Persona: Be your True Self

We have to tweak the skills because we all start the beginningb of the story, and our skills must reflect that. Koro-chan on the other hand joined in later in the game.
@Cadell Morde

Honestly, yours is good...however, we do not have Ma-spells for buffing in this RP, as the normal ones already effect the entire party like in mainline SMT., so I suggest you change that for another (de-)buff spell. Also, as the Nuclear element is not present here, I suggest you just replace them for something else. Furthermore, since you're mssing two more suggestion:

Ultimate future 4: Ziodyne, Megido, Maziodyne, Megidola

Finally, I assume by "Neutral-Law" you mean that he's just Lawful, correct? There is no Good/evil axis or Dark-Neutral-Light axis here.


Is you Ultimate persona really Shiva? Because Shiva is traditionally chaotic, and your character's lawful, and I don't think one can change alignments so fast. (Its possible to go Law/Chaos to Neutral and vice-versa, but its's difficult to suddenly go from one opposite of the spectrum to the other unless it was gradual.)

Now, how to make Queen Mab actually USEFUL...

In any case, my skills suggestion:

Initial 2: Zio, Marin-Karin

Initial 4: Dekunda, Recarm, Sexy Dance, Zionga

Ultimate 2: Ziodyne, Tentarafoo

Ultimate 4: Megido, Maziodyne, Megidola, Pralaya


Initial 2: Power Slash, Agi

Initial 4: Maragi, Magaru, Fatal End, Bufula

Ultimate 2: Bufudyne, Ziodyne

Ultimate 4: Deathbound, Mamudoon, Maragidyne, Magarudyne

So all 4 elements (and darkness insta-kill) plus a bit of slash? Good?

Man, this RP is littered with Fire and Slash. Maybe I should fix that...
Well, Kanta uses Strike as a basic attack. Scooter helmets tend to hit pretty hard.

Speaking of which, what are everyone's weapons?

Ah, due to some problems with the alignment, I may have to tweak Kanta's personality a little. Maybe to a cheery, yet a bit aloof and distant student, with a dash of fatalism. Still has a bit of a thing going on for her, though.
Unless one is deliberately trying to invoke Kigo, forming 5-7-5 syllables isn't all too difficult. You just need time to think it over.
Is Maki the only one with an ult skill(Nifleheim)? I honestly thought I'd see a Die for me or someone using Morning Star like crazy
I suppose I can replace Mamudoon with Megidolaon (in Elizabeth's words) to deal at least four digits of damage, but that's up to Maiden.

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