Out-of-Character Chat

Everyone is dying though if you really think about it. To live is to die. So does that mean nothing can ever be good?
Hey now, I'm not using anyone's ideas, I am using my own.

Idk why you think I'm using anyone's ideas for, but that's not cool to assume that I am, i've no attentions to do such a thing.

I've tons of my own ideas that I thought up myself, so you should be the one to sit back, all I'm doing is looking to role play with my ideas, but this forum probably doesn't have any option to create my own group to add all my stuff in.

I am original, everything I do is, was and has been in the past 13 years of role-playing.

So do not act like that I'm some low class noob, cause my years of experience would put you to shame, plain and simple as that.

The idea of thinking that I'm some copy cat is very insulting to my intellectual talent.

Just wait when I do Finnish my novel/anime and my game.

You'll regret every word that you throw at me when I be making a lot of money from my ideas.

And plus ppl that I already have permission to use their characters in my story that i've been friends with for a long time.

You absolutely have no right to criticize me for no freaking reason.

I've done nothing to anyone on here, so why the hell do you of all ppl have to be so negative towards me with your choice of words?
DragonKingBlueflame said:
Hey now, I'm not using anyone's ideas, I am using my own.
Idk why you think I'm using anyone's ideas for, but that's not cool to assume that I am, i've no attentions to do such a thing.

I've tons of my own ideas that I thought up myself, so you should be the one to sit back, all I'm doing is looking to role play with my ideas, but this forum probably doesn't have any option to create my own group to add all my stuff in.

I am original, everything I do is, was and has been in the past 13 years of role-playing.

So do not act like that I'm some low class noob, cause my years of experience would put you to shame, plain and simple as that.

The idea of thinking that I'm some copy cat is very insulting to my intellectual talent.

Just wait when I do Finnish my novel/anime and my game.

You'll regret every word that you throw at me when I be making a lot of money from my ideas.

And plus ppl that I already have permission to use their characters in my story that i've been friends with for a long time.

You absolutely have no right to criticize me for no freaking reason.

I've done nothing to anyone on here, so why the hell do you of all ppl have to be so negative towards me with your choice of words?
There are options to create your own roleplay on this website. You know that, right? This is already a pre-existing roleplay based on the anime "Fairy Tail." If you want to create a roleplay with an original idea, you go to the tab titled Roleplay on the very top and there is an option that says Create New Roleplay after you select the appropriate genre. And then you can invite people to join, create your own character sheet for other players to submit, and follow your own storyline.
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DragonKingBlueflame said:
Hey now, I'm not using anyone's ideas, I am using my own.
Idk why you think I'm using anyone's ideas for, but that's not cool to assume that I am, i've no attentions to do such a thing.

I've tons of my own ideas that I thought up myself, so you should be the one to sit back, all I'm doing is looking to role play with my ideas, but this forum probably doesn't have any option to create my own group to add all my stuff in.

I am original, everything I do is, was and has been in the past 13 years of role-playing.

So do not act like that I'm some low class noob, cause my years of experience would put you to shame, plain and simple as that.

The idea of thinking that I'm some copy cat is very insulting to my intellectual talent.

Just wait when I do Finnish my novel/anime and my game.

You'll regret every word that you throw at me when I be making a lot of money from my ideas.

And plus ppl that I already have permission to use their characters in my story that i've been friends with for a long time.

You absolutely have no right to criticize me for no freaking reason.

I've done nothing to anyone on here, so why the hell do you of all ppl have to be so negative towards me with your choice of words?
There's a lot of unnecessary sass and rudeness here. Don't yell at everyone because one person has angered you. It's childish and immature, the exact opposite of what you're trying to tell us. Why should we take you seriously if you act like a child?
@DragonKingBlueflame Could you PM me about your character? I don't have nearly as much RP experience as you, but I think I'm a pretty good judge of characters.

Also, I looked back at the comments you left earlier. Lex wasn't insulting your creativity, he said that the premise of that character wouldn't mend well with this setting.
DragonKingBlueflame said:
I've tons of my own ideas that I thought up myself, so you should be the one to sit back, all I'm doing is looking to role play with my ideas, but this forum probably doesn't have any option to create my own group to add all my stuff in.
Hales already answered this, but if you need further information or have any other questions, this link may be helpful: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/rpn-faq.70557/
I may just wait when the new mobamingle set up the group creation where I can create my group and add ppl that wants to roleplay.

I just want my group to post all my threads of places and add all my characters that I've created, i've over about 100 characters that i've thought up, plus all kind of places to rp in.

I mean c'mon, my rpg has been rated by thousands of ppl saying that is one of the best groups, and also I don't use extreme rules that ppl don't have to worry about. Other words, I do allow gm, but to a certain point and limit.

I also helped newbs to learn how to rp.

I've been doing this for a long time, but I gotta take care of my rl problems before I can just settle down and have fun doing what I enjoy doing.
DragonKingBlueflame said:
I may just wait when the new mobamingle set up the group creation where I can create my group and add ppl that wants to roleplay.
I just want my group to post all my threads of places and add all my characters that I've created, i've over about 100 characters that i've thought up, plus all kind of places to rp in.

I mean c'mon, my rpg has been rated by thousands of ppl saying that is one of the best groups, and also I don't use extreme rules that ppl don't have to worry about. Other words, I do allow gm, but to a certain point and limit.

I also helped newbs to learn how to rp.

I've been doing this for a long time, but I gotta take care of my rl problems before I can just settle down and have fun doing what I enjoy doing.
All we are saying is that if you have original ideas that are not based on Fairy Tail, this is not the place to be because this is a specific rp that already has a story based off of the anime Fairy Tail. There are ways to make original roleplays on this website, but not in this forum specifically.
DragonKingBlueflame said:
I may just wait when the new mobamingle set up the group creation where I can create my group and add ppl that wants to roleplay.
I just want my group to post all my threads of places and add all my characters that I've created, i've over about 100 characters that i've thought up, plus all kind of places to rp in.

I mean c'mon, my rpg has been rated by thousands of ppl saying that is one of the best groups, and also I don't use extreme rules that ppl don't have to worry about. Other words, I do allow gm, but to a certain point and limit.

I also helped newbs to learn how to rp.

I've been doing this for a long time, but I gotta take care of my rl problems before I can just settle down and have fun doing what I enjoy doing.
I would appreciate it if you would quit bragging here. Especially without proof of your achievements. It's annoying and I'm not here to listen to your accomplishments. I'm here to have a fun and relaxing time and quite frankly you're killing the atmosphere.
DragonKingBlueflame said:
Hey now, I'm not using anyone's ideas, I am using my own.
Idk why you think I'm using anyone's ideas for, but that's not cool to assume that I am, i've no attentions to do such a thing.

I've tons of my own ideas that I thought up myself, so you should be the one to sit back, all I'm doing is looking to role play with my ideas, but this forum probably doesn't have any option to create my own group to add all my stuff in.

I am original, everything I do is, was and has been in the past 13 years of role-playing.

So do not act like that I'm some low class noob, cause my years of experience would put you to shame, plain and simple as that.

The idea of thinking that I'm some copy cat is very insulting to my intellectual talent.

Just wait when I do Finnish my novel/anime and my game.

You'll regret every word that you throw at me when I be making a lot of money from my ideas.

And plus ppl that I already have permission to use their characters in my story that i've been friends with for a long time.

You absolutely have no right to criticize me for no freaking reason.

I've done nothing to anyone on here, so why the hell do you of all ppl have to be so negative towards me with your choice of words?
DragonKingBlueflame said:
I may just wait when the new mobamingle set up the group creation where I can create my group and add ppl that wants to roleplay.
I just want my group to post all my threads of places and add all my characters that I've created, i've over about 100 characters that i've thought up, plus all kind of places to rp in.

I mean c'mon, my rpg has been rated by thousands of ppl saying that is one of the best groups, and also I don't use extreme rules that ppl don't have to worry about. Other words, I do allow gm, but to a certain point and limit.

I also helped newbs to learn how to rp.

I've been doing this for a long time, but I gotta take care of my rl problems before I can just settle down and have fun doing what I enjoy doing.
For one, I am only saying that the ideas thought up here are this RP's ideas, and I may have read it wrong when saying you would create a game, since I though you meant taking the ideas of this RP and creating it into a game. But without permission of the GM or other moderators of this RP, like I am, I would say that is copying ideas. You can't sell someone else's idea. I apologize for making my words seem cruel in this way, but I am just stating facts. If you truly want to roleplay your own ideas, then as the others said, and as our other moderator Lucem very helpfully placed a link to, you can create on there. This one is set on the basis of the anime Fairy Tail, so it is fandom based. Also, I don't believe that you making money will make any of us jealous. As long as you make it with your own original ideas, then we wish you the best of luck with it, and hope it is successful. And it's good that people have rated your group as good quality. That shows that you have potential to create something great through this if you have good skills in whatever you need for it. This forum RP is not exactly the place for it, though. Creating your own Roleplay will help you get better known on this websites community, so start there. What happens on other websites may not transfer to here, so if you do have such large achievements as you say, there is no way for us to know. As I stated once before, we are just a nice group of creative writers enjoying something we can all say we have an interest in. Once again, please forgive me if I was insulting or rude.
simj22 said:
An rp on the bloodiest and darkest war in the history of men, where millions of Russians, Jews and Germans were slaughtered, and where the Japanese were bombed halfway to hell to the point where they're still suffering from the aftereffects, and Pearl Harbour?
Yeah, sounds like a good plan.
...................... Thanks for actually making me feel bad for even suggesting it as an Rp............ [emoji22][emoji22][emoji22]
I'll accept your apology, I never meant taking ideas from here, just my own that i've worked so hard on.

And from the statement making y'all jealous, isn't the right term, I meant was I'll be making money off of my own ideas into a book & game.

Which Will be amazing, just the thought of my game will knock off other rpg games off the market in other words.

It'll be a lot of programming and a lot of time to make.

I already have blue prints of what I want to create.

And as of my novel/anime it'll be over 500+ chapters, that's just the 1st book, the story will continue so on and so forth.

It'll give the readers unexpected surprises etc.

I mean who doesn't enjoy a good read right?
That's cool and all, and I wish you good luck, and I sincerely don't mean to be rude, but why are you still here? Unless you plan on applying to join our FANDOM roleplay?
What would you think if I changed my profile picture to this? <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/vulpix_by_jeniak-d8rdua2.png.af2c18047fe1cbc17de6a549878f5c2b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/vulpix_by_jeniak-d8rdua2.png.af2c18047fe1cbc17de6a549878f5c2b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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