Out of Soul Chat

No worries, I don't believe in getting offended, just didn't want to condone that on the off chance I was talking to a person that would actually do it.

Pfft. Yeah. Like the guy who eats Doritos while typing on a roleplay site would actually get off his lazy butt and attack people for no reason xD
Ah, I can't wait to make my post now. I doubt Nicholaus would be so eager to send out his kids if he knew Grace was a killer :P So the DWMA must've kept all that stuff under wraps, huh?
@DaughterofAthena I was thinking about how Erica would react when Aiko showed up and then got another question. What ever hapened to Keziah? Cause if she had a bad end, I think Grace wouldn't have heard and then be devastated when she does.
Oh, okay. She already has a weapon then, I assume. Correct? I'm just trying to think how the sisters will react to these situations, since it could be kinda awkward.

Keziah has been working with Warren although it's definitely not a permanent partnership. They tolerate each other and that is about it. 
By the way, heads up @Hanarei, because Erica is probably gonna act really strange when Aiko shows up.

Ah... yeah... gotcha... don't worry even Aiko is going to be a bit awkward despite her normal self. The awkwardness levels will be real. Awkwardness coming soon to your local mission thread. :P  
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We will get high voltage levels of awkwardness going on, though in a much different way. :P
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How strange? Like shy strange or crazy strange?

More shy awkward, shy as in, "who are you?" awkward and pretending she's new and her name's not Erica. Things of that kind that might actually hurt people's feelings.

Ah... yeah... gotcha... don't worry even Aiko is going to be a bit awkward despite her normal self. The awkwardness levels will be real. Awkwardness coming soon to your local mission thread. :P  


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