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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Sierra's temper was starting to fire up, she stood there by the entrance crossed arms, and her leg tapping against the leaf covered ground "Hellooo, anyone mind telling me hat the hell did I miss in one bloody year? Why is everything so dull? When I returned I didn't feel the energy that was present a year ago."
Hunter looked at the daughter of Apollo, "No, it's just I choose the station, and I will ask for suggestions, and Naman just can't dance, others are fine." He said before looking at Naman again, "And of course we will stop, mostly for food and bathroom, but never for gas or the night, the car can drive itself, and I supply the energy." He said as he turned the radio on to the highway (It's actually a station) he then turned to the girl at the gate, "Well as of yesterday we know the gods are fading and we're of to the wizard of oz. Wait, that's the wrong book." (Yes I'm going for the fourth wall)
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Alana: (sees Sierra, and gets out of the car and goes to her) Hey! Long time no see! :D Anyways, the Magical border is weakening, and we're going on a quest to find an item to restore the border's and god's powers. I'm sorry we have to leave right as you got back.
kenryuko said:
Hunter looked at the daughter of Apollo, "No, it's just I choose the station, and I will ask for suggestions, and Naman just can't dance, others are fine." He said before looking at Naman again, "And of course we will stop, mostly for food and bathroom, but never for gas or the night, the car can drive itself, and I supply the energy." He said as he turned the radio on to the highway (It's actually a station) he then turned to the girl at the gate, "Well as of yesterday we know the gods are fading and we're of to the wizard of oz. Wait, that's the wrong book." (Yes I'm going for the fourth wall(
Oh, lol, woops sorry I kinda copied your reply, I didn't see your reply :P
She raised an eyebrow at the two demi-gods "Wait...the gods are fading? " she rested the helmet of her armor down by her feet "What item is this? I just returned from the Underworld caverns for a manky old vase which I still have no clue hat it is... That's up for the Athena cabin to find out"... She had been in-touch with her father, Ares just a couple days ago, otherwise without his help she wouldn't have made it out of that ambush alive. "How is this happening? Ares was fine two days ago... so what's all this gods fading mambo jumbo?"
Hunter looked at the daughter of Ares and shrugged, "Tartus if we know, all we can say is it involves the sea of monsters and I'm gonna guess Greece." he said as he turned down the radio some.
Naman got out of the car and went to the girl, "Appeariently monsters are going wacko and look like they can't handle Dark Souls, thus leading to the low powers of the gods. Possibally the power was token from the gods and given to the monsters. Which may have made them unstable." Naman said science-y like. (4th wall. Yes)
"Well that kind of explains the mishap I had two days ago...I was ambushed and generally that would be no problem for me but it seemed as if the many time i slash, they never budge." she frowned, "The border is week however, is it weak enough that it will allow you know creature to pass through, in that case I can set up a patrol... and if needs be a 24 hour one"
Alana: Thank you so much Sierra, but I think it's going to last longer than 24 hours. Can you rally some campers that aren't going on any quests and you guys can patrol the camp? Maybe some satyrs and wood nymphs, too. Just until we finish the quest, and we'll try and finish it as quickly as we can.
Hunter nodded "Alana is right this could be very long quest, a round the clock schedule is a great idea but no one knows what will attack, and the especially rare monsters might take a chance with the barrier down, and the more powerful half-bloods mainly gone." He said as he got out, leaving the engine running and leaned on the door of his hummer
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She frowned at the comment he made, being a child of Ares she didn't really take thes kind of comments too lightly "What do you mean by the most powerful demigods mainly gone? You saying that just by going on this quest makes you of outmost powerful?" She directed that at the male however she turned on Alana "As for patrol that won't be a problem I presume that I get myself settled ... I just returned but maybe I can form a patrol with my brothers and sisters" she smiled reassuringly
Naman jumped back into the car, "Yeah. Could take a while to find it, and bring it back, so, be careful while we're gone...I know you will." He said pointing to the girl encouraging her.
"I have been on patrol buisness in times of need for this camp for quite the time, and during my absence I am sure protection rendered" she sighed "However now I am back and in buisness," she gave a grin which mainly caused trouble " once again the least"
Hunter sighed at the comments from the Areas child, "For one, the quest members are 3 children of Poseidon, 2 Demi titans one being myself, and a child if Zeus, Hades, and Apollo, so yeah, excuse me for assuming we would have a bit more power than most half-bloods, either way be careful, there be Thanatos to pay other wise."
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She scoffed at that and narrowed her stormy dark grey eyes, the native rage burning inside of her "So what? Getting a big head because daddy is big in the rank?" She grinned sarcastically "As if ... and I am a daughter of Ares which last time I recall is one of the 12 Gods of Olympus just like Apollo and the other 10.. so no need for the big ego" she rolled her eyes
Alana: Hey, hey, no fighting! Sierra just got back from an important and long quest, and we're about to start our own. (to Sierra) Thank you for helping defend the camp. I'm very sorry that I can't congratulate your quest completion like we usually do, but I'll try my best to make it up to you when we get back, okay? (hugs Sierra) Be careful, and I wish you the best! (she lets go and gets back into the car) Okay, Hunter, we better get going.
(Check the CS, to many to really remember)

Hunter's eye started to twitch when she called essentially called his mother a man "Well my mother is an enforcer of Zeus, and the goddess of energy, then Ronan is the son of Kronos, either way it isn't an ego if you can back it up." the blonde said with a completely serious face, he had power and strategy working for him, so it is safe to say he was confident in his abilities
"Come on guys. If we shut up and get a move on, we can get the artifact faster, and save the world AND our parents!" Naman said annoyed.
Alana: I agree with Nama, let's go! (turns up the radio) If we're going on a long car trip, there will be music (is dead serious about there being music)
She hugged the girl and bid them all the safr journey not the batter one she just had for a year "Well then, best luck to your journey hope I see all of you back" she sighed and with that she picked up her helmet and grumbled about that encounter, she head back to Cabin 5 inhaling the air of weaponry and natural aroma that provided "ahhh home sweet home"
Greekgeek1213 said:
Alana: I agree with Nama, let's go! (turns up the radio) If we're going on a long car trip, there will be music (is dead serious about there being music)
"YES!"Naman said with glee, "turn it to Anime Bae please. I wanna listen to my jaaaaams" (Real song. xD )
Hunter groaned, "I never said there not being music, just I choose the stations!" He said as he got in the car, "What about the others?" He asked as he saw they were the only five in the car.

@Greekgeek1213, @ghost of past
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Loading up in Hunter's ride for the quest, it's normally a sports car but can change into different vehicles if he channels energy, right now a hummer large enough to hold all the quest members

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