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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Hunter nodded and ate the ambrosia offered, feeling slightly better afterwards, "We can't let up yet, there are still monsters." He said trying to return to the fray before collapsing into a kneel

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"I'VE GOT THIS" Naman yelled out getting in front of the last few numbers. His body, charging, his blade filled with electicity, as he yelled out, "ZAP-TETSUKEN!!!". Naman was lightning quick, and in seconds, the monsters fell to the ground with Nanam, cooking hot dogs at the bonfire. He looked back at everyone, and said, "What? I didn't get to eat anything...".
Ronan put on his headphones and put his music on, full blast, shielding him from the noise coming from outside. With the music, he went about his morning routine, brushing his teeth, washing his face and brushing his- "Where's my brush?" He asked himself suddenly as he left his bathroom. Thud! Slowly, Ronan lifted his headphones. "Just my imagina-" Thud. "Sheesh, who the hell is pranking me?" Opening his cabin door, he watched as a few monsters turned to dust. "Uh..."
Bonita realized she hadn't seen Ronan all morning, she was afraid that something had happened to him. She made her way to his cabin, shooting an arrow a few monsters so she could reach him, "Ronan?!" She cried out, looking around identifying other campers fighting back the wave of monsters. "Ronan!" She gasped as she saw him by his cabin door @Ethan Hart
Looking up at his hair, he tried to flatten it down, fixing his bed hair. "Go down!" Ronan shouted up to it before hearing Bonita shouting over to him. "Hey." He said, stepping out and towards her. "What is happening exactly? I was just listening to music, going about my morning routine..." @CelestialBunny
A smile appeared on Bonita's face, she ran to him and gave him a hug once she reached him, "Monsters.. A lot of monsters" she told him. "I don't know how they all got in here" she added, not letting go. She felt like a child, but with Ronan she could count on him for anything. @Ethan Hart
Ronan was taken back by the sudden hug. Wrapping his arms around her, the camper stroked her hair with a smile. "Well...most of 'em are gone. I wasn't needed. But, if I got involved, I would take the fun away from the other campers." @CelestialBunny
Bonita looked up at him, "I'm just glad you're okay" she told him and she kissed him on the cheek, having to stand on the tip of her toes to reach his cheek. "Are you excited about the quest?" She asked as she converted her bow back to a necklace, and put it on. @Ethan Hart
"Nothing's gonna happen to me. Not, any time soon." As she kissed his cheek, Ronan went red. "Of course I am. And, you're going! Now that, makes it perfect." @CelestialBunny
Bonita noticed his blushing, she smiled and when he told her that the quest was perfect, she blushed pink, "Are you always that sweet?" She joked, as she took his hand. @Ethan Hart
Bonita rolled her eyes, "Such a gentleman" she joked, as she touched her hair where Ronan had touched it. "So, is my favorite hero ready for the quest?" She asked knowing he was most likely not. @Ethan Hart
Hi, I'm so sorry, my friend came over for a sleepover and I wasn't able to reply :P

Alana: (shot the last of her arrows at the last of the monsters) Is everyone alright? (then Naman used his powers to disintegrate the rest of the monsters, and the battle was over)(she's out of breath from the attack so early in the morning, and starts to head to the dining pavilion along with the rest of the campers for a well deserved breakfast)
"I know I am." Ronan smiled. When she asked if her favorite hero was ready, Ronan shrugged. "I don't know, are you?" Ronan teased as they walked. @CelestialBunny
Naman huffed as his energy was low. He took a bite of his hot dog, and yelled in delight, "OHMYWORD THIS IS AMAZING!!!". He took another bite, and moaned in love. "Ugh, so good. I need more." He said smiling. While the fire put Naman's cold head from a nighttime battle, into a warmth of love, he felt tired, and sleepy. "I'm ready to go to sleep" he said yawning.
After Naman ate his hot dog, he still felt hungry. He goes over to the dining pavilion, and grabs himself an omelet. He takes a bite, and says, "Oh man. So goooood.".
Hunter walked over to the fire pit when he finally recovered his strength, still woozy from using so much of his energy, "it's not even 12:00 and we're almost dying." He said to Alana and Naman as he sat down.

@Greekgeek1213, @ghost of past
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Alana: I know... I'm scared to leave the camp like this. Hopefully Chiron and Mr.D come back soon. They'll be able to help defend the camp. Maybe they and the other campers that stay behind are able to rally some satyrs, nymphs, and other creatures to help with the monster attacks. (sighs) I just hope we can find a way to strengthen the magical border soon before we get back from the quest (looks a little frightened as she sips some juice)
Bonita smiled at Ronan, "Yes, as a matter of fact I am done. " she said, signaling to get backpack. "This backpack had been modified by an old hephaestus child to make it bigger on the inside and it's always super light no matter what you put inside" she mentioned. "I'm starving, you want to eat breakfast with me?" She asked looking into his eyes, and making herself look as innocent as she could. @Ethan Hart
kenryuko said:
Hunter walked over to the fire pit when he finally recovered his strength, still woozy from using so much of his energy, "it's not even 12:00 and we're almost dying." He said to Alana and Naman as he sat down. Hunter nodded, "Florida is where we're heading first, well I might be able to help with transport."
"Well then, to Florida...Hey, while we're there, let's go to Disneyland" Naman said smiling heroically and funny at the same time. He takes another bite of his omelet, and grins from side to side.
Hunter looked son of Zeus for a moment, "keep focus, this isn't a joke any more, so it's time to be serious." He said as he started to eat his own breakfast of grits, sausage, and a biscuit.
Alana: (chuckles) Even though I've always wanted to go to Disney world, Hunter's right. So, you said you had a way of transportation, Hunter?
kenryuko said:
Hunter looked son of Zeus for a moment, "keep focus, this isn't a joke any more, so it's time to be serious." He said as he started to eat his own breakfast of grits, sausage, and a biscuit.
"I know" Naman said to Hunter, "I also have a theory. Maybe this artifact can help calm down the monsters back to their original state. Didn't you see the red eyes on them? They must be either controlled or something else" He said thinking while taking another bite of his omelet.

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