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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

(How?your two rows back Hunters the driver) "Ronan pass Astra up here please." He said with annoyance lacing his voice, putting his hand on his head, the car steering itself.
Astra glared at Bonita, fluffing up a bit. She certainly perked up when Ronan talked, but no way was she going in the front. Nope. With a small hiss at Hunter, she climbed onto Ronan's shoulder and dug her claws into his shirt.
Alana: Astra, please behave! We could just drop you off here, since you weren't supposed to come onto this quest in the first place.
Hunter groaned "This is going to be a long ride so let me make some adjustments" he said as he put a hand on the dash and channels energy into it and the groan of metal bending was once more heard until an RV was created. (Same outside color scheme as before, light blue on black, and inside is the file)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9861594d_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_PXFmYnZh.jpg.20299d5b8193039220a19500b4161966.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9861594d_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_PXFmYnZh.jpg.20299d5b8193039220a19500b4161966.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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kenryuko said:
Hunter groaned "This is going to be a long ride so let me make some adjustments" he said as he put a hand on the dash and channels energy into it and the groan of metal bending was once more heard until an RV was created. (Same outside color scheme as before, light blue on black, and inside is the file)
Woah! Awesome :D

Alana: Oh my gods! This is amazing! :D
Hunter chuckled, "the best part is I have 2,000 channels now" he said as he stood up and a hologram of him formed in the seat and the new rv drove itself. "I'm gonna watch the news about the monsters"
Going back to Tartarus was insane. At least a long time ago, Percy Jackson, a great demigod hero, went through Tartarus without being seen alot. But, Terry has ALOT of bad and some good rep with monsters down there. When he enters Tartarus, it seems the whole entire world stops spinning to see who that is. He sped over to where his father was perched on top of a rock. Terry threw his uncle down and said, "There"
Bonita got back onto her seat next to Ronan, Astra... I've heard that name before, she paused trying to remember, and with another sneeze she remembered. Astra! That cat girl! That's his cat? It can't be a coincidence... Ugh! She reached into her bag, pulled out allergy medicine and took a pill, she crossed her arms. This was supposed to be me and Ronan, now it's the cat girl.. She thought, as jealousy boiling in her blood she didn't even have time to acknowledge the new updated car inside, yet her expression remained calm. @Ethan Hart @Echo Dreamsong
As Astra climbed up onto Ronan, he flinched. "H-hey, watch the claws!" He complained as the cat decided he was a good resting spot. "Hmph...you can be so annoying sometimes...yet so adorable!" Ronan stroked the resting cat behind her ears and along her back before watching Bonita climb back up. Something told him she wasn't happy about the whole cat thing. "Woah, sweet new ride!" He told Hunter from the back. "Bonita, you sure you're good with the cat?"

@CelestialBunny @Echo Dreamsong @kenryuko
"What the hell, Dad!" "So, you met the half-blood didn't you?" Thanatos said as Terry thought he saw a smirk crawl up his face. "You knew my... you knew she was going to be there!"
Hunter gave a nod to Ronan before turning on the news "Reports of monsters have been coming from all over America, most seem to be from Greek mythology, scientists have been trying to figure out the cause, yet can't seem to answer why" the news anchor said as a picture of a hydra appeared on screen, Hunter turned the Tv off before anything else was said. Hunter was tense now not laid back like usual, which with the current situation was not a good thing.
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Alana: (twiddled her thumbs nervously) This is getting very bad. What is happening to the gods? (looks up, but of course isn't getting any answers)
Bonita shook her head no and turned her back on Ronan, she couldn't believe she was jealous. She hid her face with her hands, trying to hide her shame and she then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote on it. Shortly after crumbled it up and threw it on the floor, leaving it there. @Ethan Hart

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3c4b13bde920dc319180e74e8da25b8c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3c4b13bde920dc319180e74e8da25b8c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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We interrupt this episode to bring a special notice from the chibi peanut gallery: "FINALLY SHE PHYSICALLY ADMITS IT" thank you for you patience we will now resume (I couldn't resist)
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"Sometimes dad, I just hate you." "Hate is a very strong word, son." "Do you know what you just started!" A red aura formed around Terry.

"Calm down Terry, you migh-" "I AM FINISHED WITH YOUR FUNNY TRICKS! YOU KNEW I LOVED HER AND YOU STILL HAVE TO MEDDLE WITH MY FEELINGS! I... I JUST WANT HER BACK! I can't live without... her-" Terry started sobbing and crying.
"I'm so sorry, son" Thanatos said. "I did this to you to see if you still... cared." "Why would it matter?" Terry managed to get out. "Fine. it is settled, I will do it, I can't see you like this anymore." Thanatos said. "What will.. you do?" Terry asked. "I will bring her back." Thanatos completed.
Terry was stunned. He had no words. Nothing. He felt every single emotion and no emotions at once. He collapsed to the floor. He said, "When!?" "Right now." Thanatos said. Terry could not wait! Then he thought oh my gosh will she remember me? Thanatos then grabbed Terry by the arm, and they teleported to Chaos.
Thanatos took her and said, "We should go home now, we aren't supposed to be here." Thanatos teleported Terry and Ápeiros back to The Overworld outside the little bunk-house for the Son of Thanatos, and let Ápeiros and Terry have some alone time. For Terry it felt like a lifetime of waiting, until he heard Ápeiros stirring. He sat up licked his eyebrows straight and combed over his dark, black hair. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and said, "Terry?"
Hunter stood up from his seat and looked in the Rv.'s fridge and realized it was empty, "Dang it, we need to stop by WalMart for food and drinks." He said as he walks back up to the front and looked at the road
It hit Terry like a flood of emotions, to hear hear soft, tender voice. He could not reply, so he just hugged her, for which felt for like forever.

"Terry what happened?" Ápeiros asked. "You got sucked into Chaos, because.. of me" Terry said. "Terry," Ápeiros said. "Yea?" "I love you."

"I.. I love you, too"
Meanwhile Sierra had regained her sleep after her journey and got up. As her priorities was setting out patrols all over camp, if needs be she'd do it alone but she must attempt to find demi-god to the least. (Are there any demi-gods at camp 0-0?)
Terry didn't want it to end, but he knew they had to go to sleep. when he lie on his bed, he remembered her sister, who might be lying on the ground in that room. He had to go get her. he kissed Ápeiros's cheek, and said, "I will be right back." He jumped through the ground trying to find the girl. He found her where he left her. She was asleep, so he scooped her up quietly, and left the room. He set her in the third bed, hopped in his, and dozed off.
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