Out of Tower Chat

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Oh, fresh blood new friends?

I won't mind the crossed out parts......

*backs away to continue preparing cs*
Rantos said:
It doesn't have a choice. So help me I will fill it with NPCs if I have too!
Just so you know, Cerberus will get smited if he even tries to insert Helios in the harem xD

But I'm sure you didn't think about that...
It's a one man harem.

Ran would have killed the competition.

For Helios will only belong to him...
Resident Harem Owner said to have murdered for his Senpai!? A man of many romances found to be a Yandere!? What a twist! Read it about it in this special edition of ToG News!
Helios is interested in making Illiam join FUG. I'm sure Cerberus wouldn't harm/kill Illiam for that though...unless he gets jelous or something...
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If Ran feels that Illiam is stepping on his territory (Helios) there will be war.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Azure Sky, master of words, turning Rantos's own characters against each other.

Naw man. From the start I had planed for Ran to break Illiam's arm at some point or another.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]For some reason, I sense a lot of misunderstanings between those 2.

Rantos said:
Naw man. From the start I had planed for Ran to break Illiam's arm at some point or another.
Or cut it off and cause Illiam to replace it and become a Living Ignition Weapon (} :) )
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Or cut it off and cause Illiam to replace it and become a Living Ignition Weapon (} :) )

You mad genius!
Rantos said:
Kinda like this: Helios takes an interest in Illiam, which makes Cerberus jelous. Illiam desires to fight Helios to test his limits. Cerberus misunderstands and belives he wants to get chummy with Helios. Ran confronts Illiam. Illiam misunderstands and belives Cerberus wants to get in the way of his fights. Resulting in both of them beliving they are rivals.

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