Pathfinder Module or Path


One Thousand Club
Hey all, RPDom keeps growing and we've gained some new RPers that could use some more experience with the d20 system. One in particular has requested a small Pathfinder game and I've decided to take up that mantle and run either a few Adventure Modules or a full Adventure Path for a handful of players. I will prefer new players over experienced ones, but experienced players are still welcome - having at least one old hand in the party will surely help smooth out any learning the new guys have to do.

So, a few things to sort out before I go about submitting the RP proper:

Short of it being a Pathfinder Module or AP, I have very little preference. If there's a Module or Path anyone is interested in, feel free to speak up. I can likely get my hands on whatever AP or Module is chosen if I don't already have it. If there is very little opinion on the subject, I am likely to run either a handful of Modules set in or near Falcon's Hollow (both Crown of the Kobold King and Carnival of Tears are ones I've wanted to see played for a while now, even though I think they're technically written for 3.5 instead of Pathfinder), the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, or if we're looking for a shorter game, just We Be Goblins and We Be Goblins Too.

Everyone is free to express interest, and I will refine the selection parameters when we get to the submission phase if we have more people than I can take. Most of the APs and Modules are written for four or five players, and I'm not familiar enough with the content to actively scale for a significantly different group, so the final selection will either be exactly the number the content suggests (for older content that was written with 3.5 characters in mind, the power boost moving over to Pathfinder will preclude any additional characters) or up to one more than the suggested number (for content written for Pathfinder originally). New players will be given priority if they show interest in both steps, but I'd prefer at least one experienced player - and if fewer new players show up than I'm expecting, those slots can be filled by anyone, of course.

Obviously, we can't answer this question until we know what we're running. In general, if a Module doesn't specify that it MUST be run using provided pregen characters, I'm open to basically any appropriate characters. Since we're expecting new players and using a scripted setting, though, there are a few restrictions on what might be considered appropriate:

3a) Alignment, personality, and history: For Modules, any PC who would reasonably be found with the group and participate in the adventure is probably appropriate here. For Adventure Paths, this means building a character according to the associated Player's Guide. Some leeway or individual exceptions might be made, but for the most part, the character needs to fit into the adventure.

3b) Power level / specialization: For you older players, this should not be considered the chance to try out your "gamebreaker" builds. Remember that your fellow players will be playing some of their first-ever created characters or possibly using pre-generated characters. Some optimization will happen, of course, that's how the game is played, but if you're putting out more DPR than the rest of the party combined AND doubled, we might have some problems sharing the spotlight.

My work comes and goes and causes my posting schedule to be erratic - some weeks I'm here all the time, others I only check in once or twice a week a week. Because of this, we shouldn't expect the game to advance significantly more than once per week. If, however, everyone's posting schedules permit, it may move much faster at times. But please don't get frustrated if it slows back down to only one or two posts per week per player. (In combat: I will do my best to make sure everyone knows the initiative order and resolve posts as quickly as possible. Generally, if the previous player's action doesn't matter to yours, you don't need to wait for me to resolve theirs. Additionally, I'll give specifics after a few rounds, give or take, so you can resolve your own stuff.)

I hope I haven't scared you all away, but I've found getting those questions out of the way sooner rather than later makes for a much smoother experience. Please let me know what you want to play (and how much Pathfinder experience you have) and we'll get this party started! I will be busy the next two days, but I'm hoping to read all the responses and get the submission itself up this weekend! (Unless my RL group unexpectedly meets Saturday, in which case, it might be Monday or Tuesday before I get the submission up... sorry all, but my [occasional] Saturday group has no internet access and my [every] Sunday group demands all my attention.)
Right.... Okay- I'm New to Pathfinder, but not to DND- Mostly played 3.0.. I made a charachter for a different game, but it never really got afloat... And my RL Groups for tabletop are Friday and Sunday, erraticaly, so that fits in quite nicely- though I have one in the Evening Staurday... What I'm trying to say is...

Interest. I have it.
Declaring interest. Experience level highish, I suppose, having played in several games.

I'll leave the AP preferences to others, but I have played part of the first book of Carrion Crown, and my (and the group's) experiences were... less than stellar, due to some glaring design flaws in that particular part. I've heard it gets better later on, so consider it just a word of warning.
I'm in on this. Still going to aim at a Tiefling Magus... I was in the same game as Sage. Very disappointing.

Experience middling. Don't play much d20, but I understand it well enough.

edit: As to what we run, I'd prefer an AP. That one aimed at evil characters does look interesting... > :)
Mhm.... If a pair of Not-So-Good people is acceptable, and stuffs.. I liked the guy I built, I want to get around to playin him eventualy! xD
I've only been playing d&d for a few months and only started pathfinder 2 weeks ago, playing a magus.

I'd love to join in and obviously don't have a whole heap of experience but I have helped my dm run sessions and have run my own campaign that used a varient d20 system.
Gather if there is still room available I would like to join the group. I am newer to the play by post set up. I have experience with 3.5, and am getting aquainted with PF.
Oh wow, I was not expecting that much interest... if I'm counting right, + the one guy from the other thread, we have 9 interested players? I might run two, or work to find an interested DM to take the second one, since you surely won't all fit in a single game :P I'll look at the content and the numbers on how many are new players and how many are not, and see what's up tomorrow after I get home from work, I expect to have a little free time between work and family stuff. Since pregen content is quite a bit easier on the DM than creating stuff from whole cloth, I can probably do two at once without getting overwhelmed ^_^

(Side note to my Exalted players I recognize here: I spent the entire day at work and expect to spend the entire day at work tomorrow re-reading Graceful Wicked Masques. I present this information without further comment as to what I may be planning or what it may mean for your characters, or explanation in the case that you have no clue what that means. In entirely unrelated news, your second characters ARE finished, right? I wouldn't want you to have to sit out a session finishing up your new character should something happen to your current one.)
I'd volunteer to be the second dm, but I have too many games that I'm running at the moment. I do have access to several adventure path pdfs, so I can send them to you (and if you could be certain on which one you're running I can guarantee I won't look at it).
Yeah.... I'll hope for Evil Charachters to be Okay- but I'm more than happy to make a Char of any alignment. Good Aligned Chars are just as fun
since we seem to have at least a few interested in running bad guys, I'll look in to that one, if any of you know the name of it that would help me find it, of course. For the other, we'll see. I have the first nine, up to Jade Regent I think it's called, but have never played or ran any of them :P
the n00b here, ive got a druid elf mostly put together i just have to do re-rolls so everyone can see, and i can post every day
Ah, that explains why I haven't heard of it before, I've only been looking through the offiical APs. I suppose I can run that... and for the players interested in something more traditional, we'll pick something out for that game too, hopefully tomorrow. Any suggestions for the other AP? Apparently something an elven druid will fit into, as Aquilla seems to already have a character in mind.
I have played an evil campiagn once before for about 2 sessions. I think it would be an interesting setting to play. but I would be game for any setting really.

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