Out of Soul Chat



me rn
So who's out and about with the actual mission to catch our little imp? And what are the chances of crossing paths for them momentarily to pass some info along?


I don't know how I would make crossing paths work because I can't link threads. I would like each thread to have a coherent story within each thread and that's hard to do if we have people jumping back and forth. 
If we just need to get the imp's sighting at the ice cream shop to the team... What if you brought one of the shop's employees in...? Like they were complaning about it or trying to tell other people and one pair overhears or something...? That way a player character wouldn't be thread jumping but instead an npc that doesn't affect the story as much...?? I don't really see why it would have to be the members of that mission that pass on the information to the imp catchers, when there are npc's that can do that and possibly skip some confusion...
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If we just need to get the imp's sighting at the ice cream shop to the team... What if you brought one of the shop's employees in...? Like they were complaning about it or trying to tell other people and one pair overhears or something...? That way a player character wouldn't be thread jumping but instead an npc that doesn't affect the story as much...?? I don't really see why it would have to be the members of that mission that pass on the information to the imp catchers, when there are npc's that can do that and possibly skip some confusion...

Getting a pair to the ice cream shop and having them see what happened is definitely in the plans. There will still be people there. I'm just not planning any direct interaction between the PCs of the two missions. 

Hi there! I noticed you requested to join earlier today. I approved you and I'm sorry I didn't say hi earlier. As you've probably realized, the rp is a bit of a mess at the moment. I'm currently seeking the motivation to fix up a lot of our pages and in the meantime, you really don't have to try to read all the code mess of information. 

The character skeleton page should be clean enough. 

Feel free to ask any questions you might have as well! I'm usually around to answer and my ducks @QuirkyAngel and @Hanarei are also able to help. We have a Duck Squad GM team here. It's pretty fun! 
@DaughterofAthena Hey-hey. Athena... Mama duck... Question.

Is there anything we are currently lacking or short on meister/weapon wise? 

I've been debating on making/wanting to make another character for a long while now...

And I've actually finally got enough of a character idea to attempt it... I just can't decide meister or weapon so xD
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@DaughterofAthena Hey-hey. Athena... Mama duck... Question.

Is there anything we are currently lacking or short on meister/weapon wise? 

I've been debating on/wanting to making another character for a long while now...

And I've actually finally got enough of a character idea to attempt it... I just can't decide meister or weapon so xD

I can't honestly say I've tallied them up in a while, to be honest. I think we're fairly even at the moment because everyone who wants a partner seems to have one. 

I'm not sure if @Exanis is seeking a partner. He comes to mind as being partnerless - weaponless technically. 

Beyond that, I may be missing a couple people, but I think all the active members have partners if they desire them. 
I can't honestly say I've tallied them up in a while, to be honest. I think we're fairly even at the moment because everyone who wants a partner seems to have one. 

I'm not sure if @Exanis is seeking a partner. He comes to mind as being partnerless - weaponless technically. 

Beyond that, I may be missing a couple people, but I think all the active members have partners if they desire them. 

Makes sense. ^-^ Just figured I'd check to see if yeh knew first before I went ahead and decided either way.

I'll just keep slowly working on the new one in the background for now. ^^ Maybe I'll figure out what I want to do with 'em in the process. :P  

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