• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Peace Sign Academia Shop and Tasks

Ways to Earn QEP
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1. List of deeds and respective rewards in Quirk Evolution Points

(note: how many times a particular criteria can reward someone will be written next to it. If not it can only count once, this usually representing that the rule must be followed continuoulsy through the week to earn the QEP. In addition rules marked (co cannot be earned by co-GMs or myself and those marked GM cannot be earned by myself)

*Follow the rules- 3
*Populate the various Rp sections- 2 (counts once per section)

*Post IC at least... (counts up to once per character)
once per week- 5
once every three days- 15
once every day- 20
twice every day- 25

*Help someone...
understand a specific part of the rules- 5 (counts up to four times per week)
find a link or image they need -5 (counts up to four times per week)
getting through a rough patch - 20
by providing links (of this roleplay) that satisfy their need-5 (counts up to four times per week)
by making a constructive suggestion that builds on what I established or answer a need another player has- [5; 10] (counts up to four times per week)
integrate into our RP by showing them the ropes or other friendly and proactive ways of aiding them- [3;15] (once per new player)
correct their grammar or phrasing- 5 (counts up to twice per week)

*Be active OOC - [10 ; 15]

*Be cooperative with the plot and roleplay in general- 20

real respect for the boundaries of what your character would or not know- [10; 15] (counts up to three times per week)
character reactions, action and interactions that are consistent with the information in the character sheet- [5; 20 ] (counts up to three times per week)
a real understanding of the mechanics and lore rules of the boku no hero universe at a conceptual level - 5 (counts up to three times per week)
a real understanding of the rules and lore of this RP- 5 (counts up to three times per week)
respect for the harmony within the RP and the peace of your fellow players- 10
That you read with care and passion the CSs of other players- 10 (counts up to three times per week)

*Create a quirk... (only count in character creation)
that is a simple hardening quirk like Kirishima´s- 1
not aimed at combat- 5
that is simple- 3
that is unique and creative- 3
with a more feasable "quirk factor"-3
that creates room for other to gain a role by complementing you- 5
that is actually relatively weak- 7
that is in touch with the lore regarding what quirk a person gets- 5
With a unique limit or source- 3
With a natural source that creates a limitation (energy excluded)- 3
With great conditions or limitations- 7
That requires cooperation with others for effective use - 7

*create a character.... (only count in character creation)
with a well-rounded complex but consistent personality- 7
who truly feels like their own person- 3
whose backstory and personaliy growth in CS are chains of cause and effect rather than forced crap- [5; 10]
whose extra course is not the same as any of the ones of your prior characters- 2
with concrete non-quirk related flaws and weaknesses- [3;7]
that has a direct relation to another player´s- 5
that is quikless- 10
that actually feels like a kid that came to learn to be a hero- 10
without unecessary drama- 3
which fits into the world as a normal person and/or has normal parents- [3;5]
whose hero costume is based on a particular theme or idea rather than being designed in pratical terms- 10

one active character -3
two active characters -5
three active characters- 9
at least one teacher character- 5

*Provide me with... (count up to five times per week)
potentially useful information regarding data or patterns in the RP or IC- [3; 10]
alerts regarding things I stated I would do but missed on some detail or player- 5

*show slow but steady character progression with small increments over time- 3 (counts up to twice per week)

*Correct given information that is incorrect according to the rules or lore if ever stated by myself or another player- 5 (counts up to three times per week)

*donate a quirk for our quirk donation section (does not cover paid quirks)- 5 (counts up to five times per week)

*Make a post... (counts up to once per two posts, can be earned retroactively)
that is larger than average, but with meaningful content rather than filler- 5
that builds upon the past events of the IC effectively
with a strong comedic moment- [5; 15]
with a strong earned inspiring scene- [10; 15]
with a strong earned dramatic moment- [5; 15]
that shows the impact of IC events- [5; 15]
that points out interesting minor details of the IC and explores them- [5; 15]
that is badass due to well-placed foreshadowing- [10; 20]
that provides your partners with effective material for future posts or even character arcs- 10
where characters discuss a plan or in which they attempt to execute said plan- 5
with a good "heroic sacrifice" scene- [5; 10]
In which you include someone who was previously without interaction- 10
In which you explore menaingfully and in relation to your character and what is happening, some theme of the world of boku no hero- 15
In which your character fails at the set task- [2;10]

*Coordenate with another player (or players) (counts up to three times per week)
to craft a fluent and badass fight scene- [15; 20]
to distribute roles and give everyone the spotlight in a given scene- [10; 15]
to establish diverse character relationships- 10

*purchase something with QEP for the first time- 10% refund

*from your own volition, create original art of some form (writing excluded) for this rp - [15; 25] (counts up to twice per week)
*create fanfiction for this roleplay- [5; 10] (counts up to twice per week)

*Participating in useless fights/bickering- 10
*Having your character break any of the PSA rules- 5

*Tag people who are mentioned or would benefit from reading your post, but are not necessarily interacting with you- [2;3] (counts up to once per post)

*Add an advertisement of our roleplay to your signature- 10 (can only be used once and is deduced from the next earning if retracted)
*Bring a new player to our roleplay- 15 (counts once per new player brought)
*Have said new player stay with us for a week- 20
*Have said new players be with us for at least a month- 35

*Make an introduction on our discord server- 3
*Inform me of what you have or not read/seen from the boku no hero collection of works (anime seasons, OVAs, manga and spin-off) on discord- 2

*Bring new activities, games or conversation topics, or participate in those (these all being related to boku no hero or more importantly our roleplay and characters)- [3; 10] (counts up to four times per week)

Attempt to participate in a QEP quest- 5

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Packs to Spend QEP
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2. Quirk Evolution Shop

Conflict extra- Normally, you cannot buy any item here during a point of conflict (say, in the middle of a fight), however, by paying a slight extra (an additional three halves the original price), you can purchase at any time (except times when it is specified otherwise by me).

Additional Requirements- sometimes, what you buy in the quirk evolution shop will require your character to undergo some form of training on top of you having to pay the QEP price. For these, you can actually create a pending payment. If you have at least 80% of the necessary QEP, you can buy the pack in advance, and start working on the additional requirements until you reach the QEP count you need.

(Prices are subject to change depending if my calculations regarding the aproximate rate of QEP gain turns out to be drastically incorrect)

Other Requirements:

Price: 1500 QEP (Mentoring course has a 300 QEP discount)
Other Requirements: In prior, recent posts, the character must have been seen training at least twice, with at least one full post dedicated to training, mainly the aspect one seeks to improve
Description: increases a character´s quirk´s average power or one of their limits by a marginal amount

Price: 1500 QEP (Mentoring course has a 300 QEP discount)
Other Requirements: In prior, recent posts, the character must have been seen training at least twice, with at least one full post dedicated to training, specifically training where a character forces themselves to face their weaknesses or limits
Description: Reduce the weakness of a character quirk or increase one of their limits by a marginal amount

Price: 2400 QEP (General Studies Course has an 700 QEP discount)
Other Requirements: Spend two IC weeks (time skips don´t count) with your character working on this skill.
Description: Your character trains hard enough on a skill to begin developing a certain mastery of it, perhaps finding a talent in it.

Price: 4500 QEP (General Studies has a 700 QEP discount)
Other Requirements: Write down the context and moment in which the character discovers the new trick or comes up with it
Description: Your character discovers a new way of using their quirk, or gains the skills and courage to accept the danger in return for more power, gaining a new special move

Price: 4500 QEP (General Studies has a 200 QEP discount)
Other Requirements: Write down the context and moment in which the character discovers the new feature
Description: Your character discover a new minor feature from their quirk, gaining a new special move from it

Price: 15000 QEP (1000 QEP discount for Mentoring Course)
Other Requirements: Write down the context and moment in which the character discovers the new usage
Description: Your character discover a new major usage of their quirk (maybe even one that can cause permanent damage), gaining a new special move from it

Price: 7500 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Acquire the right to make one short cameo of any cannon boku no hero character. The character in this cameo, as well as the situation, will be controlled by me or a co-GM.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 15000 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Acquire the right to make one short cameo of any cannon boku no hero character. The character in this cameo, as well as the situation, will be controlled by the one that bought the pack. However, everything that happens in this cameo has to be discussed with and approved by me.
GM cannot buy this pack.

Price: 1200 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Design a villain or conflict, and have them featured in the RP. The villain will be an NPC controlled by me or my co-GMs.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 15000 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Design a major villain or even an entire arc, to have them featured in the RP. If a villain is chosen, they will be controlled by the buyer, provided they discuss the events with this villain with me and get them approved.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 14000 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Acquire the rights to involve an up to three NPCs of your choice and design in the ongoing plot. They will be controlled by you, but their involvement has to be discussed and approved by me.
GM and co-Gms cannot buy this pack

Price: 2500 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: You gain 1 extra vote in the current or next community vote

Price: 250 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Allows you to make a particular minor choice about one IC day: the wheather, what lunch will be,
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 1500 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: PSA sends students on several internships, to help them expand their horizons in case they don´t want to be heroes in the end after all or simply don´t manage to. These can take them on like a factory, a police station or any other place with different jobs where the students can see how quirks can still apply for normal citzens. With this pack, you can choose where the next one will be.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 2400 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Request that the next training exercise be specially designed to be more difficult or challenging to your character or be especially easy for your character.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 12000 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Allows the creation of a subplot centered your character that goes on the side of the main current one. This can potentially give you special permissions in the usage or leaving off the school grounds among others.

Price: 1600 QEP (first purchase only 500 QEP)
Other Requirements:
Description: Your character asks the PSA to find them a part-time job, or comes across one while doing tasks for the PSA or during one of their internships. These cannot be hero-related part-time jobs, though. After buying this pack, you can choose what the part time job will and what it´s tasks consist off, as well as how much time of the day it should take, up to half a day. I will then assign it a paycheck.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 500 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Requests a scene by the GM or co-GMs that shows what the villains or another important NPC is doing at the moment. Players don´t have to use this pack to show what their own NPCs are doing.
GM cannot buy this pack

Price: 2400 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Acquire a pet licence, thus allowing you to keep a pet in your dorm room. (requires one licence per pet)

Price: 3000 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: Gain one new character slot

Price: 500 QEP
Other Requirements:
Description: There will be a GM-induced minor event with potential romantic undertones (like a mistletoe or something) of characters

Price: 5000
Other Requirements:
Description: Two characters will be left in isolation during the next event where characters are separated.

Price: 9000
Other Requirements:
Description: Propose the next QEP quest or Special Event. If approved, these will be our next QEP quest or special event. How much is earned is still up to me however.

Price: 1000
Other Requirements:
Description: Increase the duration of a special event by a week

Price: 2000
Other Requirements: make sure it could still exist; have some character mention this product after the purchase is recongized
Description: Add a sponsor to the PSA, making some product of theirs available for purchase

Price: 7000
Other Requirements: purchase the "it's all because of all might" pack
Description: Add a sponsor to the PSA, allowing them to expand the school grounds

Price: 10000 QEP
Other Requirements: If they are not a cannon character, introduce who they are prior
Description: Have a guest come to the PSA for a theoretical or practical demonstration. Can be a cannon character only if the cameo was purchased, but if that is the case, this pack may be bought at half the price.

Price: 5000 QEP
Other Requirements: have the students go request the challenge papers
Description: The Mentoring Student Earns a Challenge Paper, allowing them to challenge any teacher for a match with the principal setting the rules of the match.

Price: 5000 QEP
Other Requirements: Have the character study and show interest plus take a written exam on the area
Description: The student is now certified in a particular area thus now earning +0.5 times/purchase what other students would win with the same job. Can only stack up to twice per job.

Price: [2000 QEP - 15000 QEP] (assigned at the time)
Other Requirements: Show the character woking on the add-on for at least three support classes
Description: The character invents an item themselves and sells the intellectual rights to it to be able to use without having to pay for it.
Only support course characters can buy this item

(many more to come!!!)
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Items to Spend Money On

4. Money Shop

When and where to acquire- Unlike QEP, which work purely on an OOC basis, money is actually an IC currency as well, meaning products are bought IC. When possible, and where it is possible. They are mostly buyable during one´s free time, to the office on the second floor. However exceptions do exist, namely that support students can actively sell some of these, by working on them during their support classes. The time it takes becomes more uncertain, and it does need permission, but Support students that do this get a 10% cut of the money for their efforts.

Lists- In some of the items below, you will find lists of differently priced potential purchases. For these lists, you can buy any specific choice individually or several in bulk, provided you pay the right price. You are also allowed to propose new elements for the list.

Other details:
Teacher Use:

Price: 10000 Yen
Description: If one´s suit contains disposable items (such as grenades, tubes, or anything else that would be wasted after use), the refill is used to replenish them after an exercise.
Other details:
Teacher Use: Yes

Grappling Hook- 27000 Yen
Walkie Talkies- 15000 Yen/pair
Roller Skates- 5000 Yen
Heat-sensing googles- 75000 Yen
X-ray vision googles- 90000 Yen
Smoke Bombs- 900 Yen/bomb
Magnetic Climbing Gloves- 45000 Yen
Impact Resistant Vest- 54000 Yen
Net Launcher- 18000 Yen (+1000 Yen/net)
Body cooler- 30000 Yen
Body heater- 30000 Yen
*Fire Proof Vest- 35000 Yen
*Bullet proof vest- 35000 Yen
*Gas Mask- 43000 Yen
*Extensible Staff (a staff which can double it's legnth in 3 seconds by pushing the inside parts out and reverse this by retracting them)- 35000 Yen
Description: A set of pre-built items. They are customizable in any way, but you don´t have to wait for them, and they are considerably cheaper than customized purchases.
Other details:
Teacher Use: Yes

Price: 120000 Yen
Description: Request a cosmetic alteration of your hero costume, while keeping all the same functionalities and materials.
Other details:
Teacher Use: No- teachers are pro heroes and they cna´t just suddenly change their image
Note: basically, if it´s the kind of thing that would need to change the pic or description in the CS, you need this request

Price: 50000 Yen per part
Description: Request a pratical change in your hero costume that does not invole any form of mechanism, fictional material or weapon.
Example: if the costume previously used leather and you want to change into plate armor, or if you want to make it larger
Other details:
Teacher Use: Yes

Dagger- 15000 Yen
Weak Taser Gun- 50000 Yen
Disposable Container- 1000 Yen
Disposable Standalone- 15000 Yen
Meta-gun (shoots small lasers with the power of a child's punches. Still needs bullets)- 30000 yen
Bow- 10000 yen
Fake Arrows (tip is of a very light metal)- 20000 Yen
Pain Gloves- gloves that induce a little extra sting when they connect- 30000 yen
Description: Request a new weapon be added to your hero costume.
Other details:
Teacher Use: Yes

Price: Assigned at the time with a base of 120000 Yen per part
Description: Request the support team to add a mechanical upgrade to your hero costume
Other details: Takes 10 IC days to arrive
Teacher Use: Yes

Price: Assigned at the time with a base of 150000 Yen per part
Description: Request a particular special (fictional) material to modify your hero costume with or a weapon containing one.
Other details: Takes 10 IC days to arrive
Teacher Use: Yes

Price: 700000 Yen+300000 Yen if you use any unnatural materials
Description: You can fully redesign your hero costume.
Other details: Takes 15 IC days to arrive
Teacher Use: No- teachers are pro heroes and they can´t just suddenly change their image

*Candy- 300 Yen
*Bottle of Water- 150 Yen
*Soda- 350 Yen
*Milk Package- 300 Yen
*Canned Coffee- 350 Yen
*Bag of Chips- 500 Yen
*Sandwhich- 500 Yen
*Canned Bear- 500 Yen
Description: Buy something from a vending machine
Other details: Can only be done in one´s free time only, IC must be near a PSA vending machine. PS: buy anything you shouldn´t and face the repurcussions if you´re caught
Teacher Use: Yes

*pizza- 3000 Yen
*chinese- 3500 Yen
*shushi- 3500 Yen
Description: Order take out meal
Other details: Takes 2 posts to arrive
Teacher Use: Yes

Price: 5000 Yen
Description: Buy the daily newspaper
Other details:
Teacher Use: No- as pro heroes, the teachers get free newspapers

*Toy- [2000- 10000] yen
*Poster- 3000 Yen
*Figurine- [10000- 15000] Yen
Description: So long as you keep them to your room, you can decorate it as you like with merchandize from your favorites heros, ordered directly at the PSA office.
Other details: Takes 3 IC days to arrive
Teacher Use: Yes

Cabinetry- 18000 Yen
Table- 21000 Yen
Shelf- 15000 Yen
Chest of Drawers- 25000 Yen
Bed Add-ons (new matress, bars, etc...)- 5000 Yen
Fudon- 25000 Yen
Carpet- [5000 Yen- 20000 Yen]
Lamp- 9000 Yen
Description: Buy furniture to add to your room. You cannot remove furniture (among other room items) already present at the dorms, however.
Other details: Takes five IC days to arrive
Teacher Use: Yes

*Weights- 5000 Yen/pair
*Pull up bars- 18000 Yen
*Treadmill- 25000 Yen
Description: Want to exercise, but don´t want to go back and forth to and from the gym to do it? Buy some for your own room.
Other details:
Teacher Use: Yes

Air conditioning- 15000 Yen
Heaters- 15000/Yen
Fan- 9000 Yen
Laptop- 30000 Yen
Wifi Connection
TV- 25000 Yen
Video Game Console (comes with 1 free game)- 20000 Yen
Description: Order an eletronic device for your room
Other details: Wifi aside, they take 1 IC day to arrive
Teacher Use: No, they are provided all of these services for free, except the games.

Price: 9000 Yen
Description: A simple digital camera
Other details: Unless you´re a teacher, cannot be used in classes
Teacher Use: Yes

Price: 10000 Yen
Description: Order a video game
Other details: Takes 1 IC day to arrive
Teacher Use: No

Price: Depends on the item, but it has a base of 10000 Yen for secrecy.
Description: Your character sends a letter to the office requesting to be secretly given a certain item due to secret medical reasons or any other type of item they would not want their colleages finding out about.
Other details: character doesn´t need to show anything IC, but the specific request must be PMed (you must still post your intention to buy a secret condition item in the OOC however)
Teacher Use: Yes

*Replacement Notebook- 500 Yen
*Replacement Filled Pencilcase- 500 Yen
*Replacement Paper Sheets- 500 Yen
*Replacement Uniform- 1500 Yen
Other details: your character is supplied an innitial stash of one for free.
Teacher Use:

Price: 1000 yen
Description: Pad anything with these. They are soft and bulky. Place them beneath your hero costume to look more muscular or beneath those bras for those with confidence issues around that area. Anything goes, as long as you note it is a little harder to move with these. (only two small paddings per purchase)
Other details:
Teacher Use:

Price: 20000 Yen
Description: purchase a part of the garden to plant whatever you want. Seeds and tools will be borrowed without further expenses.
Other details:
Teacher Use:

Other details:
Teacher Use:

Other details:
Teacher Use:

(more to come!!!!)
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