Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

Rachelle frowned as she saw Rya in the Foot Locker. She watched the people crowd around him, holding his bags, helping him up. You would've thought he was some prince.

(Alright. I've got to get to bed Science Fair and b-day party tomorrow. Night!)
(Night happy B-day!) Rya looked at one girl as he gave her a soft look. "I think i have something in my teeth could you get it out for me?" Rya said as he kissed her as he saw her blushing face.
Name: Kyle Jackson




Son/Daughter of: Son of Posiden

BF,Gf: Luna Avertown

History: He lived with his brother Percy Jackson who always put his hand in his pocket for a fight. He already knew there ere others like him.

Other:He isn't frightened of anything except thunder. He is great at hiding his fear.
Arthur walked to help Piper with the manhole cover. With a heave, they removed it, and Arthur looked down the hole. The smell was NOT welcoming.

"Ok, if there isnt what we're looking for down there, im gonna be pissed." he said with a grudge.

He jumped down and slid through the hole, landing in a kneeling position when he hit the bottom. Looking around, the place was dimly lit, and smelled worse down here. He didnt want to know what flowed through the waters. God know's who would...ok, gods know what would live down here.

Piper smiled at Arthur as he helped her. She frowned as she heard a voice deep down in the pipe "Anyone else hear that?" she asked as she climbed down the ladder.
Rosa followed her face curling into a scowl at the smell. She knew eventually it wouldn't phase her but right now it was absolutely horrendous. When one of the girl named Piper said something about a voice she nodded, "I definitely heard something," Rosa whispered. She started to raise her hand for silence but immediately dropped her hand in embarrassment.
Rachelle stOod outside as Rya came through the doors. She pushed her way through thE crowd of people until she stood next to the boy. "Having fun ruling over your slaves?" she asked with a frown.
"Yeah, I definitely heard something..." Maggie whispered into the dark. With her free hand that wasn't holding the flashlight, she reached over her shoulder and drew her sword silently, holding it out in front of her in defense mode. She shined the beam of light over the walls and as far as the beam would touch as the tunnel narrowed deeper and farther in front of the team, still she saw nothing. "What do you think it is?" she breathed.
Arthur was getting sick of all these questions. He wouldnt know the answers anyway! Looking forward, he thought he saw something slither behind a corner and into the water. He then noticed the tunnel was rather larger than he thought. Almost big enough for a bus to fit. Or something more deadly. He looked into the water behind the group, and thought he saw something looking at him. A small head. It poked out, and before Arthur could suspect it was a crocodile or something, the croc head extended with a long neck to the ceiling. And another popped out. then another. Arthur thought the rumours about sewer-gaters were true, until he looked down their necks and saw them connected to a single torso.

he smiled hungrily at Arthur and the group. In an instant, Arthur drew out his sword. "Head-up! Three of them!"
Piper screamed and pulled out her sword. She frowned as every time someone cut off a head, two more grew back. "Wait! It's a Hydra!" she yelled over the hiss of the serpent like animal.
Rachelle rolled her eyes and tossed her blonde hair. She was not happy with this guy "Nothing. But do you really need this much help?" she asked.
Maggie rolled to the side and one of the hydra's heads hurdled towards her. It got a mouthful of concrete instead and Maggie took the chance to plunge her head through the monsters skull. There was a symphonybof hisses in response and heads started flying; as she had not chopped of one of the heads, it had killed it. They needed to get to the belly of the beast, but to do that they had to get past the heads, and for the water to be so deep to hide a hydra, she didn't want to take the chance of fordjing through the water.
Piper turned as she heard a battle cry. She saw a girl jump into the water and before she knew it the hydra collapsed into a cloud of dust.

Arista swam back to the surface, sword in hand. She wasn't wet and dripping like the others had expected her to be. she smiled at the group, "Yo. I'm Arista. You can call me Ari for short." she said.
Maggie starred at the new arrival. She sheathed her sword, twirling it quickly in her hand before reaching over her shoulder and sliding it back in the scabbard. "Maggie," she said shortly, "Who exactly are you?" she asked Ari.
Name: Aubree Marie Arce

Nickname: Bree

Age: (19 and under.): 15

Gender: female

Son/Daughter of: daughter of Hades


History: Though Aubree is 15, she has yet to find out whom her father (hades) is, he has yet to claim her, though most people already know, she has almost no friends, for her lack of temper control, she gets along with some people, but almost no one likes her... Her mother had passed away years ago and had become an orphan, she now lives with a foster family, not far from the camp, she has though in fact, been to the camp, though no one knows she has.


her almost everyday outfit

Arista smiled "I'm a daughter of Neptune, though that's bad luck at Camp. You don't look familiar. Are you from the Roman Camp or headed there?"
"Headed there," Maggie said, "And, just a guess here," she said sarcastically, "But you're from the Roman camp aren't you?"

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