Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]


Ashigara's Lightning
Cadell Morde submitted a new role play:


(I hope this is a good starter for you guys.)

6:00 PM

Inside Haru's bedroom

Inside his room Haru was almost done in typing the weekly report in his laptop. "Our investigation isn't going well. Large quantities of Shadows are making it hard for us to advance through Tartarus . The fact that the floors constantly change from day to day just makes things even worse. Maybe things will get better once we are able to recruit new members, but I can't say for sure. There is a slight chance that there may be some other persona-users inside Tatsumi Port Island, I will try to confirm this on my next report. Thank you for you patience."

Soon after he was done writing the report Haru lay back on his chair, reading his report one more time before sending it. While he slowly began to incorporate himself Haru's digital clock began to ring. "Huh? Is it that time already?" Haru thought while turning towards a drawer. The only thing inside of it was a small recipient full of pills. Haru took one out and directly swallowed it. "How much time will I have to keep taking these?" He thought while he began to exit his room.

Outside in the hall the only sounds that could be heard were coming from downstairs. Haru wasn't sure if the other members were there or if they were out at the moment, after all it was still pretty early. There was also the chance that they were inside their rooms like he was just a few seconds ago. While walking downstairs Haru couldn't help but think about their current situation. "Things aren't going well for us... we must get stronger if we want to reach the top of Tartarus. I wished I could fight alongside them...but I mustn't fear, after all there is still the chance that we will find more Persona-users that are willing to fight with us.". When Haru reached the lobby he began to look around, searching for the others.

.:.~ケ Saya Shibuzo ケ.:.


Saya was sitting back on her laptop with a blanket around herself crying. Of course it wasn't for a real, particular, reason. "oh, poor shiro, You can't leave her for Inuma. She doesn't love you!" She gently yelled at the computer. Her popcorn beside her almost flew out of her hand and onto the floor, if she hadn't had grabbed it before it fell. It seemed as soon as she joined S.E.E.S she had some sort of accuracy that went by her. She especially excelled in ice powers. Being able to summon the persona was enough for her. Knowing she had that kind of power. She loved it.

As she wiped her tears, she saw a figure move out from the stairs and jumped. This time, sending the popcorn flying to the floor.
"Oh! Haru! Don't scare me like that." "Helpful Haru." That's what she had just recently started to call him after the first few adventures they had gone through together. He helped pull out a weakness of a distant shadow that was giving her troubles. She got along with his curiosity also. Always showing him a new painting or recipe that she had made. They would always document thing together. But when it came down to the business of shadow hunting. The whole dorm made a great team.


Cyrus was sitting on the couch in the lobby just twiddling with his thumbs well.... one thumb and one robotic thumb, I still can't get used to this whole I've been asleep for 30 years thing. He sighed. It was tough for Cyrus to get used to any of this since he really didn't remember much of his past, but he did remember getting his Arm and leg. He decided to ignore his own thought and looked up he saw Haru walking down the stairs. He looked like was searching for something or someone so he thought like he could try to help. "Hey Haru whats you looking for?"

6:00 PM

Hospital close to Port Island Station

It was starting to get dark, the light-orange sun was bleeding through the curtains inside the hospital room. Shido stared at the heart monitor in the corner of the room, each passing beep a sad symphony in his mind. His eyes followed the cord connected to his sleeping mother's arm, the area of skin around the cord wrapped in bandages with a layer of bruising bleeding through the cotton cloth. Her blonde hair was gone, the hair that made everyone at Escapade go wild as she appeared on the show floor. Now completely bald and her skin a sickly grey, the only thing that was going through his head was "Will she live?"

"We... don't know how much longer," the doctor said, going over the clipboard seated at the foot of her bed. "It may be a few days... maybe even a few hours." Sitting in the chair across the room was Amano, Shido's father, flipping his pocket watch. Shido slightly turned his head to the doctor and returned his gaze to his mother. "Then leave. I wanna talk to someone who knows how long."

"Shido," Amano sighed before facing the doctor. "Thank you for all you've done. If you could leave us in private, sir?" The doctor nodded to Amano, then faced the hulking Shido before exiting the room. "You have a funny way of thanking people, Shido."

Shido scoffed at his father's remark. "Help? What kind of help has he done other than pump Mom with that chemical shit and give us guesses?" Amano stood from his seat and looked at his son, trying to get his attention. "Shido. I know you're upset-"

"You don't know dick about me, Amano," Shido growled back, his eyes piercing into his father's sad face.
6:00 PM

Nobuo's room

Sitting at his computer desk slowly scrolling through pages, Nobuo took a long stretch while keeping his right hand on the mouse. "Okay, let's see what else we can find." On his screen was a long list of names, all of them students of Gekkoukan high school. He had recently transferred and hadn't been there long, so he wanted to know who he would be dealing with and who were the 'top dogs' of the school. He had spent a good hour or so scanning through social profiles, old school news, cross checking names and gathering details on whoever he deemed interesting. With the information he gathered, he could use that to do further searches in the school itself to know almost everything about a person. Some people would call this creepy, but what else was he going to do with his free time? Not like he was going to talk to anyone. May as well use it to gain an advantage.

First on his list was Toru Tanaka, one of the kendo teams former best member and apparently a rather bright kid. From what he gathered, Toru had dropped out of the kendo club at roughly the same time he dropped in grades. Nobuo wasn't sure if any research was necessary for this particular person. Though he was curious of the cause of his decline, It seemed Toru wasn't as much of a presence anymore in the school. Of course, the one that interested him the most was Haru Rijito, a member of the Nanjo group. That alone was enough to garner his attention. He was pretty sure he could learn enough about him by asking and poking around for a few weeks.

The amount of information he could gather on his computer was very limited, but at the very least it gave him a general idea of what a person was like. Nobuo clicked away from his list for a short time to turn on some music. Putting on his headphones, he went back to searching. There were a few instances where he would learn enough about someone that he started to feel like he could maybe be their friend. Of course, whenever this happened he crossed that person off his list and moved on. He really didn't want any feeling of compassion at all. It was a concept that scared him greatly. It made you vulnerable.
6:00 PM

S.E.E.S Lobby

Kaede tipped back on a chair in the lobby, nose deep in her book, but her eyes weren't moving. Over the top of the pages, she spotted Haru coming down the stairs, glancing around. Kaede shrunk back a little in her chair, raising her book to hide her face. Ever since joining S.E.E.S, Haru had made her uncomfortable, always looking to learn, to study his fellows. Kaede had always kept her distance from the so-called privileged, especially the ones that were cleverer than her.

If he just keeps his distance, we'll get along fine. She thought.

Haru spoke up from the coach, Kaede raised an eyebrow and grinned to herself. It still amused her that they had a robot,
"An Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon," She reminded herself, living in the same dorm. At least he was quiet. One of the few that hadn't made too much of an effort to make friends, and blissfully oblivious to social class as well. Suited her. If I ever want to make friends with the rich kiddies, It'll be on my terms. I don't need Angela trying to make nice, or worse Haru trying to make me 'Integrate with the team...'

Kaede flipped the page, more aggressively than she needed to. I'm barely a Gekkounkan, She thought, and have nothing in common with its geniuses and celebrities. Just the bursary kid- the one they pay out of sympathy and to make the school look as though it makes an effort or gives a damn. Kaede glanced up at Cyrus and Haru, I don't need them, and I wish I didn't need S.E.E.S either. I should be able to cope against Shadow's without the rest, I should, but I can't.
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____Ayomide Caedien ____

Ayomide slowly adjusted within a chair to comfortably continue reading a novel that had already been read through but not completed. Instead of looking back at the text, she watched as she ran her finger tips along the page linings. The related characters secretly feuding with each other within the story blatantly reminded her of the treatment from the people who so easily denied her a family. Why do I read such useless things? Her thoughts thundered as she slammed the book down to her desk. What is the point of being born into a family if the people there are simply going to turn their backs to you? She quickly removed her glasses as they began to fog from the rising heat in her face. Nothing seemed to bother her more and for good reason. Everyone has a wound and this was hers. To calm herself down, she slid her fingers through her hair, much like a mother would, and leaned lightly against her desk. Before grabbing her glasses, she turned to the window and pulled over a side of the curtain. Her eyes gazed at the gently moving clouds blocking the sun eventually letting out a sigh. How silly of me getting angry at books. She returned her focus to the clouds and wondered about the shadows. They've already begun increasing and we still have a ways to go. She then grabbed her glasses and positioned them back on her, resolved. She stood back up straight on her feet and began for the door. Upon opening it, she noticed Haru turn the corner of the stair case. Closing the door behind, she followed and found him, Shibuzo, Yukimura, and Cyrus. I wonder if he has a last name... Her mind drifted before she announced herself. "Hello everyone. Hello, Haru. I see you've come out of your room." Ayomide noted with noticeable surprise.

6:05 Lobby

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Toru's Room

Toru packed some of his last into boxes, he was going to live out of suitcase and boxes until he finally left. He had sent the application to transfer to another dorm a few days ago, however it was difficult to find a free spot so late in the year. It would be a pain to move but he did not feel comfortable living in this place. It being a constant reminder of what happened. Could barely sleep anymore without being reminded of it, so barely slept because of it. Living at home was not a option either, having to face his parents each day about his current state wasn't appealing. He got enough of their concern over the phone and the few times he run into his father in between classes.

The only thing he didn't back away was his diasho set, which rested on a stand over his chest of draws. He picked up the katana and unsheathed it from it's scabbard before holding in diagonally in a kendo stance. The set was of fine make by caring hands, a surprise prize for Toru after winning a city kendo tournament, blunt at first but he had it sharpened for battling shadows by a SEES sympathizer who provided the group with weapons. He raised the blade over his head and made a slashing motion down, it was heavier than he remembered making him drop it harder then he expected. He cursed himself, he hadn't practiced so his strength must have atrophied. He loosened himself out before returning to his previous stance, he moved blade going for a 90 degree horizontal swing but the blade slipped from his hand. It fell to the ground the blade scabbing the side of his thigh.

"Crap!" he cursed the pain equivalent to a paper cut.

"So..." the young man says as he pulls up at the front. "Seems we're here miss~" he looks back over at the younger girl, whom pants slowly and quietly but keeps her attention focused out the window. Even if not uncommon, the man can't help but to worry. "Aida..are you ok?" he asked as he shifted his body to actually look at her and not just her reflection from the rear view mirror.

The girl doesn't speak for a moment, as her thoughts seem to be elsewhere. But then again, this is a norm for the fragile girl. After a moment of looking out at nothing but the sun setting from the earth she slowly looks way at the man, still looking glazed and out of it but her smile is tender and thoughtful- yet all the same delicate.

"Yes, quite so." she said- her voice soft and almost inaudible and with a modest tone. Not even with a slight trace of shyness or arrogance it was very controlled and balanced. That was one of the hard things with this girl though. She had been disciplined so strictly and well that it was almost as if she did not have an opinion or single complaint of her own and it was difficult to ever even tell her emotions...if she even had any. All he could ever sense was thoughtfulness, knowledge and modesty but surely their had to be more of that within her.

"Maybe I'm a little eager..." she added, but with the same tone as before. The man could only arch an eyebrow and offer an unconvinced smirk, but Aida seemed to have no opinion on that either as she went back to looking out the window.

"Are you sure you want to do this..? Go here I mean. You're growing up so you do have a say so..and even if you aren't yet the legal age I'm here you know...I can help you if you want. " he said, watching her features intently for any sign of her wanting to agree. He knew she had never disobeyed before and honestly he had no idea if that was even possible with her but he desperately wanted to see if maybe..just maybe...

But when she looked back over at him- with that same expression that he could never read, she tilted her head slightly as if what he said was completely foreign.
"Oakley, pardon?"

Sighing, Oakley just shook his head and looked away.
"Nothing..." he tapped at his steering wheel nervously, worried that she may disapprove of him for saying something like that. That it was 'unfit of a body guard' but she didn't. In fact when she reached over and rested a small hand lightly on his shoulder, he looked back in surprise.

"You'll be ok. Whatever it is it may be. I dare not intrude but..I believe in you. My parents will recommend you highly, so even if you won't be watching over me anymore, you'll find better work. Even some you may actually enjoy. And soon you'll become a hero in one of those story books I love."

That was Aida all right- she may not have much of an opinion on anything but when it came to heroes and stories...those small moments will probably the most you'll ever see life and love in this woman. Which is sad but...boy was it a wonder. But before he could even taken a chance to reminisce on those good thoughts, another thing she said had him taken aback, slightly concerned.

"Wait, do you think I don't enjoy your company and working for you!?" he asked but all that emotion or own thought that may have just miraculously been detected and discovered was lost and forgotten as she began to glance back out the window again and focusing her attention at the school before her- the school her parents were now making her attend. Gekkoukan high. Here would Aida finally be getting the first real taste of reality and all on her delicate lonesome and that fact had bugged Oakley to no end, but even as him being her loyal body guard for the past couple of years, he wasn't allowed to escort her as she attended it. This was all her and this would probably even be their goodbye.


After taking her bags to the front Oakley looked down at her. He wasn't sure what to make of all of this or even say...and boy how that did nothing but piss him off.

"Are you sure you'll be fine? This is all way too overwhelming for somebody like you..." he started but before he could keep on Aida stopped him by a shake of her head.

"No worries- I am capable of enduring what I need to. I'll be strong, you can put your confidence in me." She said in that same modestly quiet but soothing voice of hers. But whenever she said it like that, it would only remind Oakley just how sickly she was and it didn't reassure him in the least.

"L-listen..there's bound for something to come up. Whether we forgot something...or anything really." he said as he fumbled with his pockets and pulled out one of his business cards, handing it to her. "You'll keep it with you, right? It has my number and at least with that you forget old me~" he teased. Aika took it quietly and secured it within one of her pockets. She looked back up at him- her big dark eyes boring straight into him, a pretty and small smile offered in this rare moment. "I already carry plenty of memories that couldn't so easily be lost like that. But I hope you do well with your career and never stray from the path of justice."

That was all Oakley could ever even want to hear right now. He wanted so much to ignore the thought that she may never call because she wasn't given direction to. But that little bit, even vague and without any affection anyone else would made him feel some sense of good and with that, entrusting she could do the rest here even though every part of him wanted to say otherwise he exchanged his goodbyes and left his little Aika to fend all for herself against the harsh reality.

..And that thought made him feel no better.

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6:00 p.m.

Du'sol's Room

"No good..." Angela murmured in low tones, fidgeting with the white cord in her hands. Resting across her lap was the polished pole of her spear. The blade, long since fastened securely at one end, was covered by a loose cloth. The plain, braided cord she unconsciously played with in her hands was what she used to keep the cloth secure over the blade whenever the spear was not in use.

Click. Her ears perked up, looking to her own door as she heard the sound of one opening. Freeing her fingers from the cord, she wrapped it around the cloth and knotted it securely, afterwards placing the spear on the free part of the bed. Unwrapping her legs from under her, she lifted them and allowed them to gently fall over the edge of the bed, the mattress lightly bouncing in response to the shifting weight. "Wake up now," she sang softly to her tingling legs, reaching forward to massage a numb calf.

Once the pins had left her bloodstream, she pushed herself forward so that her feet finally touched the ground. Standing up, she padded over to her door and opened it. A quick peek down the hall showed Haru disappearing down the stairs, Ayo fast behind him. But no Toru. One could hope that he was down in the lobby, but that wouldn't be a practical thought. Ever since...
then, well... he'd closed himself off, to everyone. And Angela found herself at a loss of what to do. At the very least, she wished she could run into him so they could talk, but be it luck or another force's doing, she kept seeing a lack of Toru in the common areas.

Angela let out a soft exhale and exited her room. It was as it was. In any case, it would be nice to go mingle with the others downstairs-


Her head instinctively turned to the direction of the excited utterance. That sounded very much like Toru's voice coming from Toru's room. She padded swiftly, covering the space between her door and his in a few steps. Raising her wrist, she connected her second-knuckles with the door. Knock knock. "Toru? You alive and well in there~?" she intoned.
Double crap! He thought sitting down on his bed and taking bandage from the draw of the bedside. The only other person he didn't want to see, purposely avoiding her attempt at help and psycho-analysis. It wasn't easy to though, the girl seemed to be around each corner the few he left the room. There was no escape now, the girl was like a shark, she smelled blood so attacked and he was cornered in his own room. He sighed after finishing covering his wound, he got up and limped to the door. He opened the door slightly enough to be seen and see her.

"Yeah, i am fine. Just..bumped my toe."He said bluntly."Need anything?" the question was said in a tone which indicated the opposite that what was said.
Haru smiled at the sight of the others. It had only been a couple of months but Haru felt that he got along with everyone. He was never good at remembering names but he tried his best to remember everyone's name by using a simple system. "Lets see, the girl with the persona that reminds me of a fish is Saya. The white haired dude with the lovely personality is Toru. The girl that is the "friendliest" of the group is Kaede. The girl(?) with the Persona that haunts my dreams is Ayomide. The girl with the weirdest yet most majestic Persona is Angela. And the guy that is half human and half anti-shadow suppression weapon is Cyrus, also known as Gaios. Man, I love my system...."

"Hello Cyrus! It's good to see you." After greeting Cyrus with a smile Haru looked over at the popcorn disaster and sighed but his smile didn't disappear. "Seriously Saya? How can one get scared so easily while having an Anti-Shadow Supression Weapon sitting next to her? That is pretty ridicu-" But before Haru could finish his sentence he was interrupted by a voice. "Hello everyone. Hello, Haru. I see you've come out of your room." The fact that he wasn't expecting Ayomide made Haru jump and yelp at the same time, almost knocking over a pot that was standing on a nearby table. "Oh, ahem, it's you Ayomide...I apologize for that, reports don't write themselves after all..."

In an attempt to deny the existence of the pathetic moment he had just gone through Haru began walking over to the cleaning closet as fast as he could. He quickly took out a broom and began to head over to the popcorn mess. Before he began cleaning Haru realized he had forgotten to great the last member in the room. With a smile he turned her head towards her and said jokingly "Ah, Kaede it's good to see that you are as social as ever!". Without waiting for a response Haru began to clean Saya's mess.
The tension in the air was sharp enough to cut through steel. It had only been 2 months since his father came back to Port Island, but it felt like a lifetime of hate had returned in Shido’s life. “Why’d you come back?” Shido said forcefully. “Where the hell do you get off telling me how I feel? You don’t know me. You never did!”

Amano was silent but his brow furrowed. Although they had been separated for years, the resemblance was uncanny. The same shaped face, the build and even their expression were almost exactly alike. But the only slight difference between Amano and Shido was their hair color, Shido taking after his mother with light blonde hair. Amano’s was jet black and combed out while Shido left it short and wild.

It angered Shido. How this man is his father. It angered Shido that a man who had barely been in his life finally decided to show up just as the person he cares for the most was at her most vulnerable.

Was it for money? Attention? Desperation? Why? WHY!? Shido kept yelling it in his head. Why? It baffled him in every way. They had no money, his mother hadn't performed at Escapade since her diagnosis. Most of the money went towards her treatments and they could hardly afford that. It couldn't be for Shido making money either. He had been skipping classes for a majority of the previous year. It was a wonder how he made it to third year. He was in danger of being expelled for his bad grades and getting into fights on school property. The only reason Shido got into Gekkoukan was because his mother wanted Shido to have the best education in the city. To make a life for himself.

“Why did you come back? Hmm?” Shido was starting to get closer to Amano, sticking his face closer and with more aggression than before.

“Because I made a mistake,” Amano said firmly.

“You’re damn right you made a mistake. You should’ve stayed in your backwater hole and left us the hell alone!” Shido yelled.

“Enough Shido!” Amano shouted, his face red.

He stood back a little. Nobody had ever yelled at Shido so forcefully before. “You really wanna know why I’m here. Because you’re mother told me to take you with me! She wanted you to be taken care of because she's gonna die! I came back to beat some sense into that thick head of yours.” Shido’s face cringed and let out an annoyed grunt. “What the hell is the matter with you? Getting into fights around the city? Congratulations, you’ve made a real ass of yourself.” Amano had had enough with Shido’s disrespect towards him. No matter how long he had been gone, Amano still saw himself as Shido’s father and demanded his son’s respect. Since his return, Shido had done nothing but speak ill of him. And nothing angered him more than being called his name by his own son.

“People respect me!” Shido blurted.

“People fear you, Shido! You think that beating up kids and street punks give you respect? It makes you a thug!” Amano walked towards Shido and pressed his finger to Shido’s chest. “If it wasn’t the cancer killing her, it was your damn antics making her worry to death!”

“Eat shit, Amano,” Shido growled. “Of all people, you put mom in here! You left us to die on the streets!” Shido was done. Done with this horrible man. Done with a hospital that didn’t give him the answers he wanted. Shido shoved his father out of his way and ripped open his mother's hospital room door, the bustle of doctors and nurses silhouetting the halls.

“I’m not done talking to you, Shido!” Amano yelled.

“I am.” Shido said with his back turned from Amano and slammed the door shut.

(tl;dr Shido's a cranky pants)

.:.~ケ Saya Shibuzo ケ.:.


"Seriously Saya? How can one get scared so easily while having an Anti-Shadow Supression Weapon sitting next to her?"

"No it's not, that it's just...ugh"

Saya's shyness got the best of he continued conversing with the other members of the group. Then Haru started to clean up the mess she had made. 'Forgive me, This usually doesn't happen." Then she got on her own hands and knees and started to pick up the popcorn. When they had finished picking it up she spoke, "Thank you. And I barely know anything about that Shadow-Suction weapon. How's it gonna protect me?"

As a support user she cared mostly for the safety of all of those around her. Therefore, she tried to depend on only herself.

It was obvious that Saya the shy girl would get a bit jealous over ridiculous things.


6:06 p.m.

Outside Tanaka's Room

Surprise was hers when he opened the door instead of speaking through it. Albeit it was opened
just enough to see part of him through the rectangular gap, and none of the room beyond him. "Yeah, i am fine. Just..bumped my toe." Ouch. That explained the earlier exclamation. "Need anything?" If the crack-opened door wasn't enough indication, his choice few words and tone were. He did not want company, not in the least. "Ah, no, just checking if all was okay," Angela spoke. It was a gamble on what to do next. Leave him be to his space, as his actions advised her to? Or coax him out into interaction, as he had not done in days? Mmm... "It's been a while since I've seen your face," she attempted a half-joke. It came out light at the very least. "Say, there's a bunch of us downstairs who haven't seen your face either in a while. Come down, we should all catch up," she suggested, the invite tasting odd in her mouth as it fell from her lips. And why wouldn't it, steering Toru to go socialize when Toru himself could have once been described as the social one?
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Cyrus watched as popcorn spilled all over the place, he kept trying to refresh his memory when he heard a few comments the annoyed him a bit, "Thank you. And I barely know anything about that Shadow-Suction weapon. How's it gonna protect me?" Cyrus looked over at Saya,"It? I'm still human." Cyrus had an annoyed tone but if you were to look at his face when he said it, it would look like he was unaffected by it still smiling. He looked around the room to see people that he had only for a few months communicate with. I've gone a long way since then i guess....
"Nothing to catch up about. Consider the no face thing as a trial run for the future. Get used to it."He said keeping a polite tone but his impatience and irritation showed off more and more. "In any case, i have things to do so...Good talking to you for what its worth."

He made a motion to close the door, hoping it was the last of it.

Inside the building, Aida began to slowly walk around. She had attempted to drag her stuff around with her but could hardly get it a few feet past the front door before panting miserably. In an effort of giving up and trying later when she felt better she decided to walk around to make sure she was even at the right place or better yet if there was anybody here.

She didn't dare to go upstairs or anything and just kind of stood there in what could be the lobby? Or whatever...she was near the front entrance. She stopped her pacing when she heard some sorts of life upstairs and so she stood still and waited respectfully for trying to find said people and interrupting them if they were busy or invading further area when not told to was simply rude.

Dustpan still in hand Haru approached Cyrus and patted his head with a smile. "I apologize, you are still a human and I should address you as such. We all should. Please forgive me..." Leaving Cyrus's side Haru headed over to the trashcan and threw all of the popcorn inside of the bag. He sighed when he saw it was completely full. "I will be throwing this out now. Be right back." Haru said while he began to close the bag with a tight knot. "You people should talk with Kaede, she looks like she needs a friend..." and with a final chuckle he left the room.

While Haru began to head downstairs with the bag full of trash he started to think yet again "I should probably let them know about the change of plans conserning tonight's investigation...whatever, I will let them know after I throw the trash out." When he reached the first floor it was immersed in almost complete darkness. Haru heard the sound of a car driving away and what seemed like faint footsteps. "Huh? Was that Angela? Or was it Toru?...Strange, I thought everybody was inside the dorm already." His hand began to blindly search for the light switch and when he found it the whole room lightened up. There, just a few feet away, stood a girl. Haru was both shocked and confused when he saw her. "What is this girl doing here? Is she lost?...."Before saying anything Haru cleared his throat and said "Hello? Can I help you?" He tried to sound as friendly as possible so that the girl wouldn't detect his surprise.
6:07 p.m.

Outside Tanaka's Room

"To you as well," she replied. After that short exchange, Toru made to close the door. Angela leaned back to show she wouldn't stop him. After all, what had transpired could be considered progress, no? It'd been more words than she'd heard him say for a while, at least. Once the door was well and shut with its usual click, she headed to the stairs. But her mind kept going back to the outside of the room. 'Consider the no face thing as a trial run for the future. Get used to it.' That's exactly what he'd said, and at first she'd interpreted it to mean he was going to continue to shut himself in his room. But then, what had be meant by 'for the future'? Mmm... This was... concerning...

Am I finding something in nothing? she ruminated as she padded down the stairs to the common area. Familiar faces appeared to her, her lids half-mast as per usual as her amber eyes scanned the downstairs room. There was Saya with her laptop. Ayo was down there. Cyrus as well. Kaede too, keeping to herself. Odd, no Haru. "Looks like everyone's here," she cantillated a greeting to the lot of them. It was not truly everyone, but the greater majority of them.
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____Ayomide Caedien ____

As Haru made the strange noise-motion combination, Ayomide conservatively flinched. She did not see Haru as a yelping sort of person. Just as she was about to say something, Haru kept busy with cleaning so she remained to herself.
We're all thankful that you do that for us. Turning to the others, she noticed that two of the dorm's residents still have not made an appearance; Angela and Toru. She new Angela was doing something for the betterment of life, probably, but it's Toru that sticks to her mind. Ayomide knew the exact reason behind Toru's absence and it frankly annoyed her. He's leaving us behind after we've been working so hard. He's leaving more than just us behind. She regained her presence back in the room just as Haru made his way out. Going over to the others, she took a seat by Cyrus. "Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon." She correct Saya dryly. "He also has as many emotions as we do." She turned to face Cyrus and smiled but it was obviously forced. Ayomide wasn't one for over expressing but she thought it was fitting. She did not exactly know what to think about him. The idea of a half human half weapon was never something she would have expected. Despite this, she felt she should at least trust him and the others in the dormitory. She glanced at the others once more just before she heard Angela enter the room. "Angela. Good you could join us. Haru just stepped down stairs. I'm sure he'll be back in a minute." Out of all the members, she found her trust mostly in Haru and Angela. They had been together the longest out of all of them. Toru was the only exception although she did trust him before. Now, she was positive about anything.

The Lobby:

"Ah, Kaede it's good to see that you are as social as ever!"

Kaede raised an eyebrow at Haru and shrugged, but he was already busy tidying up the popcorn that was now strewn across the lobby floor. Turning the page on her book, she carried on reading, although her ears pricked at the next burst of conversation, and she paused to listen.

"Thank you. And I barely know anything about that Shadow-Suction weapon. How's it gonna protect me?"

Kaede snorted, trying, and she suspected failing, to pass it off as a sneeze. Of course the richest of the dorm would be more concerned with her own skin, and equally happy to trample over sensitive topics for her new bodyguard. Sure, Saya was a nice enough kid, and loyal as a dog in a fight, but to Kaede she always just looked like the piles of money that the corporates had taken from the Yukimura family. Kaede scratched her thigh through her second hand jeans, grinned in agreement at Cyrus's response, and went back to her book, flipping through pages once again, noticing that she barely had a dozen left before the end.

Pity, Kaede thought, with a twinge of sadness. I'll have to find another book. Won't find any spare here, and not the library...

Kaede hadn't been back to the library since her first Dark Hour, and had been trying to preserve the few books she had to delay a return visit.

It's stupid, I shouldn't be this weak. Last time I wasn't expecting it, I didn't have my persona, no knowledge of shadows...

Kaede though of a dozen reasons why the library shouldn't bother her, but once she'd finished her list, it still did, gnawing away at her.

What if. What if it had been different. What if S.E.E.S hadn't found me in time? Or if I'd never discovered the Dark Hour at all?"

Kaede pushed that thought away. However much she might dislike Gekkoukan, and its students, her persona was the best thing she had, something unique to her and only a bare handful. It made her feel different when wandering the corridors alone at school. As she ignored the aggressive kids, and avoided the friendly ones, it made her feel different. Persona made her feel as though she had something to offer, despite lacking some of the things the others just took for granted.
"Hello? Can I help you?" Aida heard a male's voice as from some distance away. Quietly, she turned around and faced the male whom questioned her. Her facial expression did not dare change as she bored her big dark eyes into his, and stayed silent. She looked deep in thought but rather, this was normal for her, if one knew her. Finally she began to speak- quietly and full of modesty. "Aida Duran. I was told I was attending. Pardon, was I not mean to walk into here?" She said this with faintest tilt in her head but her eyes showed no other emotion and she was hard to read. But from her dark eyes and that small modest smile, she seemed genuine and sincere enough.

6:32 PM

Alleyway behind Port Island Station

Shido made his way down the dark alleyway, the pipes and old pieces of debris that lined the alley blocked the sun from Shido’s view. Being in the dark calmed him sometimes, helped him shut his eyes and cool off from whatever was bothering him. Aside from Shido, the only people who make their way behind the alley are townies hanging around the bar. They leave Shido alone most of the time and that suited him just fine.

But those words kept repeating themselves in his head. If it wasn’t the cancer killing her, it was your damn antics making her worry to death! Was he right? Shido couldn’t shake the feeling he had since his father lashed out at him. He loved his mother; he would never do anything to hurt her. He was the one fighting people; his mom never had to worry about him.

It was a cold winter afternoon. A calm symphony was bleeding through the walls of their apartment. “Mom?” Shido said, poking his head out from the corner of the hall. He must have been no older than 8. His hair still wild but the expression on his face was not the constant frown he bears now. It was full of wonder and amazement at the song his mother was playing. His mother sat against the apartment sized piano that sat in their living room, her hair tied up and in a black silk dress for her next show at Escapade. She smiled at him and slid down her seat and patted it. Shido ran to her side and climbed up the seat next to her, staring in amazement at the song she was playing.

“You like this song?” She spoke softly, letting her fingers gently glide over the keys of the piano. Shido looked up to her and nodded, returning his gaze to the piano. “You know, I was your age when I started to learn to play.” Shido returned his eyes to his mother and smiled. “You did?” She laughed and played with his hair. “How do you think I’m this good?”

“Would you like me to teach you how to play?”

Reality struck in and his memory faded as he saw 5 kids, all wearing their Gekkou uniforms and laughing. The hell are a bunch of Gekkou kids doing here? Shido walked down the alley, standing at least half a foot taller than the five teens. Shido was in no mood to share the area, he wanted to have time to himself. No judgement and no Amano. “The hell’re you losers doing here?” Shido blurted, his hands tucked into his pockets. “Oi, it’s Ongaku,” one said under his breath. “We’re practicing for the big Kendo Tourney next month. Club was cancelled and we can’t find space.” This one obviously was a captain, or someone high up in their club. The other kids stopped swinging their bamboo sticks and walked behind their leader.

“Tough shit. This isn’t the place to practice your pretend samurai crap.” Shido had no time for this. “Go to Paulownia or something.”

“Why would we waste half an hour on a train to Paulonia?” One member shouted. The leader placed his arm on his friend and shook his head. He didn't want a fight. “Listen, we won’t bother you, Ongaku. We just wanna practice for another hour and we'll split."
Toru shut the door, turning over and leaning on it with a heavy sigh and rubbed his eyes. He could hear the others gathering and chatting in the other rooms, he would swear he recognized less and less of the voices. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss his old socialising self, this loner act was stiffening. On the other hand, he didn't feel right with the others either.

He was sick of his room so, seeing that the others were gathering elsewhere, he stepped outside and took the flight of stairs up. He reached the rooftop floor, a "Do not Leave" sign stuck to the door leading outside with old lock defending the statement. He ignored it as he had always did giving the door a shove, the lock though looked intact gave way long ago. His not so secret "Secret Spot" as he had brought others here, friends for hanging out and some of the recruits for a little training. He stepped outside taking the evening air and looked out at the city at night. He tried to remember when he found the idea of SEES as a fun duty.

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