Perfect (Ambria and Jeccka)

There were plenty of reason and thoughts poking at Henry telling him that this was a horrible idea and to quit while he was ahead. However, he didn't listen to any of his inner voices, too caught up with Jacky to really listen. She consumed this whole moment that they were creating. He hadn't felt this way in a long time. It was difficult to think that things like this didn't happen in their relationship due to the fact that had had a son but it was partially the truth. This didn't happen because of Michael. Things wouldn't go back without Michael but things weren't the same since.

Henry liked the once familiar feel of Jacky's hands around his neck, knowing that she wanted this too. He was afraid that since she had pulled away from him that she would be the sensible one, the one to call it quits before anything else happened. He didn't know precisely what it was he was after, he just didn't want this moment to end now that it was here. She teased him, playing at something. Her finger at his lips only made him want to kiss her more. What was that saying? Rules are meant to be broken? Didn't that apply here?

Henry took Jacky's small finger away from his face. "I already did." He teased back, a smile still formed on his face. He hugged her tighter, kept his arms firmly around her then kissed her again. This was another reason they had been successful high school sweethearts, there had been so much physical chemistry between them it was hard to even keep them apart. How had they lost sight of that through the years? How had they maintained so much distance when now it seemed like they both couldn't get enough?

Henry didn't stop there, he kissed her again, and again; his arms still holding her tightly against him. All he could think about was her. He had a million flashbacks racing through his mind of the times when they were younger, when they had first moved into this house. They had been so much... happier. Perhaps they could still have that. Maybe their hope wasn't completely gone, their case completely pointless. There was still salvaging to do and there was no way he really wanted her to leave him, not when they could have moments like this.
That was the whole point. . . the simplest touch of their skin, the brush of his lips against hers; it made her weak at the knees. As, it always had. Her hands moved to the back of his head, where she brushed her fingertips gently across the back of his head, intertwining into his soft hair - the one thing she always did; every time she was truly 'into' a kiss. A sort of tell, if you like.

It was always those wonderful flashbacks of the past that always got her; how much they truly had loved each other for so, so very long. Just the feeling of him holding her; it was. . . beautiful. God, she didn't know what she would have done if he would have just let her go. No, she did, but. . . she was pretty much praying his kisses didn't ever cease. It'd been too long since she'd been touched, held, loved, or even felt close to him. But right then and there, everything was how it was when they were in high school: the passion between them, the never-letting-go of one another, or maybe it was the first time they'd been free.

Lets face it, both Jacky and Henry worked. No, Jacky didn't work at an office, or anywhere else; but she was still a stay-at-home-mother. Wasn't that enough work? It wasn't near as easy as it sounded. That was for sure. . . she worked her ass off to get everything around their household done, and he had to admit, she did a darn good job at keeping up. Day in and day out; she worked, and cleaned, cooked, all of it. No one ever seemed to understand that she did not just sit on her butt the whole day watching t.v..

However, it wasn't long before Jacky did pull back, despite how intoxicating his kiss was; she could not help it. She had to breath eventually!

A small laugh erupted from her throat when she did pull away, but her body was still pressed against his. The only difference was that now, her forehead rested against his. "You really don't have any idea what you've always meant to me, do you?" She moved her hands from the back of his neck, and slowly let them fall to his shoulders. "You were my high school sweetheart, I mean come on. . . Henry, I married my best friend. I'm so sorry for everything, I mean it. Every single thing I've ever done, or said, I'm so, so sorry, babe." She whispered, closing her big hazel eyes to keep herself from crying tears of joy.

Please don't get mad because I pulled away; I seriously couldn't breath. . . It doesn't mean I want you to stop, though. I just needed a breath.

Too bad Henry couldn't read minds, eh? He could have known exactly what she wanted - and unlike him; she knew exactly what she wanted. Was it that hard to catch? She could only hope not.
Henry kept his arms tight around his wife. It was so reminiscent of their past that he believed both of them were rather caught up in the moment. He opened his mouth to speak, enjoying how close she was to him and the feel of her pressed up against himself. Neither heard the soft thud of their son's footsteps on the wooden stairs.

"Mom? Dad?" Michael said, "Can I play outside?" Henry drew away from Jacky, only a little as he kept his hands on her hips. Impeccable timing, kid. "Go for it." Henry replied, watching as Michael descended the rest of the stairs and ran across the living room to the sliding glass doors that opened to the backyard.

Henry tightened his hold around Jacky, pulling her closer once the coast was clear. They hadn't had an intimate moment when Michael was around as they had agreed to keep this for private times. They probably only had so much time while their son was preoccupied but, sometimes the kid could play on his own for hours.

"Hmm, where were we?" Henry asked rhetorically. "I'm sorry too, for everything." He said. "I know you don't mean all the things you do." How squeezed her tightly, crushingly but not hard enough to physically harm her, just enough to make it uncomfortable, burying his face in her neck like a hug. Then he gently kissed her cheek, tracing his way back to her mouth.
Jacky opened her mouth to respond to Michael, but of course; Henry got to it way before she had the chance to speak. She didn't agree with him about Michael going outside alone, not with the weirdoes they lived around. However, she wasn't in the mood to fight with him at that time, it was too sweet to let go that easily.

Jacky moved her hands to his when he starts to squeeze her; not that it was tight, it's just. . . she wasn't ever a fan of being held too tightly. She needed room to breathe. She gently moved his hands back down to her hips, then pressed closer against him, her lips moving to the crook of his neck where she gently placed a kiss. "I love you," She whispered once she pulled back away. "We really should. . . go upstairs or. . . stop." Maybe they should have, even if she was rather into the moment; there was still something worrying her.

"Henry, can we talk about something?" Jacky took his hand, before leading him to the couch and sat down. "I have been thinking about something. . . and I really think it could help us, or make it worse. . . But why don't we. . ." She trailed, off, her hands faintly falling into her lap, as well as the beautiful hazel eyes. "I want another baby, I have thought about it for like months, and, I know you're not going to think it's a good idea."

It wasn't rocket science, she knew when they had Michael he wasn't happy. So, what would be the difference now? Maybe the fact they actually would plan for it. . . Honestly, she really did want this. She wanted to give it another shot, and what was a better way than that? Come on, a baby could pull them closer. . . unless it was like Michael, then it would tare them apart. There were still pros and cons on both sides.
Henry followed his wife, puzzled as she led him to the couch. They had the perfect view of Michael who was running around outside, no doubt with his imaginary friends. When she took her hand away from his, he instantly searched for her touch again. Breaking a moment like had just been having made him yearn for physical contact with her and since she was being rather serious, now wasn't the time to snuggle up with her.

"A baby?" Henry repeated, his voice raised as though he was mildly appalled. "Don't we already have one of those?" He added, nodding toward the backyard though his voice wasn't insulting nor indignant. Part of him wanted another child as he could have another shot at being an even better father, not to mention he was looking forward to shaking the bed once again. However, another baby would be a lot of work. All the extra money he had after they paid all their expenses would diminish and there would be the brief yet brutal period of sleepless nights and constant crying. Another voice was screaming, 'why don't you go have a baby with lover boy, huh?'. Though she had been fair in coming forward with what she wanted. "I mean, do we really want another kid? Our marriage isn't even all that stable." Henry wrapped his arms around Jacky and added, as if on second thought. "I'm being honest here, it's not just my fault."

Henry's gaze wandered to the backyard and he watched Michael's legs as he ran on the grass, his hair blowing back against his head. The kid was sweet and not to mention smart. Though he was reclusive and lacked a sense of confidence; but maybe that wasn't all his fault. Henry tightened his hold on his wife, breathing in as he did so and burrowing his face in her neck. He almost wanted to tell her that he was ready for another child, only so they could continue as they had only minutes before.
"I know all of that. . ." Jacky almost pulled away from him when he moved closer. God, she wasn't stupid. She knew how all of this worked. She knew him, and how this worked. It was what he wanted, or nothing. . . "I just thought. . . it would help our relationship. . . You know, maybe bring us closer? I know it's allot of work, but we also could spend more time together, you know?" She moved closer to him, gently lifting his chin to give him a long, sweet kiss on the lips. Maybe this could work. Maybe if she gave a little, so would he.

She held him in that long, lingering kiss, for a while before she finally moved away and slowly kissed down his neck. She only paused a moment to pull back from him, her eyes drifting up to his, where the locked on them. It just. . . it wasn't the same anymore. All she saw was the eyes of her abuser.

Take a deep breath. He's not like that, not now. . . he still loves you.

She took in a deep breath to keep calm and moving on. She kissed him once more on the neck before she let her eyes fall shut. She only opened her eyes to check on Michael once more before moving her hand up Henry's chest, until it rested on the side of his face. She was a little uneasy with his hands on her, though she could admit those lustful feelings for him never left. If anything was going to happen between them, it would be either now, or never.
Henry paused, unsure if another child would be good for them. There was no guarantee that this child would be any more spared than Michael was. He or she might grow up with even more abuse and yelling and emotional scars. Henry really did want to be a good father and the fact that Jacky didn't think he could ever be a good father was disheartening. He wanted to prove her wrong. Michael was playing in the backyard and it was a good sign that the kid could still manage to have fun.

Jacky was trying too hard to persuade him, kissing him like that. He couldn't resist and didn't push her away but she wasn't helping anything. "I - I don't know Jacky. It's just gonna be another child for you to blame me for not fathering properly." He touched her hand on his cheek and sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment. "C'mon." He stood, taking her hand in his. "If it's what you want, fine." They hadn't intended on having Michael but she wasn't conceived on the first try. It was unlikely that she would now but, they were both satisfied if they went up to the bedroom. Michael was happily outside and he was safe. There was a fence separating him from the neighbors. "Unless... You'd rather wait." Henry didn't want to. He'd was more than ready to continue with the moment they had previously began.

Jacky had said that they had a marriage counselors appointment tomorrow though surprisingly they were getting alone fairly well today. Perhaps the counselor would have a different idea about having another child, wanting him to clear up their marriage before bringing another child into the mix. Henry didn't care. Jacky would be angry with him if he said to wait and didn't want a child and probably would run away with lover boy to have the child she wanted. And there was a possibility that she knew he just wanted to sleep with her. Either way there was no room for him to fix things after she had brought it up. She was left to either take him up on his offer or be angry with him, like she usually was.
"If we do go upstairs, and we do end up doing something, I don't want it to be out of pity. If it is, this, all of it. . . ends now." Jackie sighed as she took his hands in hers and pulled him along the way to their room, where she quietly closed the door behind her. Her hands moved away from his and back up to his shoulders. She did understand, and she did in fact know exactly what he wanted. "God you forget, I do know you. I remember the taste of your lips, the feel of your hands on me-- all of it. Henry, this is not the first go round, is all I'm saying. You might think you can pull something over me but you can't. You only mildly agreed to this because you think this is the only way to get me in that goddamned bed." She moved her right hand up to his jaw, where she took hold of it gently to force him to look at her. "When, in all reality all you have to do is speak up." Her voice suddenly got a lot softer, sweeter, even a little more loving.

She moved closer and pressed her soft, luscious lips against his. There she held him in that kiss for what seemed like the longest times, before she finally pulled away from his lips.

He always acted like she was so self centered, like she didn't ever pay attention to him, but she did. She always had, and always would. Making love to him, that was the only time they had gotten along after Michael was born-- and it was true. Being with him was like a refreshment, or something for her to remember the past in a way. The good past. The past where they were happy. When they were actually them...

Jackie pulled back just enough to talk to him, "Henry, I know you don't really care about me. But can't we just pretend?" She whispered softly, just wanting to hear his answers.
Still Henry could tell that Jacky was trying to get him to say what she wanted while also making herself desirable. Well, as attractive as she was, it wasn't working. Though that long, lingering kiss left him wanting more, he had to resist. She was now using this to point fingers and he was not going to stand there and be accused just so he could get laid. Her words would be repeating in his head and all he would be able to think about was how she had gotten what she wanted, worked him until she was pleased.

"Act like I care?" Henry said when Jackie pulled away and seemingly ran out of things to say. "You don't know me at all. Yes, maybe I thought we could just have pointless, intimate sex just for the hell of it but you don't get to stand there and tell me what I do and do not care about." Henry disentangled himself from his wife, putting reasonable space between them. "I hate it when you do this. I thought you said you were gonna stop being like this but, here you are doing it again - what a surprise!" His voice was gaining in volume and a hint of sarcasm rang out at the end.

Damn, they had been so close, so incredibly close. But, of course, Jacky had to ruin everything with that big, irresistible mouth of hers. She played this innocent little victim when really she thought she were entitled and superior to everything and everyone. It was stupid. Horribly stupid. She couldn't just pull that stuff and expect that she'd always get what she wanted. Besides, having a child wasn't just her decision if she wanted it conceived with him, the child would be his responsibility too and that was something he was going to have to consent to.
Jacky let her gaze fall when he moved away. Though, she didn't speak at first. There was no need for her to, he'd said it all; it was just pointless sex. There, to her, was no point in it- no point in trying to say anything against him―he'd just continue to take it the wrong way.

Jacky moved away, pushing even more distance between them, to sit down on the edge of the bed. "I was only trying to be playful, Henry. . . I didn't mean to cause any problems. I'm sorry." There, she was honest with him; she meant every word and then some. She'd just thought it'd be a change, you know, to be playful- he used to like it, when she messed around with him. "Can we pretend I didn't say anything and get back to the. . . pointless sex?" She just barely looked up to see him standing there, right in front of her with that look on his face. . . the one that told her he was still mad. God, all she wanted was him to be happy! Why did it have to be so hard? What did she have to do to make him want her like he had before she spoke?

She understood he'd have to consent to a baby as well. . . and she wasn't going to push for it right now. Why would she? It'd get her no farther then asking him earlier. She wasn't truly upset by that, either to be honest. . . The only thing that made her a little sad was when he called it 'pointless', it's like the intimate part just went in one ear and out the other, as the old saying goes. Then again, maybe this was all she needed- all they needed to get this relationship back on track.

"What can I do to prove I was just playing around, babe?"
"Nothing." Henry said. "There's nothing." He backed away from Jacky, her body sitting on the bed. "You said it all. There's nothing playful in 'I know you don't care'." His jaw tightened, and his arms folded across his chest.

Downstairs Michael had run out of steam, running around in the backyard. He had come in through the sliding glass doors, pushing and pulling with all his might to get in and close the door behind him. Inside, he took off his shoes, placing them neatly side by side as was his habit. Then, feeling the need for refreshment, the five year old strolled into the kitchen. Michael was typically too short to reach such things as juice and milk so it made quite a splat when the plastic jug of apple juice came tumbling down, just out of the child's reach.

Henry glanced toward the door at the sound. It was nothing like the bang of a thief or burglar, instead a softer, more innocent sound. "No. We're not doing this. You're stupid if you think I believe this is all just one big show. I know you too, Jacky. And you weren't being 'playful'." He exited the bedroom and padded down the stairs, glancing over the rail at the kitchen. Luckily nothing had spilled out from the container and Michael evidently hadn't been hit as he picked up the bottle. "Sorry dad."
Jacky's parents used to quote a saying every time they thought she did something wrong, 'the truth will set you free', well all she could think now was; they clearly hadn't met Henry. Truth, that was nothing to him, was it? He would act like it was a lie even if she swore up and down that something was the truth. He was the bad guy in their relationship. Had she done bad things? Yes, and she admitted to every one of them. If anyone was keeping secrets here, it was him.

The moment he crossed his arms, Jacky could tell he was pissed off―and over nothing. "Henry―" she couldn't get a word in, not even one. This was unfair. God, all he did was blame her for everything! All she'd been doing was being playful. Yet, he wouldn't believe a word she said. Would he? Nope. That would mean he'd have to step off that little throne of his, and admit he was wrong. Damn, this man drove her insane when he acted like this. Childish. It was all childish.

So badly she wanted to run after him. She wanted to have a calm conversation with him again. . . was it really that much to ask for? Jacky finally forced herself up and off that bed to go and see what they were doing. Hopefully everything down stairs was alright. Henry wasn't yelling, so that had to be a good sign, right?

"Michael, me and you should go do something. . . I think it'd be fun to go to the park or something. . . and if you're too tired for that, we can go visit maw-maw and paw-paw." She managed to slip past Henry to get closer to their son. In the mood Henry was in, there was no way she was just sticking around all day until he was 'happy' again. "I think Daddy needs some time to himself to. . . I donno, cool down just a little. We wouldn't want him throwing another hissy fit in front of either of us, now would we?" She avoided Henry all together as she spoke. She was just talking to Michael, and if he didn't like it, so be it. She wasn't putting up with it all day anymore. He could do whatever he liked as soon as they were out, so he should be happy this way. Right? This way he got to see what it was like to be the one left out of everything for one single day.
"You left for an entire week!" Henry raised his voice, following closely behind Jacky. "If you take him and go, God knows how long you're gonna be gone!" He turned to face Jacky, a hand on Michael's shoulder. The boy still had the jug of apple juice in his hand and the refrigerator door wide open, though none of them seemed to notice or particularly care. "At least with him here you came back." Henry picked up their son, taking the apple juice from his hand and setting in on the island counter.

"If you want to go visit your parents, so be it. We'll be here when you get back." Henry reached up into one of the cupboards and took out a small cup from a set they had bought when Michael was conceived. "Oh, and don't forget, we have a counselor meeting tomorrow. Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Henry dismissed his wife, willing her to go away. There was no way he was believing any of this 'I was just being playful' bullshit. There is absolutely nothing playful in that! 'I know you don't care but just pretend' is not a turn on. Maybe lover boy liked that stuff and she should practice her dirty talk with someone else.

With Michael on his hip, Henry unscrewed the apple juice and poured a glass, giving it to the child.
Jacky looked at him for a moment, in shock actually. Why did he have to be suck a jerk about this? She would have been back. She just wanted to get out of the house to spend time with her son. He was her son too, not just Henry's. She had just as much right as he ever did! My god, she gave the kid life. She spent hours in agonizing pain for him―who the hell did Henry think he was?

"No, I―no! You cant do this to me. You can't keep me from my son. You do realize I have just as much rights to him as you ever have." Jacky would have picked up and taken Michael then and there, but she didn't have the time before Henry had the same idea.She ran a hand through her long brown hair, trying to figure what to do, or say. Why did he think she was leaving? Seriously, he needed to grow up. Maybe if he did, he could see she wasn't leaving, just going out―god.

"Henry, I'm coming back. We're both coming back. Why wont you let me do anything with him? Please, I swear, if you just let us go, we'll be back in two hours. . . Michael wants to go anyways, don't you, baby?" She was damn near begging Michael to take her side, just once. . . that's all she was asking for.
Henry made a frustrated grunt, shifting his weight. "Don't bring Michael in to this. If you want to hang out with him, fine, just don't leave the house." Henry still held Michael in his arms. How was he being unfair? If he had run off for a week she no doubt would have been reacting as he had, defensive and protective. If there was anyone being unfair, it was Jacky.

"You lost my trust when you ran off. Not to mention who with and what you were doing." Henry spat, edging around the topic so as to keep their son innocent and unknowing. "You really think that I'm so ignorant that I'm just going to let you waltz back in here and whisk him away? Well, you've got another thing comin, babe." Michael sipped from his cup, looking between his two parents, probably too young to really understand what was going on. Though he knew enough to recognize the hostility between the two. The poor boy probably thought all families were like this, just as an abused child thinks that every child is exploited by their parents.

Henry twisted the cap back on the Apple Juice and stuck it back in the refrigerator. They had been so close to something more intimate, more physical than this gap that had separated them for so long. It was as though the both of them were suffocating in their 'personal bubbles' and between the two of them created an invisible barrier that always kept them apart, kept them from touching. They broke that barrier earlier, nearly crushed it beyond all recognition and now they were back to utilizing the unsaid rule of boundaries. They were back to fighting and hostility, back to the new tide of recent days.
Jacky nearly came unglued. She lost his trust? Really, well that seemed a bit absurd in her mind. Why? Because if anyone should have lost trust here, it was Jacky. She'd been beaten up on so much, and god, sent to the hospital so many times because of him. Because of Henry. Yet, he was the one who lost trust, while she was the one always running back to him like a dog who had been scolded by its owner for misbehaving.

"Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. I am not a child, I am your wife for Christ's sake!" Jacky took in a deep breath as she turned around, just for a moment to run a hand through her long chocolate brown hair. She needed to think. . . yes, that was exactly what she needed to do. Her heart was racing from the adrenaline, from the anger, from the hurt―it did not seam to effect Henry, but every word he spoke was like another knife in her side. . . twisting slowly.

"Why are we―me and you, Henry, doing this? Why can't we be happy for one, just one, day? Is that too much to ask for? Don't you see, if you try I double the effort. But, you want to know why I left? Fine, I will tell you: I was lonely. . . and the day I left, I said it over, and over again, "I love you, don't you love me?", or something like that. . . and you replied with nothing―you walked away, and so did I―for a week. I'm sorry. I am, but I just wanted to feel some kind of affection." Jacky knew this was a waste of time. She knew he'd continue to torment her with the past. Though, all she wanted was him to listen to her side of the story instead of slamming his fist down onto the table to get his way. "Henry, I am tired of being alone, fighting, and. . . tired of being looked down on like I'm dirty or something. . . I'm not. We need to work it out. You have to be tired of all of this too, aren't you?"
Henry shook his head in disbelief. "You stand there and ask me why we can't be happy?" His tone was mocking and cruel. "You are the only thing keeping us from a good time. How the hell is it my fault that you walked out? Oh, and I guess it's my fault you constantly do things and say thing you don't mean. You're always 'I'm sorry' and 'I didn't mean it'." Henry shot back. Jacky always said that and always thought that Henry was all to blame. Could she not grow up and take responsibility for her own actions? She always stood there and told Henry how horrible he was.

"And the only reason I ever hit you is because it shuts you up. You never listen, just talk and talk and talk, 'it's all your fault, Henry'." Michael was still sipping his drink, looking at his mother over the rim of his cup. His eyes were unseeing and his ears unhearing. Nothing made sense to him in this conversation. He doesn't understand. "Stop being sorry and just be better. You're so annoying that way." He was serious and mocked her voice as he quoted her.
What else could Jacky say? She didn't know of anything else that could possibly replace all of her "I'm sorrys," or "I didn't mean it". God, it was the truth! She was always sorry about what she did, but he didn't see past what he thought of her―annoying. Or, wasn't that how he put it?

Jacky loved him, but that was enough to last a long, long while. "So, I'm annoying? Why did you even marry me then? Why did you even ask me out? Huh? If I'm so annoying, why did you fall for me, that is all I am trying to ask you." Jacky momentarily paused to take a breath before continuing on with what she thought, "and I talk so much because I want to spend time with you. . . or maybe because I want to talk to you, I want to be able to come to you no matter what, but I can't anymore without you jumping on me―just like now. And yes, I'm jumping back. What did you want me to do? Lay down and take it over and over again? If it makes you feel like a man, go for it. Hit me to shut me up. Like you always do, though I haven't held it against you, have I? I am only here because I love my family, which means you and Michael."
Henry shook his head again as Jacky spoke. "No, I'm talking about why we fight. When you're trying to find something to hurt me with and go on and on about something that isn't even true. You don't argue you just babble on and on about something that's so wrong." He tightened his arm holding Michael up. It was almost unlucky that he didn't have work because he would have liked just to leave, to escape this madness. "And I married you because you were fun and knew how to have a good time. People change. Obviously. You're not the same person you were years ago."

Henry watched his wife closely, her every move. She was unreliable and perhaps she had grown useless over the years, being cooped up in this house for the years. He knew he hadn't liked her being a house wife. She had refused him and insisted that that's what she really wanted to do. She always claimed that she had as much right to the house as he did but he payed for it, he worked hard for the money that paid the bills and with absolutely no help from Jacky. This week she left had proved that he didn't need her to stay at home with Michael. The house perhaps only a little dustier but it was still near and orderly, everything in its place. There was nothing she could fight him with. If she took Michael he would go to the authorities and hunt her down, demand custody and fight that ugly parental battle.
Jacky just gave in, surrendering to whatever he had to say. There was no use in trying to fight with him; he'd win no matter what! When she tried to just talk to him, he made it into her attacking him, when that wasn't what it was about! It was about their communication. He was the one who'd said time and time again that there was a miss communication in their relationship, well, now was the time to fix it. Or, maybe Jacky was alone there too. . . seems all he wanted was someone who was. . . 'fun'-- oh, and how else did he put it? Right, she knew how to have a good time. Sure, when she was seventeen she knew the ropes pretty well, eh? Well, now was different. She had a child, a husband, and a home to look after.

"Fine, you win. Again. Why don't you just divorce me already if you really feel that way? I mean, who'd want someone who isn't fun, and doesn't know how to have a good time anymore. Ok, so what?! I changed! I'm so sorry. But, I had to grow up--unlike you who doesn't even. . ." She stopped herself, taking a step back before she shook her head. "I'm done with trying so hard to talk to you. I am tired of being the one who's always hurt in theses situations- either mentally, or physically. But, you don't feel a thing, do you? You're a cold hearted S.O.B." With that, she turned and walked away, tears rolling down her cheeks as she climbed the stairs to their room, where she laid down in their bed, flat on her back.

Why couldn't their be just one, single good day here?
Jacky was so difficult all the time. Now she wanted to go sulk in the room and the only way to make things better was for Henry to go in and apologize, making things better and console her. She needed the taking care of because she started the fights and the arguing and said things she never meant and she needed to be told everything was alright. Did she ever try to console him? Was she ever considerate of his feelings? It certainly didn't seem like it. It was usually all about Jacky. What she thought and what she wanted, no, what she needs.

Henry huffed, glad she had given up but angry with the fact that she just had to insult him. She couldn't just walk away peacefully, could she? With Michael on his hip, Henry grabbed a sticky pad and a pen, scrawling a short message of only a few words on the top sheet. Then, he went into the garage and checked the drier for the clothes he was washing, pleased to see that there was at least an outfit or two among the pile. He stuck some clothes in a bag and placed the sticky note on the front door on his way out. Michael was placed in the passenger's carseat of Henry's pickup and they left. If Jacky could leave for a 'short time of seven days', then she wouldn't mind them taking the night off. It was afternoon after all, they'd only he gone for about 24 hours. Henry pulled out and drove into town. The sticky note on the door read:

Don't forget about our counselor meeting tomorrow.

- Love Henry
Jacky picked her head up when she heard Henry's truck crank. No. He wasn't doing this now. He couldn't just waltz out and take Michael with him―could he? Did he, now that was a better question . . . Jacky stood up and started calling her son's name over, and over again. All she could do was hope for the young boy to reply with something like, "I'm here mommy!" though no such sound was made. This all but inflamed Jacky. My god, if he thought she was a bitch before . . . he had another one coming to him.

She walked down the stairs, then could see something on the door. What was that? A sticky note? Once she was closer it was easier to read Henry's writing. He walked out on her, with her son! Her five year old. Over what, a stupid miscommunication over something they should have just blown past? How immature did this man get.He used to claim that he married his best friend, his soul mate. The one he never wanted to be without . . . but now it was because she knew how to have a good time―at seventeen.

Jacky sat herself down on the large leather couch in the living room, his little note in between her hands as she read it over, and over again. They had been so close in fixing things. Do close in being happy, and for a short period of time she felt wanted, needed, by her one true love . . . but he was right. She opened her big mouth and said the wrong thing. She said something stupid. She made her own bed, now she was being forced to lay in it. He took everything she had came back for away. He used everything he could find to bring her farther, and farther down into this place she now called home. Filled with depression , and sorrows―what a wonderful life he'd made for them. The only thing he didn't think of when he went and did these stupid things was that she was always the one picking up the pieces to put their relationship back together .

"If he wants a councilors meeting, fine. But he wont be happy once I'm done with him." Now it was her turn to tare him into pieces, chew him up, then spit him out. This game of his had to end eventually.
((Skip to the next afternoon))

Henry had stayed at a friend's house, nothing fancy. He was a fellow coworker and neither man drank nor did anything a five year old shouldn't be exposed do. The rest of the day played out peacefully if only a mild confusion on Michael's part which was eased after the mention of seeing mommy tomorrow. Henry had checked the planner in Jacky's purse to get the address and name of the counselor she had called and made an appointment with. He was prompt, early even, by a few minutes. The waiting room was quaint, painted in light, cheery pastel colors. A receptionist came and led Michael to a little play room only just next door in a little room that had no door. There was plenty of toys and things to keep him entertained while his parents sought help.

Henry sat quietly, his hands folded neatly in his lap as he stared off into space. It had been his suggestion that they come here, get help. Was a third wheel really going to solve their problems? Something seemed even mildly obtrusive about bringing in a mediator. Henry clenched his jaw, thinking about the way Jacky had simply left and rubbed her affair in his face, as though that was a high point for her only to take it back just so she could please him. Now that she had grown up, she just couldn't control her inconsiderate and reckless ways that sometimes resembled her teenage career.

As the time passed, Henry delved into his past and the timeline of his life. He was so chaotic as a child, as a teenager. It was such a whirlwind, their marriage, that perhaps they had moved too fast. It's difficult to slow the same fire of love that is kindled between two soul mates, two serious lovers. His eyes bore through the carpet, carving out a lifetime of memories, a lot of which he preferred not to remember. Though when his wife walked in the room, his gaze immediately flicked to her and her perfect figure, her familiar face. Then he was just Henry, just sitting, watching a women he no longer jumped to comfort.
The way he'd left was not only ruthless, or cruel, but it was something she could never picture him doing. Ok, so maybe it wasn't because he left, but because he took their son with him to god only knows where. If it wasn't enough to just insult her numerously in front of their son, he had to go off and do that.

"Funny thing is he thinks that he'll win no matter what," Jacky had been sitting in the parking lot for quite some time, on the phone with an old friend. Her lips curled up into a smile while she listened to the person on the other end of the phone; saying something to the point that Henry was insane if he thought for just one second he would win against his wife. "Well, I guess, he just thinks that I wont fight him if it comes down to it . . . He should know, we've been married for―" Jacky had to pause. She couldn't remember how long they'd been married either. Over five years, but under ten. "seven years maybe? I don't know. It feels like forever, though. . . Right, I guess I'd better get going. I wouldn't want him to throw this in my face as well." With those final words, Jackie hung up.

She grabbed her bag, and sunglasses before she got up to go inside the dreary looking building. Once inside, she saw her husband sitting in the waiting room with his hands folded in his lap. It was only until he looked up, but didn't say a word to her, that it actually sank in. This was real. It wasn't something she'd done, and could get away with. No, the stuff she'd said clearly caused some kind of damage to him. But, if it was so bad, or hurt so much; why didn't he tell her that?

She sat a couple seats down from him, trying to keep out of his way as much as possible. But, she eventually had to ask, "Why are we waiting? There's no one else here. . . barely." Ok, there were a couple other couples in the waiting room, but according to Jacky their problems were more important.

((Sorry, I was gone for a while! >_< been busy.))

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