Out of Soul Chat

 @CelticHero37 At one point a brief while back in the OOC, there was mention of Aiko maybe pairing up with the twins in State of Souls. Is that still being considered or no?

Aye, I brought it up. After all, Erica and Aiko were partners before the 'incident' and originally we were doing the Aiko + twins combo. ^^;; I'm not picky so I just left room if someone else wanted in as a meister or weapon. 
Aye, I brought it up. After all, Erica and Aiko were partners before the 'incident' and originally we were doing the Aiko + twins combo. ^^;; I'm not picky so I just left room if someone else wanted in as a meister or weapon. 

Aight. I shall wait and see what Celtic thinks of the idea. 
Aight. I shall wait and see what Celtic thinks of the idea. 

@CelticHero37 has no choice. In the animal world as much as Celtic denies it, Ferrets are the kings compared to Mongoose so therefore I get to say what the Mongoose gets to do. 

@DaughterofAthena, yes. I guess I kinda just assumed it was a thing. However, @Hanarei, what authority do you have to speak on the animal world? Ferrets allowed themselves to become pet captives to humans. Now I understand that and it's not necessarily a bad thing, but when that happened, they gave up their claim to the kinging of the jungle. Mongoose is king of jungle. Ferret is king of house.
@DaughterofAthena, yes. I guess I kinda just assumed it was a thing. However, @Hanarei, what authority do you have to speak on the animal world? Ferrets allowed themselves to become pet captives to humans. Now I understand that and it's not necessarily a bad thing, but when that happened, they gave up their claim to the kinging of the jungle. Mongoose is king of jungle. Ferret is king of house.

Anyone getting a Warriors vibe with this Ferret V. Mongoose crap? Anyone?
@Xena Please do not post in a mission thread asking if there is room. Any questions you have should be asked in the OOC (which is here... this thread). Before you can join any mission prompt in this roleplay, you have to make a character thread using the following application: 

Then your character has to be approved by me (via PM) and then you can apply to join a mission on this forum: https://www.rpnation.com/forum/836-mission-request-board/ . 

@Rantos As soon as I'm done with this mission, I am going to go open a mission prompt and open a spot in one other mission prompt. You're welcome to sign up for one of those (there will be one spot in State of Souls and Sand Dunes and Nightmares will be completely open). Otherwise, any thread here: https://www.rpnation.com/forum/855-ic-threads/ with the tag "Location" on it is open although most people are out on mission right now. I have a few characters free who I could send to interact with you if you wanted to post in a location thread to start off though. 

@Hanarei @CelticHero37 At one point a brief while back in the OOC, there was mention of Aiko maybe pairing up with the twins in State of Souls. Is that still being considered or no?

Thank you very much!
Anyone getting a Warriors vibe with this Ferret V. Mongoose crap? Anyone?

Crap, did you say?!

Excuse me, are you trying to say both Ferrets and Mongoose are crap? @CelticHero37 We can't allow him to do such a thing! Lets get 'em! 

@HanareiSuch an offense on shall not be tolerated! Mongooses and Ferrets unite!

Hold on, back up, wait five minutes-* chugs water* Ahem, YOU SHOULD BOTH SETTLE THIS IN SMASH.

>.> Smash... the dreaded degrader of college gaming clubs. <.< ...I better get Fox.
* ^ * Hrm...do u play it on wii or 3ds?

Well, I don't really get much chance to play it any more.  I just played it a lot when I was part of gaming club at my previous college, which eventually turned into a big Smash competition community. Our gaming club basically evolved into the biggest smash competition community in the area, but then I kinda dropped out of it because of girl issues and lack of free time.

I don't have a wii or 3ds of my own.
Well, I don't really get much chance to play it any more.  I just played it a lot when I was part of gaming club at my previous college, which eventually turned into a big Smash competition community. Our gaming club basically evolved into the biggest smash competition community in the area, but then I kinda dropped out of it because of girl issues and lack of free time.

; - ; Ah. Okey dokey den, mah boi.
Yeah, I used to be decent on the competitive scene, but then I left and didn't have any way to practice. So now I'm kinda rusty. I could still jump in and own someone who's new or someone who sucks, but It'd take some practice to recalibrate myself.

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