Out Of Character

Well thanks.

I guess I'll do a roll-call to see who all is still here and ready to go ahead. If we have everyone, we have 14 members. That means two and a half teams so I'll have to get two more people before hitting the Emerald Forest. Luckily I think I have two people that I could bring in.

So who all is here?

@Happy Red Mage @Fluffykitty9000 @rooke @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Wolfcoon @TheTipsyBard14 @The Unamed Neko @Quiet @Ensig @Scarlatina @The Fabulous Emerald @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @Qro

Well I think we have enough for 3 teams now as it stands. I'll hold out a little longer just to make sure though. Don't want anyone to be left out.
Obviously I'd like to start as soon as possible, but yeah, with a lot of people busy for Christmas or whatever it might not be realistic to start before then. (Boxing Day is the 26th btw for the people like me who hadn't heard of it.)
I'm fine whenever (other than Christmas and Christmas Eve, of course), so if people want to wait then that's fine by me.
If most of the thread is gone over the holidays then we'll end up waiting one way or the other anyway.

I'll try to think up some kind of side activity for those of us that are here and bored over the holidays. We'll start the Emerald Forest once everyone is here and ready.
@Ensig[SIZE= 12px] I envy your formatting skills. I really wish the site never changed so I could have still been moderately okay.[/SIZE]
Why must they take the things we love.

Well, to be fair, BBCode tended to mutate every time I edited it, eventually making the whole thing unusable (this could be circumvented by splicing the new bits into copied old-versions of the code, though)... It was like weird tumors popped up in the code every so often, which took surgical precision and focus to take care of. Now, the code doesn't do that, and I've taken to using <div>s just about everywhere. Lots and lots of <div>s.
Man I wish @Ensig your girl could meet one of my characters XD. One of my guys actually believes he is a pirate but he is way older and owns a ship.

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