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Palladium system: Robotech UEEF Saga

Background, motivation, main character traits - characters tend to develop over time, but it's always good to have some kind of basic concept written down. The more you put into it, the more Sherwood and the others have to work with. If you take a look at them, Sherwoods characters only include certain skills etc. - the whole personality is up to you.
Recon pilot is s good choice. All you need to do is copy it over to the Character Submissions with a name and a little bit about your personality. Are you young, having been born in space, or are you from Earth after the First Robotech War? What do you think about the Zentraedi that have joined the UEEF? Stuff like that.


Age:16 and his parents trained him to be a Recon Pilot when he was 10


Personality:Shy around other people and prefers working alone. Is slow to trust but once you gain his trust he will be a loyal and kind friend.

Looks:Yellow eyes pale skin Brown hair

Born: was born in space and had only heard storys about the first robo war

Motivation:(motivation for what?)

History:(i need to know the motivation question first)

(wheres the submission place?)
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Sure! Come on over. You are always welcome in my games. We are still getting set, so you haven't missed anything.
This game is still recruiting players, since it looks like two of my original people are not posting.

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