Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]Frying Pan: -Makes fapping noises while eggs are cooking-

Get your mind out of the gutter little girl!
another slightly small question. If weapons were related, do they still use each other as efficiently as a weapon and a meister? Even though blood relatives, would their weapons be similar, or could they be different?
Kaine said:
If weapons were related, do they still use each other as efficiently as a weapon and a meister? Even though blood relatives, would their weapons be similar, or could they be different?
The lore page is posted now and it goes slightly in to detail on this. A Bond Meister is a person who wields a weapon they are biologically related to. All abilites are open to them, but they are technically weaker because if two characters are biologically related, then their souls don't need to be compatible in order for them to wield one another.
[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]MAKE ME BOTTLE NOSE

You want to make me go Homer Simpson on your ass, Short Round?!
[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]Get goin' with it! Fish Breath!

Why you little!

AnnoDomini said:
Yup. Notice the clean and smooth graphic.
I haven't seen the movie in a few years and I could recognize that one
DaughterofAthena said:
The lore page is posted now and it goes slightly in to detail on this. A Bond Meister is a person who wields a weapon they are biologically related to. All abilites are open to them, but they are technically weaker because if two characters are biologically related, then their souls don't need to be compatible in order for them to wield one another.
:0 i will go check it out. That makes sense its kind of like strengths and weaknesses. A pair compliment each others strengths and weaknesses and that makes them strong, So for two weapons they would essentially have the same strengths and weaknesses making them overall weaker. Still might be an interesting concept. Are there currently any PCs who are dual weapons without a meister? Would you be opposed to two players doing this?
Kaine said:
Are there currently any PCs who are dual weapons without a meister? Would you be opposed to two players doing this?
We used to have a pair of characters that were dual weapons. They are now inactive for... unfortunate reasons. I would not be opposed to it.
DaughterofAthena said:
We used to have a pair of characters that were dual weapons. They are now inactive for... unfortunate reasons. I would not be opposed to it.
Okay :D I'll talk it over with backlash when he gets home. He'll be the person i make a character with. But we have significant amount of planning and discussing to do. If we have any questions im sure he'll be in here ranting xD

On another note. Your lore thread is amazingly well organized and easy to read. Its awesome :3
Kaine said:
Okay :D I'll talk it over with backlash when he gets home. He'll be the person i make a character with. But we have significant amount of planning and discussing to do. If we have any questions im sure he'll be in here ranting xD
On another note. Your lore thread is amazingly well organized and easy to read. Its awesome :3
Most of the credit for that coding goes to @Pariah Stark actually, but thank you!
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]Lol, I love how many Easter Eggs I've edited in. I'm not for sure if anyone has caught them yet...

Haha... I found one. *Evil glare*

Anyway, I don't believe the aftermath is done yet and I really want to write something for Warren. Is there anyone who would want to collaborate something between their character and Warren?
@Arkytior @DaughterofAthena OK much more complicated question. Been talking to backlash and we've been throwing ideas back and forth. Heres a question that neither of us could answer and i think it falls under mod's discrection. What keeps a person in a bloodline of weapons, without getting the bloodline themselves, from becoming a Meister. Wouldn't this make them an ideal candidate? They would already have the genetics for sensing and/or seeing souls and all that goes along with the school.

Second question. While a Bond meister can use a sibling right off the bat, could they not go through the training in order to use their weapon as well a standard meister? This is more in regards to making a character who can turn into a weapon, and then a family member who cant.(didnt inherit the traits) It seems like their souls would be compatable unless just absolutely hate said sibling/family.

Third question: What is the age limit, everone is age 13-20. Would it be so weird for a meister to be older? Or want to learn later in life? Or maybe too, you know, protect and teach his kids? Lol
Kaine said:
What keeps a person in a bloodline of weapons, without getting the bloodline themselves, from becoming a Meister. Wouldn't this make them an ideal candidate? They would already have the genetics for sensing and/or seeing souls and all that goes along with the school.
Weapons, in theory, can't see souls. Yes, we have broken this rule somewhat, but being in a bloodline of weapons doesn't mean you automatically can see souls. A person from a family of weapons can be passed up by the trait of transforming into a weapon and that could lead them to become a meister instead.
Kaine said:
While a Bond meister can use a sibling right off the bat, could they not go through the training in order to use their weapon as well a standard meister? This is more in regards to making a character who can turn into a weapon, and then a family member who cant.(didnt inherit the traits) It seems like their souls would be compatable unless just absolutely hate said sibling/family.
Yes. A Bond Meister can also be a regular meister, if and only if they are NOT a weapon. Alexander Traynor is an example of this although his cs hasn't been moved to the HP yet.
Kaine said:
Third question: What is the age limit, everone is age 13-20. Would it be so weird for a meister to be older? Or want to learn later in life? Or maybe too, you know, protect and teach his kids? Lol
The DWMA is meant to be a highschool - ish environment. I'd rather not break that too much because it might really mess with the atmosphere.
Kaine said:
@Arkytior @DaughterofAthena OK much more complicated question. Been talking to backlash and we've been throwing ideas back and forth. Heres a question that neither of us could answer and i think it falls under mod's discrection. What keeps a person in a bloodline of weapons, without getting the bloodline themselves, from becoming a Meister. Wouldn't this make them an ideal candidate? They would already have the genetics for sensing and/or seeing souls and all that goes along with the school.
Second question. While a Bond meister can use a sibling right off the bat, could they not go through the training in order to use their weapon as well a standard meister? This is more in regards to making a character who can turn into a weapon, and then a family member who cant.(didnt inherit the traits) It seems like their souls would be compatable unless just absolutely hate said sibling/family.

Third question: What is the age limit, everone is age 13-20. Would it be so weird for a meister to be older? Or want to learn later in life? Or maybe too, you know, protect and teach his kids? Lol
I'm not a mod, but I'm pretty mechanically inclined and very-well versed in the Lore.

As for your first question, it's shown in the manga that the weapon genes are normally recessive or dominant. The protagonist, Maka, is actually a Weapon/Meister Hybrid. Her weapon genes are recessive so it wasn't known that she could manifest the gene. The real complication with Hybrids comes down to a few factors. First and foremost, most Weapons that hone their skills in a similar fashion to Meisters work alone as Autonomous Weapons. They "self-resonate" and create various techniques with themselves in lieu of Soul Force. Secondly, it's implied that weapon-on-weapon wielding often doesn't work whatsoever with the exception of Bond Meisters, which is why its such a big plot point that the Thompson Sisters can wield each other. In theory, Fire and Thunder could do the same thing. For instance, you likely wouldn't see Soul being wielded by Tsubaki even though Tsubaki likely has weapons training due to her Clan Heritage. This reason ties into the fact that the different skills of Weapons and Meisters - while very similar - are trained for in different ways, and that training basically dictates where they're going to get stronger as a person. Instead of viewing it as Weapon or Meister, lets view them both as Humans. A Human with the potential to become a Weapon can train to either be a Weapon or Meister, but some aspects of that training are going to only apply to a certain facet of that "field" they have chosen. Strictly, the rule regarding Soul Perception has been broken quite a bit in the RP. In every other aspect, it's important to remember the basic function of a weapon. They vastly amplify another wavelength and then train to make said amplification stronger or more effective in a certain way, so for instance a Meister and Weapon will always be stronger than a duo of Autonomous Weapons because their Soul Resonance will be stronger than any self-resonance between the Autonomous Weapons. The only potential catch here might be if the two Autonomous Weapons were capable of Soul Synchronization, but that's an advanced-level Meister ability that even canon characters like Justin Law never showed and even then would be at Moderator discretion.

The aforementioned paragraph should give mechanical insight into this. As Athena said, a Bond Meister can train as a regular Meister, but their Bond (the proper term for the resonance between family members) will never be as strong as that of a regular Weapon/Meister Resonance. This is because Resonance is empowered by two distinctly different Wavelengths pairing up and family members form bonds because of their naturally similar wavelengths. Because the disparity between them is lesser, the amplification from Soul Resonance can never be the same. In every other respect, though, a Hybrid Meister - like Xander technically is - could train with a regular Weapon and gain the same level of strength as any Meister. Again, Maka from the canon is a prime example of this.

I simply wanted to offer significantly more depth since it appears you guys were discussing this among yourselves. :P I'm more of a third wheel than an official source.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Weapons, in theory, can't see souls. Yes, we have broken this rule somewhat, but being in a bloodline of weapons doesn't mean you automatically can see souls. A person from a family of weapons can be passed up by the trait of transforming into a weapon and that could lead them to become a meister instead.
Seeing them all the time i understand. A meister could learn to see them in time, even if it wasn't their strong point? As a weapon bloodline without the ability to transform, would they be ok without being able to see souls? I see were the skill would definitely be handy, but is it a necessity.

DaughterofAthena said:
Yes. A Bond Meister can also be a regular meister, if and only if they are NOT a weapon. Alexander Traynor is an example of this although his cs hasn't been moved to the HP yet.
:0 Yeah thats what i was asking. so thats awesome.

DaughterofAthena said:
The DWMA is meant to be a highschool - ish environment. I'd rather not break that too much because it might really mess with the atmosphere.
Hmm ok. understandable. So there is no role for a mid thirties character that would be using a highschool aged weapon? Thought id ask still. haha Highschoolers it is.

On a side note, i appreciate all the time youve spent to answer questions. I really appreciate it.

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