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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Astra freaked and tried to help move her friend. "T-Tee! Please! Don't! I tried it once and it hurt!" She fibbed, running in frantic circles. "Would you move if kitty asked you!?"
"Bro!" "You'll die!"


Sam didn't want to watch his old friend get splattered by his own stupidity and frantically shoulder charged with all his might.
"Tee, move, now! It won't work! I've...I've already thought of that and it didn't seem to work! Listen to me!" Ronan continued to try and move him.
Astra kept running in frantic circles, half scared to death. So of course she accidentally shifted. It worked out though, 'cause she clambered onto Tee's head and meowed frantically at him.

((Lesson learned: Astra climbs well as a cat.))

((Also she shifts when scared))
The shoulder charge moves him very slightly but enough the spear is barely visible disappearing into the ground with very little resistance

He doesn't seem angry in the slightest

"Won't work?" He says then puts his finger and thumb

To his chin "okay"he says finally after along pause
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Astra looked down from the demi-titans head and looked at Ronan with a look that said 'help'. Because she managed to get stuck Again. This time on her friends head as a cat... Brilliant. "Mrew!" {Heeeeeeelp!}
"Thank you!" He said as he looked at Tee. "I'll think of a way, leave it up to me, okay?" Looking up at the cat, Ronan looked up with a smile. "Astra, how about trying to turn back. Do it mid jump in case it doesn't work. Jump down to me." Jumping up, he tried to reach her but failed. "Yeah, I can't get you."
Astra whimpered and sprang down to Tee's shoulder before hopping onto Ronan with a small purr. She still wasn't gonna try and shift back... Nope. Not with Ronan or anyone around.
"There ya go." He said as he brought the cat to his face. "But we'll need to work on the changing back. I'll be your tutor I guess. I'll keep your clothes and always be watching..." With a sly smile, he turned to Sam. "No. Chiron hasn't been here for a while...so we have nothing to do really."
Astra hissed and scratched at Ronan's face, clearly saying 'no!'. His smile didn't help alter her opinion. So she squirmed free and took off running in an attempt to give the campers something to do. Find the missing cat.
Tee nods and hulk jumps in the direction of the cat bellowing


Leaving his spear buried under who knows how much ground.
"Ow! Hey!" Ronan suddenly lost his grip on the cat. "You little...I'm going to do it! I swear I will!" He shouted after her. As Sam offered to help, he thought where she hid. "Zeus cabin...I'll probably wait there. Then there is the forest and the lake. That's about it really" As Tee jumped off, he had to catch up to him. "You'll kill her! Are you going to be so bad you'll kill someone?"
Astra fled the scene of the crime, desperate to get her pawprints off- wait, wrong thing? Oops.

Astra ran down toward a large clump of trees probably the infamous woods. Probably filled with monsters... PERFECT! So she darted in there, climbed a tree, then realized she couldn't get down. Fudge. This took a turn for the worst. Tiny cat stuck in dangerous woods. Brilliant.
"I can't now! I've got to look after Tee!" He shouted back to Sam as he tried to keep up with the giant camper.
Tee searches for the kitty amazed that it was a person as well

"Kittyperson,where are you kitty person I will bring you much fish"
Astra clung to the tall tree like her life depended on it (Which it kinda did with how high up she was.) Hearing the noises from the forest, she let out a tiny meow and shut her eyes.
Hunter was confused by the scenes before him, before finally activating what he calls energy vision, where the world becomes silhouettes with different fire representing an energy, to help search for Astra, finding her in a tree he called up to her "Astra, I'm coming up to help you!" He said as he started to climb the tree
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Sam arrived seeing the other guy climbing the tree after the cat. "Bro! It's all good!"

"Let me use my power! She'll be outta that tree in no time!"

He focused on the cat causing a spike in hormones. She couldn't help but turn and see the perfect image of hope on the ground.

@Echo Dreamsong @kenryuko
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