Persona: Be your True Self

The only person I've ever seen using those instakill moves reliably is Ken. I dont see a gradeschooler anywhere in the lineup xD
Honestly, I would want to gie everyone a unique ultimae skill, making one up if I hae to, but I'm not sure how it'll work out with our limited skill slots.

Also, instant death skills are POTENT AS FUCK (at least from Hamaonband Mudoon onwards) in SMT games, Pier, so I dunno where you're getting that from.
I dont remember them ever being useful in p2 3 or 4, other than an SP sink. -still believes in the all dyne+megidolaon/morningstar combo, with additional Spell Master-

Granted they are OP as fuck when used AGAINST me. 
The only time I ever see them viable is when they turn into either Die For Me or Samsara.
Its probably because you weren't using them on enemies that were weak to it. I have fond memories of mowing down hordes of enemies in he final dungeon thay were usually very tough to handle,but made far too easy with a single Mamudoon. (I'm talking about SMT 2, by the way.)

Remember, Hama and Mudo are ELEMENTS, so just like every element since Nocturne, use them against enemies that are weak to them.
If you want to give us a unique ult, which I assume isnt Nifleheim, Ragnarok, Panta Rhei, etc. and prolly more along the lines of Myriad Truth from 4. I suppose I could get bump Nifleheim as the last learnable skill and get rid of it so you can sub it with your own.
No, I was talking more on the lines of Ragnarok, Phanta Rhei, etc...

Dammit, I just want to give Metatron his awesome Fires of Sinai move from Nocturne.

You know what, EVERYONE GETS A UNIQUE SKILL, and it has its own special slot! Come on, make up your own if your Persona didn't already have one (explain it, too!)
So I should prolly discard the whole BFrost to Loki thing then? Also scrap Nifleheim because it already has a slot for itself?
Welp, might as well get Mabufudyne then...or be a little bitch and get Maragidyne since I'll have Nifleheim anyway. :D  
And edited with Nifleheim moved to another section called "Ult Skill" and replaced by Mabufudyne on the "Learnable Skills" section.
It's on his wiki page I believe, from like one of the old SMT games. Something about Heavy Curse damage(whatever the hell that is) But alrighty will probably do that later....
Just turn it into Almighty or something. 
@Snowflake09 is away at the moment, but I guess we'll handle that later.

Everyone ready?
[QUOTE="Maiden of Law]Just turn it into Almighty or something. 
@Snowflake09 is away at the moment, but I guess we'll handle that later.
Everyone ready?

Made changes to ultimate persona though i might need more advice on that. I wont be on soon for a few hours but dont wait for me if a few people want to start.

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