Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes [Inactive]

Michael shook her hand. "My name's Michael", said Michael as he smiled weakly. While shaking her hand, he noticed a bow and arrow behind her back,"Hmmm......nice bow". He then put his hand in his tool belt and pulled out an arrow. "Here. Believe me, every arrow counts. You'll need this".
David smiled as he saw Liara, he noticed that her five years of hard training was paying off. He didn't even hear her as she was making her way down towards the two of them. "Ah Liara would you like to assist me with combat training today?. I was hoping you could show the newcomers what you got. They seem to be excited about combat training." He said with a raised brow.
She nodded at Michael, he was smarter than he looked. Now if he knows how to take orders is a different story.. She then listened to David and laughed a tinkling laugh, which was very rare. "You know how I like to watch first" she said smiling, thinking of their last capture the flag. "How about we place them against some of the ones that are not as experienced as myself, they have a better chance at winning." She said simply. She wouldn't consider herself arrogant, but she was one of the most experienced fighters in the camp.
Raptor had nodded slightly when David first spoke to him... He watched back on the sidelines as people began talking and milling about, striking conversation on who their godly parents were. This had reminded Raptor that he had never actually figured out who his was...

"Excuse me... Umm.. But.. Are we supposed to know who our godly parents are...?" Raptor asked nobody in particular, with a blank face. It's not that he was an idiot, it's just that some messenger guy told him information on what was going on (leaving out the important part it seems) and Raptor simply obeyed and came to the camp.

They now probably think I'm a fool for being here... This now officially sucks... He thought ruefully.
Michael looked at Raptor,"It just depends on if the person learned earlier or not. I learned earlier". He then turned his attention back towards Liara, who was suggesting that they should assign easier opponents. Michael laughed,"I don't need them easy". He then pointed towards his hand-crafted armor
David looked at Raptor and spoke with a calm smile "I was going to ask all of you about your Godly parents, but in the combat training so I could rank all of you accordingly with your best suited weapons. Since your'e asking, my father is Ares the God of War, and who is your Godly parent Raptor?" he asked with a raised brow awaiting an answer as he was listening to Michael and Liara talking about the challenge in combat training.
Noting the guy on the sidelines, she smiled, most of her focus was pinpointed on Michael, she noted. He was definitely confidence in a nutshell. "That is your first problem, dearie. It's good to be confident in your abilities, but overconfidence is a fatal flaw. It gets heroes killed you know." She said mildly chiding the newcomer.

Going back to David and the other, who she found was Raptor, she shook her head. "David, he might not even know!" She laughed again. She looked to Raptor, "have you been claimed yet?"
"Well,I wouldn't consider it OVERCONFIDENCE. Overconfidence would be something like this: I WILL DEFEAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE FIELD, INCLUDING MYSELF AND NOT HAVE A SCRATCH. Now THAT is overconfidence and stupidity", Michael said to Liara as he began to laugh at the horrible example.
Raptor's face slightly heated up in embarrassment...

"I... Don't know..." He said, quite too casually. Raptor was secretly hoping that it would be someone really cool, as well as slightly dark and evil. He didn't exactly have great views on the world, so he imagined that his mother and or father must also dislike it...

"I doubt it's anyone important..." He admitted, feeling slightly ashamed..

"I know I'm the biggest idiot who probably ever lived..." Raptor started, gritting his teeth a bit...

"Because I don't know anything at all... What does 'claimed' even mean?" He finished, frowning.
((I had no idea this started. Can some one fill me in. Are they all new also @Icefox11 can I change out my character?)
Miki sat there and face palmed. She hated his stupidity sometimes. "Just shut up Michael. All things that come out of your mouth are stupid."
Michael laughed sarcastically, then quickly pulled out an arrow from his tool belt and threw it two centimeters away from Miki's head, at a wall behind her
"You will. But all you'll see is my behind as I run away with your flag!" Miki said giving a triumphant smirk.
"I think setting a cabin on fire is not the way to go on the first day." Miki said calmly looking at Michael. "Let's calm down and we can settle this later." Miki said with a sigh. "Does anyone know who my parent is? I have no clue?"
David was shocked to hear the response from Raptor "I am truly sorry, I will help you find your Godly parent at whatever cost, and you are not an idiot. I had emotional problems when I was a kid as well, when I got into a rage I could not control myself and I would hurt a lot people, especially because of my super strength, I had no father figure to take care of me. I did not know who my father was or why I was so different". David than noticed that quarrels were escalating so he than spoke in a firm voice "Michael, Miki calm yourselves, the three new comers follow me. It's time for combat training." He than looked at Liara and spoke "Michael thinks he can take you on, why don't you prove him wrong?"
"YES!!" Miki yelled and raced to follow David. She loved fighting, especially with weapons. She pulled out her sword that was in form of a bracelet. "I'm ready to go!"
Michael scoffed,"Well....I don't remember challenging you all, but whatever..". He quickly put on his steel armor and grabbed his sledgehammer
"Alright!" Miki shouted, "Let's go!"

(Just for reference, I put my weapon in my character sheet)
Lian stumbled through the camp boarders his clothes singed and some steam coming off him. He stumbled to where the most people were and fell to his knees. "I made it, I finally made it to camp..." he said. "This is camp Half blood right?"
Jason sat in the corner, watching the battles take place. A fight... Killjoys said. Seems fun....

No.... He said to Killjoy. Ill..Ill just go closer...We can watch, that's it..

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