Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes [Inactive]

David smiled as he was walking towards the training ground, he saw Lian, another new comer so he called out to him "Hey you, make your way to the main office, then come to the combat training". David than looked at Jason and called out to him "You make your way to combat training as well, we got a special exercise today" he said as he was leading the three newcomers.
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Combat!? Fun...

Jason could feel killjoy grinning inside him... Wanting to carve... To butcher... To sever TORIPLIMBFROMLIMBKILLKILLLILLKILLKI-

SHUT UPP!!!! Jason screamed inside. He followed the man anyways. He was looking for someone to rid him of this curse... 
"Wait up for me as well!" Kent walked, backpack in hand with all the essentials.
Finally at the training ground, David decided to let them know about the exercise, he wanted it to be a team one so he began speak in a loud voice. "Todays exercise, will be different, and after this exercise I want to see Miki and Raptor regarding your Godly parents, but for now we are going to play capture the flag. All of you will be in the same team. Your goal is to capture the flag, from me and plant it back in your side. Use all of your weapons and fighting powers, and don't hold back. He said as one of his arm bands turned to what resembled of a spartan shield and the other a sword. "Come at me" he said as he planted the flag with his super strength, deep into the ground making it hard to pull out.
"Alright, seriously?" Kent said, taking his two weapons out, un-misting them. "Let's go." He ran up cautiously to strike vertically with the left and horizontally with the right. Follow up with a kick to distact him. Seal the flag. No use in using his power just yet...

Jason gripped his head, as he felt killjoy coming out. "N-n-no... Don't want to AGGGHHHH!!!" He writhed in pain over and over.
David a master with his sword and shield, blocked and deflected his vertical attack with his sword and deflected his horizontal attack with his shield before grabbing Kent's leg and tossing him lightly using his momentum and very little of his super strength. "Is that all you got!!" He yelled.
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Kent recovered. "Eh, not really." He ran, and struck the ground to make a sand screen. Then knock away the sword with the blade end, and knock him out with both axes blunt ends.
Michael saw David toss Kent. "My turn!!!", he yelled as he slowly swung his sledgehammer towards David's foot, only to use that swing as a distraction while he breathed light fire over David's face. He tried not to severely burn him, so he didn't do alot of fire
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As David saw the blunt end of the axe coming close towards his face he head butted the axe using his super strength and because he had super durability, it caused the axe to rebound out of Kents hands, he than used his shield and knocked Kent back quite far with a bit more super strength. He than noticed the sledge hammer attack from Michael but deflected it with his shield, he than saw the flames coming out his mouth but good thing his super durability could withstand the flames, before he lifted his shield to block the rest of the flames coming out. He than dropped his sword, and picked him up with his free hand and he through Michael towards Kent hauling him quite hard.
Michael rushed into Kent. "My bad dude", he mumbled to him. Michael then reached in his tool belt and pulled out a sword. In an instant, he dived at David's kneecaps and shredded them. "Don't worry buddy, this shouldn't disable you, but we both know this hurts like hell", said Michael as he jammed the sword in his kneecaps
The blades did hit his knee caps, but it did not penetrate through. The super durability of his skin and his super strength were his main abilities and gifts from Ares himself. He than picked Michael up with one arm and in the other arm Michaels sword before he spoke "Indeed it won't disable me" he than crushed the sword with his hand before back slapping Michael effortlessly causing him to fly several meters.
Michael grinned."Well, Ares' weakness is that he never thought of the outcome of things. Perfect",Michael thought to himself. Quickly, Michael took his sword and stabbed himself. He did it where David couldn't see him and he waited till blood began to ooze from his mouth. He then walked in front of David and collapsed as blood left his mouth. "Come on...fall for it!!".
David saw Michael approaching him with blood oozing from his mouth, he than walked towards Michael leaving the "Flag" unattended. He than spoke to Michael in a concerned voice while breathing heavily, because he cared so much for all the kids health and safety. "Michael, speak to me kid!!" he said as his heart was racing, looking deep into his eyes, thinking to himself "What have I done, Iv'e failed everyone". He continued walking closer to Michael so he could carry him to the healers in the camp because he was so worried.
Raptor kind of just sat back in the shadows of the tree line as he watched the other idiotically fight.

What's the real point... He thought, snickering quietly every time someone got hurt. Then he watched an even bigger idiot than himself get stabbed... By his own sword, and on purpose. Raptor leaned back against the tree and covered his mouth with his hands. He saw the blood and it literally was like watching one of those play dough toys.

It took him a moment to realize that while everyone was focused on Michael, the flag was left completely unattended to. So naturally and very casually, Raptor edged around to it. It was really almost too easy to take advantage of the situation... It was really hard to pull it out of the ground, so it took him a moment. However when he did finally pull it, he merely walked backwards back into the shadows of the trees, where for some reason you couldn't see him... Then walking back over to his teams' side he stopped. Raptor stuck it into the ground a bit and then looked back to everyone.

"Did we umm... Win?" He asked, never having played capture the flag.
David was still looking at Michael, he was still shocked, but to his surprise he realized that the flag had been captured, and to make it even more surprising it was Raptor who did the unthinkable. He than looked at Raptor and nodded his head in agreement to the win before looking back at Michael. David than called out to the healing team to assist with Michaels condition before walking up towards Raptor. "I hope Michael will be fine, I didn't think I would be able to hurt him that bad, anyway good job on sticking through with the mission. You were focused and you did a great job despite Michaels injury." he said with a smile before noticing a group of young teenagers jumping in through the barrier, they were all running in fear and terror.

One of them ran straight to David and spoke in fear "There is a messenger from Hades outside the barrier with two Hell hounds, and he demands to meet the new comers right away." David than picked up his sword and shield before looking at the new comers "Stay here" He said, before he began walking out to talk to exchange words with this messenger. Hades and David go way back, but a rumor spread that Hades and some of the titans have gathered together, to stop half bloods especially ones with very high potential, because Hades believed that the Half bloods were stealing all the glory where as the titans, wanted to inflict pain on the remaining Gods.
Michael laughed."Oh....he fell for it! BIG TIME!". He then pushed all of the healing team members away from him,"....I'm fine. I'm fine". Michael went to a quiet place and pulled out a lighter. He slowly covered his wounds with the fire as they began to heal up. After they healed, he rested on the tree, for he was exhausted

((@Nikki Rodgers We are doing capture the flag. But it's over so everyone is kind of just recouperating))
( Thank you... )

Pallas lingered near her cabin. She had been switched from a fully crowded cabin to a completely abandon one in the few days she had been here. Her cabin, that is, is the one and only cabin three. Pallas, like Perseus Jackson, was a child of Poseidon.. Which made her extremely nervous. As soon as she had arrived at Camp Half-Blood, she began hearing these amazing tales about her half-brother and his friends. Settling Kronos, defeating Gaia. The victories seemed endless. She knew she'd never surpass him, nor be as great, but she hoped to make him proud one day.

She knew capture the flag was probably over by now, but Pallas made her way down to the woods to check which side had won. If she hadn't of woken up so late, she might of actually joined in on the activity.
"I imagine that he's just fine... And thanks I guess..." Raptor replied to David, before looking over at all of the frightened teenagers.

Hades... Hell Hounds?? Raptor thought as he ignored David's request to stay put. He followed him instead, intrigued by the notion of seeing actual Hell Hounds, as he had read about them a lot. Besides, maybe he would just so happen to know this messenger...
David wondered why the messenger wanted to see the new comers, but being the concerned man that he was, he did not want to risk any of the kids lives. Hades messenger wanted to see the new comers, he had no idea why. David is a confident and strong fighter, but he knew not who the messenger was, or what great threat he possessed. Before stepping out of the camp barrier to confront this messenger, he stopped just before and took a deep breath, he knew he probably needed some back up, but he did not want to risk any one else's life, by this time the whole camp knew of the threat waiting outside because the teenagers had warned everyone not to go outside the barrier. After David finished taking a deep breath, he walked out of the barrier with sword and shield in his battle formation. He than saw the messenger standing with two hell hounds, the messenger had a cloak with a hood, so the face was not clear to see.

David then spoke "What is it you seek messenger of hades?". Then the messenger spoke, the voice sounded like it was from a woman.

She then spoke, looking towards David "In the name of Hades I demand to see the new comers to the camp immediately including the child of Poseidon"

David then replied "why does he seek them?"

he then replied "I wont ask again" then the hell hounds were gnashing their teeth ready to attack.

"They're not here" he replied

The messenger then smiled and spoke "Tear him to pieces" the hell hounds attacked immediately.

David then took a deep breath and placed his shield high and put his sword pointing towards the hell hounds ready to attack, not willing to show the new comers and Poseidon's daughter, but willing to put up a fight with any threat towards them.
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As Liara had been watching the entire interaction from the trees, she was thoroughly piqued by the "Messenger of Hades." This had never happened before in her time here, turning her back on a now healed Michael (who she was impressed with might I add) she began leaping from tree to tree, finally landing on a hooded lower branch of Thalia's old Pine. She listened to the interaction thoughtfully, "Why wanting the newcomers?..." she then listened as David turned them down, grabbing her bow in the process.. "This is bound to get ugly..." she murmured, taking aim with Akira, her bow.

Seeing the messenger take the commands, she simply let the arrow fly, landing in the eye of a Hellhound. She relentlessly kept up her attack, "This is child's play. Seems to me she only wants to send a message..." she said more to herself than anything.
As David had his shield up high he noticed an arrow going straight through one of the hell hounds eye. He then smiled and ran towards the other hell hound where he used his shield to smack it right in the face with his super strength, causing the hell hound to tumble a couple of meters away from him. He then looked at Liara and yelled out in a loud voice "Injure the Messenger now, I'll take the Hell hounds" he said before running towards the hell hound which had an arrow in its eye, and decapitated its head with one solid strike.

Then he looked at the other hell hound which was just getting up and shaking its head from the hard knock David inflicted on it and yelled out in anger, challenging it "AHHHH COME ON!". He was breathing heavily awaiting for the hell hound to charge at him so he could finally kill it.
Raptor had just been watching the entire exchange while hiding in the shadows again. He didn't understand why there had to be violence just yet, when all the messenger lady wanted was to talk. If anything he felt that David was just making it difficult to do her job.

Raptor gasped as an arrow shot down into the eye of a Hellhound... The poor thing didn't know any better, so why did it have to get hurt?

He then cringed as that one was decapitated, and as he heard David tell Liara to injure the messenger, this just made him question all judgment entirely.

Raptor came out from the shadows as David was about to kill the other hound. He stepped into the center of the ordeal and looked around, locating Liara in the process.

"STOP, guys seriously!" He said, looking over at the injured Hellhound, and then to the cloaked messenger.

"She just wanted to talk... But by using violence aren't we no better than Hades himself?" Raptor questioned, looking over at David...
As David saw Raptor come between him and the Hell hound he looked at Raptor in a confused manner. The kids words were heavy and full of meaning, David realized that he really wouldn't be any better than Hades himself.After realizing this, he lowered his sword and shield before he looked over towards Liara and spoke with a rather disappointed voice "Halt attack Liara". Since David is the son of Ares, having a battle lust and being destructive were some of his weaknesses passed down from his father.

The messenger then called out towards her remaining Hell Hound "Enough!, To me!" Immediately the Hell Hound went back to the messenger limping a bit. She seemed to be very upset at the fact that one of her Hell Hounds was decapitated.

David then looked at Raptor before looking at the messenger and he began to speak "If she wanted to talk, she would have answered my question! instead of sending both her ugly mutts, good thing I demolished one and sent it right back to the pits of Hades" he said with a slight laugh still looking at the messenger

The messenger then replied "I wouldn't have sent my Hell Hounds if you had just shown the new comers! you will pay for this! I will have your life one day!" she said in a serious voice.

David then replied while looking at the messenger "You would be reunited with your decapitated Hell Hound if you tried" he said in a serious voice before he spoke again "Now answer me! Why do you want to see the new comers?"

She then looked at Raptor and reached her hand forward pointing it towards him, her hand started glowing and shaking, then she spoke "Ah yes, this is him, this is the one, this one is the son of Hades, I can feel the power of Hades flowing through his veins, I have found the one I am looking for, now I can return. As for you, we have unfinished business" she said to David and as soon as she finished speaking she vanished along with her Hell Hound.

David was surprised about the news she brought, he froze for a bit before looking over towards Raptor with a confused look on his face and spoke "We are not sure if she is telling the truth, we will find your true Godly parent" he said with a reassured voice.
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Pallasia Crosby


Pallas was expecting to walk up on one of the teams celebrating their victory, or at least some cheering. Though, it wasn't even close to what she had thought was going to happen. As she approached the woods, she noticed how some of the campers were talking in a barely whisper, watching a few kids and an adult walk away towards the entrance of Camp. She could feel her curiousity growing, what was going on? She did the only thing she thought was a good way to cure the feeling. She followed them, instinctively. Pallas followed, making sure to stay behind a nearby tree and observe the situation.

From where she was standing, she stepped out when Raptor had. Making sure to have draw back a little. What was going on.

"Why did she want me?" Pallas asked, grasping her sword. "And.... Him?" She motioned to Raptor.
The power of Hades... In my veins? Raptor thought, looking over to David....

"So you're saying it would be a bad thing if he was my godly parent...?" He questioned, feeling slightly guilty. If Hades really was his father, then would people not want anything to do with him? If David was currently judging Raptor on this fact, that would just make David a terrible person... But would he be terrible for hating or disliking the offspring of Hades? Everything was just at a very confusing point..

Though, Raptor just had a gut feeling that it was the truth. Like he just.. Knew...

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