Out of Tower Chat

pbtenchi said:
@Azure Sky Could you catch me up on the story so far?
We are rping this at a slow pace so nothing much happened. Illiam (Irregular) opened the gates and took Headon's test. He is given some last-minute help by Helios, and manages to pass. Meanwhile Tok and Seefie are fighting on the 2nd Floor, with Osin and Nyra currently watching from afar hidden in the grass (although Tok threw the body of an unconscious Regular at them, out of the mountain of bodies of weak Regulars which he defeated). Sel is currently somewhere else, searching for new 'playmates'.
I feel like I saw something strange in this OOC, but for the life of me I don't have the slightest idea what it might be.
OverconfidentMagi said:
I feel like I saw something strange in this OOC, but for the life of me I don't have the slightest idea what it might be.
It's ok. You'll get used to it, as long as you simply don't question it. Because really...it's pointless to question it xD
Rantos said:
@QuirkyAngel just felt like telling you. But I had to change Ran's pick up line that he used on the clerk. The original was "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put your D in my A."
^Watch out for RPN rules. Although I guess a moderator told you that as well xD

No worries. This is a casual rp and our characters are just getting to know each other. Just give me whatever you got and I'll give something back =)
Will do. But I'm not incredibly picky. As long as your post is readable and your characters are doing something, that's good enough for me.

If I really have no idea how to respond, I'll tell you. Then we can brainstorm :P
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]My everything hurts. Why can't caffeine take away the sleep deprivation pains, too ;~;

Did you try using the belt?

The belt works wonders.
I think you guys are misunderstanding something. Tok didn't kill the weak Regulars. They are... barely alive!
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]i'm trying to decide right now if i should make sweatshirt menace an irregular or not like aaaAHHH

I think that would be cool.

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]W-what exactly do I do with the leather belt?

For making leather belt soup... duh!
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]I don't even like soup! Or leather!

Your gonna learn to like it boy!

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