Pathfinder Module or Path

For the record, it just so happens I am playing in a Way of the Wicked campaign ran elsewhere. So I will go with the other option, whatever it may be.
I have heard good things about Rise of the Runelords, and will start reading it soon. I'll go ahead and put up both submissions once I have enough of both APs read that I at least know what level characters I'm working with :D I have a friend with the new Anniversary Edition, so players interested in the heroic side should grab that version of the Player's Guide. I'll post the submission probably later today, possibly Monday. I don't seem to see a Player's Guide for Ways of the Wicked, so I'll wait and post that submission after I see if there are any guidelines to character creation in there.

As some of our players are entirely brand-spanking-new, I expect character creation to take some time, and will try to set aside some time to meet players in live chats (Skype or RPDom Teamspeak or possibly Roll20) to help them create and refine characters. While this won't be a live game, I'm thinking for tactical combat purposes I may use Roll20 to help visualize the fight scenes. You'll still make your moves and everything here, but if you want an easy visual reference of the fight, it will be available. Roll20 will be optional but likely very helpful, so if you're not already familiar with it you might want to give it a try. It's free and located at .
Takin a Look. Tyrne, me and you may have to change a few thigns about our Char's, if we're going to bring em in, ehh?

.... I change from the Char's Original God... To Asmodeous. And a few other things.... still the product of rape... Hrm... Gahh, getting ahead of myself.

Actualy.. really liking the Way of the Wicked... if it doesnt go here, I might try and start a game with it elsewhere.... Hrm...
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well, apparently I am blind. I'd mention the old adage about if it were a snake... but I just did. RotR submission should be in the next hour or so, those who will be joining Team Good (or at least Neutral) come and support it :D WotW will be at least Monday, as I want to learn a bit more about it first before I detail character creation and such.
I think he only means that Runelords is a campaign for Good-aligned PCs, and Way is for evil-aligned ones.
I'll go either way really, my character is LN after all. A wizard that commands the weather won't have the same effect when we aren't pirates tho :(
Skrakes is correct. Although, given the levels you'll be when the APs are complete, if we just can't bear to let it end where the AP stops, the evil team should be just high enough level to access 9th level magics, and an arcanist or skilled divine caster at that level could potentially invade a specific alternate Prime Material plane, with Asmodeus's blessings...
Excessive torture and a few other various potential crimes you might commit would have to happen off-camera, but slaughter I believe shall be wholesale. The campaign is supposed to run for a full twenty levels, and involve the player characters breaking out of prison and plotting revenge on the nation that dared sentence them. It is "supposed" to end with you ruling over that nation, having thrown down their gods of sunlight and other preposterous nonsense and ascended Asmodeus, King of Demons, back to his rightful place as Lord of All Gods - and your only remaining superior.
I haven't read the entire AP yet, but you might read the Player's Guide to see if your existing character will fit ok. Actually, let me copy-pasta a particular bit for you...

There is a further requirement and it is something of

an intangible quality. At some point in this adventure

path every character is going to have the chance to join

an evil organization and swear allegiance to the master

of that organization and its patron – the lawful evil god

Asmodeus. The adventure path assumes you say yes to

this chance. Therefore, you should make a character who

can say yes.
So while I might consider making an exception for a character who was, say, Chaotic Evil and had a very good justification why he was interested in ruling over a large kingdom as it's dark dictator, it appears the AP will pretty much fall apart should any character actively rebel against Asmodeus. This is almost literally the story of the return of the Cult of Asmodeus to power, with your characters acting as the High Priest, Head Inquisitor, and so on.

That said, it welcomes True Neutral and Lawful Neutral characters. Individual characters need not commit sins besides defeating the foes they need to defeat to gain power, if your character wouldn't torture people that is perfectly ok.. as long as he also wouldn't actively oppose one of his new friends doing so. Even if he needs to leave the room while it happens - literature and popular culture are full of parties that include one or two people whose commitment (whether to good or to evil) isn't quite as strong as their friends', and they need a little space while the others do what needs to be done.
Here's a question for you, @gatherer818

I'm going for a Dervish Dance/scimitar build on my Magus. Is this gonna be feasible? IE, will there actually be a scimitar for me to use, and can I get it enchanted?
Ah, I missed a question. "Excessive" torture is anything we think would violate the RPDom Terms of Conduct, so, you know...

"Generic Evilname breaks the paladin's fingers until he starts talking" is perfectly fine. Even "My character start's breaking the children's fingers and making the paladin watch. Surely he'll break when he hears their cries of pain" is ok, since we're expecting some darkness in this one. Describing in detail how your character eviscerates the children while their parents and protector watch probably isn't. Going into detail about any further atrocities you inflict on their remains definitely isn't. When in doubt, feel free to PM your character's darkest actions to me and I can help moderate before we get an admin breathing down our necks :D
Skrakes, which campaign are you joining? (I've been writing the submission for RotR for like an hour now, just keep coming back to this thread when I get an alert, lol.)
Well, while AntiPAllies"s are usualy Always Chaotic Evil..

I mean, a common Houserule is allowing them to be any Evil Alignment- the Way of the Wicked Players handbook even suggests using it, because thematicaly they are wonderfull...

And the "Always Chaotic Evil" thing is BS.

Besides- I was going to radiaclay re-work him for this Adventure Path.
I personally like the old "Unearthed Arcana" four-paladin system - a paladin of each extreme alignment. I think the core Paladin was renamed Paladin of Justice, CG was Paladin of Freedom, CE was Paladin of Slaughter, and the LE was Paladin of Tyranny. Thematically, an LE dark paladin does fit extremely well with the AP ^_^ if you need a NE version, I'm more than willing to work on that with you. But if you want to just mix and match the Paladin's Lawful abilities with the Anti-Paladin's Evil abilities to get a list of LE class features, that's easy to do.
gatherer818 said:
Skrakes, which campaign are you joining? (I've been writing the submission for RotR for like an hour now, just keep coming back to this thread when I get an alert, lol.)
Way of the Wicked.

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