kaede focused on the guy. She brushed a strand of dark hair out of her eyes.

"Haru only mentioned a girl?," It wasn't meant aggressively, but that was how it came out. Whoever he was, he looked around Kaede's age, and she couldn't spot the tell-tale Rolex or expensive looking pair of Sunglasses that often marked a Gekkounkan out from their peers.

Doesn't mean he isn't like em though.

Kaede glanced over at Aida. The girl still looked frozen, and Kaede could at least identify with being plunged into a new, unknown group of people.

"Haru asked Saya and I to show you around, if you want." Kaede tried to make it sound casual, as though she didn't mind either way.

Girl shouldn't have the place rammed by her throat. Maybe she'll get lucky, smell S.E.E.S and get scared off.

"Ayomide..." Aida mumbled the word out and played at it in her head, trying to realize what he meant by such. Ayomide: a name of the African origin. Meaning: 'My joy has come.' With those words, Aida tried to process the possible meaning of that. Back when Oakley was first told about Aida being given a taste of reality by being assigned to attend this school, he began to teach Aida things. One of those things were sarcasm. would only make sense if he meant it in a sarcastic way. But then again, he did not look particularly agitated that he had to carry her things.
"If you wish, I'll do it myself." she said simply and quietly towards the male but she didn't attempt to reach for the luggage, as what to be accepted was listen to a response. So she went back to her normal and stiff posture.


.:.~ケ Saya Shibuzo ケ.:.



The name rung through her head like the morning bell, It was certainly a gorgeous name, perfectly fitting her stature. As she walked through the door, Saya turned to whisper to Haru, "so is she moving here because she has the potential or has she already realized about everything?"

Saya looked back to Aida thinking about her name. Aida. Artifical.Intelligence.Data.Anomaly.

No. Wrong series, that was certainly not it. Even though, she had to help her look around. So Saya motioned for the others crowding around. to back up considering this girl looked like she was going to burst with shyness.

"if you wish I'll do it myself"

"No need, darling. You're with us now. We have to look out for each other."

Saya sung as she smiled to the girl, helping her through the lobby. "Bathrooms are right to your left here. To your right, you can see our small dinner table. Reminder: Get more chairs. Of course, you saw before that, the cozy little sitting room. Then we'll move up the steps. If you would follow me, good lady."

Saya sounded exactly like some kind of tour guide.


Sai watched each new teen enter the small lobby. "So, not just a social, club. A dorm. Maybe... is this the school Mom was talking about...?" Sai shook his head and pulled his hand back. "So this is a high school, right?" He took in the scene once again, finally noticing the stiff girl standing a bit far away from him. "Oops." Sai turns to her and tries to give her the nicest smile he can surface. "Hey. Sorry, rude of me to barge in here like I own the place. I didn't even notice you standing there. You look like an ice sculpture, all stiff and unmoving. You seem like a cool chick." He chuckled at his own pun, but he realized how cruel he sounded and swore under his breath. He would have to apologize to her. And he hated apologies. He turned to the taller male in the room, sizing him up. "Definitely keeps himself active. Athlete? Maybe. Seems strict-like, aware. Don't want to get in a fight with him." He then noticed the girl standing by the stairs, looking between him and the Ice-Girl. He squinted his eyes, feeling like he has seen her before. He shook his head and looked back to the scary glasses girl he addressed first. "Listen, I won't stay long. I'll do anything, chores or whatever. Just..." He took a deep breath, loathing what he was about to say next. "Please." He looked at all of them. "If any of you tell someone I said that, I promise you will never want to be as flexible as you think." He glared at each one in turn, then sucked in a breath. "Damnit, I blew it..."

____Ayomide Caedien ____

As she addressed the boy, Ayomide noticed the strange appearance of Aida. If she's always like this, she shouldn't be much of a problem. She focused back on the boy and listened to his story apparently unaffected from it. As he concluded, she sighed and shook his outstretched hand. "Ayomide Caedien." She announced to him since he did the same, a respect thing. "While this is not a hotel, it seems you are welcome to stay for tonight due to other conditions. Consider yourself lucky." Since Aida was here, what was one more? "You will have to find somewhere else tomorrow and don't think you're going to be causing trouble. There are plenty of people here who are more than willing to take care of things." She added this last part from the fact that had confessed to being thrown out of his home for the night. She had nothing else to say at that moment so she directed herself to the next gathering of people in the room.

"Thank you Cyrus. Please take them to one of the vacant rooms upstairs." As she directed Cyrus, she glanced at both Aida and Sai to tell them that they will be staying in said vacant rooms. Then Kaede walked in and saw the same strange mistake Haru had made. "He did only mention a girl. This one walked in carelessly." Ayomide noted without a hint of restraint. She then heard Aida's faint recollection of her name. "My name is Ayomide Caedien. Cyrus is very capable." She spoke as if to assure her though that wasn't necessarily what she was doing. She then faced Kaede. "If you would at the end of your tour show them to vacant rooms." Walking past the group, she went behind a desk and pulled two keys on small key rings. As she walked back, she placed them in the hands of the two newcomers. "Try to go to bed early." Her advice tried to sound as simply advice but as she spoke came with it an eerie tone. With that, she was done and returned her way to Haru. "If you have any questions.." She stated before disappearing into the above floor.

"If you would at the end of your tour show them to vacant rooms."

Kaede nodded curtly to Ayomide before turning to follow the newcomers, who were being chivvied along by Saya. As the other S.E.E.S member launched into full tour guide, Kaede studied the guy's back. He'd looked at her strangely, shaking his head. Kaede felt uneasy, as though she was missing something, forgetting something, but she tried to push it out of mind.

Probably just trying to work out where I fit with the rest of these kids. Probably figured I don't- which suits me just fine. He's only going to be here for a night anyway.

They passed the dining room, then the sitting room, Sayas narration just turned into white-noise for Kaede. She spotted her book on the couch and longed to be able to finish those last few pages. A quick glance at the new ones and Saya; they were busy. Kaede slipped off, took her book from where she had left it and rejoined the group as they started to climb the stairs, once again following behind the guy, this time clutching the book to her chest.

I'll deal with Saya and these guys, maybe show one of them to their room so that Ayomide and Haru can't complain I didn't host them properly, then I'll find somewhere quiet and just... chill.

They reached the first landing- there was one spare room down the end. Kaede brushed between the new guy and girl to walk beside Saya for a moment.

"They don't need to see the roof," Kaede thought of Toru. He might be up there, and Kaede wasn't going to be the one to disturb him. "And there's a clear room down here. Would make sense if you take one and drop them off there? I'll see the other one upstairs to their place if you want."
"Thank you Cyrus. Please take them to one of the vacant rooms upstairs.". Cyrus nodded then heard something else that caught his ear, "If you wish, I'll do it myself." He turned to Aida and lifted an eyebrow, "I hope that was sarcasm or something..." Cyrus turned his head and walked up stairs making sure he didn't hit anyone, "Anti-shadow weapon coming through." He said jokingly Ok so let's see what we have here. We have a Seemingly fragile female who was assigned to this dorm, Who nobody seems to know about. He said this to himself as he scanned the faces of everyone in the lobby, Andddddd a freeloader. This day is just getting weirder and weirder. Cyrus made it up too one of the empty rooms on the 3rd floor in no time and began to set everything down making sure to keep track of his right arm so he didn't throw the suitcases by accident.

"Well I'm done here." he said to himself, "Better head back down to the lobby." And on that note he walked back down.
Taro stepped down from the roof down to his floor just in time to see the procession of new members being lead to the room. He didn't join in, taking a seat on the stair and watched as they walked up. He wondered how much the new people knew about what they were into.

Aida listened to it all respectively and had hardly said anything.

"Bathrooms are right to your left here. To your right, you can see our small dinner table. Reminder: Get more chairs. Of course, you saw before that, the cozy little sitting room. Then we'll move up the steps. If you would follow me, good lady."

"Thank you Cyrus. Please take them to one of the vacant rooms upstairs."

"My name is Ayomide Caedien. Cyrus is very capable."

So that was Ayomide...Aida frowned smally when she realized she made some sort of confusing mistake within her thoughts earlier but she was quick to regain monotony. She kept listening to the rest of what Ayomide had to say. She wanted for her to go to bed early and Aida nodded respectfully and with that said she had planned to be obedient to that rule.

She followed the male known as Cyrus over to her dorm. Seeing how it was the third floor, it was a good deal of steps and by the time they made it Aida was trying to catch a bit of lost breath. Without much attempt of any type of hospitality or even light conversation he dropped off her bags and made his way back.

Aida looked down at her bags and back at the man who was already walking away. She swallowed and attempted a
"Thank you." But it was much too soft for it to probably even be heard. She then looked down on the groud and thought on what to do...she didn't want to admit it and she probably wouldn't but not being home or being without was hard.

Even a little

Sai followed the two girls-Kaede and Saya?-as the escorted him to his room. He didn't pay as much attention to Saya, but turned his attention to Kaede, who he was sure he had seen before. He shook his head, positive that it was only a trick of his mind, that she looked so close to...

"Here we are!" She motioned to a door that was slightly open. Sai walked in and looked around, amazed at how neat it was. He had never stayed in a place that looked so nice. He turned to Saya, and mustered up that nice smile. Well, tried. "Thanks. This place is awesome." He turned to look at the bookshelf. "My own room..." He sat down on the bed and bounced on it a bit, feeling the mattress underneath the comforter and sheets. He looked up at the girls, and nodded. "Well, I'm beat. Thank you again." With that he quickly closed the door, and broke out into a huge grin, looking around the room and dancing a bit. He picked up a pillow and started to laugh into it. Then, remembering what his current situation is, stopped laughing and put the pillow down. He wouldn't get all hyped up on a room he was gonna have for one night. He lay down on the bed without getting under the covers, and stared at the ceiling, willing sleep to come to him.

Dorm, 2nd floor

6:50 PM

Haru's mind centered around Saya's words. "But, what if they ARE like us?" The mere thinking of this made Haru sigh "But still, we can't be completely sure until tonight...guess we will just have to play the waiting game for now." Finally after he was able to put his thoughts in order Haru took a seat. Glancing over at the clock Haru said to himself in what almost sounded like a whisper "I just wished this was easier...."




Dorm,1st floor

11:50 PM

"Only a couple of minutes more..." Haru sat alone on the first floor, surrounded by the light that would soon be gone after the start of the Dark Hour. The other members were probably getting getting geared up, but being the Intelligence Gatherer Haru only needed to get mentally prepared for what was about to come. "Calm down Haru, you've done this plenty of times. There is nothing different about this time..." But that was a lie. Seeing how they couldn't make much progress in the investigation of Tartarus due to lack of Persona power tonight's plan was to search for the ones that could be inside the island. Seeing how it was better for him (And for the group) to stay as far away as he could of battles Haru would stay inside the dorm and performing his usual job from there.

But there was another reason for him staying behind. Seeing how Saya's words had been written with fire into Haru's mind Haru had decided that he would make sure that the newcomers, in fact, did have the "talent". "If they do turn out to be like us then we may be able to convenience them into joining us. But that is easier said than done. What if they don't end up joining us? What if they are too scared to do so? I couldn't blame them, after all this "job" does require to endanger one's life." Haru placed his face on his hands, trying to calm himself down. "Seeing what I am about to do I really shouldn't think too much. I don't want get distracted."
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Sai was pacing around his room, fidgeting and shaking like a madman. Only three times he has felt this way, and each time, it happened. The darkest times of his life. How old had he been? 12? 10? He lost track of it through the years. And his mother still blamed him. But why, of all the nights, was it tonight? "Calm down, Sai. You can do it. Just will yourself to stop. Then fall asleep like all the other times." He looked at the digital clock on the nightstand by his bed. He shook his head. Too close. He will never fall asleep. Escape...somewhere safe.

Sai burst out of his room, feeling the panic attack coming. He stumbled down the hall, steadying himself on the wall. He kept moving, knowing that if he stopped, he was going to not be able to move again. He reached the end of the hallway and threw open the door at the top of the stairs. He threw himself through, and collapsed, breathing in the cool air of the night. "But how long will it last?" Sai pushed himself to his feet and looked around. The roof. He pushed himself up and stood, looking round. He was instantly feeling better, and he walked over to the edge of the roof, looking down. Two stories to the ground. How many times has he stood like this, with his arms outstretched, eyes closed, envisioning the plunge to the earth below? He smiled, knowing how foolish he was, and stepped way from the edge. He walked back towards the building, a little off balance, but he kept walking. He would survive the night. Like all the other times. But at what cost? He shook his head. He still couldn't get the girl Kaede out of his head. He knew her. He was sure of it. He would find out, even if it meant any risk. That was it. He was a glass-cannon. He would deal damage to hit his mark, even if he hurt those around him with the shattered parts of himself. But he was not always like that. He would make sure to keep his friends at a safe distance, then fire. He didn't want to hurt anyone anymore.

Sai walked back down the stairs, stopping and hiding in the doorway, holding his breath as each teen walked by him. He didn't move, in fear he would be found, but he was more interested in where they were going. He had heard the other boy,Haru-maybe-,before, talking to himself. Sai new something was odd about this place.

He was going to find out on this night.

____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide stood in her room adjusting her outfit to better fit with the appropriate gear that was needed for the night's Tartarus investigation. Walking over to take a seat on her bed, her heels clicked against the floor. There were so many thoughts racing through her head. There was the drama with Toru, the drama with the new ones, and finally the drama with Tartarus. Besides Haru and herself, Toru had been there the longest. He had witnessed everything that they been through. To Ayomide, he was throwing it all away, like the last few years had been for nothing. Realizing that she was wasting time, she stood and continued to get ready for the night. She reached into a tall cabinet in her room and pulled from it her weapon of choice, a lance. Taking the safety guard off the point of the lance, she couldn't keep herself from worrying about the night. The shadows keep getting stronger each time we reach a new floor and we seem to be losing people by the moment. The question that Saya asked earlier did pique interest. One is reckless and the other small. How useful would they be? Would it even matter? She looked at herself in the mirror. She remembered the time where she had to conform to her families expectations. Since she had been on the island, she had cut her long length of hair, bound her chest, and stopped the increased usage of makeup. While most of this was due to the physical activity involved with investigating Tartarus, she might have done the same if she wasn't part of S.E.E.S. The only things that tend to tell people her gender is the pale colors on her nails, the heels she constantly is found wearing, and the slight tone of femininity in her voice. Twirling the lance in her hand, the lance swing around full circle before being held tightly still once more. They are here...They are here... Her mind began to race again but before it turned any worse, she assured herself saying it was merely stress. Before heading out of her room, she wrote something on a piece of paper and took it with her. In the hall, she took the paper and taped it to Toru's door. It read, "Don't leave us behind." Before heading down to wait for the others and talk to Haru, she stared at a second toward the rooms of the others. She shook her head and hoped that she had been feeling that way because of apprehension. Finally, she took herself down do the first floor with Haru. "Why does it feel strange tonight..of all nights?" She asked him with sense of heaviness but not urgency.

A yawn escaping his mouth, Nobuo was still going through his list, except it had gotten smaller now. He was finishing the process of narrowing it down to those important enough to look into, and that combined with occasionally removing someone he found as a possible friend left a handful of students. This was the first time he'd done research ahead of time, so it took a lot longer then he'd expected. It was also likely due to the fact he would sometimes get sidetracked, but that was beside the point. His eyes closed shut occasionally, only to shoot open from his determination to stay awake. Adding a few extra details beside a few names, he finalized the document and pressed print. "Finally. That took longer than expected. At least I can get some sleep now."

As he waited, only one out of three pages came out of his personal printer, and when he checked he realized there was no ink. The page that came out only had the people he found the most important, with the previously mentioned Haru Rijito being at the top, and an Ayomide Caedien squeaking in at the bottom of the page, with at least four lines of details and pictures for each person. "Darn it, I need the full list for tomorrow!" Checking his watch, he realized exactly how late it was. Nobuo was rather new to the area, so he didn't know the store times, yet he banked on something being open where he could buy some ink. Grabbing his red jacket he wore out all the time, he grasped the page in his hand, slipped out, and headed towards anywhere that may be open. Only twenty minutes out, then twenty minutes back. Of course, most people would just wait till the next day, but this was more about Nobuo pushing himself to get something done than logic. Besides, he brought the list he had so he could read it over while he looked, so even if nothing was open at least he got something done.
Shido’s vision began to return as he laid face down on the cold concrete ground. His face was a wreck, his right eye swollen and his bottom lip cut from the fight. He slowly started to gain his footing, his chest and legs coated in bruises so he couldn’t help but groan at the pain.

Shido grabbed hold of the wall of the alley and followed it back out to the train station. When did it get so late? Shido looked at the surrounding area and noticed Screen Shot across the alley. He grabbed hold of his left side and leaned off the wall, walking towards the train station and spotting a couple benches in front of the flower shop. He gently sat down and stared up at the sky, noticing the stars and the moon shining above him. What time is it? Gotta be close to midnight…

Shido painfully reached for his pocket and pulled out his cellphone. An old flip phone with a small phone charm of the Escapade logo. He flipped it up to look for the time only to be greeted with a glaring amount of alerts. 10 missed calls, 8 text message alerts and 3 voicemails. All from Amano. Bastard probably wanted to apologize. Screw that.

Shido first checked his texts. The first one was plain and simple. Call me. Shido scoffed and moved to the next message. Shido. Urgent. Plz Respond! Shido raised an eye at the text. Urgent? It couldn’t be…

“It may be a few days... maybe even a few hours.”

Shido’s heart was beating. Surely his dad just wanted to yell at him more. The third message just read. COME BACK NOW. Shido frantically started pressing the pads on his phone. He tapped the voicemail and pressed it to his ear.

Shido! Please answer me! It’s your mother, you need to get to hos-“ In the back, Shido could hear the heart monitors going haywire and deep, heavy coughing. No. No no no! Shido started to lift himself from the bench but fell to the ground, his body in too much pain to move. The phone started to play the second message.

“Shido! Shido, please! C’mon dammit!” His father’s voice was more frantic than mad. Shido lifted his arms but couldn’t get off his knees. Get up! GET UP! Shido was sweating terribly, it dripping mercilessly off his face and onto the ground. The third message played.

His father was breathing heavily into the phone as if he had been crying. “Shido,” he spoke weakly.He stared at his phone intensely, his arms shaking so violently he had to lower himself a little. “Shido…” His father took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, the message becoming disoriented at his sigh. “She’s gone, Shido. The doctors- The doctors were all in here and they kept trying. They kept trying! But… b-but she stopped breathing for ten minutes while they were… you’re mother… she… she’s gone.”


Shido finally got his arms off the ground but he still stood on his knees, facing the pale moon that shined above his head. Each breath felt like he was swallowing fire, his gasps becoming louder and fiercer. I wasn’t there. I wasn’t there. No. NO! NO!

His teeth grinding, his face getting redder and redder. He grabbed hold of his hair and tugged as hard as he could. This had to be bullshit, he’s still knocked out from those kendo losers. This can’t be real. She wouldn’t leave Shido without saying goodbye. This was just a dream, a nightmare. How could it be anything else? But the pain was unbearable. His legs felt like noodles and he could hardly take a breath without his chest burning. This is bullshit. There’s no way. THIS IS BULLSHIT! He clenched his eyes and screamed into the air, the veins in his head and neck pulsating as he let out his cries.

Everything was about to change for Shido. His past dreams, his aspirations, his fears, his sorrows. His rage. Nothing would be quite the same as the clock struck midnight.
Kaede sat on the edge of her bed, her sword on her lap, running one finger along the length of the blade idly. She was already changed, ready for the dark hour. A pair of army surplus combat boots, her favourite- if ragged- pair of jeans and a thick, thigh length coat she'd picked up on discount. Now she was just waiting, enjoying her own company.

Kaede heard the sound of people making their way downstairs, but decided to wait a little longer. She didn't want to have to wait with the others unless she had to. Reaching to her bedside table, she picked up her book and began flicking through pages at random, hoping to find that she'd missed one to marginally prolong its life. She'd finished it an hour ago, tomorrow she'd have to either venture back to the library, or accept that she'd be rereading until her next opportunity to go home. As she flipped the pages she thought about the new ones.

They shouldn't be here. They're not a part of S.E.E.S, and this isn't some hotel. Any more people and I'm living somewhere else, shadows or not. I need my space.

Kaede thought about the new guy, the one she just couldn't place. She recognised him, or at least she thought she did, but from where she had no idea. Picking up her sword, Kaede slid it into its scabbard before pulling her coat across to conceal both. Getting to her feet she stretched, and with slow, resigned steps she started on her way downstairs.

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"Taki, guard!"Toru called out to the girl as one of the Maya shadows began to attack ready to swing its claws down at her. The girl was caught up in fear, instict making drop her rapier and go in brace position closing her eyes to the expected attack."No not like...God dammit!"

He rushed to her as the shadow was near her about to attack. He got there in time to meet the shadow claws with his katana and countering with a horizontal slash, sending it stumbling back with the other three in its party. He took a quick back wards glance at the girl Taki to make sure she was alright, she was but to scared to be of use. He turned to the other two in his party, with another girl, Sinai, armed with a bow and a boy Kenji which was armed with greatsword almost as tall as him. They looked at Taki with a contempt.

"What are you looking at? The shadows are over there, in case you haven't noticed!"He called out to them getting to battle stance."Sinai zio them!" The girl did was she was told summoning her persona which led to lighting strikes at the Maya knocking them all over."Now, All out Attack!"

The group charged toward at the shadows, cutting through them with almost recklessness until the shadows were disintegrated. With that, Taki recovered for her fear and walked to the group, a shamed look in her face.

"Sorry...I didn't know what happened...The way that thing looked at me..just.."She began to say before Toru raised his hand to stop her.

"Dont worry about it too much, you will get better in time. Everyone has their weaknesses and weakness, there is no shame in it." He began to say kindly before a disapproving grunt from Kenji could be heard. Toru crossed his arms and turned to Kenji."You weren't as mad at Taki when she healed those burns at your first fight. Though as you just saw so do the shadows. That why we are group, to counter the weaknesses of each other and exploit the weakness of the shadows. Understood?"

A collective and somewhat half-hearted yes sounded from the group. Toru was about say more when the sounds of chains rattling echoed down the dark halls of the level.

"We have to go. Now, this way!"Toru hurriedly said to the other leading them away from the sound of the chains. However the sound chains kept getting louder and louder...

Toru woke in his bed with a slight startle, sweat covering his brow and the echoes of the chains still in his mind. He groaned as he checked his watch seeing the time as 11:50, ten minutes before the dark hour as usual. He set up on the side of his bed and rubbed his temples in frustration before hearing the sound of movement outside his door. He walked up to the door and opened it only to find a note. The note read "Don't leave us behind," a momentary guilt crept up on him as the meaning of the words became evident. However the feeling changed to irritation as he tore the note of the wall and crumbled it in his hand. He wasn't leaving them behind , he was doing them a favor.

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