Out of Soul Chat

*switches nomming to mongoose ear*
Coding. >.< Erp. Dun wanna code... But yet I wanna code. Why. Bleh.
*Rolls around.*

See, you like the accomplishment and the satisfaction of having done BBCoding, but it's just very time consuming and is so finicky, that you don't actually enjoy doing it.
; A ; Bbcode is mind controlling you!
*Rolls around.*

See, you like the accomplishment and the satisfaction of having done BBCoding, but it's just very time consuming and is so finicky, that you don't actually enjoy doing it.
Hmmm... You have a good point. *frees self from fluff ball*

I had a job interview that I think went really well and I should hear back towards the end of next week I think on that.
*lays on back and paws at mama duck* Great news! Hope it turns out well for you! =^-^=
I have been fairly good. I had a job interview that I think went really well and I should hear back towards the end of next week I think on that. Other than that, I've been working a lot and I go back to school again on Monday after a week off.
*Is blinded* AAAGH! Her future! It's so bright!

Hmmm... You have a good point. *frees self from fluff ball*

*lays on back and paws at mama duck* Great news! Hope it turns out well for you! =^-^=
Quick! Bathe in the waters of HTML!

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