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Fandom Persona 6: Daydreamers [OOC]


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Here you can hang and chat, or even ask questions if that what you want.​
I have a quick question before I start thinking up my character. Are there any special conditions regarding me being the Wild Card User? Or do I still need to create a shadow version of myself and what not? I'm fine either way, I just want to be sure.
I have a quick question before I start thinking up my character. Are there any special conditions regarding me being the Wild Card User? Or do I still need to create a shadow version of myself and what not? I'm fine either way, I just want to be sure.
Since your the Wild Card, your shadow will be very powerful and antagonistic, kinda like Akechi. It's gonna be a bit more important to the plot, so just mak it a bit more eeeeeviiiiilll than most.
Still working on mine! I meant to have had it done last night, but I got a little caught up on other things ^_^;
Character sheet is up! If there are any changes you'd like me to make to it, please let me know!
It's great, and really adds another level to the story! Do you know anyone who would be interested as well? I've got the story set and two characters, but we need at least two more people
Zephyrus Zephyrus Welcome to the project! After Everyobe finished their sheets, we only need one more, so if you know anyone, please do invite them!
SHE LIVES! (My character)

Pleasure to be here, let's have some fun =))

Squad141 Squad141 Can we post yet, or do we wait for some cue? Of course, after you approve our characters I mean =))

EDIT: Nevermind, I was stupid; I didn't read the post above.

My bad
I will get my post up a little later today. I have class in less then a hour but I will be good to write up a post after class.

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