[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

The Dark Wizard

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OOC: You can only start posting here once you leave your awakening thread. Here is will all players will begin to gather and interact with each other.

Formerly known as The Dining Hall seems to be the most intact part of the tower and the only place big enough that is not destroyed to house all of you at once. Visions of things that once were flash across your mind as you see gold, statues and all the beautiful decorations and shows of your power. Then it all sits you as your eyes get used to the reality before you. Everything destroyed and old all the gold and statues missing. The dining table ruined and the overlord’s throne destroyed. But most of all you look up to the ceiling which used to be adorned with beautiful works of art and the tower’s core which is now missing.
Day walks in from the stairwell, His movements short and aggressive, surveying the room, he confirms the minion's assessment. He was back in control of his appearance, and his confidence as well.

It hurt, all of his work, gone, the core, gone. He couldn't imagine it. The costs of the repair would have been astronomical. Not to mention the number of slaves.

Shaking his head in despair. he surveyed the rest of the vaulted chamber. Ruination. All of the wealth he had worked so hard to gather, the side-deals, the favors. Gone! The throne crumbled, and all that remained was a bloody painting on the roof. The insurance must have expired by now too. He'd only bought a 15 year contract.

Regretting that decision now, he thought back to his last moments. Where had it gone wrong? He had sent out all the usual bribes. The informants were sending good news. Someone on the inside, it must have been.

Worst of all, the assets had all been liquidated at this point. all of them. Millions in credit, gone. He hoped the overlord was dead, because he would have some answers to give him.

He found a flat rock and sat, his back straight, and started running his usual calculations on the costs of the repairs. He needed to know things. What had changed since the explosion? What was the dominant currency? What were the exchange rates? Had gold been devalued? Was cutlery still overvalued in terms of material costs?

He needed to ask that... Gnarl... some questions.
"The accountant how quaint." Azreal said why hobbling out of the shadow. Relieved he is not the only one to be awakened in this ruin place. He strained himself into a seat at the table, placing his scythe on the hard wood with a clank. He eased back and began to asses what powers he retained.
Day looked up, his neck cracking. That little bitch. He shook his head. Wasn't he the one who ended up requisitioning all of those minions from the tower guard? Maybe, maybe not. Day spit onto the ground.

He looked up at the man who had entered, finally, looking him over, confirming his opinions.

However, his head was still on other things, such as how much the rubble could be auctioned off for if the minions were set to carving them into flatware dishes. Again, the lack of a known equalizer frustrated his calculations.

He finally decided to address the other presence in the room. Never liked him.

"Azreal." He said, with disdain. "How is our cheerleader doing, does he have a boo-boo?" Predicting an emotional response, he hoped the patronage in his voice was properly cynical.
"100 years to think and you still haven't changed how..childish." Smiling under his hood he put his hand through the shadow one of the chandeliers was making and pulled out what looked like a nail. He continued to do so over and over until it looked like a large pile of iron nails were on the table. He turned to the accountant as a chandelier crashed down behind him. "Please, I know sleeping for so long makes people cranky but lets keep this civil."
Day jumped off the stone as the chandelier crashed down behind him, cursing, but with dignity. "Little wretch. We could have pawned that off to pay for some of these damages! And you call me childish, how your anger pulls us deeper into this hole of ours."

He spun around, looking to the ruined chandelier. It was made of gold, how odd that no one had taken it, only the crystals. Now it was bent and required a reforge, more money. However little the devaluation, it was still a devaluation.

His blood boiled at the affront to the new treasury: 1 chandelier - now bent, 4,000,000 tons of stone, and whatever bits of iron lay about. His fist balled in anger. His fears most certainly confirmed, he shook his head with his frustration; this demon was a degenerate.
"Your concepts about payment is pointless. You must know this, the simple thought of us being in a hole is an understatement as it is, and to repair what has been done will take more effort then selling off a chandelier. Your ignorance to grasp the gravity of the situation is astounding. The Overlord is evidently not here, that is the primary obstacle we must overcome. Second is the absence of all of the others." Azreal simply shook his head at this so called accountants perceptive skills.
Day laughed, was this little bitch for real?

"This is why I'm the accountant. You disregard nothing, no matter how small, you value what you own. I'm here to keep track of what exactly what we have. If we have a broken chandelier, that is something I can use to help us get back on track.. He shifted his shoulder. "You might fear the big picture, but you won't last long enough to tackle it without looking at the small one, and that is exactly what my job is."

He frowned at the petty creature. It thought it was so clever, but the facts remain that even eternity is meaningless if you don't know how to use it.

"This is how it works. My job is to understand how to run this organization. The overlord's presence matters nothing to me, even if he never returns I will benefit from bringing this group back to a profitable margin." He now just smiled with pity at the demon.

"And if you pay any attention to your sources, Gnarl tells that he is rousing the other generals, so that issue is irrelevant in equality." He paused. "The real issue is that we have no idea if the minion hives are functional. That is the issue, without a work force, we have greater problems than a missing overlord." He turned to the ruination, his back to the demon.

Turning back, he said finally, "So what is the point of your little rebuke, to prove to me how little you know about my job and abilities?"
"Boy you are still young." Azreal said with a little bit of envy. "And this is your first empire, or organization was it. If you truly think that a group like this will last without a leader, you are sadly mistaken. The workforce will not work without a pit boss to drive them on."

"As for your small picture, you must realize that I was here when this was nothing but a spark of a thought, a glimer not even the size of those gold coins you hold so dear, for your profit margin. You are an immortal boy, as is all the leaders of this group you must start thinking like one, plan like one, and act like one.

Azreal paused thinking back to the dark eons that have pasted by like a small movie of infinite time playing on inside his head. "Your job and abilites are useless, if you think that focusing on finite items and a profit margin is what will fix this mess."
Day laughed.

"Who gives the minions their' meat, or shiny things?" He just laughed. "They are born to work, the minions i have no fear about. Its the other generals, fighting pettily that i fear."

He shook his head now, sitting at the far end of the table, looking down with pity at the demon.

"You don't get it, for all your years, you were either too stupid to learn, to arrogant, or unable. A waste of eternity." He took a breath, as if to lecture to a child not to eat the nettles.

"The big picture is one thing, all of the little pictures summed up, put together, and stared at without a microscope." He shifted his weight onto his elbows. "A useful reference, but ones whom are gifted know that if you can understand all of the little pictures at once, you know far more than the big picture will tell you."

His eyes blinked, the dust of a hundred years of slumber falling from his eyelids.

"Look at the murals above us, each man and woman there is a story, each is a little picture. Every action told above us is one of those pictures. To look at them all at once, you can get an idea of the story that is being told. But to read every small detail is to know so much more. Some are unable, - like you - to read them all, and link them together. But I can."

"Our current financial state is like that woman there, on the right. She is a small, imperfect part of the picture, but would the picture be the same had she been blasted away? no, it may not be essential, but it tells the story with so much more detail, and such important detail it is." Day shifted from his elbows, and his hands now sat in his lap, he leaned back in the chair.

"And so to ignore this little picture is to ignore that woman. It is to ignore an important part of our current situation. We need money, while a finite concept, i am sure, what is eternity but a series of finite concepts whisking in and out of existence? We must take advantage of them, to make us stronger, to gain what we want."

He wiped the dust off the table around him, his eyes off the demon now, surveying the state of the table, as if trying to find meaning in the way the grains swirled around.

"This discussion is pointless. We wait for the others, and in silence, something i'm sure you are comfortable with."

And with that, he turned his back on the demon, watching a mote of dust fall from the ceiling.
"The argument with a youth, it is my fault really. If you think that that women is a small picture, then you truly can not fathom how big the 'big picture' really is. In you metaphor, that women is not even 1/1,000,000,000 of a fraction of the small picture. You can only think if finite terms, you mind is restricted. To study that women would only be a waist of time, an when you get this old boredom becomes your only enemy. I have gotten what I wanted time and time again." Azreal paused again.

"What will happen when you have everything? What will you do then?" Azreal pulled from his cloak a rose, but this rose was wrong somehow like it was cracked in reality.

"Only when you get what you want you realize that its not what you need. Now we can sit in silence." He put the rose away as he said that.

Azreal reached in the shadow again and pulled out gloves and put them on as to cover his hands.
there was a Slight chuckle above them... a small, red, Winged figure stares down at the two.... his altered voice speaks. "Oh why must my friends never get Along?" he says, his usual Self, despite his Hilarious Side... he hangs upside down from the Loop that was holding the chandelier, and releases falling to a more eye-level, before turning rightside up, and floating apon his wings.

"It is, however, Nice to see you Both... My Young Friends.." he says... retaining his old, disturbingly friendly personality, which is as Warming as it is Offputting..

Regardless.. he was once the single most Powerful of the Generals, and believed to have been stronger then the Overlord... But now, he is lucky to be Stronger then a Minion.. cuz he sure as hell is Shorter...

(He would of Had at-least somewhat friendly Relationship with all the other Generals, i would think, but up to ya'll)
Day had his eyes closed, and then opened them.

"You claim wisdom with age, but then you argue with pointless words?"

He shook his head. "For a being of such age, you act a mortal, and that makes me fear Immortality more than anything I've heard before."

"Even if that woman is so small she is but a wavelength of light in a dot of ink of the mural of reality, those who can pay attention to each of those dots and find their meaning in the whole know more than you ever will." He shifted the chair back, relaxing, comfortable, while the demon fumbled to his eyes. "I am suggesting that to understand infinity, you must understand what it is made of. If you would only think in infinite terms, your mind is just as restricted as if you think in only finite terms. And you appear to ignore the finite."

He now smiled.

"I said that immortality was wasted on you, and now you neatly prove my point." His head tilted to one side, "Azreal, If immortality begets you everything, why is it that you have nothing?" He tapped his arm. "Bound to a mortal form, so weak you must use your scythe to walk."

His old, green eyes searched the other figure for some sign of understanding, but he couldn't find it.

He just shook his head. "You don't understand your own Immortality."

Then he turned to the being that had made itself known. He smiled.

"Ah, a reasonable face, greetings friend."
"No I look at the finite for far to long, it was taxing and boring. The fact that you think I don't understand my Immortality is funny, when you have never had it." Azreal looked up to see and old 'friend' he began to laugh.

"It looks like its not only me that is weakened here, you as so adorable you know that. Like a pint sized evil chef. And to prove my point and other who is as old as I, his boredom is so profound that he has taken up cooking to pass the time. In truth he is still looking for a muse. With immortality comes let downs. And the greatest one is you can never have enough. But me and him, we have done everything. I find this organization fun." Azreal started to laugh so much he almost fell over.

"Well Master Chef, we are both in what seems like a interesting situation. Plus who are you calling old. If I clearly remember we settle this debate eons ago." completely ignoring the accountant.

(It is fixed, :P )
The floating Miniscule demon lord chuckles at the argument.. looking at day "You both need to realize, you both are right, and Wrong. Just as there are Many of us, there are Many ways to View Eternity, Small and large. what one may consider useless and trivial.." he turns to the other.. "Another may find vitally Important... But our differences is ONE reason we all worked so well before. Different opinions, Different skills, Different Views." he says, flying over, and seems to focus on a far wall, as he continues. "I personally find it best to simply keep Busy, regardless of how long you have in Existence.... being by far the most ancient being here.." a fact he likes to point out, quite alot..".. and formally most powerful, I can tell you a simple truth... Eternity with nothing to do is BORING..." he says, removing a brick, and releasing a audible chuckle. "Do i know how to Hide fine Wine or what?" he says, pulling out a Bottle from his secret Spot, now 100 years more precious then before.... "Speaking of my Hobbies.. My Mustachio'd Man, Have you had a chance to see in how bad a state my Kitchen is in? I "fear" to look myself..." he says to Day, floating back to the table, his mood still as disturbingly positive as Ever.

(Edit:i wrote then before God-Emperor replied, sorry if some stuff doesn't Sync up right. gonna comb through it now.)

(Edit 2: it's Spelled Chef. Chief is something else entirely!)
"You should come down here and share some of that wine, this body didn't hold up so well and is a bit dry from not moving in over 100 years." Azreal produced a cup from his robes, and a small one just the right size for the pint size Lord.
Daedemomorfon turned his head back and fourth slowly, he was utterly aghast. How could a being who is so old be so moronic, it is as if it is unable to learn from anything.

But he held his tongue in check.

"You don't understand it yourself, our friend here is right." Day said finally, to Azreal. "If immortality is eternal, then time is meaningless, and things that exist within worlds bound by time, our reality, no longer matter. Yet you cling to these, like any mortal does to its mother's teat. You've learned nothing from your time alive but arrogance and pride."

He continued, walking down the hall.

"While what little power of strength I ever held was weakened, Azreal, but i'm not the one with a wounded pride."

He shook his head, turning past Azreal.

"No, I've come from the store-rooms. "I've yet to assess the full structural damage of the tower." He said now to the other presence, his swift feet taking him past that as well.

He finally reached the threshold of the hall, turning into the cooridoor to escape that fool Azreal, after all, he had more important things to do.

The kitchens really did need a surveying, and he would return by the time the rest of the generals were back, he was sure. He smiled to himself, if Azreal was so prideful as to follow him to continue his pointless, foolish argument, he would burst out laughing.

He strode confidently down the hallway, surveying the walls, trying to remember the layout of the tower. I pity Azreal, unable to learn from eternity. What an impediment. What a fool.
"Well that was entertaining." Azreal still trying to stifle his laughter, put his head through the shadow of the table to come out of the wall near Day.

"Just so you know I find it fun bothering you its, entertaining watching you scurry like an ant with a mission." Back at the hall Azreal put the top end of his scythe through the shadow on the floor.

"And so you know I really don't like people with 0 experience talking about their theory on how to spend one's immortality. I would appreciate if you didn't speak out of turn again when the adults begin to talk." As a scythe appeared and cut another chandeleir of the ceiling behind Day.

Coming back out of the table Azreal addressed the mini Lord "We have some things to talk about don't we." Azreal was still laughing profusely when he said this,
Before Azreal was able to complete his grand show, Day burst out laughing, even as the second Chandelier came crashing down, he couldn't stop. He adopted a patronizing tone as Azreal started to try and dissapear. "Oh, so the little cheerleader's feelings are hurt, and he throws a tantrum. Going through you're first period?"

Then the shape was gone.

He laughed even louder now. "Azreal must be compensating for something. Hes acting like a rebel boy going through puberty."

He came across a door, and stopped, trying to remember its contents.

Now he remembered, the hives were down in the labs. He frowned. If the hives have failed...
The Miniature Lord lands Near His old Friend from Hell, and.. is visibally struggling with the Cork" I've devoured Worlds, turns Moons into Suns, and Suns into BAGELS.." he complains" But One busted Portal, and i can't open a Bottle!"

He grunts, giving up, stepping back, and points at the Cork, which shoots into the air. "Atleast that works... and Mab said a power devoted to opening bottles was a waste!"

he says, turning back to his friend, to respond " I suppose we do, I didn't see hide Nor Hair of you in the Nether, What happened?" he says, pointing at a piece of rubble on the table, causing it to Shatter, and reform into a stone cup. "I could of really Used the Distraction. or Day's Help, the Economic Meetings of my Realm are Such a Bore... even when you can be in multiple places at once."he says, starting conversation with the other Otherworldly Being.
"Me, I was laying low. I lost my whole collection, and now I just lost it again. It back in the Nether and I can't get it here. But really it was just a vacation really. You should try one its relaxing." Azreal poured himself some wine and drank plentifully.

"All of that inter-Demon war stuff was getting old. So whats really with the size, it makes you look adorable."
"Unlike you, you lucky Jerk, I need a constant connection to my True self, Back in the Nether... and the Gateway to this World is.... in disrepair. " he says, pointing at the bottle, and makes a portion of the fluid inside to spout out into his cup, without spilling any. "It's like a old Pipe, the more Gunk and rust, the less water comes through." he explains, sipping his cup.
"Hey I am just as weakened as you percent wise, just because I am bound not connected doesn't mean that is better, if anything your the lucky Jerk as you have retained a majority of your knowledge and all of your powers they were only weakened. I still have to maintain a small connection to the other worlds so as to maintain balance of the dead and dying. Leaving me with a half formed body." Azreal realizes that the chair below him is sopping wet from the wine he drank, as he doesn't have anything to hold it in. "You see what I mean, its aggravating. And I still have to keep my collection alive."
"I would not worry About them, They have been.. residing in my Kingdom... kind of Boring without you around, tho... mostly they just eat all my fine cheeses..." he says, mixing information with a joke..
"Really, now why would you do such a nice thing for me? As you must now know what they are, why would you keep them around and safe?" Azreal put the cups that he took out from his cloak away and folded his gloved hands as the little Lord walked about on the table as they spoke.

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