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Fandom Percy Jackson RP


As the female grinned at his 'kill you' line, Jay raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" Shaking his head, he blinked twice before grinning. "A whole year? Wow, you missed some stuff. Son of titans. More children of the big three. And now the gods are fading away. Well, the norm anyway." Putting his sword away, he extended his hand out to the girl. "You can call me Jay. And, who may you be?"

"The name is Sierra," she shook his hand and she had quite the grip, after all she had enhanced strength thanks to her father. "Oh really now? Son of Titans?" she frowned at that piece of information, "Guessing being stuck in the Underworld for a whole year, trying not to drive yourself nuts... earns you to miss alot of shit. But I heard of the borderline issue, I was incharge of the 24 hour patrol but I am surprised I actually bumped into you"


"Good gods that's a strong grip!"
The demigod looked down as their hands moved up and down before taking it back and clenching it a few times. It was true, she was strong. "Well, the only quest I had was to go up to the atmosphere. Really boring up there. Not even any storm spirits to fight." As the girl mentioned she was surprised by the whole meeting up thing, Jay let out a small laugh. "Well, Sierra, if you don't want to see me, I can always disappear."

"Oh heck no, I am not one for company but patrolling the camp by myself ain't a fun thing to do... not when you spend a year alone... in that pit" she sighed "Well mainly my quests always been to retrieve some manky old artifact for that drunken bastard in the Big House" she grinned... "You call that a good grip? I barely touched you buddy". She looked at her sword and using her mind she mind she turned the sword into a simple dagger, handy and sheathed it on her belt.


With a sigh, he shook his head. "I'll disappear, but I'll still be here. I could make you think you were going crazy." With a wink, he began to turn invisible. "See what I meant now?" He asked, behind her before reappearing. "And that drunken bastard isn't here anymore. No one but us. No rules. No limitations. Heck, you could kill someone and get away with it here." Sierra went on to say how she could be much tougher. "Who said I wasn't holding back? You know nothing about me except from my name and one of my abilities. Oh well, care to accompany me around camp?"

"Hah I wasn't implying on you holding back however. All I said is I merely touched you" she rolled her eyes as she tried to ignore the fact he tried to pull a reappearing trick but driving her crazy was going to take more after what she experienced. "Alas, sure, I'll accompany you but we need guard remember?"


"Right, true."
Jay smirked as she rolled her eyes. "Oh well." Scratching the back of his head, he looked around. "I mean, I don't think much will happen. Maybe a few more monsters, but we can handle it." Yawning, he looked to the girl. "Want to hold hands?" He joked with a smile. "Keep up safe after all."

She couldn't help but snigger "Oh, you that scared to hold hands?" she sighed and leaned back against a tree and looked at the demigod "So care to tell me more on what has been happening here... not even Chiron is here?"


"Me? No. I just thought it had been some times since you were to feel even a slight bit of affection. Anyway, I don't really get scared."
With a smirk, his gaze followed the girl to the tree. "If you want an honest answer, I have no idea what is going on. But, it seems that all the immortals are fading away or dying. That leaves us, the ones who are mortal with immortal blood, to look after the world and survive."

She frowned "I don't get it ... I had spoken to my father like last night otherwise i wouldn't have survived my trip back to camp if it wasn't for him" crossing her arms she looked up at the sky and slid down on the ground "Me and affection do not really quite go well together?" the only pent up feelings she can easily express were rage and hatred nonetheless she had difficulty showing out her emotions.


Raising an eyebrow, he tilted his head to the left and looked at the girl. "We can't have that. You need love in your life...but I may not be the best suit for you. You'll probably meet someone a lot better for you." With a sigh, he turned around. "Well, we going to the hill or not?" He asked without turning to look at her. "Guard duty and all that."

She nodded "Yeah sure let's head to the Hill" Sierra stood up and stretched a little "Nah, done fine without one, why bother now? All I need is my trusty weapons and we'd be fine... Besides no wants to go out with me, some I scare off without intention" The girl grinned and adjusted her leather jacket, "Anywho shall we?"


"You'll need one. Everyone does eventually. Even if you don't realize, you'll need it. Whether that be a male, female or spirit. And you, scaring people off? Nah, I can't see that."
Scratching the back of his neck, Jay yawned once more and turned his head. "We shall, Sierra."

"I honestly do not see it either... I'm not really one to pick fights.. the only reason I do is cause of people thinking they are all high an mighty just because of certain thing... that's my only fight" she sighed and started her way towards the horizon "other than that I am chill as fuck"


"I mostly tend to avoid fights. Violence is a blinding thing...hehehe."
Jay joked with himself as they walked to the hill, where Peleus the Dragon slept next to the golden fleece. Laughing at the chill comment, Jay let out a relaxed sigh. "Well, you have goals, ambitions and prospects. All things someone who can and will do great things need."

"Violence...oh violence is great, it is a mode to express anger," she smiled and shook it off "Oh well, the fact is who messes up with me the shit that person expects is a fight" she grinned


"Well, violence for a reason I guess is alright. Pointless fights are stupid in my opinion however."
Stretching his arms up, he continued to walk. "Who ever messes with you? Well, if the campers I've heard about are as powerful as people say, you have no chance. One guy can control time. Another guy, he can literally create energy. And I've heard of this one bloke, he can make weapons out of light and they are actually physical! Do you really think you can stand a chance against any of those guys?" Jay winked and turned to walk backwards. "I mean, maybe the middle one."


Ginny ran around the woods near camp, trying to ignore her mothers voice inside her head. Do It! Come on darling, do it! The gods have taken control for far too long! Ginny started tearing up once again, leave me alone! I won't do it! she cried out before falling on her knees and laying on th ground crying.

Bonita sat back down on her seat and rummaged through her bag, finally she pulled out a bag of potato chips and looked at Ronan,
"Want some?" She said generously. @Ethan Hart

"I may only attack with physical weapons but I won't underestimate myself. I have enhanced strength and defense already and practically with the addition of Ares blessing I 'll be practically invulnerable." she frowned and crossed her arms "I don't like people getting a huge ego just cause they have something better... it's pointless in my opinion." The demigod as looking over the camp eyes scimming.

Looking at Bonita, he shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine. I'll feed you though." He offered with a smirk. "Could be fun."



"Bigger egos then the one saying I'll be invulnerable?"
Jay muttered as he shook his head. "But don't go by saying I'm not as strong as you. Light can pierce through anything. Lasers?" Suddenly, he heard a little girl cry out. "Did...did you hear that?" He asked, now serious. @AssassinaMystica
She shrugged (there is also the fact she can manipulate eapons at her will for example turn an opponents sword into to rubber like clarisse did to the arrows) "I am not saying that I have a big ego, I am simply saying what I am capable of. Neither I am implying that you are weaker then me... cause everyone has their own individual strength" she huffed "People have to stop misunderstanding me.." The girl froze as she heard the cry. "I did..." Her hand went to her dagger and quickly transformed her own battleaxe with celestial bronze tips "... what in oblivion was that?"

Ginny curled up on the ground tears falling down her face, her mother had been trying to convince her to ruin the gods for days. Do It! Ginny hated it, ever since she was born it was all her mom wanted her to do, leave me alone! Was Ginny's response everytime, and she even hated being the Titan of Nature. Her mom was determined and to get what she wanted she would do whatever it takes, and that scared Ginny. @AssassinaMystica @Ethan Hart

Bonita smirked too,
"I'm not a baby" she told him. She hesitated and after looking at his adorable face, and remembering he tried to feed her before but she didn't let him, "I guess it wouldn't hurt" Bonita open her mouth slightly, and smiled at Ronan @Ethan Hart

Whatever it as had been continously crying and this was worrying "It sound like another person, could be a camper...come on lets check it out, something tells me its not a positive vibe" She started herself into a run in hopes that the demigod is following her the least

@Ethan Hart @CelestialBunny

"I didn't say you were a baby..."
Pouting slightly, Ronan lowered his head and looked up at Bonita. As she said it it wouldn't hurt and opened her mouth, Ronan grew a bigger smirk. Slowly, he picked up a chip and moved it closer to her mouth. This was something he wanted to try out, for fun of course. Maybe it wouldn't be anything special. He would find out soon enough anyway. @CelestialBunny


"Yeah, we're going."
As Sierra took off, Jay watched her run. Well...so much for teamwork. Suddenly, Jay ran after her, making sure not to fall behind too much. "Woods. Or, near it." @AssassinaMystica @CelestialBunny
Sierra ran fast forward for the fact that she was concerned for the person that was crying out loudly. However she was concerned. She halted all of a sudden as they approached the figure "Wait... what if it's a trap.. didn't you hear what the voice said?" she addressed Jay. @Ethan Hart

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