Perfect (Ambria and Jeccka)

Jacky stood there a moment, taking in everything. Taking in the sight of her husband, standing before her; taking in the words he spoke. . . how shocked he seemed was disarming. "I did leave," She replied quietly as she sat her purse down on the love seat, "but I came back, because―because I love you, and our son."

Jacky walked over to the single chair where she sat down, holding in her hands the wedding band, and engagement ring given to her by him. It seemed so stupid, so immature, but when she opened up her hands to look at the precious things all she wanted to do was throw them in his face, or stomp them into the ground. She even considered it, until she looked up to see those hazel eyes. They always made her remember the first time she met him, when everything was ok. They reminded her of why she fell in love with him in the first place.

"I don't know why you act like I'm absolutely nothing to you, I mean I go missing for a week, and you do nothing to try to find me? I mean. . . just why? What did I do to make you hate me? I loved you, I did and gave all I had to give, yet you yell and scream at me. Henry, please work with me? I'm just scared. . ." Her gaze fell to the floor, clenching her jaw as she waited on his gruesome words, on his yelling, snapping. . . she hoped he would just hold her. "When I walked through that door, do you know what I wished? That you would run up and wrap me up in your big, strong arms. I expected you to be a little worried. . . but you not doing that, it wasn't really a surprise either. I have came to accept the fact you're not like that anymore."

(Sorry it's so short!!! By the way, I love this RP. Like, seriously. It's my favorite... haha)
Henry raised a brow at Jacky's words. He patiently listened to everything she said and once she was finished he dropped his protective stance. "You can't just automatically assume that I don't still care for you. We've been arguing for years, Jacky. If you had decided to leave and left, there was no way I could persuade you to come back even if I did find you and knew where you were. And how I was supposed to know you'd appreciate me to swing you up in a greeting hug? For all I know you might as well kick and scream like I was hurting you." Henry paused, having kept his gaze with her he dropped it now.

It had upset Henry how she could just barge right in and wonder why everything was back to normal now that she had completely dropped off the face of the earth for a week. It was like she wanted to be greeted with wide open arms when she hadn't so much as wanted him to touch her in the past months, if not years. This was ridiculous, outrageous. He was in the wrong no matter what he did it seemed.

"I get that you want things to change but you can't just walk in here, after being gone for a week, and expect that I know how to react according to what you have in mind." Henry shifted his weight where he stood. Despite the fact that Jacky had been gone all week, the house was still relatively clean. There were no dishes in the sink to be done nor clothes laying around Michael had watched less television all week than he normally did. While it had been hard, long hours for Michael and the week was rocky, Henry liked to think that they did have a sort of bonding time together. He looked over at her, where she sat a few feet away. "I love you too, Jacky but you're being so unfair."

(( It's one of my favorites too!! I'm glad you like it so much! :D ))
"No, really, all I wanted to know was that you guys needed me here, or you both needed me for some reason. . . I understand you didn't want to come looking for me, I didn't think it through I guess. " Jacky let her gaze fall again. Her heart sank a little as he spoke, the words cut a bit deeper than he had intended, for sure.

"I'm unfair, Henry? I'm un-freaking-fair? Ok, I'm sorry. I will try to be more considerate of your feelings next time. I'm so very, very sorry." Jacky didn't stammer, nor did she cower in fear of this man. He was nothing. Nothing to be scared of that was; he wouldn't touch her when Michael was in the house. At least that's what she thought.

"Can we please not argue about this? I didn't come home to argue with you." She slowly stood up and walked over to him. Every small step was a challenge for her. Knowing him, after all, someone would end up yelled at or something, but she needed to try. "We're going to a mirage councilor tomorrow at three pm. No if's, and's, or but's. We have to. . . babe, I don't want to lose you. You're my rock. . . I need you."
Now Henry was nearly livid. It was a struggle to keep a calm composure. Jacky was being purposefully rude and obtuse. First of all she was picking a fight but saying that he was being "unfair" as though she had no hand in miscommunication, as though she had believed that all these years he had been able to read her mind and now that he was saying he wouldn't, she was calling his bluff. That was unfair. Secondly she said she didn't want to argue, as though he was picking a fight with her when she had began, and now ended, this quarrel without letting him so much as say anything. Lastly she acted like going to a marriage counselor was something he was against when in fact he had suggested the idea.

"You are... Unbelievable." Henry said, standing in the same spot. "Do you even hear yourself? Excuse me for trying to be civil." He had his arms crossed over his chest, looking down at Jacky though there was only a few inches of height difference. He was about to continue when he heard Michael from the stairs.

"Mom!" Michael yelled, carefully picking his way down the stairs as fast as he could. Henry moved between the two. "We're talking right now. Go back to the room." Michael looked up at his dad with confusion. His shoulders collapsed and he slowly turned back to the stairs. He had learned not to argue with his father and strongly hated being yelled at. "Go." Henry said with more urgency in his voice which made Michael hurry back up the stairs and into the bedroom.
Jacky watched him but it was clear she wasn't happy with what he was saying. God, all of this was a joke to him, wasn't it? Either that or he loved making her feel bad about herself. . . that would not be a shock. He always got his way, and or made sure everyone was miserable if he didn't. Living with Henry Carter was absolute hell. But, she still loved him.

When her son ran out with open arms, Jacky had almost started to run to him and swoop him up into her arms, but Henry had to make sure that wouldn't happen, right? Her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head. She only spoke once he was gone, though. She didn't want him to listen to this. "Come on, Henry. He knows about everything, I mean, you don't think he can't hear us yelling through the walls? Or you throwing things across the room?" She walked closer to him and pushed him as hard as she possibly could, but Jacky was 5'3" and 95 pounds. She was absolutely tiny and also fit- even with that; she had no chance against him.

"You don't think people as me where the bruises on my wrists, my arms, my sides... God, wherever you decide to punch? Come on, people notice. I just lie and tell them otherwise. . . because I have no other choice than protecting you. You know I can't call the police; they would never believe me even if I showed them everything, and told them everything you've done to this family." Her heart was racing in her chest, a surefire sign of anger. "You don't deserve either of is. What you deserve is to rot in hell."
Henry had his hands balled into tight fists. The problem was that Jacky was so aggravating she was the one who started all the arguments. She always thinks she knows best and tries to act like she's the victim, the one who's always trying to do the right thing. Behind all that false shy exterior was a wicked drive to be right, correct, innocent and perfect. Her push hardly hurt and did nothing to put more space between them.

"Oh come on, you don't want him in the room either." Henry said defensively. "If you hate me so much why don't you just leave? Just go! You're not helping anything. You can't just disappear and come back saying you fixed everything! It doesn't work that way." His voice was climbing higher, not quite a yell but still stern and strong. "Why'd you even bother coming back?" He added on second thought. "Why protect me, huh? Sue me, divorce me, I don't care. It's always gonna be you against me. You screaming in my face, acting like you're some godly saint here to save the day doesn't help." Henry kept his hands at his sides, fighting the urge to hurt her. She had no self defense and an unconcerned tongue that always got her in trouble. She wasn't all she made out to be. "You can't just blame everything on me, Jacky. You do as much of the yelling and screaming as I do but you always start the freaking fights. You! You start it. Get out of my face."
"I didn't?" Jacky stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh, sure. . . you're one to tell me. Who was the one who nearly snapped when I was trying to help him last week? You sat him down and told him to swallow his fears. You told him to be a big boy, remember? And yeah, yeah... He is five, but clearly, you don't seem to understand, moments like that; that's what I live for. I know, I'm not perfect. . . and you're right; I'm no saint. But at least I can say I've tried to make a good life for my son and I. What can you say?" She looked him up and down, the only thing making her hold her ground, was the balled up fists by his side; he scared her. He always had. . .

Though, the protection question threw her for a loop; she never expected it. . . what did he want her to say? What did she have to give for him to stop this? She was comfortable numb in this relationship. Love was just another word to say, for them; it meant absolutely nothing anymore. As the saying goes, 'You can only say you love someone for so long before it starts to feel like a lie,' for Jacky, this was true.

"So I start it? So what, Henry? What's the problem? I mean, you. . . you. . ." That was it, she gave in to him for just a moment. "You're right. You always have been; I'm a horrible person because my husband beats up on me. But know what? While I was gone, I had the best week of my life. He thought I was funny. He called me beautiful, incredible--like I've heard that one in a while. . . he was the reason I smiled the whole time. Maybe we should separate, I mean, you don't 'love' me enough to try anymore, and I'm fed up. . . and tired of being put to the side, so. . . ?" She wasn't going to lie; being with someone else brightened her whole life up. Where he, he only made it darker. Henry was the one who drug her down.
Henry's temper rose. The longer he listened to Jacky the more angry he became. He didn't want to hit her while she was asking for it, it seemed like the wrong time and that he was weak for doing it. "Get out." He said in a normal tone, as though nothing was happening. "Why even bother coming back? Just leave." Henry said, spitting venom from his words. His hands were still tight in fists, his knuckles showing white from how tightly they were clenched shut. The muscle in his jaw jumped as he clenched his teeth. Jacky made his skin crawl, she made him so angry. No matter how badly she wanted to believe that he didn't have feelings for her, he did, he always would. She had been his high school sweetheart. She had been the only person he had vowed to stay with. Under all the anger he had at the things she did, the things she said, he still believed she was the most beautiful woman on the planet. While her ethics and conduct was lacking, she was still all he desired - it just wasn't working right now.

"Just because you want to baby Michael and I'd prefer to toughen him up, doesn't make me a bad father. We had a great week together no thanks to you and we'll be fine without you." Henry spat, towering over Jacky. "Go. Run back to your so called prince." Then added, "Go! Get out." A forceful yell. He was not going to take anymore from her. While they had been fighting, he had never slept with nor kissed or touched another woman. Jacky had openly admitted her affair and that actually hurt. He had never done such a thing. She might as well go now or she'd have to tell lover boy why she was crying.
So that's what got to him, eh? And she never thought she'd see the day that Henry Carter got offended. . . Her blood wasn't boiling until he said they would be fine without her; that hurt. That was the whole reason for her existence; to feel needed. Why did he think she wanted kids so early on? Because she needed that feeling; she needed to feel needed by someone. She needed the love a needy person supplied. That, Michael gave her. She was not going anywhere without her son.

The funny thing was that he thought he had so much control over this woman, that he was blind when it came to taking hints, or catching things . . . she'd been sleeping with this 'lover boy' for over a month. It was not like it'd just started happening, now was just the time she decided to come out and tell him. God knows she wouldn't have if he wouldn't have pissed her off so much! It was like every word out of his mouth was an insult. He had to think this all through, it wasn't possible for someone to be this much of a jerk without some thought on it.

"Firstly, I came back because. . . I don't even know; maybe 'cause I have a five year old son? Mmhm, that would be the reas0n." She crossed her arms tightly over her chest as she watched him grow angrier and angrier. "Not to say, I haven't had my own times when I wished Michal would act older, but at least I do it in a reasonable way! I don't just put him down when he needs someone to lean on-- No, it does not make you a bad father, but it doesn't make you a good one either. You have never, and will never be an actual good father. It takes some kind of remorse for the child in order for you to actually be good." She looked down, her eyes reaching the pattern on the rug. "No," Jacky said simply as she stood her ground, determined to stay there no matter the words he spoke. "I am not leaving, this is just as much my home as yours, asshole."
Henry couldn't contain himself any longer. He burst out, angry as all hell. Jacky was being so irrational. She up and left, had an affair, told him they were going to counseling as though it were her brilliant idea and now was telling him he wasn't a good father. Um, hello..!

"Oh yeah? You left the kid, with me while you slept with another man! How does that make you a good mother? And incase you haven't noticed, Michael's fine! He's not dead because I failed to keep him alive and he hasn't had any nightmares in the time you've been gone. He's staying here with me and you're not going to see him until we sort this out. If you don't love me anymore, fine, but you're not going to whisk our son away and tell him he has a new daddy. He loves both of us." Henry had very nearly reached out his hand and slapped Jacky across the face. How was it she couldn't see that she was provoking and practically asked for everything she got? It wasn't just his fault. She always blamed him!

If anyone took any notice, this perhaps one of the best fights for Henry. He had controlled most of his anger, he hadn't hit her. With the week apart from her he was sure she wasn't coming back and when she had it came as a surprise and he was genuinely glad to see her. She was like venom in a beautifully patterned snake. Over the years she had become nice to look at but bit at anything that didn't agree with her. She blamed Henry for everything though much of the time it was her way or the highway.
Jacky's eyes turned hard at the sound of his voice; at the tone. The way he spoke to her was what got her scared to death, it always made her skin crawl. Shake. Overflowing with fear, she backed up and shook her head. He would not keep running her over like this, it wasn't right. It was not fair for him to treat her like absolute shit! So what? She slept with someone else, what was the huge deal? He would have done the same thing, wouldn't he? If he had the opportunity to feel the love of someone else- well, love, lust, whatever it was. She didn't care. . . Either way, she hadn't been even held in months.

"If you were. . . man enough I wouldn't have to sleep around, now would I? If you were anywhere near as macho as you make yourself out to be, we would never have any problems. If. . ." She shook her head, rubbing the back of her neck. This wasn't worth it anymore; it only ruined it. "This ends, right here. We'll never be what we used to. . . We wont have a family, or at least a good one." Her tone only got softer, and softer as she continued to speak. "So, we. . . we. . . what do we do, Henry? I don't want to lose Michael, and neither do you. . . but how so we fix this?"
Henry still had to hold himself back, force himself not to strike Jacky down. He hated how she provoked him, got in his face and said things that weren't even close to the truth. When he finally found the words to say his voice was a bit softer though his face was still hard. "Well.. At least I'm man enough not to sleep around. At least I respected that until the end." He said, making sure that that would sting as much as it could. Jacky was the only person he was interested in sleeping with, she wouldn't be easily replaced but, apparently he was...

"Since there's clearly nothing I can do for you here, why don't you just go." Henry was nearly defeated. This was one fight, one argument that he found himself nearly paralyzed. It felt like a physical blow to know that the only girl he had ever truly loved really hated him enough that she would have an affair and rub it in his face. She hated him more than he cared to admit and hadn't realized it until just now. "You don't want to be here." He added almost weakly but he covered it up the very next second. "Michael's not going anywhere. I'll bring him to counseling tomorrow and we'll go from there." He ran a hand through his hair and took a few steps back, toward the front door. "I don't want you to stay." It was honest and he hoped it hurt. He didn't think he could manage sleeping in the same bed as her, just sleeping, with all these thoughts racing through his head. He would look like a fool, trying to persuade her to stay, showering her with apologies and adoration... But, how much time would that buy them before they started fighting again? It was useless, hopeless. She didn't even look the same now that she had found someone else to please her, to rescue her from this hell she hated so much.
Oh it hurt. It hurt more than she ever expected it to. Had he ever considered she did this for revenge? He never said he was sorry when he beat her until she was black and blue. He didn't feel sorry― and if he did; he never let her see that. For all Jacky knew, she was nothing more than his own personal punching bag. Had Henry ever sat down to ask her about how she felt? Or, if when she started to cry, if she was ok? That's right. He didn't. He never acted like he cared, he was just someone who built up a wall she couldn't break down. He was the one thing she could never, ever win at.

"Please," Jacky began to shake her head as she moved closer to him, at the point of begging. "Henry, don't take my little boy from me. Not even I deserve that, and you know you don't want to throw me out." She clenched her jaw as she debated what to do to make this up to him. Couldn't she just say he was right? Couldn't he forgive her? She was freaking out. "Henry, listen closely; he means nothing to me. He was just someone to waste time with, not love. Babe, I love you more than anything. . . I will do anything if you will just forgive me," She moved closer and took both of his hands in hers, though her eyes never left the sight of his strong hands. All she could do was pray he'd take her back. Lets face it, she's a pretty girl, but she had no skills. She was a typical 'trophy wife', so to speak.
Jacky was making this more and more difficult for Henry. He wished she wouldn't come so close to him, wouldn't smell so familiar. Her small hands took his and he faintly held onto her, just for a moment. His gaze didn't waver from her eyes though she wasn't looking at him.

"I'm not taking him away from you." Henry said. "You'll see him tomorrow." He forced his hands out of hers, his forehead wrinkling with distaste. "Somehow 'you deserve to

rot in hell' doesn't seem very loving, forgive me if I'm wrong. I don't want you here, Jacky." Henry took another step back, blocking the stairs and nearing the door. He had calmed down and was in a sort of dead, expressionless state. Jacky had crossed the line with her affair. No matter how much they fought and how often he fed in to her annoyance, throwing her a punch or four, sex was the line. He knew she was trying to convince him, persuade him to let her stay just as he would do the same if she did stay. He didn't want to hear how meaningless the whole event was, that only made it worse.

"You can't stay." Henry reiterated. "I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to stay with whoever's got your heart. I'll see you tomorrow, goodbye, Jacy." He stood by the door, expecting her to give up, to leave. He was adamant and persistent. If she wasn't going to learn from bruises and physical pain, perhaps she would better listen if she didn't have a place in his bed tonight.
Now he was being unreasonable. Was this seriously necessary to make her feel like that? That was how this world worked; people messed up. Jacky, she screwed up. She knew that. But did she deserve all of this? Did she not deserve a second chance, like the many he had gotten? Jacky needed an outlet, she found peace in another mans arms. So what? It was nice to feel like someone cared enough―no, to feel like you were wanted. Maybe she did cross the line when she made love to another man, but she didn't feel good about it. But now he was kicking her out of their home? He couldn't do that. . . not to her. Not to his wife.

"Henry, please stop. I'm sorry," Jacky looked up at him with nothing but love in her eyes, what else could their be? She didn't want to be out alone. It was a fear, a phobia if you must; she hated being alone. The look of disgust on his face crushed her. It made her heart sink. He was right. . . she said some very stupid things, but it was sper-of-the-moment. She didn't mean it all.

"You can't really expect me to leave, you know I have no where to go. I need you, I need to be with you, babe. You're the only one I love, and have ever loved. . . remember when we first met? Neither of us talked, because we were scared of the other turning us down? Do you remember the first time I said I love you? Or the night you proposed to me? I do. I remember the first time I saw you. You are still all I've ever wanted. Babe, one mistake shouldn't come between us that easily. . . please, lets work this out. Lets talk. I dont care, just don't toss me out to dry."
Henry shook his head as Jacky spoke. He didn't want to remember, didn't want her to break down his defense. It would have been easier for him if she would have left. "I remember everything. But -" He clenched his jaw and stared at the wall for a moment. Then his gaze snapped back to Jacky as he spoke, "Look, I know I get mad sometimes and I don't always do the right things... I want Michael to be strong and independent the way my parents raised me, I want to be a good husband and be there for you it's just - I can't... Always do that." Henry was very near to letting her stay, letting her up to see their son. He didn't necessarily want to but Jacky was sometimes just so hard to refuse.

"It wasn't just one mistake, you do senseless things all the time. There are boundaries, you know. I'm still human." Henry was going to let her stay but he wasn't about to let her stay knowing that he had fully forgiven her because he hadn't. She loved hurting him and that's what she finally had succeeded in doing. "You can stay... I guess. But, don't pull any of that 'I'm leaving and I hate you' stuff or I am locking you out. I know you must have somewhere." Henry moved aside, giving her access to the stairs, to go up and see Michael. Though he didn't move himself to go up, he didn't want to just yet.
Jacky could understand the whole boundaries thing. She had plenty of her own; that he knew just as well. Though, he never followed her 'boundaries' so what was the big deal about her stepping over the line once? Come on. She loved him, but he shouldn't have ever been this whiny. He was a grown man after all ; at least she had her hormones to blame.

"But what?" She asked softly as she looked up to see his face, "You don't want to remember the good times, do you?" Jacky looked back down at her small, frail hands at the thought. God, all she wanted was this to just be over. To be back to normal. "Henry, I'm sorry. How many times do I need to say it?" She still didn't look up, nor move from that spot it front of him. "I will do anything to make this go away, babe. I love you, and never meant to step over the line. I swear, it was a stupid mistake that wont happen again. . . thank you, so much! I wont, I wont say anything, just. . . I'm so grateful." She finally took a breath and moved forwards to wrap him in a tight hug. Michael could wait, at least until he pushed her away. . .
Jacky's side comments in between his words didn't help. She really couldn't manage to quit running her mouth, could she. Henry hugged her back, giving her a short, tender squeeze before letting her go. There was nothing more he wanted to say nor wanted to hear. Instead he moved away from her, toward the kitchen. He didn't bother looking to see if she had gone upstairs and sort of wished she was. Opening a cabinet, he found a bottle of vodka he had bought earlier in the week, telling the cashier he was going to a party. Nobody in town took him as a drunk, and he wasn't, he just liked having a drink here and there.

Unscrewing the cap he smelled the strong scent of alcohol and put the bottle to his lips. The taste was strong and burned the back of his throat. There was no need for a chaser, he could take it straight. Taking another long drink, he set the bottle down, leaning over the counter to help himself over the wave of hot intensity. Then he screwed the cap back on and set it back in its place. To cover up the smell, he grabbed a glass and filled it with apple juice, downing it in a single take. There, that should be good. Ready to face the rest of whatever Jacky was to throw at him, he turned to walk upstairs.
Jacky honestly didn't want to throw anything at him anymore. All she wanted was for him to forgive her. To take her back. God, she couldn't stand this. The worst thing was, Henry would never give it a rest after she told him about her affair. He'd never let it go and she'd never see the end of it, was he? Their happy life was over, wasn't it?

Jacky made her way up the stairs to their sons room, before she knocked on the door. "Michael, it's mommy." She pushed the door open to see him. He looked so much like his daddy, looks and all. "so, how was your week?" She slowly walked into the room, and sat down beside him on the small twin sized bed. "You and daddy do anything fun?" She had hoped they'd gotten along alright, well, Henry had said they had fun, but Jacky had a hard time trusting that. Why wouldn't he lie to her now? She had been keeping plenty of secrets from him these past few months.
Henry silently walked up the stairs, pausing outside the bedroom to hear what Jacky was saying to Michael. He was under no illusions that she would try to find something that he did wrong, she wanted to know that he had failed being a father and that he was incapable of taking care of his son. They truly did have a good week. Though Michael did ask questions about mommy and where she went, they didn't run into any tough patches. It had been one of the most relaxed weeks of Henry's life in a while. The only bad thing that Henry could think of was that Michael had to stay at school about an extra hour because Henry had to work.

Henry leaned against the wall and listened closely, trying to hear over the dull roar of the television. Michael had even slept in the master bed with him, taking Jacky's place in a way though Michael had slept closer to his father. Henry stared at the floor, focused on listening, running a hand through his dark hair. Where were the good old days? What had really gone wrong with their marriage? Jacky was just ignorant and annoying, constantly saying stupid things as well as doing whatever she pleased and expecting that he wouldn't be angry. Well, that's what he thought anyway.
Michael's silence only made Jacky feel even more unwanted. Was she really that bad of a mother? Was she enough to drive everyone away from her? If so, then why didn't she know sooner? Why couldn't anyone ever say something about how she acted? It didn't much matter now, though. Did it? The one thing she thought she would always have, was gone. Long gone apparently.

Jacky forced a small smile as she reached over and gently rested a hand on her son's shoulder, keeping it there for only a brief moment before she got up. On her way to the door, she noticed Henry's shadow outside. Had he really sank that low? To spy on his wife? What did he think she was going to say? Something bad about him? Well, he needed to grow up. The whole world wasn't out to get him, in fact, all Jacky wanted to do was spend time with Michael. But, she could see instantly that Henry had to have said something to him about her. About how she was. Something wasn't right. . . and she didn't like feeling left out of her own family.

How could you?

The thoughts drummed around her mind, which made her hands ball up into tight fists. Next thing she knew, she'd walked out into the hall to confront him. However, she couldn't, and her hands listened up once more. Just the saddened look on his face; it broke her. It was just something she hated to see; her loved ones upset like this. Like Henry was. . . "Are you ok?" She softly asked as she moved closer to him. "You look. . . horrible, no offence." She forced a small smile, to try and get just the slightest grin onto those lips of his, but it didn't seem to be working, eh?

But, something caught her off guard; something like the smell of whisky masked by some kind of juice- apple, maybe orange? She couldn't really tell. Wow, it'd been so long since she'd even seen him drink. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing, maybe he would come to his senses if he got a little drunk. Wouldn't hurt to find out, now would it?

"Hey, why don't we go sit down and have a drink downstairs?" Jacky gently, and lovingly took his rough hands and lead him down the stairs slowly. She didn't want to be pushed over or anything. Who knew what that man would do right now. . . in the past, when he was far less frustrated, he'd broken her arm, or thrown her into the wall. Who knows what could happen now that he knew she'd had an affair with someone she didn't even really know.
Henry wasn't even remotely phased by Jacky's outburst into the hall. He had seen her shadow just before she came out. It wasn't like he had been doing anything bad, she hadn't done anything bad so what was the harm done. Her humor wasn't exactly funny and he couldn't muster a laugh, even a fake one.

"I'm in no mood to drink." Henry said sternly, following his wife downstairs. Just because she could smell the alcohol on his breath didn't mean there was enough booze in the house to get either of them drunk. Besides, what would that prove anyway? That he was a bad father? Well, he wasn't falling for any of it. He held her hand firmly in his and once they were downstairs, pulled her against him. Sure they had fights and arguments and yelled at each other... But he was still married to her, right? Still cared about her.

"You don't want to get drunk while the kiddo's around, that's not a good idea." Henry said, physically close to Jacky. It had been a long time since they'd held hands let alone anything else even remotely loving. It was part of his need to make her stay that he felt rather romantically interested at the moment. Things probably still would have been better had she left and he wouldn't be desperately grasping for some ground to keep her on. He really didn't want her to leave him. "I'm sure we can find something else to do." He said simply.
There was always something about when his body pressed against hers- maybe the friction between the two was what always got her. How close they felt, yet there was something still keeping them apart. But, what could it be? The nervousness on her end, or his? Both always seemed to eventually let go before anything could happen, or that's how it'd always worked in the past. One got tired. . . and the other didn't want to bother anymore.

Jacky, she wasn't like that though. All she wanted was to be forgiven. God knew, if she could figure a way out of this little mess she'd made, she would do whatever it would take for her husband to actually feel that same way about her again. . . like he felt, or even she felt, on their wedding night. The way they literally spent the whole night talking about the future. Odd, right? Not for them. Before Michael was born, everything seemed so perfect. It was actually amazing the amount of change had gone on in that house, from the new addition, to how they slept. . . Example, Jacky always used to sleep on the left side; her favorite spot, then Henry would sleep on the right. . . but the change must have been because of Michaels little health condition when he was younger.

The way he pulled her close, took her hand firmly in his. . . oh it was breathtaking in her eyes. "But," Jacky didn't exactly take a step forward into his advance, nor did she move away from it, "I didn't think we ever had much to do here. Michael was the only one with games and such." Her soft fingers interlocked with his, even rather slowly, unable to help the smile that tugged at her full peach colored lips, she looked up. It was like staring into the eyes of the man she used to know; the one she'd fallen in love with. . . the one she married; the father of her child. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all, eh?

"My god, I've missed you."

The real you, not the man you've become. . .
The smug smile on Henry's face grew into a grin. While he couldn't exactly forget the fact that his wife had slept with another man, all he could think about was her lips smiling back at him. How long had it been since they slept without separation in the bed? How long had it been since they'd really held hands? Hugged, cuddled? Everybody's got to miss that at some point, especially if it was something they had earlier on. Michael seemed to have put a damper on their relationship after he demanded so much attention with his health problems. Maybe that was when things had started to go downhill. Henry couldn't stay home and take care of the child but Jacky was more than willing. Henry had never known a stay at home mother and was uncomfortable that his wife sat at home while he worked. It wasn't money that had him concerned, it was just unusual and something that didn't quite sit right with him; reasons he couldn't even explain to himself.

Henry wrapped an arm around Jacky's waist and pulled her closer to him, flat against him. "I've missed you." He said, his gaze fixed on her eyes before slowly traveling down to her lips. Then he couldn't take it anymore. He kissed her, slow and demanding. It had been what seemed like forever since he had really kissed her and it felt so refreshing to now. She was so familiar down to the feel of her lips on his, electrifying. it wasn't just her looks that drove him home. She had been his longest sweetheart and the only girl he still remained committed to. For him nothing else mattered in that moment. It was just the two of them. Forget the past, forget the future. All there was was that moment.
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Where Henry's mind was straight on, Jacky's was all over the place. She truly did care, and wasn't particularly thrilled with what she'd done to him. How she'd used, and abused his love for so long. After all they'd been through together, there was no since in this constant fighting. There was no since in any of this arguing, or fighting. But, she was headstrong. She liked to fight and also to win. If she thought they were wrong, she'd stand and fight with whoever it was until she was proven right. Just as he did, and that was one of the main problems, or in Jacky's eyes. They were too much alike - personality wise. She always played the shy, sweet one when no one was around. Henry was the only person who had ever know the real Jacky.

The lack of connection after Michael was born had to be the reason they had initially fallen apart, right? Or, if not that, what was it? For lack of better words, Jacky pushed the thoughts of her infidelity to the deepest place of her mind so she wouldn't have to even think about it. It'd just ruin it, right?

The moment she saw his smile; a smile. . . that was something she hadn't seen from him in a very long time. And. . . it only got better from there. The kiss, the way his lips pressed so perfectly against her own. Her arms slowly rose to wrap around his neck, pulling him down even closer to her than he already was. Every second was pure bliss - something she always adored about him. However, she kept expecting him to pull away, if not slowly, then all of a sudden. But when he didn't, the small smile still tried to pull up the corners of her lips, even though smiling at the same time was hard; it gave her the want to continue.

However, after nothing more than a half minute longer, she pulled away from his lips alone, only to speak. "You never answered me," She teased as she rested one single finger on his lips.

The feeling had slowly started to fade away, that electrifying, amazingly well known feeling. . . she didn't want it to go that quickly. There had to be something she could do, but just moving in to kiss him wasn't always the best idea; not for her that is. She was worried he'd reject her. . . but the feeling of his lips against hers, it was something she'd been longing for, for some time now. Maybe there was a hint of want in his kiss as well? Jacky wasn't exactly sure. . . it was so hard to judge emotions just based off of a single kiss. Guess she just had to assume, right?

Jacky took that assumption when she pulled him back down, and into a soft and sweet, passion laced kiss. One she was known for giving. . . only by him, though. He was the only one she had ever, and probably would ever, kiss like that. Just because she messed up, didn't mean it many a damn thing to her or the other man. All it was, or it had to be, a friendly 'agreement'. Something stupid, something immature. . . but this, their love, it was far from immature or stupid in her eyes. To Jacky, Henry was the only one she cared about romantically.

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