Pathfinder Module or Path

There should be plenty of room for you to find any magical items you require as we level, or possibly for a party member to make them. This is a full 1-20 campaign, complete with downtime and chances to shop and all. Even if they don't drop as loot (and nothing LIKE them drops as loot that I could just nudge the type around a bit - a +2 frost longsword of speed is easy to make into a +2 frost scimitar of speed), if there's at least one party member with the Disguise skill who can hit town shops OR at least one party member with Craft Magic Arms and Armor, you should be able to get what you're looking for.

And if you can't go into town yourself and your "friend" demands a 10% personal shopper's fee, well... you did KNOW they were magnificent bastards when you signed on with them. In fact, that should probably be the reason why you signed on in the first place. But yeah, I'm 95% sure the campaign will keep up with the normal wealth by level guidelines, and if it doesn't, I can always adjust it.
A designated crafter would be great. Half off on everything as long as they have the right spells. :|a
Ultimate Campaign codified cooperative crafting, although I've been using it as a houserule since Second Edition. If ANYONE has the right spells, the crafter can get you half-off :D
heh, you can feel free to apply to both, however, I won't accept anyone into both. I'm going to end up taking eight to ten players max (both APs are rated for four players) and we already have nine interested... and not everyone reads the Interest Checks, many wait for the submissions before they join.

I was reading a play report of the Way of the Wicked AP to see if there was anything more I really needed to know before I started, and found this line... admittedly from a GM who said his players "forewent the planning and stealth in the planning-and-stealth section and just kind of plowed through everything. PCs dropped to zero or lower seven times, but survived... there were no spells above 0th level left in the party... and that's without changing the challenge ratings since I have six players in an adventure meant for four", but still.... not sure if this might scare someone off or inspire them:

"and they tortured the squire then skinned him alive and the necromancer used him to raise another skeleton."
*Gidyy Giggling* Yes Yes Yes! Do want. Dooo want. And hey.. WITH Planning and Stealth, we'll stand a much better chance!
In other news, since SOMEONE *looks pointedly* was jumping the gun and I don't like to disappoint, character creation methods are now detailed in the RotR submission thread. These are the same ones I'll be allowing for WotW as well, so if you're straining at the bit to get started on your engines of evil, you can take a look. They're the two from the WotW Player's Guide, plus my personal favorite and one that's random but arranged. Yes, it's still my personal favorite despite the "incident" I mention in the other thread.
SephirothSage said:
*Gidyy Giggling* Yes Yes Yes! Do want. Dooo want. And hey.. WITH Planning and Stealth, we'll stand a much better chance!
Let's hope so! I don't expect a smaller party (and I won't take six o_O) to be able to get out alive if they fight everything they can from the worst possible positions :D but I've read through most of the part they were talking about and it seems that three-fourths of the fighting is meant to be bypassed, or at the very least you should be able to get surprise on your side. Those guys alerted even the drunk and sleeping enemies, including stopping to regroup IN A ROOM WITH A MURDER HOLE IN THE ROOF AND ARROW SLITS IN THE WALLS. Stealth and Planning :D

shepsquared said:
Ah, my sarcasm never translates well in text, no need to apologize, I just wasn't planning to put the methods up tonight because I didn't like having just the two from WotW available and wanted some time to balance others to them. After I checked the 25-point-buy's place on the table, though, figuring out which two to put with it wasn't hard. I can't create a character personally without doing mechanics, raw fluff with no skeleton to hang it on never comes out well for me, so I understand completely :D
Well, I'm playing a RotR irl at the moment, although only the first part of it. I'm looking at making a fetchling ninja because, ninjas. I'd prefer to play the WotW since I was thinking he/she'd be a ninja that revels in bloodshed and it sounds really cool, but I'm okay with doing RotR if you ahve too many people for WotW.
I think I have one more confirmed player for the RotR, actually, it's just the conversation was more lively focusing on the evil campaign :D I expect Aquilla at least to join the good side, which will give me four so far on that one. It's just Sephiroth and Skrakes who have confirmed for WotW thus far.
The Rise of the Runelords selection process is nearly complete, and the forum is pending creation. I'll work on writing up the Way of the Wicked submission later today.
Lovely, Lovely... I'll get up the Stat's I rolled, and get to rolling up a Lawfull Evil Dhampir Anti-Paladin! OF DOOOOOMMMM!!!

Doom I say. *Calm Sagenod*

But yes, in all Seriousness- it's using the same char gen, but with the Campaign traits for WotW, yes?
correct - same four creation methods, same trait system (using a WotW "Crime" in the place of a Campaign Trait, you'll pick two more Traits normally - or three Traits and a Flaw).
Jahvul. I have a Char to Re-write, it seems.... Hrm.. Usin a Word Doc, so I can jsut have it saved then Copy Paste it in.
And... Gatherer. I have a solution, to low Str, Stemming from the presence of the Dhamphir Racial Dex Bonus. And that is...

Dueling Sword based Anti-Paladin, Finnesse'd out, Cultured, Classy, Bastard.

  • Name:Alexi Grim

    Gender: Male

    Age: 105


    He is roughly 6'6, with pale-blondeish hair, and a scruffy beard.

    His features are all well defined- and he exudes a certain force of personality- though, not nesascarily a positive one.

    Themesong: ((For now)) [media]

    Or, If you prefer. [media]

    [/media] ((Sorry both are AMV’s))

Sorry if this is wayyy too early- but... Aprove, or Disaprove? I want to know if it's Kay? I can rewrite, and want time to be able to do so... and if you couldnt tell, I'm excited. xD
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"Sorry both are AMV's" <-- statement does not compute. Response:

I approve wholeheartedly, a fine vanguard for the forces of darkness. I do need to ask whether he was jailed and sentenced simply for being born to the vampire and born into the cult, or if after escaping his father's stronghold, he clung to the ways he had learned and continued the worship and furtherance of the Prince of Demons. The heresy crime does state that they wouldn't have sentenced you if you weren't actively spreading your unnatural ways, although they might count your one-time participation at the Stronghold - I just want to know exactly how much your character was actually guilty and how much they were guilty by association - the choice is entirely yours.
One: Oh Ho Ho. Nice AMV.

He clung to the ways- because they where all he knew to cling to. He stuck, to what he knew- they assumed he was promoting it, because of who his father was, and who he was.
Cool - just trying to get a feel for whether your character has a bit of a "you made me this way, punishing the child for the sins of the father" flavor, but it sounds more like they were just being righteous and good all along (if a little unforgiving), and the evil is all you :P
Yarp. Went straight for the smitin, dont give no fucks bout even tryin the other ways, but hey- he /was/ an Level 1 Antipaladin. THATS SOME SERIOUS DANGER TO THE REALM!

ok, total honesty time, someone reminded me that Legend of Korra Season Two has started, and I'm likely to be distracted. It might be as late as Tuesday night before the WotW submission gets written :P although I will make an effort to make it Tuesday morning (so you can count that as Monday night, I stay up pretty late when work permits)

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