Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes [Inactive]

Liars scoffed at the exchange, watching it still from above. Shaking her head, she jumped down from her branch and walked over to Raptor. "Please do tell me what you wished to accomplish by running in between the HellHound and David? The HellHound is a monster, one that if not for your parentage, would have killed you. You're soft." She said with a glare, rubbing her head and squeezing the bridge of her nose in agitation. "You do realize, that she had ordered them to attack.." She said with a bit of exasperation.
David has a personal grudge with Hades, even the name itself brings anger and mixed emotions to thought. He noticed Liara speaking and that she was agitated. He then spoke "Liara is right in this, your parentage saved you from the Hell Hound, if not you would have been torn to pieces. By the way nice shot" he added while nodding his head, looking towards Liara.

He then looked at Raptor and sighed deeply before speaking "Hades and I don't really get along. In fact we don't get along at all. You should know that Hades loves to hold grudges and if he knew that it was my duty to keep you safe, I don't think he'd be pleased at all. I don't hate you kid, I really don't, but what your father did to me........I will never forget" He said in a soft voice before he sighed deeply again. All the memories of the things in the past with Hades always haunted him and he never liked to talk about it.

He then looked towards Pallas and spoke while raising his brow "I know not what the messenger wanted from you but she wanted to see you, she said she had unfinished business here so I can assure you she will be back and we'll find out what she wants from you next time"

Then he faced all of them and spoke "For now all of you should get back to camp, get something to eat and maybe some rest if required".

David felt like waiting outside the camp barrier for a bit to cool himself down and to scout outside the premises to see if any more threats were lurking around. He hoped for there to be threats present so he could channel his anger towards the enemies that deserved it.
Pallas listened to the man talk. She didn't know what Hades had wanted from the new campers, or the children of the big Three, but it worried her. The fact that he knew she'd be back again, made Pallas a little nervous. She couldn't help but feel like she didn't belong. Here she was, a child of the big three, yet she hid behind a tree and watched the scene when another camper could of been seriously hurt. The same words ran through her mind.. "Pathetic. Coward." How could she do that? Stayed and hid while the others needed her. If she would of stepped out earlier, this wouldn't have been as big of an issue. Or would it of been?

Pallas nodded at him. "Can she.... get into the camp?" She questioned carefully, remaining inside the border. She had the feeling she was being watched, but with all the campers who were around, she figured it was one of them. That or paranoia.
Michael sat back upon the tree as he watched the Messenger and Hell Hound disappear. He began to silently giggle,"....I could really care less about Raptor being Hades' son. I can get along with anyone". He rubbed his hands over his now gone wounds. It never ceased to Amaze him about how fast he could heal when exposed to fire....almost like Ol' Percy Jackson from thirty years ago, except Percy healed when exposed to water. He took one more look at his healed stomach and joined the crowd. He looked at the shocked Raptor. "Dude, just know.....that I could care less about you being Hades' son and stuff". He then patted Raptor on the back like he did at the cabin. He looked at Pallas and Liara, who were also deeply interested in the recent fight. "Come on guys!! Cheer up!!! Forget about that loser Hades!!", he began to spread an influential smile across his face
Nodding at David and hearing Michael just put it off as if it were nothing made Liara snort silently. She smiled a rare smile at Michael and looked to Pallas, she was extremely pretty and she smiled at her question, "See that pine tree there? If you haven't heard of it, that is Thalia's Pine, and that dragon? That guards it. That Pine tree protects us, causing any monsters to not be able to enter the camps perimeter." She explained with an awkward grin.

She then looked to Raptor, if he's a son of Hades, then I should probably help training him firsthand.. not every foe will be friendly. Walking up to him, she raised her hand, placing it on the taller guy's shoulder, giving him her goofy grin "Hey, don't worry about it, if you're a son of Hades though, you're gonna need a ton of training, plus exploring any tidbits of power that you have. That's where I can be of help. So what about it deadly?" She said with a soft smile, she knew that she was being rough with them earlier, but she has to be at times. This was a good guy.. and she thought she could trust him oddly enough.
Pallasia Crosby


Pallas swung her sword at the dummies head, quickly rolling to the side to 'block' another blow from the enemy. Ever since that messanger from Hades had shown up, most of the campers, the new ones that is, had been on intensive training. Pallas didn't mind the hard work, or getting up earlier than before. She had benefited from the expirence. Making new friends and learning how to defend herself in the open world. Maybe she could go home this summer.. Or maybe the next. She wasn't sure, but that didn't bother her at the moment, as she swung intensly, decapitating one of the training dummies. "Oh, styx." She mumbled.

Pallas lowered her sword, grabbing a cup of water from the stand and poured it over her head. With a smile, she shook out the water from her still dry hair. On top of the physical training, Pallas had been teaming up with a few daughters of Athena to learn a little bit about her heritage. And learn she did. From the history, she was surprised that the children of Athena even acknowledged her existance. But, she figured the feud between Athena and Poseidon had shattered when Percy and Annabeth had gotten together. She smiled at the thought.

Pallas shook the thought away, turning to the group. "Anyone interested in sparring?"
Michael drank a cold cup of water as he took a break. Ever since that day that the messengers invaded the camp, it seemed as if everyone suddenly gained a responsibility. His responsibility was to be counselor of Hephaestus' cabin. Michael had been working all day on a axe capable of penetrating David's skin. However, the axe was only capable of hurting him. This was enough for Michael though. As he finished his glass of water, he exited the secret underground tunnel and returned back to his bunker. He looked out of the cabins window and saw Pallas call for a duel. Michael began to chuckle as he thought of all the fun memories he gained throughout the six months.

Marshall was at the camp Colosseum, training. He had been side stepping, crouching again and again at the dummy he was training on. Since he was using a short dagger, his motives is to injure the enemy's torso's sides, limbs, arms, knees, and legs. Sometimes the neck for fast assassination. For what seemed like an hour, he went to the seats and sat down and rested with one of his cabin mates.

As he was drinking his bottle of water, he sat watching some guys and a girl from his cabin. He was glad that the Aphrodite Cabin had changed ever since a former member -- "Piper Mclean" -- made and showed a difference for Aphrodite children ; that they won't be like their brothers and sisters, from years ago, who would often sit on the sidelines and not take part in training and camp games and activities. Although, not all were at the Colosseum training. Few were in their cabin, sleeping, fixing themselves, playing with makeup, and staring at themselves in the mirror.

Guess there are some things you can't change when you're a child of Aphrodite, Marshall thought with a smirk on his face.

Then another thought had come in his mind. The topic about that incident that most were talking about in camp. The hooded messenger and the hellhounds. He was still frustrated at himself, cause while that was taking place, he was taking a nap in his cabin. And woke up with the girls in his cabin talking about what had happened

Scowling, he put his water bottle down and watched his fellow camp mates train.

Liara Rose

Hopping out of the showers, she dried off and started the process of brushing out her hair. It was getting exceptionally long now and should probably be cut soon. The steam in the air nearly clung to her as she began to put on a pair of shredded training shorts as well as her All Time Low tank top. Doing all of the other necessary things, she then left the bathrooms with her pack, making her way back to the Athena cabin, making sure to take a peek in on the ones training. The only one she noticed so far was Pallas who was sparring with a dummy. She was pretty awesome, she was glad that the feud had ended, as she herself had spent a ton of time with the daughter of Poseidon going over strategy as well as telling her a ton of her father's history.

Smiling, she began to make her way back to her cabin, putting her clothes in a dresser beside her desk and bunk, which was the top, (she has always been scared of things coming down on her from above). Grabbing her brush once again, she tied her hair up with an orange camp half blood bandanna, making sure that her bangs were able to fall on her face. Then, opening her closet, she began taking the pieces of her armor out, leather boots and wrist guards, as well as some light weight plates to guard her unmentionable bits. Then, grabbing her training pack, she left her cabin heading back to the training grounds.

The mulch and dirt creating a sense of depth below her feet, she arrived. The training grounds was now even more filled with other campers, all training. Spotting Pallas, she tightened the fastening on her leather pack with a smile, glancing up at her through her eyelashes. "How about we do a group training sesh?" She grinned a challenging grin, looking around at the others who had for the most part started listening to the senior camper. "We divide into two different teams and just fight. I'll even drop the bow for a bit. I'll use some daggers for the first ten minutes, then switch over to bow, what do you say?" She said grinning at her friend, going towards a nearby table grabbing a set of light daggers.
Miki sat by the window of her cabin, staring at the ocean. The breeze flowed in from the window, making her sigh with comfort. It had been about six months since she had arrived at camp. She finally figured out what cabin she was, which just proved she got to chose her own schedule. Being one of the big three just means your isolated from everyone. Well, aside from her sister, Pallas. She was nice enough, but they hadn't really talked much. She twisted her bracelet and walked outside to the sparring area. She pulled out a dummy and summoned her sword. She started hacking away.
Six months had passed and David had noticed the hard work that the students had been implementing into their training. He was impressed and felt that they were doing themselves a favor, because he knew he wouldn't be around all the time to protect them. he then put on his armor and grabbed his sword and shield. He was ready to go out of the barrier to scout and see if any threats would come up. After the incident with the Messenger and the Hell Hounds, he made sure that he always went out of the camp barrier three - five times a day to ensure no threats were lurking.

He always enjoyed going out of the barrier, as he was getting bored with staying in the camp. He than reminisced about the days he would go on adventures with Percy as youngster. He then whispered "Oh Percy, wish you were here mate" before he walked out of the barrier. Being the son of the God of War, he enjoyed fighting and combat and as he was walking out he was hoping for any type of threat to be present so he could eliminate it.
The 6 months had actually dragged on and on for Raptor... He had learned that he really was in fact the son of Hades and because of it, many people strayed away from him. Besides David, Michael and Liara of course. They had volunteered to train him a little bit, however Raptor turned down their offers, and insisted he just work on whatever power he had.

Raptor didn't want to come out with his little secret just yet, so naturally he began working on controlling the shadows around him. Some of the other campers had been making a spectacle of him, but Raptor continued just the same.

Currently, Raptor was in the woods... Well, in a black circular ball in the woods, would be more accurate. He had managed to figure out how to finally encase himself in a full shadow, although at the moment it took a lot of mental willpower. He played around with different shapes too, sometimes wrapping himself in a triangular prism, or a cube.

In a way, Raptor kind of wanted to meet Hades for himself. He didn't at all mind that he was his father, and he could see the good and bad in Hades as well.

Raptor hadn't been able to make many friends because of it though, but that didn't matter to someone who was isolated nearly his entire life...

The shadowed disappeared as suddenly as it was made, and Raptor put his hands in his pockets and walked out into the training area. He sat down in the shade of a tree, and watched as the people around him took to each other in battle...

He saw everyone that he knew, David, Michael, Liara, Pallas, and Miki, though he didn't know the girls very much. Raptor was probably the biggest loner out of the entire camp.

He sighed and stretched his arms above his head, before turning to watch Liara and Pallas about to engage in a sparring...

I wonder who will win this one... He thought, yawning a little bit.
Pallas twirled her sword in her hand, observing the group of campers that had began to train. Pallas refiled her cup, before taking a swig from it. ( Yes, I say swig ) Pallas immediantly crumpled the cup and made sure it had landed in the trash. She really didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night with fire ants in her bed, if she upset the nymphs or naiads. Pallas smiled at the thought, listening to the cheers and grunts of the others as they sparred. When Liara stepped up, she barely noticed, zoned out as she was. "How about we do a group training sesh?"

Pallas jumped at the words, startled, but spun towards the girl.

"Thats a great idea! Kinda like Capture the Flag!"

Pallas was glad that she had gained a friendship with the daughter of Athena. The girl had taught her so much about her godly parent. Some things, she could of gone without knowing. Others seemed quite amazing to know.
Michael looked at the two as they began to make teams. "...I'm not going out there right now", he muttered to himself. In a distance, he saw Raptor play with his shadow abilities. He smiled and waved towards Raptor,"NICE JOB, BUDDY". He made sure that he yelled so that Raptor could hear him. Michael always considered Raptor as a friend.

He left the cabin and joined Raptor, who he couldn't find at first because he was a shadow. "Hey Raptor. Check this axe out..", he leaned in towards Raptor's ear and whispered: Don't tell David, but this axe is capable of actually hurting him. He leaned out of Raptor's ear and began to chuckle.
Raptor looked towards the axe and wondered why anyone would make something just to inflict pain. It seemed kind of pointless to him...

"I think I'm starting to realize how much of a sadist you are Michael..." He commented to the other. Not that Raptor wasn't a sadist and a masochist himself..

In a way, Raptor couldn't consider Michael a friend, as he was just so different from the child of Hades. He couldn't actually consider any of these people as "friends" though he would humor them if need be.
Pallas swung her sword at the dummy, slamming with a heavy thud. She smiled, as usual, taking her stance to strike again, as she heard a male voice yell for Raptor. Tending to get distracted easily, Pallas turned when he yelled out. She spotted Michael walking off towards the boy, but Pallas shook it off, swinging her sword at the left leg, before spining and slamming the hilt into the throat of the dummy. Pallas sighed, finishing. Pallas's eye's flickered to the pair again, "Maybe they'd be interested in sparring."

Pallas twisted the swords tip and watched as it shifted back into a single black ring, that she slipped over her left middle finger. Pallas walked up to the boys. "Hey," She smiled casually.
Raptor then looked up, seeing Pallas say hello to them both.

"Oh... Hi.. What's up?" He asked, with a sort of side smile. Raptor wasn't big on happiness, so he couldn't really ever smile, as odd as it sounds. Maybe today would be the day that he reveals his secrets... Not all of them, but perhaps the biggest and most pressing?

That in mind, he would have to agree if Pallas wanted to spar with him, however at the moment it just seemed like a chat was taking shape, so he didn't bother with planning ahead.

Hearing that a spar was going to take place, Marshall's boredom had faded and he was engrossed about it. So he continued to sit down, watch and wait. Minutes later, he saw that Hades kid Raptor talking with that Hephaestus kid, Michael. Then noticed that a group chat was starting. Feeling a sudden burst of wanting to socialize, he made his way to the group and suddenly taking to a halt halfway across them.

What if you don't get along? or the atmosphere around them might turn awkward because of you?, he wondered, his head down, and his face plastered with an anxious expression.

Tch, whatever the situation, I won't mind.

So he continued approaching the group, and when he was a few feet away between Michael and Raptor, that was when he spoke up.

Hey guys", Marshall said casually, though with a sunny smile.

Oh, uh, I haven't introduced myself to any of you guys before. I'm Marshall Baudelaire, I'm a son of Aphrodite", he said as he looked at each of them.

Michael looked at Marshall. "Oh what's up, man! I'm Michael Valdez, son of Hephaestus", he held his hand out to Marshall. The son of Aphrodite he truly was....

"Ah, nothing much, jus---" Marshall stopped abruptly.

Michael Valdez. Valdez., Marshall repeated what he'd heard. He was so surprised at what he realized and suddenly began flushing a bit and getting all giddy.

Woah! Valdez?! So you're the son of the legendary Hephaestus kid, Leo Valdez?!"

Sure Marshall had been in camp for 3 years and Valdez is a common surname. But he hasn't heard of a camper who had
that last name.

"Oh yeah. That old geezer is back at Calypso Island with my mom", Michael replied with a smile. He then realized that Marshal didn't know who his mother was. "....Calypso".

He began to point at his toolbelt," dad gave me his ol' toolbelt".

"That's cool!. I've heard about that toolbelt, pretty lucky that you have it", Marshall said, still having a giddy expression and slightly flushing.

Then he realized that he was being rude and was leaving out the others. This
is a formed group chat.

Sorry", he said in a slightly embarrassed voice.

So, what are your names?"

I'm gonna sleep))


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