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Fandom Percy Jackson RP


As Bonita giggled as she chewed, and Ronan blushed slightly. So cute. Red cheeked, he watched Bon, not knowing what to say. "Uh..." @CelestialBunny


Sierra suddenly stopped and Jay ran into her. Instinctively, he reached out to stop her from falling, though she probably didn't need it. "It said something like, leave me alone. We really should go and check it out." Letting go, he put on his calm face and walked ahead of her. "Come on, Sierra." Shacking his head, he walked over to the girl on the floor, crouched next to her and smiled. "So, is this where all the nice little girls come? I need to know if my daughter ever runs away." @CelestialBunny @AssassinaMystica
"Well sorry for being wary... it's not every day you see little girls running around these woods yelling these sort of things" she loosened up and went behind the guy. Looking down to the girl, she was still with a frown unfortunately her positive emotions do not quite prevail even if she wanted to. "What happened to you young one?" she addressed the little girl,however she looked at Jay "Should we take her to camp or?"

@CelestialBunny @Ethan Hart
Hunter decided to walk back to the driver's seat when he saw Bonita and Ronan, "Dear gods what is happening." He said pinching the bridge of his nose. When he looked back at the road he saw they were coming into a town, and grabbed the wheel, and turned into the nearest grocery store. "People I suggest that if anything needs to be done, do it here!" He called to everyone.

Ginny looked up and saw am older girl and boy. She didn't recognize either one, "Hello" she said politely, "I'm Ginevra, daughter of Gaia. I'm out here because..." She trailed off, no one could know that her mother talked to her telepathically ad tried to convince her to defeat the gods. "I've been running from a monster for a long time and it won't give up. Look here it comes!" She lied to them. Using all her power she tried to summon a monster to make her story true, come on mom help he out here, she thought to Gaia. A large group of hell hounds came in running to the group of three, Ginny was relieved that her mother helped her out. @AssassinaMystica @Ethan Hart

Bonita saw Ronan blush and she blushed too, after finishing the chip, and then Hunter came by stopping at the grocery store, "Come on Ronan, I need a few things. " she said getting up, hoping he would follow . @Ethan Hart

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Looking back at Hunter, he shrugged before getting up. "Alright, sure. Don't know how much money we have though. Unless you want me to steal. I'll be in and out in no time...literally." @kenryuko @CelestialBunny


"Jeez Sierra, so formal. There's no need for that."
Sighing, he looked back at the girl who introduced herself as Ginerva. "Well, Ginerva, I'm Jay, son of Aether." Monsters? The camp borders were truly weakening. To add to his suspicion, a group of hell hounds appeared. "You were having trouble with this? Seems there are one, two...five? Alright, Sierra, how many you got?" Standing up to full height, he began to clench his hand. Before it could turn into a fist, a spear of light formed in his hand, the shape always changing. @CelestialBunny @AssassinaMystica
"Sierra, daughter of Ares" she introduced plain and simple to the girl. As she heard growling, the daughter of Ares clenched her battleaxe and took a stand viewing the other side and skimmed the hungry and ferocious hell-hound " I got four on my side" Her face changed from relaxed to concentrated as she readied her stance "We can take them..Ready when you are?!"
Hunter looked at Ronan, "Just get what you need I'll pay for it all." He said as he stood up and walked out of the RV, "And try to get essentials first."

"Alright, sure. Though, we could save money."
Yawning, Ronan jumped out of the van and followed Bonita into the store. @kenryuko @CelestialBunny


"Alright, let's do this Sierra."
Jay murmured before throwing the spear of light at one of the hell hounds. As it go closer, it suddenly exploded and the hound got turned into dust. "One down already." @CelestialBunny @AssassinaMystica
"You got that right..." The girl closed her eyes and inhaled as a faint red aura surrounded the demigod as she open her eyes with a battle cry she dashed towards one of the hell hounds and with one swing she sliced one hound and it clung to the celestial bronze base, quickly turning a 360 degrees, dragging the other remaining three hounds. The first hound she sliced had eventually exploded into dust as she smacked the remaining two against the trees, slicing their head off. Leaving her only one hound to handle "Three down!"

Ginny stood up and walked over to the two campers fighting off the summoned hellhounds. She looked into the eyes of a few of the hellhounds, Leave she told them telepathically and they scampered away. "Wow... That was odd. Right?" She said nervously.

@AssassinaMystica @Ethan Hart

Bonita ran through the aisles in the store, "So many items" She grabbed a few cans of canned corn, "Cool what's this?" She grabbed a few bandages, more chips and a couple of water bottles. Then she saw the long line of people waiting to pay for their groceries, "Woah" Once it was her turn to pay she noticed some weird green paper, "What's that?" The clerk held her hand out expecting the green paper, "I have these" She said, handing her some drachmas, but the clerk didn't look happy, calling the coins fake and asking for actual 'mon- ey'"These aren't fake! These are called drachmas" Bonita said confused on what other form of payment the lady wanted.@Ethan Hart @kenryuko

She was utterly confused as to how he hell hound just fended away. She noticed the little girl making eye contact with the creature. "Riiiiiight..." She was utterly confused trying to piece it but intelligence as never her strong point if it didn't involve weaponry. "They just appeared out of nowhere... as if summoned though.."

Ginny looked at the girl, trying to hide the fear in her eyes, "Whaaaaaat?! Summoning the hellhounds? That sounds ridiculous" She said trying to sound convincing, she had to save the hellhounds, they weren't suppose to get hurt only make her story true.

@AssassinaMystica @Ethan Hart

If Sierra had no clue about emotions she could sense and read hatred, fear and anger like the back of her hand. She was not convinced, not one bit. Looking at Jay she made gave him an expression that she was not liking this. "Ridiculous now is it?"

@CelestialBunny @Ethan Hart

Ginny could tell she wasn't convinced, "I Mean no one here can do that. Summoning is not an ability any of us have. " She said seriously. Oh my god, I'm in quite a pickle... Please please please be convinced., she thought.

@AssassinaMystica @Ethan Hart

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She couldn't help but snicker "Oh I wouldn't be surprised ... with the shit I've heard and the surprises I got... I surely wouldn't be surprised" she shoved her battleaxe on the floor and rested against it and one foot on it.

Finding nothing of interest in the shop, Ronan continued to go to the front of the store where he found Bonita at the check out, arguing over money. "Ah, crap." Cutting in line and apologizing, he made his way to the girl and looked at the cashier, laughing and scratching his back. "Actually, drachma were real currency in ancient Greece. We're on a trip with our school and learning about all of that. Some people get more into it then others." Digging around his pocket, the demi-titan finally pulled out a few green notes. "Enough?" He asked, placing it in front of the female. "Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll just take her and her stuff and go now." @CelestialBunny


The hell hounds turned heel and ran away, something which was odd. They didn't normally do so, no. Once they had their eyes set on prey, they would die to get to it. "Hmm...." Jay mumbled as he thought about it for a few seconds. "Well..." Suddenly, the demigod turned around to look at the two. "It isn't ridiculous. Actually, if someone gives access, monsters can be summoned in camp. Now, I didn't do it. I'm sure Sierra didn't do it by the way she was acting. You, Ginerva? Well, the hounds came out of hiding as you mentioned them. And then they left once you stared them down..." Looking back towards the woods, he slowly began to walk over to the entrance. "Anyway, I can't allow any monsters in camp. Sierra, look after the girl. I'll be back in a few..." @CelestialBunny @AssassinaMystica
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She rolled her eyes and groaned "Why do I have to play babysitter?" she said in a grumbling tone but at least she was not the only one smelling something fishy going on.

Ginny couldn't believe they were talking in front of her like she was a child, she folded her arms, "You won't have to play babysitter, because I'm going back to camp." She said stubbornly started to head back to camp.

@AssassinaMystica @Ethan Hart

Bonita was relieved when Ronan showed up, but after hearing his explanation and him paying for the stuff, "What's with that green paper?" She asked innocently, "Why wouldn't she accept my drachmas?" She said blushin, embarrassed about the situation in the market.@Ethan Hart @kenryuko

Hunter looked at Bonita in shock, he knew she was at camp all her life but this was ridiculous, "That's money, and drachmas have faded out of use now." He said before realizing he forgot somethings "I'll be back." He said as he rushed back to the store and grabbed some sodas, bacon, eggs and the like, before final grabbing some ice cream "Can't forget this!" He said as he pushed the cart he got to the checkout, and to the Rv next.

(Imma just go with he was in the market with them)

@Ethan Hart, @CelestialBunny
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"Yeah, what Hunter said. The green paper is money, and there are different ones worth different values. Rather confusing."
Letting out a sigh, Ronan stretched and made his way back to the car. "Anyway, you coming Bon?" @CelestialBunny @kenryuko


"Why? Because I said so."
Jay then entered the woods and began to track down the hell hounds. It took him a few minutes, but he caught up to them. Suddenly, a bunch of beams of light appeared above them. The flew down, impaling the monsters and turning them into dust in no time. "They came from this direction too...not normal..." @CelestialBunny @AssassinaMystica
"Well I don't particularly take orders" she frowned at him as shielded her eyes from the light by her arm. "Then again, nothing is normal anymore... but are you thinking what I am thinking? They must have been summoned... they couldn't have just appeared out of nowhere"

Bonita nodded, "Wow, being in camp all year long since I was like five really makes me naive, geez everything looks so different than I remember" she said, "Coming" she added, but suddenly she saw a small orb of pink light leading to the back of the grocery. Bonita hesitated on leaving it, because nothing good ever comes out of seeing thing, and Ronan was waiting for her. But it could be useful to the quest, or it could kill her either way Bonita decided to follow it.[USER=35037]@Ethan Hart[/uSER] @kenryuko


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