Out-of-Character Chat

DragonKingBlueflame said:
I'm someone that wants to have some fun, no drama attended, I just join here to meet new ppl and create my own whole world and get to know ppl that's all. I don't mean any disrespect or anything. I'm just searching rpgs to find the best one for everyone to enjoy reading and make sure ppl be entertained and get myself out there for ppl that may not know me to understand what I'm trying to do. I mean, if y'all don't like me, I can just find some other rpg that ppl.hopefully can relate to my ideal imagination and the idea of creating more then just some roleplay, but bringing it to life into one day a game that'll keep you to the edge of your seat.
Bro, no one said they don't like your stuff, but if you can't conform to meet the expectations and the necessary requirements to the bloody GM of the RP's, and expect people to have the same tastes as you, you need to sit back just a little. I see you flinging about words like 'ideal' and 'perfection', and the fact that you know that your character might be overpowered. In all three cases, and I'm no psychologist, it seems to me that you're a little bit narcissistic.

And if you wanted go make a game, why use other people's ideas? Why not, oh, I dunno, create your own RP? With original ideas. And original stuff. From yer own head. That way, you can make your ideal and perfect stuff, right?
Now, please, I mean no disrespect in what I am about to say, but we are all just a bunch of friends here that like having a good time making this little story we have and keeping it going. I believe at one point we were the largest Forum Roleplay for some time, and we may still be, I'm unsure. The people here like making this story something they can improve their writing skills with, or attempt to make a small community where they find friends who have this same interest as them or end up finding more interests they share with each other. And as simj said, we don't want overpowered characters, as you seem to be talking about. I'm not sure, since I haven't looked into it yet, but this is just what I am getting as a vibe from this OCC chat. The point of this RP isn't to make some sort of game or million-copy sold novel or huge anime people will watch. It's a bunch of creative writers with a similar interest in one fandom that want to either improve their writing skills, make an alternative story they can be involved in with said fandom, or like being with friends and talking with them and having a marvelous time.

Please, I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful to you in any way, shape, or form. I only wished to state my opinion. I'm sorry if I was rude in any way.
O_o I feel like I missed something extreme.. *goes back to read the other pages* ........ o_o okay got it now...

....................................ANYWAYS!! Hows life going everyone?! Good? Bad? Meh? TELL ME


Well..... Ummm...... A lot has certainly happened while I was away....... I think I'm going to stay out of this whole ordeal not because I don't have an opinion but because it's something to be discussed with the mods and GM of this Rp. Anyways...... How's everyone doing? Hopefully alright and if not then I hope you feel better.
DeadgurlXD said:
O_o I feel like I missed something extreme.. *goes back to read the other pages* ........ o_o okay got it now...
....................................ANYWAYS!! Hows life going everyone?! Good? Bad? Meh? TELL ME


... I miss that show sooooo much! Also I'm doing great! How are you doing?
Archdemon said:
... I miss that show sooooo much! Also I'm doing great! How are you doing?

I KNOW RIGHT!! That is my FAVORITE SHOW!! Otherwise I'm doing flipping FANTASTIC (wow thats not sarcastic for once xD ) school is going good, friends are awesome! My friends just randomly showed up at my house today and gave me ICECREAM CAKE! ITS A GREAT DAY :3

once again #DGLU (DeadGurlLifeUpdate)
DeadgurlXD said:

I KNOW RIGHT!! That is my FAVORITE SHOW!! Otherwise I'm doing flipping FANTASTIC (wow thats not sarcastic for once xD ) school is going good, friends are awesome! My friends just randomly showed up at my house today and gave me ICECREAM CAKE! ITS A GREAT DAY :3

once again #DGLU (DeadGurlLifeUpdate)
I've been mostly watching videos from this YouTube channel called Tl;Dr ((Teal Deer)) and this guy is really smart as he proves other people wrong by using evidence. I'm going to post a video to show you what I mean.

And I'm putting a spoiler because his videos touch on certain topics like Feminism, Rape, more feminism, etc..... He is also very funny by using sarcasm!



[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]tired

I hope you get a good night sleep then and feel well rested in the morning! [emoji1]
There's a sharp pain in my lower back on my left side. I have no idea how I got this pain. I only know that if I bend slightly it hurts like a bitch

And I always want more sleep, so I won't feel better in the morning.

But thanks for the well wishes Arch
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]There's a sharp pain in my lower back on my left side. I have no idea how I got this pain. I only know that if I bend slightly it hurts like a bitch

Ummm that doesnt sound safe..... O.o
No idea how it happened. I was in pain after gym but that went away, and that was mostly couldn't breathe. But I got my breath back. I sat on my couch for maybe an hour then got up, went to pick something up off the floor/my dog and there it is.

I'm now lying at an angle on my bed where that part of my back is cushioned by like three pillows
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]There's a sharp pain in my lower back on my left side. I have no idea how I got this pain. I only know that if I bend slightly it hurts like a bitch
And I always want more sleep, so I won't feel better in the morning.

But thanks for the well wishes Arch

I hate it whenever I'm stretching and I sprain my leg that it always hurts like an absolute bitch! I've had this instances where if I move by the slightest margin that my entire back just says "Fuck you!" And hurts like I somehow sprained it even though I never did. You know what else sucks? Spraining your own jaw! I'm not gonna go into detain on how bad that shit hurts!

Anyway let's put all the pain subjects away and talk about interesting things like say the sun or something....... I honestly have no idea on what to talk about.
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]No idea how it happened. I was in pain after gym but that went away, and that was mostly couldn't breathe. But I got my breath back. I sat on my couch for maybe an hour then got up, went to pick something up off the floor/my dog and there it is.
I'm now lying at an angle on my bed where that part of my back is cushioned by like three pillows

I hope your back feels better in the morning! I also just remembered that I need new pillows cause for some reason one of them is ripped to also lute shreds........
or talk about how I just learned that my whole upper body aches just by moving a centimeter....
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]or talk about how I just learned that my whole upper body aches just by moving a centimeter....

O_O again...not safe
Is anyone here interested in WW2 history? Cause I love it and I might possibly do an Rp on it because it's a very interesting topic.
Archdemon said:
Is anyone here interested in WW2 history? Cause I love it and I might possibly do an Rp on it because it's a very interesting topic.
An rp on the bloodiest and darkest war in the history of men, where millions of Russians, Jews and Germans were slaughtered, and where the Japanese were bombed halfway to hell to the point where they're still suffering from the aftereffects, and Pearl Harbour?

Yeah, sounds like a good plan.

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