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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

@The Dragon Rider

@The Suspicious Eye


@Yuuki Kuran

@Quiet Is Violent




@Anyone else who made a character

Would it help if my villains attacked camp instead of one of the teams? I don't really have any secondary characters besides them, but it might help people get back into the IC thread it if they had something to do. Or it might not and just end up being one or two people fighting them...

Additionally, if the IC tab continues to die and there's nobody for the still active characters to interact with, maybe we should shoehorn the people left alone there into the quest groups somehow? There's only 6 in each team right now, so the few people still active would make it a still-manageable 7 or 8. Then everyone could still be involved in the main story anyway. Not sure what to do about people with multiple characters though...

And if there ends up being a lot of characters still active, we can always split them off to form their own team and send them off on a quest as well. It all depends on how many people we've got to work with
@ModernRanger They are, and you just gave me an idea~

I could attack camp anyway, to flush out the people still active, and have it so that if they join up with the teams/start their own they'll have "brought" the twins with them (Because the twins are determined and won't let people escape if they can help it). How's that? That way we can assess how many people are actually left.

And yeah, I'm making an effort not to have the twins fight Raven's group. It would be hard to write, as she'd obviously be involved in the fight and that'd be hard for me to coordinate.

ShurikenPhoenix said:
So basically @KaiaWolf you are saying to add more people to the quest? Because originally there were supposed to be four teams so it makes sense
Pretty much? It sucks to get left behind while people are out saving the world, so it'd feel a bit more fair if we either added the people leftover to the current teams (If there's one one or two left), or started a whole other group (If there's more than like, three or so maybe?). Sound alright?
I think it'd be better for the campers left at Camp to have defending the camp story. Kind of like the Battle for Manhatten but at Camp.
Okay then we shall add them to the quest. Anyone who joins the RP can use the camp thread though. I'm not sure how this will work yet but I shall make two new groups maybe.
ShurikenPhoenix said:
Okay then we shall add them to the quest. Anyone who joins the RP can use the camp thread though. I'm not sure how this will work yet but I shall make two new groups maybe.
ModernRanger said:
I think it'd be better for the campers left at Camp to have defending the camp story. Kind of like the Battle for Manhatten but at Camp.
Maybe before deciding anything, we should see how many people are really left? They may just not be active because they have nothing exciting to do other than mill about and talk
ShurikenPhoenix said:
Ok there are twelve campers left to split into two more teams. So now I have to change everything slightly sorry guys :)
There are twelve people left? Are they all people's multiple characters, or are they actually active?
KaiaWolf said:
There are twelve people left? Are they all people's multiple characters, or are they actually active?
They are multiple characters like Nero and Masako and Amorite

I feel like this isn't going to work lol
ShurikenPhoenix said:
They are multiple characters like Nero and Masako and Amorite
Ah, right! Make sure people still want to/will actually use them though, or else we'll just have the same problem as the IC but with questing groups ^^

(Really the only reason I'm being careful with the amount of people is because I want @giraffesarebetter 's character on team two so Raven won't go completely insane... Whoa but uh, you didn't hear it from me)
Okay yeah it depends on if they use the characters but if they don't it's kind of a shame...idk I'm confused now :/

The thing is I think their should be camp defence but I can't direct it all by myself and characters need to take the initiative too.
Then let me direct the camp combat. I once told you that Combat writing is my specialty. Allow me the honor of taking care of it for you. That is, if you and @LittleShenanigans are ok with it. Message me exactly what you want, should I be taking it a way you don't want, let me know and I'll adjust. Let me carry out the at camp story but keep me on a tight leash.
ModernRanger said:
Then let me direct the camp combat. I once told you that Combat writing is my specialty. Allow me the honor of taking care of it for you. That is, if you and @LittleShenanigans are ok with it. Message me exactly what you want, should I be taking it a way you don't want, let me know and I'll adjust. Let me carry out the at camp story but keep me on a tight leash.
We would definitely appreciate the help but unless you have characters to lead it can't happen. That's why everyone who is supposed to be in the camp tab needs to be :/ if/when they do, I will gladly let you lead it :)

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