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Fantasy Outsiders

"Kim..." I replied back as she walked back in. I raised my eyebrow then shrugged. I looked back down from the roof. "Here goes... Crazy person." I mumbled to myself. I walked over to the edge, about to jump off.
As Diann made it outside, she realized that it was getting very dark very quickly. As she ran past the middle of the courtyard, she turned herself invisible, then stopped running. Time to go home, I guess, she said to herself. She clenched her right hand into a fist and continued running. Her "home" was a small cabin in a nearby forest that she had built (with the help of beavers from a nearby pond).
As I fall, I slowly lower myself, using the flames that is under my feet. I spread my arms as if I'm keeping my balance. The flames go on and off as I slowly lower myself. "Slow and... Steady, Kim... One wron-" I somehow managed to screw it up and fell on the ground, landing on my bum. "Ow..."
When Diann actually made it home, she immediately slammed the door and slid against it. A black cat that had probably gotten in through a window paced towards her, paws making a soft tapping noise against the wooden floor. It jumped into Diann's lap and meowed questioningly. Diann caressed its head, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, something happened. You'll never believe it though!" She laughed as the cat tilted its head. It let out a few meows and Diann responded, "Yeah, I socialized. Surprising, right?"
Kira took one last look at the school.

Fire? My god that idiot is going to burn the school down.

Kira quickly headed home, only to find her house empty. Must be somewhere. She locked the doors and went into the kitchen to eat some leftover baked Mac and cheese. As she was eating she texted Gigi and asked her where she was.

No reply, that's strange. No matter I'll just go to bed.

Kira went downstairs into her room in the basement. She curled up in her sheets and slowly fell asleep.
I looked down,finding myself just sitting on my book. I stood, grabbing the book. "Nice going, Kim..." I looked up, noticing it's getting dark. "Here I go..." I started walking, putting my headphones on.
Diann yawned. She giggled slightly as the cat did as well.

"Well, I'm tired. I think I'll try to go to bed now," she told the kitty. She went to the far right of the room where her bed was. Every part of it was hand-made by Diann: pillows were made with cloth she'd made with cotton and stuffed with feathers she found and washed, the blanket was a quilt she'd woven with yarn (she manages to get a contract now and again to get money), the mattress was made the same way as the pillows, and the bed frame was made with large branches she found, sawed, and screwed together.

The cat curled up next to her on the bed. She got under the blanket and fell into a restless sleep.
Kira awoke up in cold sweat.

No, just a dream. Yet it was so realistic.

She pulled the covers close and shuddered. Gigi and Wendy were still not home.

What if the dream is real? What if demons really have Gigi and Wendy hostage. Would I give up control of my power in return for their safety?

Kira cried. Everything was just too real.

I need their help, I need to contact the other hunters.
Diann almost never got enough sleep. Even six years later she kept having the same nightmare: her parents and sister jumping off a bridge to their deaths. Sometimes when she did get enough sleep, her day would be plagued with images of her drowning instead. It's no surprise that she has a fear of deep water.
I looked back at the school, then continue to walk.I went back to my house. I left the lights off as I head to my room, lying on my bed. I looked out the window, just listening to my music.
Una nodded to the girl who spoke and headed hone as it became dark. Russell stood in waiting.

"Una, it seems ive taken you to an unsafe place.. not so nurturing. I had a vision of a greater foe."

Una chuckled "im not leaving. And gramps, you sound straight out of an action movie."

The man chuckled and pulled out the futon. Una laid down on it and watched him.

"I suppose youre right, child.. but your objectives changed. You will still socialize. But contact found hunters immediately. Good night.. your first job begins tomorrow."
I was in a trance, being relaxed on my bed with music on when I thought I just saw something just flying past by my window. I blinked, wondering what it was. I ignored it, hoping it's just some flying squirrel.
As she laid down, still in her bed, and Russell had fallen asleep she felt an icy energy in the air.


"Go take care of it. Be back before morning or Ill find you." He called out, knowingly. Una nodded, putting on her black sneakers and dark grey shorts with an orange and red striped long sleeve shirt. A bit halloween looking but it was what she had out of some obscure outfits and a uniform until she goes shopping tomorrow.

She ran outside and followed the "trace" of cold energy she felt, grumbling silently about how she wasn't going to get paid for this as usual. Of course, this was not classified as a known or famed Demon or she would known about it.. maybe not a demon at all.. maybe her senses were tricking her again.
Kira stood up and paced back and forth across her room.

What if it's just a dream? Then calling them will be a waste of time, but still.

She picked up her phone, then put it down.

What am I thinking? I don't even know their numbers.

Kira sighed and flopped onto her bed. Again thoughts of Gigi and Wendy getting hurt crossed her mind, and she let herself fall into another wave of tears.
I could hear the tapping noise outside, even through my headphones. I frowned, sitting up. I sat next to my window, opening it. I poke my head out the window, looking around. I try to see who was fooling around outside my bedroom window.
Seeing a girl with deep purple hair look out her window as she was running by, Una stopped short. Her eyes met the others in slight fear. How many white haired teens could live in the area? She would get caught fast like this.

"Shhh.. say nothing about seeing me.. alright?" She said just loud enough for the girl to hear. A huntef? Held the same energy. A warm kind.
I looked around, then looked down to see someone just passing by. I blinked in surprise, but when she told me 'Say nothing about seeing me' I raised my eyebrow. "Ookay..." I glanced around. I squint my eyes as if I felt like I saw something from a distance.
She looks in the direction the other girl was glancing and thought of Russells words. Well, she could use a hand if needed. Seeing as a diverse pair would make taking it down easier, she took a chance.

"Or follow. You know what im after it seems."
"Oh... Sure. I guess I could help out." I sat on the window sill, looking down. I climbed out, leaving my stuff on my bed. I closed the window with one hand, before jumping down, using my power to make the fall less painful.
"Fire hm..? Id take notes but i havent paper." She joked before motioning the girl to follow and sprinting off in the direction of the suspected demon. "Hmm how big do you suspect?"
I chuckled as I followed her. I looked ahead, "Let's see... I just hope it's not as big as that wolf from earlier..." I looked ahead, "What kind of demon is it?" I glanced at her as I continue to run.
Una smiled back, thinking of a wolf demon. Ah, so they are quite infested, hm? Sounds like a busy job to come.

"Energy is really cold. Feels above the ground. Some giant ice nird, probably." She offered.

When trees came in sight, she jumped on branches to gain height.
The demon resembled a bat, the size of a large man with midnight to black fur and no eyes. It flapped above them looking like it was screaming, but instead of sound, frost grew on tree limbs, breaking and falling. The sound waves, though seeming absent, were painful.

"Aaahh. Crap, not bird. Bat. Geez im getting rusty.. and sapping the trees or demon wont work. Ill shoot him down and you burn." They shouldnt do well against fire.

Her hands lit up, and light rolled through her arms, barely visable through sleeves. Faint beams that rippled vision slightly flew from her palms and toward the demon... once twice... third time hit a wing.

Una panted lightly from expelling and stood in preperation for mistake
"Alright then..." I looked up at the demon, being my in stance. I froze a little as my hands slowly starts to burn, aiming for the demon. "Come on, little bat. Even though you're not really... little..." I mumbled. As it fall, I sprinted. I stopped myself as I shoot off a ball of flaming fire, it heads straight for the bat.

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